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Now This Just Isn't Funny

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I caught her and brought her in chains to my dungeon,
And whipped her for being so rude as to flee;
She begged me for mercy, but really I knew she was
Begging for punishment, don’t you agree?

I've lost my corn ... lost my corn ... found my corn ... OOO!
Apparently sound is important to a lot of species. Various aquaria feature huge central tanks full of fish, among then sharks and predatory eels. One would think that there would be "unintended predation", and I have often wondered how it is avoided. A video I saw from the Shedd Aquarium on Lake Michigan in Chicago demonstrated how they fed their sand sharks. Once a day, they send out a tone and place a baton with a distinctive tip into the water. Each of the sharks, one male and one female, recognizes their cue and appears to take the fish off the feeding tong. The male in particular likes to swim around the tank chowing down before returning for a second course. Apparently, once you've eaten, you aren't interested in a possibly harmful confrontation nor in expending energy to hunt. Unlike some humans, animals seem to be satisfied when their needs are met.
I think, most animals are able to understand what is good for them and in the first video "Animals and power of music", there is this blonde - probably Scandinavian - farmer woman calling her cows to leave their grassland meadows and to come "home" to their cowshed in the evening before it is getting very cold at night.
She is not really making music for her cows but the cows obviously know that she is caring for them and they follow her calls easily.
And who knows really how much "beauty" may mean for animals? Maybe, many domestic animals (and also many human men?) would follow such a voice from a beautiful blonde human woman in the evening calling them for coming home? ;)

There was a male chimpanzee at a zoo in Florida who used to get "excited" around female keepers. It annoyed the keepers somewhat. (The chimpanzee had been the pet of a human family and only came to the zoo when he got too big and strong to handle safely.)
In old times when aztec kingdoms been still alive corn on world was not only yellow color like now per centurys we lost on earth not only animals many types who go sand like mamooths and sabretooths kitties but also types of plants too like colorful corn who been in eariel have many types pink,black,brown,orange,red not only in yellow color like now same with tomatoes in eariel times was not only red but white,pink,brown now those types of veges can be visible with other colors but is modific genetic and mixed of plants races types by scientists in labs and farmers who mixed types of plants and those plants in eariel times been naturally grow in nature are now not to possible reconstruction like mammoths for example these now are maded by genetic modifications when they change colors looks similar but those arent same plants from this who been naturaly grow on ground centurys ago also do u know tomatoes to not renember 18 or 19 century was known as poison deadly plant and nobody eating they but one day someone american write in newspaper on day and give there date will eat on in public on marketplace tomatoes then crowds arrive he eat and not getting posioned not go sand and then tomatoes stop being taken as poison deadly plant and people start eating they massively also newspaper from this event can be found in one of americans museum but forgot which
In old times when aztec kingdoms been still alive corn on world was not only yellow color like now per centurys we lost on earth not only animals many types who go sand like mamooths and sabretooths kitties but also types of plants too like colorful corn who been in eariel have many types pink,black,brown,orange,red not only in yellow color like now same with tomatoes in eariel times was not only red but white,pink,brown now those types of veges can be visible with other colors but is modific genetic and mixed of plants races types by scientists in labs and farmers who mixed types of plants and those plants in eariel times been naturally grow in nature are now not to possible reconstruction like mammoths for example these now are maded by genetic modifications when they change colors looks similar but those arent same plants from this who been naturaly grow on ground centurys ago also do u know tomatoes to not renember 18 or 19 century was known as poison deadly plant and nobody eating they but one day someone american write in newspaper on day and give there date will eat on in public on marketplace tomatoes then crowds arrive he eat and not getting posioned not go sand and then tomatoes stop being taken as poison deadly plant and people start eating they massively also newspaper from this event can be found in one of americans museum but forgot which
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We get tomatoes of many colours now, at least in the season (my friendly neighbours grow them and give me plenty) - from pale cream through to deep purple. They taste good, but so do ordinary-coloured home-grown tomatoes, much better than tasteless supermarket ones.
We get tomatoes of many colours now, at least in the season (my friendly neighbours grow them and give me plenty) - from pale cream through to deep purple. They taste good, but so do ordinary-coloured home-grown tomatoes, much better than tasteless supermarket ones.
one day was have sow from bought seeds in shop in pot yellow coctail tomatoes they was so sweet not to compared even to those from shop also was worrying some about pollination of they flowers to have fruits but think bees do work when put pot outisde of loggia or just mine paw do work read somwhere u need snap fingers to tomato flower and will be pollination then happen also was know one person who have parroting me but was have full loggia of tomatoes normal medium size and red in pots and probarly cuz cannot do it in garden cuz was not have this person garden and then even whole loggia on summer was being to hot for they build with dark blue material to protect tomatoes farm from heavy sun and also she not need then to buying tomatoes on sandwiches and also have full pantry of tomatoes juice for making tomato soup
In old times when aztec kingdoms been still alive corn on world was not only yellow color like now per centurys we lost on earth not only animals many types who go sand like mamooths and sabretooths kitties but also types of plants too like colorful corn who been in eariel have many types pink,black,brown,orange,red not only in yellow color like now same with tomatoes in eariel times was not only red but white,pink,brown now those types of veges can be visible with other colors but is modific genetic and mixed of plants races types by scientists in labs and farmers who mixed types of plants and those plants in eariel times been naturally grow in nature are now not to possible reconstruction like mammoths for example these now are maded by genetic modifications when they change colors looks similar but those arent same plants from this who been naturaly grow on ground centurys ago also do u know tomatoes to not renember 18 or 19 century was known as poison deadly plant and nobody eating they but one day someone american write in newspaper on day and give there date will eat on in public on marketplace tomatoes then crowds arrive he eat and not getting posioned not go sand and then tomatoes stop being taken as poison deadly plant and people start eating they massively also newspaper from this event can be found in one of americans museum but forgot which
View attachment 1162704View attachment 1162705
The gifts of the "new" world to the old include maize (corn), potatoes, and tomatoes (also syphilis, supposedly, but that's a separate topic). The latter two are nightshades, and can indeed be poisonous in some parts--"eyes" which have sprouted in potatoes supposedly should not be eaten. I think people have reduced the risks through selective breeding. (After all, "bitter" almonds and apple seeds contain cyanide). One of my many books says that plants, being sedentary, defend themselves with chemical warfare. It's true. That's why so many plants have "medicinal" properties--they affect mammalian physiology. Some mushrooms are deadly--causing liver damage when that organ tries to detoxify various compounds, but mostly plants try to make a predator sick as a lesson which prevents further predation. I read that those little colorful "poison arrow" frogs you see in zoos are not poisonous in captivity, because they don't make their toxins themselves but get them by sequestering them from the beetles they eat in the wild, which in turn get them from plants.
One important fact is that with poisons, concentration is everything. Selenium (an element in the sulfur/oxygen column of the periodic table) is needed in trace amounts, but too much of it does you in.

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We get tomatoes of many colours now, at least in the season (my friendly neighbours grow them and give me plenty) - from pale cream through to deep purple. They taste good, but so do ordinary-coloured home-grown tomatoes, much better than tasteless supermarket ones.
In the Midwest, "friendly neighbors" usually sell their tomatoes and peppers (sweet and hot) but try to dump their surplus zuchinnis on all and sundry. They're big and don't have much taste. They're also prolific. People come into work with shopping bags full hoping to unload them.
Especially for Barb when she wants to test drive a Mustang again.
English lesson

What about grey squirrels?
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