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Random picture thread. (Real photos rather than AI please)

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I sometimes suspect that CF changes things after I’ve left :rolleyes:
In 2016 I wrote a short book about my experiences in Vietnam, about 135 pages (printed on one side in notebook size). I proof read it twice before printing it and thought I found all the errors.


Over the next 2 years as I printed more copies I would proof read it each time, and I found more mistakes & typos every time. I think I found only two or so the last time, and I'm not doing it again.

The lesson here is that it's almost impossible to proof read your own writing and find all the mistakes. Apparently your brain will 'skip over' the errors just as it did when you first made them. But maybe it's just me.

For the record, I made 2 mistakes typing this post and fixed them. But no guarantees that I didn't miss any.:buenrollo:
From the late 19th century to WW2, many armies had bicycle infantry units. It was a quick and rather cheap way (cheaper than on horse) to move units to where the would be (urgently) needed, or for reconnaisance.
In Italy the "battaglione bersaglieri ciclisti" was founded in 1898.
Here a bersagliere with his bike,
two of them with foldable bicyles in WW I (1917)
and the use of a machine gun with the military bike Bianchi mod. 1923
In honor of those fought during that conflict, these are a good example of what ordinary soldiers, on both sides, were fighting for.

Bomber nose art from WWII.



I particularly like this last one. Apparently such ideas aren't anything new. :smilie-devil:
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1717752873566.png Engine 12.004, today the last surviving specimen of the "Series 12 Atlantic" steam engine class, built for the Belgian railroads in the 1930's. A powerful engine, streamlined by a cover of plating, that was used for the express boat trains Cologne-Brussels-Ostend. They had an operational speed of 120 km/h, with peaks of 140 km/h (maximum trial speed was 165 km/h).

1717753206127.png Hot weather, that day! :very_hot::very_hot::very_hot:
IMG_5745.jpeg Tree’s first photo taken with his new Kodak Instamatic camera while a student at the University of the Virgin Martyrs. The pic, ca 1968, was snapped outside the girl’s dormitory shower room just after Tree had yelled “fire!”

Tree was subsequently expelled, but the University administration kept the photo for many decades, framed and hanging on the wall of the Regential Board Room.

it was returned to Tree in 2024 on the occasion of a large donation to the University by Tree Enterprises, Inc, along with the awarding of the University’s coveted MD (master of debauchery) honorary degree.

The three fleeing coed victims, caught by his camera, were all subsequently flogged and hanged on the campus quad after being brought up on charges of “lewd and lascivious behavior unbecoming of a UVM student”.
The three fleeing coed victims, caught by his camera, were all subsequently flogged and hanged on the campus quad after being brought up on charges of “lewd and lascivious behavior unbecoming of a UVM student”.
I was convinced, at UVM, it was part of their curriculum. I heard they were publically flogged for it on the campus, but that they graduated cum laude, and became hired by the faculty dean as research assistants. A principal task they got was verification of possible research budget overflows by certain lecturerss, and impose appropriate measures (caning by the dean, public flogging,...). They became member of the Regential Board, and were confronted with their picture in the board room, but on UVM, such is something that draws respect.:roto2nuse:
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