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Original Manipulations by Cruxforums Members

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Sunday on the Starship Virgin Martyr 2
You can try to figure out what's going on here. It's a relaxing, and somewhat lazy day on the CFS Virgin Martyr 2, on a 5 year mission to guard the "big red button" and stop "certain people" from pressing it. The ship is crewed entirely by women and kept at that magic temperature where girls are actually warm enough to take off their sweaters/jumpers (and a few other bits of clothing as well). So it's a comfy ship after lunch and ostensibly not much going on. But the cyborg, the Cara 1000 (which is one of those robots that can never go wrong, of course) seems a little "uneasy" and the mood is definitely a bit ominous as Ariel comes into the room, and what's that going on on the screen?

the mood is definitely a bit ominous as Ariel comes into the room, and what's that going on on the screen?

What's happening on the screen is a view into the Cyborg Lab from three years ago, in which Jennifer Sullins and Rachel Cook were experiencing a certain degree of peril, at the hands of Alicia Vikander and friends -

The screen provides a neat cameo device, linking the two pictures, although it contributes to the mysterious atmosphere, without actually explaining what is going on. The 'Spaceship' manip exploits the vortex effect for a composition which places each figure in her own space, and draws the eye between them from Ariel, in the tenebrously bluish foreground, past Cara, to Sheri, relaxing in the distance.

Beyond the obvious contrast of light and shade, the lighting effects are beautifully executed, including the challenging shadow beneath Cara's feet, which is suitably washed out with reflected illumination. I happen to know that Cara is a composite figure in multiple sections, blended to create a convincing Cyborg, and the individual layers are so neatly assembled, that the blending is not apparent. Nice work again, Jolly! :)
Femme Fatale
I am working on a few surrealist ideas for manips these days, when I get the time. This is the first one, featuring Ariel in a non-nude context as the mystery woman who appears to be connected in some way with the explosion of the building in the background. The "victim", if such she is, is an unidentified model.

the mystery woman who appears to be connected in some way with the explosion of the building in the background.
Jealous rage knows no bounds? One less rival for the man she desires? Could have accomplished her goal in a far less dramatic fashion, though.
What's happening on the screen is a view into the Cyborg Lab from three years ago, in which Jennifer Sullins and Rachel Cook were experiencing a certain degree of peril, at the hands of Alicia Vikander and friends -

The screen provides a neat cameo device, linking the two pictures, although it contributes to the mysterious atmosphere, without actually explaining what is going on. The 'Spaceship' manip exploits the vortex effect for a composition which places each figure in her own space, and draws the eye between them from Ariel, in the tenebrously bluish foreground, past Cara, to Sheri, relaxing in the distance.

Beyond the obvious contrast of light and shade, the lighting effects are beautifully executed, including the challenging shadow beneath Cara's feet, which is suitably washed out with reflected illumination. I happen to know that Cara is a composite figure in multiple sections, blended to create a convincing Cyborg, and the individual layers are so neatly assembled, that the blending is not apparent. Nice work again, Jolly! :)
It seems that Messa was into the same spaceship ...

Messa into the space.jpg
Mmmmmmm...Bondage in space! Anyone for a women's prison on Mars?
Seriously, the idea of such a thing is both fun and hot. Some years ago, when I wasted my time looking at DOFantasy, there were a few comic stories about that. I never wasted any money on that garbage, but there were some devilishly evil ideas there.

Elon Musk wants to die on Mars. I wish he would get on with it, as he is an evil bastard, and so a character like that (and with all his numerous women as villains) could be a basis for that penal institution. :)

@messaline may have set the tone with her post above, trussed up in space. After all, the women have to be transported to Mars first. After that...:devil:
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