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Now This Just Isn't Funny

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Which one of these is Eulalia's favourite? Or are all of the strokes enjoyed?;)
we called that behaviour as never enough..............................:p
Which one of these is Eulalia's favourite? Or are all of the strokes enjoyed?;)

The first stroke needs to be a good,​
well-aimed, sharp cut -​
that's the one I'll remember most!​
After that, take your time,​
pause between strokes to let me experience​
and respond to the wholeness of the pain,​
build up the vigour gradually,​
vary the target on my body,​
the direction of impact,​
and the type of whip you use -​
that'll set me dancing!​
I don't know if Eulalia's educated discourse on the deleterious effects of peeing dogs on garden lawns survived the crash but apparently a pissing bitch did her bit for civil defence in World War II :eek:

Dog cocked leg to extinguish Nazi bomb

There are other links in that Telegraph article but don't blame me if they make the world seem even more bonkers...I just share this stuff :D
a concave, all glass skyscraper in the City of London​
is an architectural wonder -​
when the sun shines, it focuses a death-ray​
on city bankers and their posh cars!​
skyscraper melter.jpg
The proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) or long-nosed monkey, known as the bekantan in Malay, is a reddish-brown arboreal Old World monkey that is endemic to the south-east Asian island of Borneo ... the monkey also goes by the Malay name monyet belanda ("Dutch monkey"), or even orang belanda ("Dutchman"), as Indonesians remarked that the Dutch colonisers often had similarly large bellies and noses. :D

But not blue??? :p

(Admi now gets out his special extra-severe punishment cane .... ;) )
The proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) or long-nosed monkey, known as the bekantan in Malay, is a reddish-brown arboreal Old World monkey that is endemic to the south-east Asian island of Borneo ... the monkey also goes by the Malay name monyet belanda ("Dutch monkey"), or even orang belanda ("Dutchman"), as Indonesians remarked that the Dutch colonisers often had similarly large bellies and noses. :D

But not blue??? :p

(Admi now gets out his special extra-severe punishment cane .... ;) )
that's somewhat I could expect by a girl that has gone completely astray after her rescue from a desperate position in our Coffeeshop:D
working about somewhat
yes, she's got into bad company with all these wicked rebelles -​

Ah I see what you did there....cunning :p

Your Honour if it please the Admiral Judge President of the Court the Prosecution proposes to file charges against one Eulalia of the Northern Forest aka the Slave Bard

to wit that she did

-purposefully and with malice aforethought encourage the rebels to engage in vile propaganda aimed at promoting rebellious thoughts and ideals

As evidence for this we submit exhibit A: A Day In The Arena wherein can be seen both this encouragement and the heinous nature of said agit-pro.

-purposefully and with malice aforethought set out to impose such high ideals of slavegirlhood that other slave girls being unable to live up to said become prone to despair in their duties and open to the blandishment of the Rebelle Triumviarte and its agents.

-purposefully and with malice aforethought did set out to denigrate, demean and diminish those wise and good masters who have so tolerantly and kindly allowed slave girls to find their true calling and vocation in servitude.

For the latter two charges we intend to submit many exhibits of evidence from around Crux Forums including but not limited to this very thread.

RR Chief Persecutor and Prosecuting Officer to the Court of Admiral Judge Admihoek

Sciura PopulesQue Romanus
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