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Parrot Perch/pau D'arara

Go to CruxDreams.com
It's from 3%, a really good Brasilian SciFi drama. Here's a rather large 1080p edit of mine.

View attachment 772690

My collection of DiD in mainstream movies https://www.zippyshare.com/doe.1971

Thanks Doe, nice avatar btw
As I said in another thread - Parrot's perch and water - imagine that feeling of helplessness and terror, bound, submerged . . . . . even in a fake scene like this the situation is all too real.
And I do love films like this where you know the actress has actually been bound naked to the perch and then plunged into water, true method acting, how does she feel during and after this experience? Does she feel that thrill of helplessness, of pleasure and fear? I would love to know.
I belong to these crazy persons who want to know absolutely everything about a topic, which is interesting me, even if it could make me sad, angry or if it could kill me. So, maybe here are others with the same problem and so I add an article from a German newspaper from 2008 about the trials of that year in Argentina against the surviving Argentinian army members who also used the parrot's perch to torture their victims. One detail is the fact that even in dictatorships like Argentina between 1976 and 1983 the military developed a state of its own. By the way: The Falkland war defeat and economic desaster ended the Argentinian dictatorship, so also my only thanks for the "Iron Lady Thatcher" for leading this war. In this article a man is mentioned who probably survived the torture system of Argentina's military because he was printer by profession and the military torture commandos needed forged and falsified documents to act separatly from the still existing other state institutions like the normal police and the normal legal sector. With the falsified documents they could for example kidnap people and drive through the police checkpoints by telling them they were policemen themselves although they were military commandos and had their victims gagged and bound in the luggage space behind them in their cars.
So, this special printer had to make photos of the kidnappers and often later killers and put them into the falsified passports. Moreover, he worked in the same building, where he was tortured in the beginning of the dictatorship, where he had to falsify the documents for the killers and he even once had access to a room where the army was storing the negatives of the victims shortly after their arrest. So this printer by profession is the only person in all the time of the dictatorship who had photos of the killers and of their victims after their arrest. Usually, you see only pictures of the disappeared when they were still happy and free. But this printer by profession managed to get some hundred photos out of his prison, hiding them for decades until the times were really changing for legal prosecutions against the military commandos (earlier only the Generals were prosecuted and no one really knew who were the real killers) and since about 2005, the time was right, so you can see in this article "The Photographer from the Torture Chamber" ("Der Fotograf aus der Folterkammer") photos of real victims and their real torturers / killers.
The man in the color picture at the beginning of this article is the printer. Even if you don't understand German, I think that you see by looking at the faces who is a victim and who is a killer. When there is the German sentence-ending at the end of a photo's description "... nicht gefunden / nie gefunden.", it means that their dead bodies were never found, probably because they were thrown narcotized from airplanes or helicopters into the open sea or the huge delta of the Rio de la Plata, for which the Argentinian dictatorship became "famous" for. It is an incredible number of "desaparecidos" in Argentina and compared to the other dictatorships of Brazil and Chile, this was the worst: Between 30.000 and 40.000 people of all classes and ages "disappeared" for ever: Complete classes from the universities with students of political sciences, journalists, communists, socialists and old merited members of labour unions disappeared - all these "desaparecidos" were suspicious to be "enemies of the state"!
I recently found this video and - as usual - I try to find out why I like something like this so much. I am - also as usual - so shocked by my pleasure of these scenes that I would like to share it here with you in order to see your comments:

They like a girl to strip herself

They like a girl to strip herself,
these guys stood round me staring.
One of them holds a whip.

be vulnerable,
give them no more need
to brute-manhandle me.

Slide off my shorts,
my sandals,
open my shirt,
down to my underwear,
demeaned and stark.

While they take photos,
trophies of their prey,
flick off my bra,
bare my white breasts
for the electric surge.

in the camera-glare,
my girlhood blending
with their steel machines,
my body bent
to their metallic will.

I eye with fear,
my mastering men.
for now they've penetrated me,
see in my slavegirl soul,
my naked spirit
pliant to serve...

Slip off my thong.

So, with my final shred of pride
tossed to the floor,
I count each endless moment,
wait to endure,
strapped skin to steel,
the electrodes' talon-clench.

