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Random picture thread. (Real photos rather than AI please)

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Nein, Fraulein Möhr, you may not borrow the Grand Duke's carriage. That would undoubtedly upset the balance of power in Europe and plunge us all into war.
Not just the balance of power in Europe! Fraulein Möhr would upset the global maritime power balance!

Alexei's nickname "fast ladies and slow ships" refers both to his womanising and his disastrous policy as commander in chief of the Russian Imperial navy. Although he modernised the naval ports and the fleet, much of the newly acquired ships were copies from battleships from other countries, and technically already lagging behind years, on their commission. There was neither a clear strategic plan for the fleet, nor a tactical view how to deploy the much too various types of ships. Worst of all, the Grand Duke managed to divert half of the Russian navy budget into his own pockets, serving his own good life.
Grand Duke Alexei was held largely responsible for the Russian defeat in the Battle of Tsushima, against Japan (1904). He was relieved of his command afterwards and spent the rest of his life in exile in Paris, where he died in 1908, 58 years old.
How is that “misspent”?

What should you have been doing, reading the Wall Street Journal?
By the standards of the time, I should have been working a part time job after school or doing sports, being a boy scout helping old ladies across the street... and all that kind of stuff. 12 year old boys staring at pictures of naked females was not considered good behavior, and was generally frowned upon... especially by parents.

It was fun though. :biggrin:
Today some unusual photos
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“I think over there is where @thehangingtree fell overboard. Isn’t that his yellow hat I see floating among the lily pads?”

“Don’t worry, Barb, he’ll come to the surface soon enough. Come sit down by me, you’re rocking the boat.”

“Think so, @Darkprincess69 ? He had an awful lot to drink!”

“I don’t think it was the drink, Barb. I think he got over agitated watching the two of us go at it. Things were getting hot between us, and it was driving him crazy. I could see that!”

“Well, I was too busy licking you to notice.”

“I know, and I was in ecstasy, but I have to admit my rocking back and forth made the boat a bit unsteady and with him standing up for a better … view….”

“Look, DP. Don’t you think we ought to call for help? He might be drowning!”

“No Barb, the Treehouse garden swamp pond is only 3 feet deep at best. He’ll be alright.”

“Oh look, there he is, standing up over on the far side of the pond. Do you think he might be angry with us?”

“No, Barb. He just flashed us this trademark shit-eating grin.”

“Adorable, isn’t it”

“I’d have to agree.”

“He’s left the pond. Where’s he going?”

“I think he’s headed for the tool shed and shop.”

“Uh oh, that sound! That isn’t what I think it is … is it DP?”

“I’m afraid so, Barb. That’s definitely the sound of a grinder sharpening nails! And here come Bull and Gunner running down from the Treehouse!”
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