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News From Margot

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It's important to keep things positive. We have to be grateful and encouraging of those who make the pics and videos of the subject we enjoy or else why would they make them? I have had my say here and I made my suggestions and comments about how I personally think the crucifixion scene should look but I have done my best to keep those comments positive and encouraging. Now that I have had my say I will let them get on with it and do their thing and trust and have faith in them to make the best decisions. There is enough negative in the world without us adding to it. Let's make and keep this a positive environment.
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I'm sure that Margot will be grateful for your advice but I do find it rather odd that in the last 17 years you have only made 18 posts of which 16 were on this thread and generally critical. Perhaps a PM conversation with Margot would be more appropriate.

It's important to keep things positive. We have to be grateful and encouraging of those who make the pics and videos of the subject we enjoy or else why would they make them? I have had my say here and I made my suggestions and comments about how I personally think the crucifixion scene should look but I have done my best to keep those comments positive and encouraging. Now that I have had my say I will let them get on with it and do their thing and trust and have faith in them to make the best decisions. There is enough negative in the world without us adding to it. Let's make and keep this a positive environment.
Sorry, my last post was definately an over-reaction to the suggestion that there wasn't much interest or support for the FC film. Wish nothing but sucess to anyone putting forth time and efforts.
The Calm After The Storm


I promised that if I got comments to my rhetorical post I would stick around, a promise is a promise, so, ready or not, here I go.

The comments that followed my not so subtle whine, raised some points that I’ll address here without necessarily quoting them.

One point raised was our funding page. We’re in the process of setting it up. IndieGoGo had a 90 day option to raise the funds to fulfill the goal. That’s no longer the case, they have a 60 day option only, which we will take. It means that in those 60 days we either reach our goal or we take what we raised, whatever that is.

That means that we better have a great pitch video, a convincing argument why should people donate to the project, what they will get as perks and many of those big and small details that are part of the campaign. Lots of brain storming for that.


Jac was going to leave for the US in September, for a couple of weeks, maybe three, so he was in a rush to launch the campaign in July, with the intention of having the funds coming in by the time he was in the US. That’s no longer the case. There’s time to prepare a good campaign and launch it when it’s good and ready. He’s not working on it alone, he has Amy and Erix working with him.

Once the campaign is ready to go, it will be launched, sometime between the end of this month or beginning of September. That will give us until November to raise the cash.

That brings up another point, the TIMELINE.

To make a movie properly we need Time and Money.

The Time.

The film will be shot in Bolivia, where our cast and crew are. If everything is ready, we could, in theory, begin shooting in December.

In December we have the rainy season, most of the film is outdoors and that could be a problem, but, we shot Justine in December and we had one day when we had to stop the shooting because it rained on our outdoors location which was scheduled for that day, we had to wait for the rain to subside.


In other words, we’re looking into shooting Seditiosa in December and part of January, most likely.

WIth that timeline in mind, we are scheduling the pre production work for the next couple of months.

We need to look for locations, build the props, make the costumes and much more. All that takes time… and money, that’s why we came up with the idea of the Patreon page to raise some money as we go on with the work.

But, for that to be of any benefit we need a good number of patrons, so we can count with a few hundred bucks every month for the purpose of getting the project moving. We normally use money from our income for that purpose as well, but if things are slow, then we have a problem.

Patreon is a new thing to us. We are looking into how it works, and one thing we learned is that they keep the money for a while, as a matter of fact, they consider the becoming a patron a ‘pledge‘, which they charge at the beginning of the month and we have access to it a few days later. That means that the extremely few patrons we have so far have not been charged yet and when and IF they are charged on the 1st of September, we will have that cash, minus the fees, sometime after the 5th. We’ll be less than 150 richer that day. Unless, of course, there’s a surge of new patrons before the end of the month.


Patreon is a learning curve for us and that is one reason why we don’t appear to be very active in that front. We are, but we’re still figuring out the system. We’ll be updating the progress of the project at least twice a month, with videos, pictures and so on. We expect to be making some progress during September and October.

We don’t have promo vids of Seditiosa, other than what we are doing for the pitch, because… we are not shooting the film yet!

We don’t have the costumes, we don’t have the props, we don’t have the locations. If we wanted to have a picture of the leading ladies carrying their crosses to show what it will look like, we would need the patibulums, the garments, the locations, the cast, obviously … and to go to get those pictures we would need a crew, transportation, all the equipment, to do it properly and use one day to do it.

With all that effort and expense we might as well shoot the scenes, right?

Jac plans to shoot the crucifixion scene in three days. But the big expense for either one day or three days is not much different.


My whining about the drop in sales is based on hard data. We’ve been doing this for over twenty years, we keep a good track of how things move, when, how and why and we can predict how things will go.

There are good days, bad days, excellent days, horrible days… there are ups and downs, and there are days when nothing sells. But the average is constant through the years. Regardless. However, when our average goes down and keeps going down, there are reasons for that drop that are beyond our calculations. Nothing to do with new films, or trailers, or promos, or discussions. No, it has to do with the tendencies in the market. We thought things will go down during the pandemic, they didn’t, but now, with the planetary inflation, the situation is unusual.

Another point raised was, for some reason, the making of 69 as if that was a bad thing.

We are making that film now, we’re preparing everything to start shooting soon, we have the locations, like two clubs we are going to use for some scenes and which, as a matter of fact, we don’t have to pay, and we can get some sponsors to support the project, like a bank, or the best rum distributor so they can have product placement, which we can’t have in Seditiosa. We can’t have a wine company sponsor a last super scene, or a bank to sponsor the kicking of the money lenders scene… if we had those scenes in the movie.

We have the costumes, nice, sexy, hippie, goth, metal, elderly, and so on.

We have the cast.

We have the crew.

And the main set is almost ready.

And not to mention a 120 page fascinating script.

We’re ready to go with that one.


I’ll have more to say but I want this to go out RIGHT NOW!

We are having a SALE!

20% OFF if you buy two or more of our amazing films!

