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Random picture thread. (Real photos rather than AI please)

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The three fleeing coed victims, caught by his camera, were all subsequently flogged and hanged on the campus quad after being brought up on charges of “lewd and lascivious behavior unbecoming of a UVM student”.
The women students were brought before the dean of discipline and sentenced to be hanged for their lewd act of running naked from the nonexistent fire, displaying their nude bodies to any casual observer. Two of the women accepted the punishment of their obscene act and climbed the gallows in the university square. Miss Barbara Moore protested that she should not be hanged but the bastard that had caused their flight should be. She had to be convinced to climb the gallows stairs.
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The disciplinarian's staff were allowed to cop a feel of the disgusting women before they were hanged.
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The archbishop from the Cruxton Abbey attended the women's hanging. He prayed they would suffer greatly as they hanged by their necks so their grievous sins could be purged from their souls and they would not have to spent eternity as Satan's sex slaves.
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The hangman wished the women an agonizing death as they hanged to death by their necks and then he pulled the lever to begin their punishment.
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None of the women suffered their strangulation for more than ten minutes before the nooses took their lives.
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The university waved its rules about no daytime consumption of alcohol and all the students consumed large amounts of adult beverages to celebrate the women's atonement for their sins.

Tree was not prosecuted for calling 'Fire' in the women's shower. The laws would be changed the neck decade. Tree grew up and never pulled such a stunt again. He became known as 'The Hanging Tree' for his chosen line of work...
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The one in the left definitely bears a resemblance to me. Possibly one of my aunts on the Moore side of the family? I think her name was Barb too, and no one in the family cared to speak of her.

Now I know why.
displaying their nude bodies to any casual observer.
And also the less casual observers, it seems. I have to note that the punishment for lewd public nudity seems to be hanging in public while nude, so the crime and punishment are quite similar in some ways. :D

and they would not have to spent eternity as Satan's sex slaves.
Did anyone give them the option of that? These archbishops always assume everyone wants their version of salvation. :rolleyes: :devil:
In 2016 I wrote a short book about my experiences in Vietnam, about 135 pages (printed on one side in notebook size). I proof read it twice before printing it and thought I found all the errors.


Over the next 2 years as I printed more copies I would proof read it each time, and I found more mistakes & typos every time. I think I found only two or so the last time, and I'm not doing it again.

The lesson here is that it's almost impossible to proof read your own writing and find all the mistakes. Apparently your brain will 'skip over' the errors just as it did when you first made them. But maybe it's just me.

For the record, I made 2 mistakes typing this post and fixed them. But no guarantees that I didn't miss any.:buenrollo:
Every time I post something in here I go over and over it to make sure I haven't made any typos, then when I read my post later it's full of them. If I spot them early enough I go back and edit them but usually it's too late :(

last one looks like someone was working on it for a while.
Yes indeed. I've often wondered how long it took those extremely talented artists to paint them. Some of the larger ones couldn't have been done in a single day.

An extreme example of WW2 nose art is this one;

This is the famous Dragon and his Tail.
64th Bomb Squadron / 43rd Bomb Group
5th AF

I actually built a 1/48 model of this plane back in the 70's with aftermarket decals. It took a couple of hours of
very tedious work to put the art decal on the model. It was hold your breath kind of work.
@Barbaria1 will see this and say what are seatbelts??
Well we would probably nail the car drivers onto the wheel, dressed with or without loincloth and will furiously spent hours discussing of the car sedile will have a cornu or not. Using a cornu and the nailing will make this ridiculous swedish invention of the seat belt superluous.

However, the first tests are not that promising. this test driver lacks the seriousness.

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