My world shrunk down
to this, the Torture Chamber,
men, me, my nakedness, my pain ...
I would like so much to say that I do not like to see or read certain things like the poem before but I cannot. I am still not sure, what is more the reason, (e.g. in German: "Faszination des Schreckens" =) the fascination of fright, when you want to look away from something frightening but you simply can't, or the damned closeness between aesthetic, eroticism, torture and terror. This photographer here is of the same opinion:

By the way: A short time ago, I made a torture picture out of three different photos in a semi-automatic coloration & combination program and it was straight away so shockingly stunning when the computer had build it up that could not look away for minutes. Tell me please that you look away because it is so terrible but I bet you can't:

1 pp .jpg
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They like a girl to strip herself

They like a girl to strip herself,
these guys stood round me staring.
One of them holds a whip.

be vulnerable,
give them no more need
to brute-manhandle me.

Slide off my shorts,
my sandals,
open my shirt,
down to my underwear,
demeaned and stark.

While they take photos,
trophies of their prey,
flick off my bra,
bare my white breasts
for the electric surge.

in the camera-glare,
my girlhood blending
with their steel machines,
my body bent
to their metallic will.

I eye with fear,
my mastering men.
for now they've penetrated me,
see in my slavegirl soul,
my naked spirit
pliant to serve...

Slip off my thong.

So, with my final shred of pride
tossed to the floor,
I count each endless moment,
wait to endure,
strapped skin to steel,
the electrodes' talon-clench.

My world shrunk down
to this, the Torture Chamber,
men, me, my nakedness, my pain ...
Powerful, as always, Eulalia.
I would like so much to say that I do not like to see or read certain things like the poem before but I cannot. I am still not sure, what is more the reason, (e.g. in German: "Faszination des Schreckens" =) the fascination of fright, when you want to look away from something frightening but you simply can't, or the damned closeness between aesthetic, eroticism, torture and terror. This photographer here is of the same opinion:

By the way: A short time ago, I made a torture picture out of three different photos in a semi-automatic coloration & combination program and it was straight away so shockingly stunning when the computer had build it up that could not look away for minutes. Tell me please that you look away because it is so terrible but I bet you can't:

View attachment 775073
I love that picture - I imagine myself in that position, willingly and voluntarily of course,
but eager to experience it and test myself, how much torture can I take?
And, while in that position, imagining myself being there unwillingly, involuntarily.
But not in any sense approving or condoning the use of torture in real life,
least of all on women and girls.
I must admit to my disgrace that I also love my picture, because I found this profile of her face and the long backwards falling hair wonderful and absolutely matching with the beautiful body in a - mhm - "problematic situation". It is because as I already mentioned in the other thread: I cannot see real injuries on any skin and I like to see blood only when it is cleanly stored in plastic bags, so most of the pictures in this forum are often too cruel for me as a "softie torturer".
On the other hand, I like to see women in - hrm - "difficult situations" and sometimes I wonder if I would rather like the imagination to help them out of this situation for being their hero or if I would like more to observe the difficult situations much longer and if she gets out of it alone ... mhm ... but then I would not be the hero to rescue her. Oh, it is so sad for me that life always demands so challenging decisions ...
This photo-mix was a combination of Corel Paint Shop Pro 2019, an older version of Corel Paint Shop which is easier for me to handle and an old Photoshop Elements for combining different bodies and the colorization was made by AKVIS Coloriage, a Russian program which I got for free because of some translations I made for them. By the way, if you know any program that can colorize old black and white photos better than AKVIS Coloriage, tell me because up to now this is the best I know but I have also made some crazy things on my laptop in order to have access to all older programs I once loved: I got inside Windows 10 the virtual machine from the "VM Ware Company" and inside that there are running the latest Photoshop etc. programs which were running on the last Microsoft XP system. There I got now programs for free which would have cost 10 years ago ca. 5.000,- € and I am still very happy with XP inside Windows 10.
This photo-mix was a combination of Corel Paint Shop Pro 2019, an older version of Corel Paint Shop which is easier for me to handle and an old Photoshop Elements for combining different bodies and the colorization was made by AKVIS Coloriage, a Russian program which I got for free because of some translations I made for them. By the way, if you know any program that can colorize old black and white photos better than AKVIS Coloriage, tell me because up to now this is the best I know but I have also made some crazy things on my laptop in order to have access to all older programs I once loved: I got inside Windows 10 the virtual machine from the "VM Ware Company" and inside that there are running the latest Photoshop etc. programs which were running on the last Microsoft XP system. There I got now programs for free which would have cost 10 years ago ca. 5.000,- € and I am still very happy with XP inside Windows 10.