And for those who want to join us in making Seditiosa possible you can start by becoming a supporter for as little as 5 bucks!:

Join Patreon Here:
You can also help by watching our amazing movies

Download our films 20% OFF if you buy two or more.


Get our DVDs by mail 20% OFF if you buy two or more.


The Calm After The Storm


I promised that if I got comments to my rhetorical post I would stick around, a promise is a promise, so, ready or not, here I go.

The comments that followed my not so subtle whine, raised some points that I’ll address here without necessarily quoting them.

One point raised was our funding page. We’re in the process of setting it up. IndieGoGo had a 90 day option to raise the funds to fulfill the goal. That’s no longer the case, they have a 60 day option only, which we will take. It means that in those 60 days we either reach our goal or we take what we raised, whatever that is.

That means that we better have a great pitch video, a convincing argument why should people donate to the project, what they will get as perks and many of those big and small details that are part of the campaign. Lots of brain storming for that.


Jac was going to leave for the US in September, for a couple of weeks, maybe three, so he was in a rush to launch the campaign in July, with the intention of having the funds coming in by the time he was in the US. That’s no longer the case. There’s time to prepare a good campaign and launch it when it’s good and ready. He’s not working on it alone, he has Amy and Erix working with him.

Once the campaign is ready to go, it will be launched, sometime between the end of this month or beginning of September. That will give us until November to raise the cash.

That brings up another point, the TIMELINE.

To make a movie properly we need Time and Money.

The Time.

The film will be shot in Bolivia, where our cast and crew are. If everything is ready, we could, in theory, begin shooting in December.

In December we have the rainy season, most of the film is outdoors and that could be a problem, but, we shot Justine in December and we had one day when we had to stop the shooting because it rained on our outdoors location which was scheduled for that day, we had to wait for the rain to subside.


In other words, we’re looking into shooting Seditiosa in December and part of January, most likely.

WIth that timeline in mind, we are scheduling the pre production work for the next couple of months.

We need to look for locations, build the props, make the costumes and much more. All that takes time… and money, that’s why we came up with the idea of the Patreon page to raise some money as we go on with the work.

But, for that to be of any benefit we need a good number of patrons, so we can count with a few hundred bucks every month for the purpose of getting the project moving. We normally use money from our income for that purpose as well, but if things are slow, then we have a problem.

Patreon is a new thing to us. We are looking into how it works, and one thing we learned is that they keep the money for a while, as a matter of fact, they consider the becoming a patron a ‘pledge‘, which they charge at the beginning of the month and we have access to it a few days later. That means that the extremely few patrons we have so far have not been charged yet and when and IF they are charged on the 1st of September, we will have that cash, minus the fees, sometime after the 5th. We’ll be less than 150 richer that day. Unless, of course, there’s a surge of new patrons before the end of the month.


Patreon is a learning curve for us and that is one reason why we don’t appear to be very active in that front. We are, but we’re still figuring out the system. We’ll be updating the progress of the project at least twice a month, with videos, pictures and so on. We expect to be making some progress during September and October.

We don’t have promo vids of Seditiosa, other than what we are doing for the pitch, because… we are not shooting the film yet!

We don’t have the costumes, we don’t have the props, we don’t have the locations. If we wanted to have a picture of the leading ladies carrying their crosses to show what it will look like, we would need the patibulums, the garments, the locations, the cast, obviously … and to go to get those pictures we would need a crew, transportation, all the equipment, to do it properly and use one day to do it.

With all that effort and expense we might as well shoot the scenes, right?

Jac plans to shoot the crucifixion scene in three days. But the big expense for either one day or three days is not much different.


My whining about the drop in sales is based on hard data. We’ve been doing this for over twenty years, we keep a good track of how things move, when, how and why and we can predict how things will go.

There are good days, bad days, excellent days, horrible days… there are ups and downs, and there are days when nothing sells. But the average is constant through the years. Regardless. However, when our average goes down and keeps going down, there are reasons for that drop that are beyond our calculations. Nothing to do with new films, or trailers, or promos, or discussions. No, it has to do with the tendencies in the market. We thought things will go down during the pandemic, they didn’t, but now, with the planetary inflation, the situation is unusual.

Another point raised was, for some reason, the making of 69 as if that was a bad thing.

We are making that film now, we’re preparing everything to start shooting soon, we have the locations, like two clubs we are going to use for some scenes and which, as a matter of fact, we don’t have to pay, and we can get some sponsors to support the project, like a bank, or the best rum distributor so they can have product placement, which we can’t have in Seditiosa. We can’t have a wine company sponsor a last super scene, or a bank to sponsor the kicking of the money lenders scene… if we had those scenes in the movie.

We have the costumes, nice, sexy, hippie, goth, metal, elderly, and so on.

We have the cast.

We have the crew.

And the main set is almost ready.

And not to mention a 120 page fascinating script.

We’re ready to go with that one.


I’ll have more to say but I want this to go out RIGHT NOW!

We are having a SALE!

20% OFF if you buy two or more of our amazing films!

And for those who want to join us in making Seditiosa possible you can start by becoming a supporter for as little as 5 bucks!:

Join Patreon Here:
You can also help by watching our amazing movies

Download our films 20% OFF if you buy two or more.


Get our DVDs by mail 20% OFF if you buy two or more.


Thanks for the update Margot. I think this kind of more detailed info on the status and projrcted timeline for the Seditiosa film will very much aid in getting contributions once the IndieGoGo page opens.

To all regarding the Pateron link - you CAN just do a short term commitment and cancel any time, so please do not be put off thinking otherwise.

Finally to Margot - my comment with regard to the 69 film was not intended to disparageit in any way, It was more of a ill-conceived rant to your comment about not seeing the support or interest for the Seditosa project rather than any knock on the film itself.
Regarding St Eulalia


Sometimes I stumble upon something interesting related to our work. First it was a whole thread dedicated to Amy the legend, at Crux Forums. I found couple of threads about St Eulalia, which is not surprising because Crux Forums is dedicated to the subject of crucifixions and St Eulalia was crucified, according to some ancient accounts.

Ok… now my part.

