and the music?...................
There is so much hidden formatting: using the BB code view (upper right) to check quickly is always a good idea after a copy paste.But copy and paste is always likely to do strange things,
and even the hat.....................................and here's Tree in person -but no music, and dubbed into British English
and even the hat.....................................
After that we want to see the rest!idea?????
Inspired by this...
with cell phone cameras everywhere even I can't get any privacy. Good thig I was out of the shot when the Prince Harry pictures were taken when we were in Las Vegas...and here's Tree in person -but no music, and dubbed into British English
Thanks to cell phones, today, what happens in Vegas...goes viral.with cell phone cameras everywhere even I can't get any privacy. Good thig I was out of the shot when the Prince Harry pictures were taken when we were in Las Vegas...
not glad they have them now but happy I'm old but still stupid!!!
Pricacy is the main issue of this decade!Glad they didn't have those things when I was young & stupid.