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News From Margot

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Inch By Inch


Slowly we climb, step by step, inch by inch to the top of the hill, still far up the rocky road and we have 43 days left to make it to the very top.

18% of the goal has been reached… not a lot but at least we’re not stuck. It only takes a little contribution to move one step closer and there are those who will match that little help… If one person contributes with a 25 perk, another matches that with a donation.

Come on! Let’s make this happen! I want to see that little green line get bigger!


jimsac: Margot, I just pre-ordered the download. I really hope that your project succeeds. As a great fan of many of your movies (they have inspired so much of my art), this latest Seditiosa project is one of your most daring to date. Good luck!!!

That’s the attitude! We’re very grateful to all the supporters who are backing this project. Any amount counts, any perk helps, any contribution adds to the treasure box.

My question is, can we top the $5,000 mark this week? We would need less than 500 in contributions, that’s 20 people getting the $25 Download Perk. It’s just paying for the movie in advance and for a lot less than the regular price when it is released.

Or maybe one person gets the $500 Credit on the Film perk and we pass the 5,000 mark!

Can we?

A big production values film, like Justine, a bestseller, sells for $29.90. You can get it now and help us go up another few steps up the hill.


Jac is going over Double Cross right now, this film is going to be our next release in a matter of days, and hopefully all those Amy’s fans will get it. All of them. It is a blast from the past and very special in its own way for many reasons. One of them is that it was the first time Amy and Vero worked and played together. Amy was in awe of Vero for her role in Martyr and she wanted her to have the starring role in Sirwiñakuy. They later worked on Specters of Blood Castle, Barbazul, also directed by Amy, and Dead But Dreaming, directed by Jac.


We’re preparing a nice post about The Cross For Seditiosa, responding to some interesting comments, and updating on the progress of our efforts to make this fantastic, daring, controversial film about a Female Christ.

Come to our IndieGoGo Campaign and help us make Seditiosa possible!

Join Patreon and get the updates on our projects, with great pictures and videos, here:

You can also help by watching our amazing movies over and over again, you just have to get them

Inch By Inch


Slowly we climb, step by step, inch by inch to the top of the hill, still far up the rocky road and we have 43 days left to make it to the very top.

18% of the goal has been reached… not a lot but at least we’re not stuck. It only takes a little contribution to move one step closer and there are those who will match that little help… If one person contributes with a 25 perk, another matches that with a donation.

Come on! Let’s make this happen! I want to see that little green line get bigger!


That’s the attitude! We’re very grateful to all the supporters who are backing this project. Any amount counts, any perk helps, any contribution adds to the treasure box.

My question is, can we top the $5,000 mark this week? We would need less than 500 in contributions, that’s 20 people getting the $25 Download Perk. It’s just paying for the movie in advance and for a lot less than the regular price when it is released.

Or maybe one person gets the $500 Credit on the Film perk and we pass the 5,000 mark!

Can we?

A big production values film, like Justine, a bestseller, sells for $29.90. You can get it now and help us go up another few steps up the hill.


Jac is going over Double Cross right now, this film is going to be our next release in a matter of days, and hopefully all those Amy’s fans will get it. All of them. It is a blast from the past and very special in its own way for many reasons. One of them is that it was the first time Amy and Vero worked and played together. Amy was in awe of Vero for her role in Martyr and she wanted her to have the starring role in Sirwiñakuy. They later worked on Specters of Blood Castle, Barbazul, also directed by Amy, and Dead But Dreaming, directed by Jac.


We’re preparing a nice post about The Cross For Seditiosa, responding to some interesting comments, and updating on the progress of our efforts to make this fantastic, daring, controversial film about a Female Christ.

Come to our IndieGoGo Campaign and help us make Seditiosa possible!

Join Patreon and get the updates on our projects, with great pictures and videos, here:

You can also help by watching our amazing movies over and over again, you just have to get them

Those flogging scenes with Amy in Dead but Dreaming and in Justine were the best in the trade. They combined pain and suffering with humiliation. The best erotic combination ever!
Glad to see people willing to help with more donations. I might not be able to make a huge donation like I did with Justine as an Associate Producer level backer, but I did what I could to preorder the film.
Blow By Blow


Our campaign to raise funds for Seditiosa moves up the hard, rocky, sometimes slippery or muddy path up the hill where the cross awaits to our three amazing damsels in distress. We have 39 days left and $4,979 in the treasury box!

Another $50 worth of contributions and we will pass the $5,000 mark. Can it happen tonight? Maybe it is happening right now!

As we get another blow of support, each blow forces up (help us) a few steps up carrying the weight of our patibulum… our commitment to make this film our greatest endeavor yet! And I can say with certainty that Seditiosa is no longer a plan, it’s a work in progress!


While we celebrate the good news in our campaign, a lot of work is happening. Jac is terribly busy with the scheduling work for 69 Année Érotique, which is taking longer than anticipated, altering some of the plans we have for the next few weeks. It might involve a trip to the US.

After those couple of days sometime ago when the team got together to do some rehearsals and work on the Seditiosa teasers, they did not meet at all for more than a week. That’s unusual, but anticipated. Jac doesn’t have the time for incredibly productive and sexy meetings while he’s working on the script, the scheduling, the editing, the planning and all the work he has to do before some approaching dates. One is the 18th of November.


Another task that is taking some of Jac’s time is the final cut and sound work on Double Cross, he expects to have it ready for release next week.

It’s a different film in many ways. It was made during Vero’s visit to Bolivia to take the lead role in Sirwiñakuy. It was a short visit, a little over a month, and before working on Amy’s first film as director, Amy, Vero and Jac spent a little time taking pictures and without much preparation, not even an idea, began to play with ropes, whips, a cross and came up with a movie that was shelved for years until…


Some comments came our way about Amy’s work as an actress.

jimsac: Those flogging scenes with Amy in Dead but Dreaming and in Justine were the best in the trade. They combined pain and suffering with humiliation. The best erotic combination ever!