One afternoon Jac was having a nice walk in Havana, Cuba. It was a period of time in the island that he refers to as Always Sunday. He was invited by the Cuban film institute to complete his film on Haiti at their facilities. He was provided with editing room, lab services, sound recording including having The National Symphony Orchestra of Cuba to record the music for his film, and most importantly, the shooting of dramatic recreations from different eras, as well as archival footage. Great, right?


But, it was not an easy time. At one point, Fidel needed a documentary on the medical accomplishments of Cuba, both in the country and outside, so, for some unreasonable reason, the big heads at ICAIC decided to use Jac’s editing room and editor for that so important project and told Jac to just sit and wait… forever… well. The film institute was paying the hotel, the food, medical bills and was giving Jac a weekly cash allowance that was more than what a doctor makes in a month, which caused some people at ICAIC think that Jac had Fidel in his pocket, somehow,… and so on and so forth, so… Jac did not complain … for sometime, … long time, until he could take it no more.


Jac having La Vida Loca at the Hotel Nacional in Havana

During that eternal wait, Jac had a lot of free time, and having a lot of free time in the Caribbean island can be a lot of fun and sometimes it can be extremely boring. So, to pass the free time in the sunny Caribbean socialist city Jac wrote a script, by hand, no typewriter available, he visited every street in Havana, took long swims at the hotel’s pool and more… one of those afternoons he found a nice bookstore and decided to see what they had to offer. He could use some reading. He was already done with the obligatory Ten Days That Shook The World, Our Man in Havana, Cien Años de Soledad and countless others… including Caniquí, a book that inspired him the story for The Passion of Maricelli. That story was the main reason Jac worked on all those Via Crucis videos with Camille some years later.

Jac was browsing the bookstore when he came across a book of Spanish Medieval Paintings, published in Spanish in (Communist) Hungary, of all places. As he was going over the paintings Jac found one that intrigued him the most, a nice reproduction of the Altarpiece of St. Eulalia, from the Cathedral of Palma de Mallorca, dated from 1350.


He looked at the image in awe. It was a step by step Via Crucis of the most beloved and favorite martyr of Spain and probably France, it graphically depicts the extreme suffering of the saint as she’s tortured and tortured and tortured, torture some more and finally crucified, TWICE!

Jac grew up Catholic and attended a famous Jesuit school where he was exposed to a great number of paintings of saints in all forms of Martyrdom, the most frequently seen was St Christopher tied to a tree and shot with arrows… apart from Christ on the cross, of course. That emblematic image was all over the school, the city, the country, even above his grandmother’s bed.

In his monthly collection of comics, that included the usual, Batman, Superman, Kalyman, El Monje Loco, and all the rest, you probably know them all, there was one particular comic book that he would look around for and sometimes felt obligated to buy, Vidas Ejemplares, about the lives of saints and martyrs.

Jac was very fond of those long suffering and beautiful martyrs and he was not even a teenager yet.


When Jac saw that book of medieval paintings in Havana, he bought it, of course, and began to think of all the ways he could use Eulalia’s story in a movie. The first idea in his head was The Passion Of Maricelli, where he wrote about the young and beautiful protagonist having fantasies about St. Eulalia, picturing herself in the saint’s place, but not only Eulalia, many other female martyrs as well… yes… Jac was running amok with that idea.

In 1986 Jac was in Hungary, he had to retrieve his film negatives from the film laboratory in Budapest, very long story, he arrived on a Friday and they told him that they would have his materials ready on Monday. He had time to kill. He had friends in Budapest, the members of the very famous Hungarian rock band Koral. He met them in Cuba. He decided to visit one of them, Peter the drummer, with whom he forged a nice friendship.

Peter wasn’t home, he was away in a town called Szeged. Peter’s wife told Jac Why don’t you go there? So Jac took the train from Budapest To Szeged. Peter was part of an enormous team that was putting on the performance of Jesus Christ Superstar at the Dom Ter…. I was a young university student working there and that’s where we met. Another long story.

From the time I met him and 1990 Jac was touring the world with the film he was working in Cuba. During that time he was dreaming of his possible new film. From time to time he would drop by Hungary to visit.

We ended up living with in New York City, in a beautiful duplex apartment in the South Street Seaport area, a few blocks away from the World Trade Center and right at the beginning of the very famous Wall Street. It was around that time that Jac was thinking heavily about his film The Passion of Maricelli. He told me about it and he asked me if I wanted to work on some kind of rehearsals on the process of a crucifixion. I said Ok. So, during the time I spent in NY I was flogged, crucified, tortured, crucified, shot with arrows, crucified …


By 1992 we ended up in Bolivia, where Jac wanted to shoot his first fiction film, Pachamama, but needed over a million dollars to produce it and he wasn’t close to get that much money, although there were some interested parties in Europe. Another long story. The point is that during our very first days in Bolivia we met Carmen (Camille) at a mass for Jac’s beloved aunt Mercedes, a poet, who passed away a month before our arrival. The mass was at the Capilla Ardiente in the San Calixto school where Jac passed his grammar school days and where he was exposed to all those paintings of martyred saints I mentioned before.

Frustrated because he couldn’t raise the money for his film, Jac decided to produced a miniseries for TV, The Man From The Moon. He had the script in his head for a while. Carmen became the star of the series and, almost at the same time, the focus of Jac’s interest in turning her into his obsession, Maricelli.

They began working on some videos with that purpose in mind and ended up producing Red Feline On The Cross. That subject is and it will be part of other posts.

We also made a few documentaries in the jungles of Bolivia.


At the end of 97 off to NY we went.

During that period of time, Jac was going through some issues, as he usually does when he falls deeply in love with his martyrs, and began writing a script with St Eulalia as the focus of the story.

As we created RFPIX and money began flowing in, not to mention a growing audience of loyal fans, Jac thought that the film in his head could be made and so he worked and worked on the script for the St. Eulalia film. He titled it The Death Of St Eulalia.


He became very familiar with St Eulalia’s story, the different versions, the two different Eulalias, the one from Merida and the one from Barcelona. Soon the story began to take shape.