Interesting approach. I admit my ignorance on Corel, never used it so I can't say much. I never dabbled in colorization, as it's producing rather odd looking results (yours is remarkably good though). I'm more interested into a good solution for automation of color/gamma/luminance matching between two color images.

To keep it ontopic with the thread, here's two examples where I did the matching head to body by hand, using the Match Colour approach in Photoshop CS5.

leia img-1521899560.jpg parrot img-1519440768.jpg
Interesting ideas in your work and I really often wondered what happened during this questioning of Princess Leia in the "death star / moon" (?) in the very first Star Wars movie. The book describes a hovering machine to interrogate her that moved into her prison cell and which would have stored all cruelties of human races and beyond in its soulless electronic brain.
By the way: For changing colors in a photo that is already color, I use the German program "JPG Illuminator" , which you can find for private use for free here:
It is also very good for restoration of old color pictures with a stinge to red etc. because you can improve colors individually.
The Russians from the AKVIS company with their coloration program probably found a gap in the market because their program is selling very well in countries which had only black & white photo possibilities for a longer time than Europe or America because color photos were too expensive for most of the people there, for example in India and many other Asian countries where the younger generations today like to colorize the pictures of their parents' marriage etc. I must admit that some historical photos were so incredibly impressive after colorization with this program that it blew me almost from my seat and for some time I was almost addicted to colorize all old photos which interested me to see them in color. Sorry for just one more example:


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    3 artphoto1 clrd 2.jpg
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Interesting ideas in your work and I really often wondered what happened during this questioning of Princess Leia in the "death star / moon" (?) in the very first Star Wars movie. The book describes a hovering machine to interrogate her that moved into her prison cell and which would have stored all cruelties of human races and beyond in its soulless electronic brain.

It's a button of mine. What happened there or on Jabba's barge. Keep an eye on my thread, I post there regularly misadventures of Leia. :devil2:

Thanks for the suggestions. Now if I can figure out how to post to attach files with view count like you did ....

leia img-1521397683.jpg
Sorry for my silly question but I am not sure how to find some things here: Your thread is "JD's bazaar"?
If so, I think I found something for your inspiration of new misadventures of Leia. When I saw this picture first some years ago, I thought the one who made it must have been inspired by this part of the "Star Wars" - book: A hovering machine (although in the book's old German version, which I have now in front of me, it is a round metal sphere humming like a huge bee with lots of metal arms with sensitive instruments at their ends ...)
Quotation of the part about no one knows what really happened: "Princess Leia looked at the hovering machine in horror because she could never believe that the engineers of the empire would really have built such an atrociousness. ... The machine moved slowly into her direction and the humming grew louder. ... Muffled sounds got through the walls and the thick door out into the corridor. ... The guards out there found excuses to leave their posts on the corridor so far that they could no more hear these strangely modulated sounds."


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    Star Wars Interrogating Machine Question Mark 1.jpg
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This photo-mix was a combination of Corel Paint Shop Pro 2019, an older version of Corel Paint Shop which is easier for me to handle and an old Photoshop Elements for combining different bodies and the colorization was made by AKVIS Coloriage, a Russian program which I got for free because of some translations I made for them. By the way, if you know any program that can colorize old black and white photos better than AKVIS Coloriage, tell me because up to now this is the best I know but I have also made some crazy things on my laptop in order to have access to all older programs I once loved: I got inside Windows 10 the virtual machine from the "VM Ware Company" and inside that there are running the latest Photoshop etc. programs which were running on the last Microsoft XP system. There I got now programs for free which would have cost 10 years ago ca. 5.000,- € and I am still very happy with XP inside Windows 10.

Good to see another PSP user and don't worry, there are plenty of people and organisations out there still using XP or running XP dependent applications.

Here's a relevant pic I just found while looking through my "To Post" folder. There's something about the perch, that combination of compactness and vulnerability, isn't there.

By accident, I found a video which seems to be a bit out of time and place (the people seem to speak Czech, so it is probably from the Czech or the Slovakian Republic) and the sound is also asynchronous to the pictures - but to my biggest surprise in switching fast through the video, there is a rather detailed parrot's perch torture scene, which I found as usual - hrm - "interesting", beginning from minute 35:

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