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    80 KB · Views: 101
Beautiful pictures. It is said that O’Hara filmed the famous ride wearing a tight-fitting leotard. ☹ :(
I wouldn't know. I imagine that she was probably covered up somewhere under all that hair. Here's a couple of fakes of what she looks like naked if you're interested.


  • MO'H44416e210061147.jpg
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  • MO'H96d5b3204267949.jpg
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Bit of an odd one so thought it would go here. The picture suggests to me the idea that this naked girl who has been ornamented this way could be used simply for decorative purposes. Ideally she could be placed on a small plinth or maybe used as a central table decoration at a dinner party. I should probably add that she wouldn’t be a happy or willing participant in this.

ornamental girl.jpg
Bit of an odd one so thought it would go here. The picture suggests to me the idea that this naked girl who has been ornamented this way could be used simply for decorative purposes. Ideally she could be placed on a small plinth or maybe used as a central table decoration at a dinner party. I should probably add that she wouldn’t be a happy or willing participant in this.

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Oh hell yes - this immediately puts me in mind of the ever-lovely Melody Anderson in Flash Gordon - there's even a strong resemblance here
flash melody.jpg
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