He decided that the protagonist of his story would be Camille, the name Jac gave to Carmen as her screen name. He also decided that Camille was going to be somewhat similar to Maricelli, a young beautiful woman with fantasies about saints, particularly about Saint Eulalia. While Maricelli’s main struggle was with her father, Camille was going to have a drama with her boyfriend. And while Maricelli’s co conspirator was Caniquí, a slave, Camille’s co conspirator was going to be a photographer.

He jumped into the story with a fervor, he was going to include many of the tortures he saw depicted in the famous altar piece.

Next, The illustrated version of The Making of Martyr Or The Death of St Eulalia.​
Regarding St Eulalia


Sometimes I stumble upon something interesting related to our work. First it was a whole thread dedicated to Amy the legend, at Crux Forums. I found couple of threads about St Eulalia, which is not surprising because Crux Forums is dedicated to the subject of crucifixions and St Eulalia was crucified, according to some ancient accounts.

Ok… now my part.

One afternoon Jac was having a nice walk in Havana, Cuba. It was a period of time in the island that he refers to as Always Sunday. He was invited by the Cuban film institute to complete his film on Haiti at their facilities. He was provided with editing room, lab services, sound recording including having The National Symphony Orchestra of Cuba to record the music for his film, and most importantly, the shooting of dramatic recreations from different eras, as well as archival footage. Great, right?


But, it was not an easy time. At one point, Fidel needed a documentary on the medical accomplishments of Cuba, both in the country and outside, so, for some unreasonable reason, the big heads at ICAIC decided to use Jac’s editing room and editor for that so important project and told Jac to just sit and wait… forever… well. The film institute was paying the hotel, the food, medical bills and was giving Jac a weekly cash allowance that was more than what a doctor makes in a month, which caused some people at ICAIC think that Jac had Fidel in his pocket, somehow,… and so on and so forth, so… Jac did not complain … for sometime, … long time, until he could take it no more.


Jac having La Vida Loca at the Hotel Nacional in Havana

During that eternal wait, Jac had a lot of free time, and having a lot of free time in the Caribbean island can be a lot of fun and sometimes it can be extremely boring. So, to pass the free time in the sunny Caribbean socialist city Jac wrote a script, by hand, no typewriter available, he visited every street in Havana, took long swims at the hotel’s pool and more… one of those afternoons he found a nice bookstore and decided to see what they had to offer. He could use some reading. He was already done with the obligatory Ten Days That Shook The World, Our Man in Havana, Cien Años de Soledad and countless others… including Caniquí, a book that inspired him the story for The Passion of Maricelli. That story was the main reason Jac worked on all those Via Crucis videos with Camille some years later.

Jac was browsing the bookstore when he came across a book of Spanish Medieval Paintings, published in Spanish in (Communist) Hungary, of all places. As he was going over the paintings Jac found one that intrigued him the most, a nice reproduction of the Altarpiece of St. Eulalia, from the Cathedral of Palma de Mallorca, dated from 1350.


He looked at the image in awe. It was a step by step Via Crucis of the most beloved and favorite martyr of Spain and probably France, it graphically depicts the extreme suffering of the saint as she’s tortured and tortured and tortured, torture some more and finally crucified, TWICE!

Jac grew up Catholic and attended a famous Jesuit school where he was exposed to a great number of paintings of saints in all forms of Martyrdom, the most frequently seen was St Christopher tied to a tree and shot with arrows… apart from Christ on the cross, of course. That emblematic image was all over the school, the city, the country, even above his grandmother’s bed.

In his monthly collection of comics, that included the usual, Batman, Superman, Kalyman, El Monje Loco, and all the rest, you probably know them all, there was one particular comic book that he would look around for and sometimes felt obligated to buy, Vidas Ejemplares, about the lives of saints and martyrs.

Jac was very fond of those long suffering and beautiful martyrs and he was not even a teenager yet.


When Jac saw that book of medieval paintings in Havana, he bought it, of course, and began to think of all the ways he could use Eulalia’s story in a movie. The first idea in his head was The Passion Of Maricelli, where he wrote about the young and beautiful protagonist having fantasies about St. Eulalia, picturing herself in the saint’s place, but not only Eulalia, many other female martyrs as well… yes… Jac was running amok with that idea.

In 1986 Jac was in Hungary, he had to retrieve his film negatives from the film laboratory in Budapest, very long story, he arrived on a Friday and they told him that they would have his materials ready on Monday. He had time to kill. He had friends in Budapest, the members of the very famous Hungarian rock band Koral. He met them in Cuba. He decided to visit one of them, Peter the drummer, with whom he forged a nice friendship.

Peter wasn’t home, he was away in a town called Szeged. Peter’s wife told Jac Why don’t you go there? So Jac took the train from Budapest To Szeged. Peter was part of an enormous team that was putting on the performance of Jesus Christ Superstar at the Dom Ter…. I was a young university student working there and that’s where we met. Another long story.

From the time I met him and 1990 Jac was touring the world with the film he was working in Cuba. During that time he was dreaming of his possible new film. From time to time he would drop by Hungary to visit.

We ended up living with in New York City, in a beautiful duplex apartment in the South Street Seaport area, a few blocks away from the World Trade Center and right at the beginning of the very famous Wall Street. It was around that time that Jac was thinking heavily about his film The Passion of Maricelli. He told me about it and he asked me if I wanted to work on some kind of rehearsals on the process of a crucifixion. I said Ok. So, during the time I spent in NY I was flogged, crucified, tortured, crucified, shot with arrows, crucified …


By 1992 we ended up in Bolivia, where Jac wanted to shoot his first fiction film, Pachamama, but needed over a million dollars to produce it and he wasn’t close to get that much money, although there were some interested parties in Europe. Another long story. The point is that during our very first days in Bolivia we met Carmen (Camille) at a mass for Jac’s beloved aunt Mercedes, a poet, who passed away a month before our arrival. The mass was at the Capilla Ardiente in the San Calixto school where Jac passed his grammar school days and where he was exposed to all those paintings of martyred saints I mentioned before.

