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Queen's Sacrifice - Daily Comic Strip

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Wow ! You look so much avesome nailed to this cross, my Queen !
Yes, I know, it's very hurting but, as the hours go by, you'll find your own comfort zone, so to speak ...
It doesn't matter, you need to stay alive as long as possible, to show the crowd that you're still the undisputed Queen of this city!
I hope with all my heart that the soldiers don't add any more torture to your crucifixion, such as setting fire to that wonderful black tuft of hair you so proudly display between your legs ...
I'll stay here, watching you, supporting your fight, even if it's doomed to failure, against this inevitable end accompanied by so much horrible sufferings ...

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Today's page, lessons in crucifixion
As the Queen thinks about the many she sentenced to die on the cross, the survivors of her victims savor her moments of agony.
The crucifier is now crucified
Resplendent on her true throne!
Yes she is. Of course, as Queen she had many nailed to the cross. There will be many enjoying Yupar getting hers..
As the Queen thinks about the many she sentenced to die on the cross, the survivors of her victims savor her moments of agony.
The crucifier is now crucified
Yes she is. Of course, as Queen she had many nailed to the cross. There will be many enjoying Yupar getting hers..
Will the queen remain convinced that the convictions to the cross in her name, have all been just, while her own crucifixion is an injustice?
Or will she have remorse for having been so harsh, now that she experience the agony herself? But in the latter case, she will show weakness to the romans and to her people! Does she want that to be remembered like that?
Will the queen remain convinced that the convictions to the cross in her name, have all been just, while her own crucifixion is an injustice?
Or will she have remorse for having been so harsh, now that she experience the agony herself? But in the latter case, she will show weakness to the romans and to her people! Does she want that to be remembered like that?
All monarchs tended to believe they were divinely ordained to their position so naturally every decision she made was just and any action against her is injustice.
I think you would get both. Monarchs....even bad ones, have their fans and supporters. Of course, if she had disposed of Uncle Julius to a horrific death his family and relatives would likely enjoy her doing the "Dance".
On the other hand, in many of her subjects, the fear for het godly ordaining could be deeply engrained, still preventing them from mockery, and perceiving the execution as some will of the gods!
The gods of Olympus look on the desperate and pleading Yupar from above:
Zeus speaks:
First she chooses crucifixion without even consulting our oracle or even a single priest from any of us.
She made the wrong choice, she was supposed to be a beacon of hope for the rebellion in 8 years time.

Now she suffers the cross, she finally remembers that we even exist.
Zeus looks around the assembled Olympians.
No one will interfere on her behalf, she choose to rely on her mortal mind.
Now let her deal with the consequences of her choice!

And when she dies? Can I admit her to my realm?
My dear Hades, bring her to me when the time comes, I will judge her myself!
The gods of Olympus look on the desperate and pleading Yupar from above:
Zeus speaks:
First she chooses crucifixion without even consulting our oracle or even a single priest from any of us.
She made the wrong choice, she was supposed to be a beacon of hope for the rebellion in 8 years time.

Now she suffers the cross, she finally remembers that we even exist.
Zeus looks around the assembled Olympians.
No one will interfere on her behalf, she choose to rely on her mortal mind.
Now let her deal with the consequences of her choice!

And when she dies? Can I admit her to my realm?
My dear Hades, bring her to me when the time comes, I will judge her myself!
Given the nature of the olympians, a more likely response would be simply...

"Booo-ring! More wine! More nymphs!"
The gods of Olympus look on the desperate and pleading Yupar from above:
Zeus speaks:
First she chooses crucifixion without even consulting our oracle or even a single priest from any of us.
She made the wrong choice, she was supposed to be a beacon of hope for the rebellion in 8 years time.

Now she suffers the cross, she finally remembers that we even exist.
Zeus looks around the assembled Olympians.
No one will interfere on her behalf, she choose to rely on her mortal mind.
Now let her deal with the consequences of her choice!

And when she dies? Can I admit her to my realm?
My dear Hades, bring her to me when the time comes, I will judge her myself!
Hang on!
First of all, we witness here a typical trick of deities of all kind : first they grant all mortals a free will. Just to let the mortals always make the wrong decision! Hence, the deities are always right! A bit like management culture today!

It should be recalled that the queen was given no time to consider by her Roman capturers! Leave consulting a priest or an oracle!
Secondly, the gods themselves have failed to give the queen a sign of any kind!

No wonder, she feels forsaken!
Hang on!
First of all, we witness here a typical trick of deities of all kind : first they grant all mortals a free will. Just to let the mortals always make the wrong decision! Hence, the deities are always right! A bit like management culture today!

It should be recalled that the queen was given no time to consider by her Roman capturers! Leave consulting a priest or an oracle!
Secondly, the gods themselves have failed to give the queen a sign of any kind!

No wonder, she feels forsaken!
She will feel abandoned by everyone, gods and humans alike...and time will seem even longer to her in suffering...
I notice she calls on the Greek gods: Zeus, Athena and Artemus. She's probably thinking their Roman equivalents: Jove, Minerva and Diana, won't help. But, she may do better to call on some non-Olympians like Ishtar or Isis. They're not any more likely to help, but at least there won't be any confusion about who's side she's on.
I notice she calls on the Greek gods: Zeus, Athena and Artemus. She's probably thinking their Roman equivalents: Jove, Minerva and Diana, won't help. But, she may do better to call on some non-Olympians like Ishtar or Isis. They're not any more likely to help, but at least there won't be any confusion about who's side she's on.
That and this is obviously set in the predominantly greek-speaking eastern parts of the empire.
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