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Other Forms Of Execution

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"Alright, it's game over for you. I could just put a bullet in your belly, your heart or your head and finish you off like that. Or we could play a little game: you strip, spread you legs, pull your pussy lips apart and beg me to shoot your little cunt. Yes, I know it's fucking degrading and it will hurt like hell... but you will live! So what it gonna be? Are you ready to die or do want your cunt shot...?"
Shit! Can someone out there find me another 2,894 votes … FAST!
This image is getting close to the borderline on the issue of mutilation. Please do not post images of simulated or real mutilation.
There are so very many images of all kinds of mutilation all over these forums. They are among the most popular.

I mean, there are even images of women being shot through the middle with cannonballs! There are images of women having their arms and legs cut off, run over by railroad trains! You name it!

Maybe one time out of 20 or so, a staffer will object. Maybe one time out of 40.
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This image is getting close to the borderline on the issue of mutilation. Please do not post images of simulated or real mutilation.
I'm not complaining about the extreme mutilation content, mind you. Something like this example is not stimulating to me, though it obviously is to many here. But I always wonder why no staffer objects to over-the-top things like this while selecting such relatively mild things as that above to object to.

But I always wonder why no staffer objects to over-the-top things like this while selecting such relatively mild things as that above to object to.
As I've noted before, the moderators are all volunteers, and we all have things we do in "real life" as well as online (and as you know, I have to deal with the afterlife as well) so we can't be watching everything. We are trying to be consistent, but we also don't want a situation where we're constantly deleting things that appeal to members, and sometimes this means leaving up some content that doesn't appeal to us, or some other members. We do appreciate when members point out potential problem areas for our review. We are working to consistently apply the rules, with a view to keeping a climate on CF where people can feel free to post the results of their artistic expression.

We are trying to maintain standards, but often if there is something that doesn't appeal to you, the best short-term approach is not to look at that content.
As I've noted before, the moderators are all volunteers, and we all have things we do in "real life" as well as online (and as you know, I have to deal with the afterlife as well) so we can't be watching everything. We are trying to be consistent, but we also don't want a situation where we're constantly deleting things that appeal to members, and sometimes this means leaving up some content that doesn't appeal to us, or some other members. We do appreciate when members point out potential problem areas for our review. We are working to consistently apply the rules, with a view to keeping a climate on CF where people can feel free to post the results of their artistic expression.

We are trying to maintain standards, but often if there is something that doesn't appeal to you, the best short-term approach is not to look at that content.
Maybe if this policy cannot be applied consistently, and particularly if you find that you
don't want a situation where we're constantly deleting things that appeal to members
resulting in selective application in which the more popular contribitors are "getting away with" something just because what they are "getting away with" is popular, perhaps it's time to reconsider that policy. Maybe if you acknowledge that these things "appeal to members," you should just let it go.

As you quite rightly say, "if there is something that doesn't appeal to you, the best … approach is to not look at that content." Selective and inconsistent attempts to censor that kind of content may not be the best approach.
I'm not complaining about the extreme mutilation content, mind you. Something like this example is not stimulating to me, though it obviously is to many here. But I always wonder why no staffer objects to over-the-top things like this while selecting such relatively mild things as that above to object to.

There could be several reasons. First is the mods are not all seeing or omnipresent, things do slip beneath the radar. Also the example above while objectively less graphic than the Zerns art is a photo and makes the depiction that bit more real. These things do matter.

This group is very lenient in what it allows, given its focus is in Crux. When you advocate for more even handed application of the rules, don't be disappointed if you get what you asked for.
There could be several reasons. First is the mods are not all seeing or omnipresent, things do slip beneath the radar. Also the example above while objectively less graphic than the Zerns art is a photo and makes the depiction that bit more real. These things do matter.

This group is very lenient in what it allows, given its focus is in Crux. When you advocate for more even handed application of the rules, don't be disappointed if you get what you asked for.
Yes, the group is very lenient. I like that. When I advocate for more even-handed application, I am asking for more leniency not less.

The Zerns stuff is way beyond what turns me on, as are things like a cannonball tearing out a girl's middle. But I recognize that those are popular, and I'm OK with that. It's not all about what I like.
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