Frustrated because he couldn’t raise the money for his film, Jac decided to produced a miniseries for TV, The Man From The Moon. He had the script in his head for a while. Carmen became the star of the series and, almost at the same time, the focus of Jac’s interest in turning her into his obsession, Maricelli.

They began working on some videos with that purpose in mind and ended up producing Red Feline On The Cross. That subject is and it will be part of other posts.

We also made a few documentaries in the jungles of Bolivia.


At the end of 97 off to NY we went.

During that period of time, Jac was going through some issues, as he usually does when he falls deeply in love with his martyrs, and began writing a script with St Eulalia as the focus of the story.

As we created RFPIX and money began flowing in, not to mention a growing audience of loyal fans, Jac thought that the film in his head could be made and so he worked and worked on the script for the St. Eulalia film. He titled it The Death Of St Eulalia.


He became very familiar with St Eulalia’s story, the different versions, the two different Eulalias, the one from Merida and the one from Barcelona. Soon the story began to take shape.

He decided that the protagonist of his story would be Camille, the name Jac gave to Carmen as her screen name. He also decided that Camille was going to be somewhat similar to Maricelli, a young beautiful woman with fantasies about saints, particularly about Saint Eulalia. While Maricelli’s main struggle was with her father, Camille was going to have a drama with her boyfriend. And while Maricelli’s co conspirator was Caniquí, a slave, Camille’s co conspirator was going to be a photographer.

He jumped into the story with a fervor, he was going to include many of the tortures he saw depicted in the famous altar piece.

Next, The illustrated version of The Making of Martyr Or The Death of St Eulalia.​
Thank you for this very interesting story about your's and Jac's background. Good luck with future projects! :)
A Cross In The Horizon?


Jac had an exchange with Amy about the up and coming fund raising campaign for Seditiosa. During their exchange of ideas Jac commented something like:

I feel like things are not progressing but then they do. I think we were more relaxed in past productions, even the most difficult ones, taking our sweet time to bring things to a good point. (…) I’m also working on the Seditiosa campaign. I re-wrote the entire pitch, after you gave me your comments and impressions. It happened the same way as with the script 69. I took a different look at the pitch, not only the one for the video, but also the text I’m writing to put in the IndieGoGo page and I went wild. It’s very different from how it was before. The goal is to raise 25,000 (…).
Basically, I’m going through the pains of conception, which are bearable.

That exchange came after a day of work for Jac and Simonne, a rehearsal for 69 Année Erotique in which the future Female Christ plays the role of Galatea, a 1969 hippie girl who sings a lot of 1969 songs, and she also plays Mina, a singer in an all female metal band in the 21st century.

One of the songs from 1969 is, of course, Gainbourg’s 69 Année Erotique. That’s the song Simonne and Jac rehearsed last Monday, and Jac recorded it. He sent Amy a link for her to see it. I haven’t heard any comments yet. Some privileged people will get to see Jac and Simonne singing to each other in that video… and everyone will enjoy seeing them in that scene full of nostalgia in the film itself.


wanttoknowmore: Margot said: Another point raised was, for some reason, the making of 69 as if that was a bad thing.

Thanks for the update Margot. I think this kind of more detailed info on the status and projected timeline for the Seditiosa film will very much aid in getting contributions once the IndieGoGo page opens.

To all regarding the Patreon link – you CAN just do a short term commitment and cancel any time, so please do not be put off thinking otherwise.

Finally to Margot – my comment with regard to the 69 film was not intended to disparage it in any way, It was more of a ill-conceived rant to your comment about not seeing the support or interest for the Seditosa project rather than any knock on the film itself.

Jac and his team are working on getting everything ready to start shooting 69 Année Erotique very soon. They will have the shooting schedule next week, after he completes the pitch for Seditiosa. That’s his main task right now, apart from all those meetings and rehearsals.

There are meetings this week, more rehearsals, the moving of things, transporting of other things, like furniture, getting the set ready for the production and so much more, including the testing of some special make up to transform Jac from Jekyll to Hyde, it should be fun.


Another task in the team’s busy schedule is the premiere of Pygmalion for mid November. We’re hoping the movie theaters will confirm the dates before the middle of next week. The plan is, as always was, to open in at least 5 cities.

Delayed by many years, this release will happen one way or another, and, as by Amy’s demand, before the end of this year. So, November it is. We might have a special zoom premiere for the world discussions with the talented people involved, that is Amy and Jac and some of the cast.

69 Année Erotique is practically a sequel to Pygmalion, with most of the same characters appearing again. One of them is Mila, who plays Vera and Eliza in Pygmalion, she returns to play the same character, Vera and her fictional interpretation of Mary, the faithful secretary of Dr. Jekyll and a violinist in the metal band where Lucy/Mona (Dani) play the guitar and Mina (Simone) sings.


Crucified Life: With all the talk about “to loincloth or not to loincloth”, with some for one and some against, (I am “for”, but very torn between both camps personally), and with this being such a split and evenly torn issue of taste, might I very humbly suggest that there actually is uniquely in this case a potentially perfect solution. A loincloth can be worn, during the whipping and carrying and nailing, and during the early time on the cross, then removed from the victims after some time crucified so their latter time on the cross is naked. Simple. Just trying to help.

wanttoknowmore: I think I too suggested that earlier. Totally agree that wpould be a great way to go. My comment on the loincolth is more focused on the scene not getting too watered down to make the film more “marketable” (read Marytr),.

Crucified Life: Yes, I understand where you are coming from. Thanks for your clarification. For me, I would really like to see a real and genuine Female Christ crucifixion scene. Genuine and Roman. She undergoes crucifixion like a man would have to, we see everything, boobs whip marks sweat and blood, we hear her involuntary moans when raised, and nailed and hear labored conversation. We get a range of views and it is largely in real time.

The two more discussed issues are the loin cloths and the blood. The arguments go in favor and against of either too little, too much, on, off. Ultimately, what happens during the production will be decided by the director, the capacity of the cast, the circumstances, the creative demands and a series of factors that will come into play as it always happens.

The loin cloths will be there until they are taken off. The when, the how, the why are the kind of things that I know keep Jac awake at night and invade his brain and probably his groin in the wee hours of the morning when his cats begin to make sure he’s not dead.

