I ran across a site featuring laughing celebrity gifs
and I don’t know how long this one’s been there, but recent events have rendered it . . . disturbing.
I really think today, it could be dangerous to think that dictators would have the same kind of humour as people in democracies would have. I once saw interviews with persons or secretaries who once heard talks with Hitler about the German satirists - e.g. Werner Finck - who only survived because their German audience loved them so much that Goebbels warned Hitler, they cannot be killed without problems for his dictatorship. Hitler was said not to have any feeling or understanding for satire and this kind of humour in which you over-exaggerate the misbehaviour of politicians or politics in order to change things to a better way. He really thought such satirists are his "natural enemies" like Stalinist communists because he did not understand at all this kind of humour.
A few years ago, there was a German TV satire which showed these and similar pictures in this succession and today, I am afraid that president P. might have taken this so serious that he really underestimated all of us in "the West" because he thought, we are "weak" because of our "amusing ourselves to death" by our "governing clowns", and additionally, he was supporting all European politicians who ever wanted to leave or to destroy the European Union like Marine LePen of the French "Front National":
I admit, I like all these pictures but most probably for the opposite reasons of Mr. P., because the European Union (and NATO!) brought a unity, wealth, prosperity and peaceful stability to Europe of which all our ancestors could only dream of. But our kind of humour can also be misunderstood by persons who do not understand satirical critics and they misunderstand such critics as "weakness" which is wrong, totally wrong!
The most powerful nations on this European continent are living now for 77 years in peace with each other, often making jokes and teasing each other about their national failures, but this is the longest time of peace in our European history since the Roman empire.
This European Union and its wealth is attracting more and more smaller nations from all the EU's edges, making themselves richer and wealthier by trade in democratic peace and this is something what a dictator cannot accept because every member more of the EU makes him weaker.
The time is working for us in the EU and in the long run, we and our freedom will win!
In the long run, the Ukraine will win because no dictator can live and suppress forever!