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Now This Just Isn't Funny

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My God Girl! Are you fluent in Welsh Too?

When I lived in Buffalo, NY, nude dancing wasn't allowed in NYS. So men would go across the border to Ontario to see the "Canadian National Ballet" as we called it (The full nude strip clubs) Being Canada, some of the girls spoke both English and French. Guys were very impressed with the idea of what "bi-lingual" girls go do for a men! But Eulalia - OMG:very_hot::very_hot::very_hot:
I have thought about writing a story about Eulalia and her multi-lingual skills. But, I'm afraid, that with "relief" breaks, I would never finish!
It was on buses somewhere in UK quite recently - the sign in the background is in English and Welsh,
so somewhere in Wales - it's the sign for 'no stopping zone ends here', so quite appropriate :D
But the advert was taken off the buses pretty quickly.
Two german ads on vans
meedia-efb-erdmannsdorf-estrich-werberat.jpg Ad for floor screed. Reads "He has to be smooth and even"
meedia-nomis-rohrreiniger-werberat.jpg Ad for drain cleaning. Says "Pipe clocked - Nomis (Company name)"
A little girl got scared when her new babysitter took her out for a Mcdonalds at night but he cut though the cemetery. She grabbed his hand a little tighter and said i'm scared walking through here.
Oh I know sweetie he said but how scared do you think I'll be walking back through here alone...
A little girl got scared when her new babysitter took her out for a Mcdonalds at night but he cut though the cemetery. She grabbed his hand a little tighter and said i'm scared walking through here.
Oh I know sweetie he said but how scared do you think I'll be walking back through here alone...
Men to girl:
"Into the woods!"
"No, no"
"Into the woods!"
"No, no"
"Into the wood"
"My mommy wouldn't like it!"
"Your mommy LOVED it!"
He/she knows a lot about these women, but little about burglaring : the seven minutes rule : every break-in that cannot be accomplished in seven minutes is too risky to be undertaken!:confused:
But you got to weigh the pros and cons. And there are some pretty weighty pros there!
I agree with #2 because sometimes you have to ask for service or do it yourself because your partner does not know how to perform the service you need :devil:
or it's not available 24 hours a day? :rolleyes:
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