The blood is part of the deal, how much tearing off the skin does a lash cause and how does it look after 39 lashes of the multiple strands scourge have fallen on their bodies will be as realistic as possible. If to the cruel lashing you add a crown of thorns, then it’s kind of very bloody, don’t you think?


Gibson’s take on the crucifixion

I don’t think Jac’s vision matches Mel Gibson’s… but who knows?

In Monxa Mala Simonne looks almost like the picture above but even tough some complain the she has too much blood on her, I don’t see that. I can see her nipples, very clearly. As a matter of fact, the blood used is not as extreme as some people say. I guess the blood issue will remain a matter of opinion.


Iconoclast12: With all due to respect, you have been arguing that the flogging scenes and blood need to be reduced. And I see Margot very earnestly engaging with your concerns. While I don’t wish dismiss those concerns and also want these crux scenes to be as good as they can possibly be, I would urge you to not conflate “watering down” with not matching your tastes.

During the rehearsals, Jac and his three damsels in future crux distress have a chance to discuss those scenes. The young women are very curious as to how long it will take to shoot those scenes. Simonne in particular, who had to be on her Cross in Monxa Mala for long stretches of time while the others were tortured and tortured some more, commented that her position was extremely uncomfortable and painful and the time it took to shoot those scenes were only a couple of hours a day, but for many days. Jac told her that in Seditiosa they won’t spend weeks shooting the crucifixion scenes, it will all happen in about three days… but many hours per day, not just two. They might be on their crosses 6, 7 hours at a time.

Simonne also commented We’ll be higher up, I imagine. That’s going to hurt, a lot.

Amy was on her cross for Romana Crucifixa Est an entire afternoon with two cameras on her. Her feet were burned by the hot sun. Amy, Mila and Bea were on their crosses most of the afternoon too in Justine, the sun burned their skin, leaving white marks on the spots covered (protected) by the blood.


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Thanks for the update on Seditiosa Margot!

I can't believe it has been a long wait for the theatrical release of Pygmalion. I have been wanting to see it since I heard about it when when Justine was in post production. I hope it goes well and I hope to see it soon for release to us after an awesome theatrical release.
I hope the following conveys what I am trying to say about the blood, or, more to the point, on the chests ( I would expect there to be much more pronounced lash marks on their backs) of the main characters in the Seditiosa film showing two still of Mila from Justine. In the first, she has obvious whip marks across her chest. but her natural beauty and dare I say, sexiness stil comes through. Compare that to the sound picture, where here much of her loveliness is, IMHO, covered over and hidden by the extensive use of the cheery red blood. I have also added a still of Amy from her Roman crux movie - again, enough there to show the lash, but not take away from her beauty. You have three beautiful ladies doing the leads in the film. Please don't paint over them.


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I respect Mel Gibson. I am a huge fan of the original Mad Max films and Braveheart is one of my all time favorite films. And I truly enjoy Jim Caviezels acting, especially Person of Interest. But Passion of the Christ was just too over the top unrealistic with the level of brutality of the Crucifixion to be accurate. They want you surviving the whipping and carrying hurt and brutalized but with plenty left to be nailed to suffer the torture and humiliation of your whipped, nude male or female body being on the cross for a long time. Gibson's version would have them die long before even reaching the cross!!
Curious in the Seditiosa film, is there any dialog planned between the crucified women, the crucified women and the crowd, and/or the executioners?
Yes that is a burning question for me also. I think there will be. But I am eager to know this for sure.
The Wheel Keeps Turning


Just when you think you have everything figured out, something comes up that puts everything upside down… in a good way.

I think history is repeating itself.

And I explain.

More than a decade ago, Jac and Amy were working on the pre production for Barbazul and having rehearsals for Cage, the original title to what later on had many changes, that’s when Amy received an offer Jac couldn’t refuse… some cash for a film if it includes a now classic scene in the masterpiece of a genius.


The generous offer was accepted and we ended up shooting three films back to back, Barbazul, Maleficarum and Le Marquis De La Croix.

was shelved, the script turned into Casa de Fieras, it then was merged with 69, and now the official title is 69 Année Erotique


Something similar is happening right now and it is driving us into a mad frenzy of work and excitement. I will have news about these new developments soon, very, very, soon. But it all points out that we’ll be shooting a few films back to back.

Some time ago, an international film festival requested from Jac his film on Haiti, Krik Krak, in 35 mm. The comment in the request was “to see it the way it should be seen”. Well… a 35 mm print of the film does not exist, it never did. As a matter of fact, there’s no longer a 16mm print either. There were two, one with French subtitles, the copy that went to the Cannes Film Festival, and one with English subtitles. There are three masters of that film in 1 Inch Video Tape, made for television, one in Germany, one in the UK and one in the US at PBS.


There’s a master negative in a refrigerator at the laboratory and then there’s a U-Matic version of the film in Jac’s bookcase, this U-Matic version was digitized and it is now in a hard disk. The rest are the VHS copies going around. I bring this up because something is happening in the world of cinema… The Evolution of Technology.

suffers from that evolution. That life changing film was shot at the beginning of the age of Digital Cinema in SD, with a great Canon camera that cost around $3,000 back in early 2002, the second year of the 21st century. Since then a lot changed. We are living the age of HD digital cinema where SD is an ancient system, and the way things are going, if you don’t shoot the next major film in 8k+ you won’t sell your film to Netflix.


Jac is now working with high end technology and finding out that current computers/apps refuse to recognize old material. At least that’s how he described the problem to me. However, he’ll be using one of his old computers to transfer all the material from Martyr to re-edit those segments.

The “deletedcrucifixion of Natasha scene is in the old tapes, as well as all the material that ended in the virtual editing floor, like extensive whipping scenes of Eulalia that did not make it to the final film.


I guess my little comment about popular demand didn’t go that well. I didn’t mean to offend anyone. We do appreciate our loyal fans, particularly those that have been following us for so many, many years. It is because of this appreciation that Jac wants to release all those shelved projects and the old footage that was never meant to be public, but in the age of Meta reality, when every frame counts, for some reason, those materials from the beginning of Camille’s work with Jac, have some value for a lot of people.