Dead But Dreaming is already a classic in our world and it has some amazing scenes, like the flogging of Amy, which was performed in front of a large number of people, both, the actors in it and all the curious people that were looking from a balcony and windows around the place. It was a public flogging, for sure.


tomthestagman: There is a scene in Dead but Dreaming where Amy is garrotted. Simply SUPERB! But where is is on the site?

Originally Amy was going to be hanged. The original script had that scene in it. Then came the try outs, and since Amy was going to be totally naked in the scene, it was tough to come up with a method to have her hang by her neck, her wrists tied behind her, her feet dangling, shaking, in full view of many people… it was practically impossible without hanging her for real.

The garroting idea took form, there were a couple of ways to do it, one was sitting down in front of a post, the known way of garroting in the Andes back in the days of the Spanish colony… or the way Jac decided to do it, with Amy tied to the posts, cross like, facing the people, naked, beaten, terrified, suffering a slow painful execution. The scene was superb, indeed.


I’m waiting for more news about the progress on the making of the crosses to have that in the post I’m preparing about The Cross For Seditiosa.

Let’s pass that 5,000 mark now, it will only take ONE contribution of 25!

Come to our IndieGoGo Campaign and help us make Seditiosa possible!

Join Patreon and get the updates on our projects, with great pictures and videos, here:

You can also help by watching our amazing movies over and over again, you just have to get them

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On The Road To Skull Hill


We are 21% into the campaign to raise the funds for Seditiosa, with a total of $5,279, a very good stage to be in, but not the very best.

The very best would be $10,000 right now, and it is up to our supporters to get us there THIS COMING WEEK!

Am I dreaming? Not really, I’m under the spell of positive thinking. Every little bit that comes in counts a lot to raise the amount in the campaign. There are the perks, of course, but you can also contribute any amount you can, even ten bucks… or 5…!

Come to our IndieGoGo Campaign and help us make Seditiosa possible!


We’re at a point of no return with Seditiosa, and I mean it in it’s most positive interpretation. We are on the road to make this movie. In the next few days we will be busy with some important pre production tasks, one of them is location scouting. I’ll have more details on that development in the middle of the coming week, and by then I’d love to see that we’re getting closer to the 10,000 mark.

The location we are most interested in securing right now is the place where the crucifixions will take place. We have some idea of some good places, but we have to visit them, take some pictures when checking the area, maybe even having our protagonists suffer a little there, maybe a lot. But they won’t be carrying their crosses… at least not the ones we’re planning to have made.

One of the locations is a mountain called Muela Del Diablo, (Devil’s Tooth), because of its weird shape.


One possible location

We are interested in how a crucifixion would look like at the bottom of that Devil’s Tooth mountain. As a matter of fact there are THREE posts already set there. Intriguing to say the least.

They seem to be very tall and maybe too close together but we can’t tell from the pictures. So, a visit to the area is a must and very soon, maybe as soon as next Tuesday.


For that location or any other we would have to get the city to block the area so no cars or people get in the way while we’re shooting scenes for the film. Dani was put in charge For that particular purpose, she will be meeting with the people at the City Film Commission to arrange the permits for all the exterior locations we will be using. We will be getting all the requirements to obtain those permits and benefits,, we’ll be writing the official letters and all that is necessary to get the job done.

When I said in my last post that Seditiosa is now a Film In Progress, I meant it.


It is important to underline the fact that regardless of how much we raise at the end, the film will be made. The actual budget is three times more than what we’re hoping to raise. I think I mentioned that before.

There are Over the line and Under the line costs. The over the line are those costs we can deferred for a while, make deals, get sponsors and things like that. The under the line costs are those we need cash for, and it includes payments to most of the cast and crew, the props, costumes, location expenses, transportation, catering and others.

It does not include the three protagonists. They have a different deal, they are paid on a weekly basis the entire year and at times they get advances.


Dani was recently interviewed for a national magazine where she talks about her work in Theater, Television and films. In the article she mentions that she saw Justine at a movie theater and contacted Jac to tell him that she would love to act in his films. They got together one day and after trying out some possible work, they made 7 erotic films that were not released in Bolivia. She then mentioned that she’s working in two films that will be in movie theaters, referring to 69 and Seditiosa.

The pictures appearing in the magazine are from CruXtreme III – The Callback.


Dani is a public figure because of her work on television, she appears daily in Axesso, a program dedicated to rock music in Bolivia, she’s the main presenter and because of it she a has a large following. She’s always invited to huge events, concerts and music related happenings.

While Daniela goes around giving interviews, Jac is pretty busy with 69 Année Érotique, and Double Cross.

He’s almost done with the breakdown and scheduling for 69 and pretty much getting ready to release Double Cross, it should happen by the end of next week. That fast. There’s one day when Jac and maybe some of his cast and crew will go to the location he has in mind to take those pictures and maybe shoot a teaser.


We’re also setting up meetings with those members of the crew that will make the film look great, like the costumes people and the Make-Up team and beginning to call the actors that will have main roles in Seditiosa. There will be a meeting with many of them sometime in the next couple of weeks, before Jac takes his plane to New York to be at a wedding, see family, friends and lovers, eat bagels, get a few things for the movies and return to begin the production of TWO MOVIES!

Let’s get to the 10,000 mark by the end of next week!

Come to our IndieGoGo Campaign and help us make Seditiosa possible!

Join Patreon and get the updates on our projects, with great pictures and videos, here:

You can also help by watching our amazing movies over and over again, you just have to get them

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