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Queen's Sacrifice - Daily Comic Strip

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but also the crowd of ghosts of the crucified "criminals" around her, cheering for the fate the former queen is experiencing.
I'll stay here, watching you, supporting your fight, even if it's doomed to failure, against this inevitable end accompanied by so much horrible sufferings ...

flower2 :bdsm-heart:

As the Queen thinks about the many she sentenced to die on the cross, the survivors of her victims savor her moments of agony.
The crucifier is now crucified
Karma is a bitch ;)
Does she want that to be remembered like that?
No way :(
All monarchs tended to believe they were divinely ordained to their position so naturally every decision she made was just and any action against her is injustice.
Yeah ..that is currently happening in most of the world's dictators and Junta leaders.
Gee, reminds me of a wanna-be American monarch. . . .
For me...reminds me of Burma, Russia, China & North Korea , mordern cruel monarchs.
The gods of Olympus look on the desperate and pleading Yupar from above:
Zeus speaks:
First she chooses crucifixion without even consulting our oracle or even a single priest from any of us.
She made the wrong choice, she was supposed to be a beacon of hope for the rebellion in 8 years time.

Now she suffers the cross, she finally remembers that we even exist.
Zeus looks around the assembled Olympians.
No one will interfere on her behalf, she choose to rely on her mortal mind.
Now let her deal with the consequences of her choice!

And when she dies? Can I admit her to my realm?
My dear Hades, bring her to me when the time comes, I will judge her myself!
Zeus is so cruel ...
Like in Guardian of Galaxy :p
Olympus looked down and said, "Oh my. A dying monarch!" Zeus replied, "Best kind."
I like that joke :D

No Yupar, nobody can ( want ) help you !
The crowd is in respect for the Roman law !

View attachment 1415790 ... and you're not a Queen now !
Nice try, Your Majesty. I guess you have nothing to lose by trying, though I doubt if the Romans will be particularly supportive of your scheme! :eek:
I forget that reality on the cross


Good plan...! If it had been carried out before she got nailed! :doh:
Life is strange :D sometimes....
Good plan...! If it had been carried out before she got nailed! :doh:

The way the people look at her, is rather in shock! I doubt, whether such paralysed folks will dare to assault the Romans!
True. The time to rise up and free her was when she was being marched through the streets. Now, the opportunity has passed.
But, did she agree to be crucified rather than have her city destroyed? The people rising up to free her will just give the Romans an excuse do just that, thus making her sacrifice irrelevant.
Today's page
That's a swift reaction!

True. The time to rise up and free her was when she was being marched through the streets. Now, the opportunity has passed.
But, did she agree to be crucified rather than have her city destroyed? The people rising up to free her will just give the Romans an excuse do just that, thus making her sacrifice irrelevant.
Good point! But, when making this appeal, I assume the queen is already overwhelmed by the pain and despair, narrowing her mind to a tunnel vision on herself!
True. The time to rise up and free her was when she was being marched through the streets. Now, the opportunity has passed.
But, did she agree to be crucified rather than have her city destroyed? The people rising up to free her will just give the Romans an excuse do just that, thus making her sacrifice irrelevant.
I m just human being..in reality of facing pain and death...my courage is gone.

That's a swift reaction!

Good point! But, when making this appeal, I assume the queen is already overwhelmed by the pain and despair, narrowing her mind to a tunnel vision on herself!

Honor is damned ...I want to live !

@moebius i hope you remember those words ;)

Ummm.... :oops:

Yupar, Your Maj., you know I love you dearly, but I am a professional coward! :couch:
You ....come out and save me... :mad:
I am calling you all ...by losing all my self control
Why...why dont you dare to save me !
I'll shout : "Long live the queen!"
What do you mean, centurion, that is an act of rebellion!?
You ....come out and save me... :mad:
I am calling you all ...by losing all my self control
Why...why dont you dare to save me !
I just put a step forward!
Two legionaries each hold the point of their pilum under my chin. Their looks make clear, I better should not mess with them. Whatever battle plan I had, it is now stuck! Maneuvering is impossible! With a forced smile, I say : “Hi guys!”

One of them immediately replies : “Listen you idiot! Don’t make a move and keep your mouth shut! Or you will find yourself nailed next to that pathetic queen of yours! That’s the only way of supporting her, we allow!”

(bloody dilemma!).

An optio makes it clear for all :”Anyone who dares to come the queen to rescue, will be crucified, together with his or her nearest female relative! Wife, mother, sister, daughter, in that order! And if there is no female relative, we shall pick a random woman from the crowd! IS THAT CLEAR!?”
An optio makes it clear for all :”Anyone who dares to come the queen to rescue, will be crucified, together with his or her nearest female relative! Wife, mother, sister, daughter, in that order! And if there is no female relative, we shall pick a random woman from the crowd! IS THAT CLEAR!?”
Time for someone to reveal a hypothetical conspiracy involving a stunning woman and her equally stunning sister/mother/cousin in the crowd. I really wish I had been there in that crowd...

I just put a step forward!
Two legionaries each hold the point of their pilum under my chin. Their looks make clear, I better should not mess with them. Whatever battle plan I had, it is now stuck! Maneuvering is impossible! With a forced smile, I say : “Hi guys!”

One of them immediately replies : “Listen you idiot! Don’t make a move and keep your mouth shut! Or you will find yourself nailed next to that pathetic queen of yours! That’s the only way of supporting her, we allow!”

(bloody dilemma!).

An optio makes it clear for all :”Anyone who dares to come the queen to rescue, will be crucified, together with his or her nearest female relative! Wife, mother, sister, daughter, in that order! And if there is no female relative, we shall pick a random woman from the crowd! IS THAT CLEAR!?”
Very clear message..those Romans ! :mad:
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