Jac was going over some of the material he did with Camille, the early tapes, that are more like home movies than anything else, but now they have some historical value and it is in that context that Jac wants to release them. There’s a documentary feeling to them now.


Something similar to what Jac experienced in Cuba once. He was visiting one of the editing rooms, and lo and behold, Che Guevara’s father was in one of those rooms, going over some material he shot of his son, the famed guerrilla leader, in 16mm b&w film and it was going to be part of a documentary titled My Son Che. All those black and white 16 mm films he made of his son and family, for personal reasons, acquired great historical value. But I digress.

After reading this comment I went to check the DVD of Camille Training Session 2,3 and 4 and I saw session 4 in the DVD. It’s there. We did not release any later editions to the Training of Camille.

All the Training of Camille videos were recorded with Jac’s VHS camera, the quality of the image cannot be compared to the later Via Crucis of Camille videos. If I were to comment to Jac about this exchange, he might change his mind about releasing the other Training tapes. In any case, right now he’s very busy with two films, Seven Days (of torture) On The Cross and CruXtreme V – The Playmates.


Jac is also busy with the pre production work for three Big Production Value Films and it looks like he’s adding a FOURTH one now! But that’s material for my next post. Stay tuned!
Arising from the comment above "I saw session 4 in the DVD", I again checked the full content of the Training of Camille Session 2,3 and 4 download I purchased and as I have said previously, Session 4 is NOT included in my download. To illustrate:-

Total length of "Training Camille Ep. 2,3,4.mp4" is 22 minutes 35 seconds, give or take...

Session 2 starts at 2 minutes 51 seconds
Session 2 ENDS at 12 minutes 13 seconds
Session 3 starts at 12 minutes 55 seconds
Session 3 ENDS at 21 minutes 53 seconds

The 4 images below show screenshots taken at those points in the mp4.

There is NO Session 4 in the download I purchased online.


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To definitively prove my claim, an official RF vid cap from many years ago on Session 4 shows the erotic Camille in yet another training session in preparation for her later superb "Via Crucis of Camille" series which ran to 10 movies.

In this official RF vidcap, Camille is again blindfolded unlike she was at the final frame of Session 3. The unedited vidcap is on the left, my photoshop adjusted vidcap is on the right. Given that Jac was pioneering this type of cinematography using a (hand held?) VHS movie camera, the quality of the film is understandable.
Despite feedback, I did NOT imagine the lack of Session 4 footage in my purchased download.


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On The Painful Road


As of today we are officially active in the Patreon page and the very few that joined us so far have paid their dues, on the first of the month, as a matter of fact. We will have frequent updates on the projects we’re working on, including exclusive pictures, videos and a constant buzz of what is happening.

Although we’ll be updating on the progress of the films elsewhere, Patreon will be the place where we will have lengthy discussions, exchange of ideas, hints of what is going on, chats with our patrons, where we will cover all of what is going on in our work to make these films happen. Those exchanges will be reduced elsewhere.

This week we begin with a video clip where Dani, Simonne and Mila introduce their characters.


Characters Introducing Themselves

The story of Seditiosa centers around three characters. (…).

Read more and watch the video:

The week that is ending was dedicated to the pre production work for 69 Année Érotique, with more rehearsals, some discussions about costumes and make-up, a nice video of Simonne and Jac singing to each other was produced and edited and a lot of that time was also used to shoot more material for the pitch for the fundraising campaign for Seditiosa.


Preparing a pitch is as hard work as producing a short film, as a matter of fact the Video Pitch is a short film, one that requires people pitching, talking about what we’re doing, showing clips of what we did before, what we can do with very little money and everything else we want to convey convincingly and succinctly, it all has to last 2 to 3 min tops.

When you make a feature film, you have 90 minutes or more to tell your story. When you work on a pitch is like working on advertising, but for spots that are longer than the regular 30 seconds clip of a couple of cars looking pretty.

It is hard work, indeed, and we’re dedicating most of our time to that critical task.


When Amy discussed her thoughts with Jac, she made him change the criterion he was working on. He had been in a rush before because he wanted to launch the campaign right away, so he was basically following the model they had for Justine and Olalla. Amy didn’t think either of those archetypes would work the same way for Seditiosa, the new film needed a fresh perspective because it is a different kind of story.

The Pitch for Justine is very different from the one for Olalla. They are not alike at all. The concept for Seditiosa has its own power and it needs a treatment according to its subject and that’s what it is getting.


This weekend Jac will be busy in many fronts. Moving furniture from one place to another, yes, he’ll be a mover for a few hours this Saturday. The furniture will decorate the now messy set for 69 Année Érotique. After the move he’ll be very busy setting them all up in their new place, that includes the bed in his bedroom.

Once he’s comfortable with that part of his work, he’ll go back to the pitch with fresh ideas. When he does physical work his brain works with more intensity on his schemes. That’s why it was a routine for Amy and Jac to take very long walks while discussing scripts, projects, concepts.

He walks with Rocky, his furry companion, a lot, but the four legged friend is more interested in what went on with all the neighborhood dogs that left all their elaborate and intriguing news in the walls, lamp posts, trees, car tires and sidewalks. Jac uses that time to put some thoughts together but without the benefit of having a second opinion.

I’ll have more news after everything is done and I’ll have the pictures of what the set looks like after Jac’s done with the moving. This is what it looks like now.


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Please forgive me for mentioning one last detail that I neglected to earlier. It is my view that the legs be nailed by the feet to a small foot rest, in front of the cross. Legs crossed looks nice, one nail through both feet. Although side by side is good too, a nail per foot. But to nail by the heels to the sides of the cross just looks awkward and unsexy. That is my opinion anyway.
Painful Strains


The weekend was tough on Jac. It began with a wait, loooooong wait for the truck with the movers to arrive to the agreed upon corner. The driver kept saying for the best part of an hour that he was right around the corner.

Well, it finally arrived to the corner where Jac and Erix were waiting, under the hot sun of the Andes, not a cloud around. Erix was pissed off, he had a hangover from partying the night before and he was not in the mood for Bolivian time, which is not as bad as Haitian time. But it is bad for people who expect that 2 O’clock sharp, means 2 O’clock, not 3, or 4 or whatever…

Then the move began. The movers filled up the truck and off they went, with Jac and Erix squeezed in the cabin, next to the driver, for the long and winding road to Jac’s house.


Unloading the truck as seen from Jac’s window. Is it half full? Half empty?

Two young and strong movers took the furniture all the way up to the third floor, Jac received each piece and moved it around the third floor, accommodating each piece of furniture according wherever there was a bit of space.

Before the movers were half way done, they asked for double the amount they agreed upon or else they won’t bring any other piece of furniture up. Jac thought that it was fair. It was a tough job, they deserved it.

When everything was said and done and after paying twice as much as he was prepared to do, Jac had the furniture he had been planning to move for the last three years. The furniture was his father’s, who had an office/apartment in a building and when he moved to another city, the furniture was taken to Jac’s cousin’s house to store it. A big empty house that is in the market for the last I don’t know how many years. The furniture is finally in Jac’s house.

Jac kept moving things around until dinner time and he left a lot more to do for the next day.


That night, when Jac went to bed, he felt some discomfort, almost painful discomfort in areas where he never experienced that kind of sensation before. He had a hard time sleeping because the discomfort he felt was in an area where when things go wrong it means it could be nothing or something really serious, even deadly.

So, when he got up in the morning he consulted his brilliant advisors as to what he was feeling and he was told that it appears that he had a groin strain, maybe an injury or tear to any of the adductor muscles of the thigh. These are the muscles on the inner side of the thigh and so the pain manifests right where Jac felt it.

He learned that it is common in athletes that do a lot of kicking and jumping and twisting and that it could happen when lifting heavy things without proper methods. Which in his enthusiasm he probably did.

It was recommended that he rested for a couple of days, but instead he went on to move everything he could.


The new couches all covered up to prevent the cats from scratching them, at least for a few days.
With the move of the furniture a big part of the production for 69 Année Érotique was successfully accomplished. When all the details of the decor are completed, the production of the film will be a lot closer. There are some details still to get done, like working out the make up, costumes, close the dates with the outside locations, and so on. Not to mention get all the props, which includes a violin for Mila, who plays the same character she played in Pygmalion, Vera, who in the film is trained by Hendrix (Jac) to become Eliza, who herself is trained by Higgins to become a sophisticated lady, so the story goes.

In this film, Vera gets a demanding role in Hendrix erotically bizarre version of Jekyll And Hyde. Vera will play Mary Reilly, the faithful assistant of the famous Dr. Jekyll. Mary also plays the violin in an all female goth band on weekends.


The set for Hendrix scenes will be decorated during this week, the cast will rehearse some critical scenes, like the one where Galatea, played by Simonne, appears, as a ghost from the past next to Hendrix (Jac) who is blowing a candle on a piece of cake. It is his birthday and he is all alone, except for the cats.

Galatea was Hendrix’ girlfriend in 1969 and she appears next to him as she was, dressed like a hippie, which she was, singing a song from that most memorable year, ’69 Année Érotique.

The little bit of that song that will appear in the movie will be a homage to a clip Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birking recorded in … 1969. In the scene, Jac and Simonne sing to each other, like Serge and Jane did way back in the days of exciting and controversial erotism in films and music.

The clip will be in the VIP Patron level of our Patreon site for our faithful supporters to view and enjoy with a nice comment about the experience of making the clip and some additional updates on the progress of the Seditiosa film. The update will be part of a post on whether there will be a trial in the film.


The rehearsals for 69 Année Érotique will not affect Jac’s intense work producing the pitch for Seditiosa. He has most of the elements ready for the video, he already edited most of it, but he still needs to record a a comment or two with Simonne, who was away when Dani and Mila did their part.

Simonne was in a different city for a few days where she was invited to participate in a Miss Bolivia pageant, I think, so there were some pictures to be taken, some dancing to be done, some strolling on a stage to perform.


Jac will use the newly decorated set for the rehearsal of a couple of scenes, and to also record some pitching for Seditiosa by Simonne, she might refer in her comment to the five loaves of bread and the fish that fed hundreds. She is, after all, the miracle worker in the film. Does she resurrect the dead as well?

Crucified Life: Please forgive me for mentioning one last detail that I neglected to earlier. It is my view that the legs be nailed by the feet to a small foot rest, in front of the cross. Legs crossed looks nice, one nail through both feet. Although side by side is good too, a nail per foot. But to nail by the heels to the sides of the cross just looks awkward and unsexy. That is my opinion anyway.

One of the issues that keep Jac awake at nights is the nailing of the feet. Well, maybe I’m exaggerating, I think what kept Jac awake at night all these years was his mattress which he recently replaced, so all those sleepless nights when he could concentrate on such details, might be over. However, what I had a chance to gather from the different talks he has with the future crucified ladies is that he’s planning or considering three different ways of nailing the feet. How the women’s feet will be nailed will be according to what the torturers think they deserve.

In CruXtreme III, for instance, Dani’s feet are nailed spread apart on a long piece of wood. Maybe she misses that position.


xso: Thanks’ for sharing your journey towards the goal, the produced film! :) Fellow CF members, support this unique initiative (it really is, Seditiosa will be the first movie ever with a female Christ theme in the world that includes dialogue.)

Open your wallets, make this happen! Start by joining Patreon, then the fundraising site when available! (and don’t forget CF ofc!)

You took the words right out of my mouth. The story in the first movie ever with a Female Christ Theme in the entire known universe will have the kind of compelling dialogues that will make the amazingly strong images even stronger.

We are going to be sharing some of the rehearsals with the dialogues with our supporters… and not only the dialogues, we’ll share some of the rehearsals of the crucifixion as well. Jac has some interesting ideas of how each of them will be whipped before the walk to the cross.

I think one of them will be suspended by her wrists.


I will have more news soon!!

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