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Oh Diddums, I`m Sorry ,but i still can`t stop giggling
men are so easily aroused, Thank Goodness
Especially by images of a stunning blonde with great tits and bum wearing scarlett knickers, black stockings and red heels. Pp might print this off and take it to the office as the explanation for his tardiness this morning.
Especially by images of a stunning blonde with great tits and bum wearing scarlett kinkers, black stockings and red heels. Pp might print this off and take it to the office as the explanation for his tardiness this morning.

Well i want to be nicely dressed for my execution don`t i
i don`t want to be wearing woolen pyjamas and bed socks
spoils the whole scenario
unfortunately for Dorothy, she would be sacrificed in more northern climes and those buffoons Tree, Admi, Pp, QP, Wragg, and RR were still arguing who to do her after she was bound to a tree...

View attachment 194807

Looks like the Rodent used an older style of image recording here and we are distracted by its artistic merit rather than being focussed on the task at hand. Sorry Dorothy, coming now!
Let me set the scene, 1750s france, in a modern guise.

A large hall, men only night,in the centre of the hall a raised platform, 24 steps, on the platform an
original french guillotine, the blade newly sharpened, glistening under the artificial lights.everyone is
there to see a midnight execution.The men are getting more and more excited,and at eleven thirty
i am brought into the hall.dressed in scarlet bra and french knickers, black holdup stockings and
specially for the occasion six inch high red stilleto`s. my hands handcuffed behind me, i slowly climb
the 24 steps "the same number of steps for the first execution in france" and am introduced to my
executioner. the "guests are then free to photograph me from all angles,as we all wait for the midnight
hour. At ten minutes to twelve i am lead to the Bascule, normally the victim faces the bascule then in
position he or she is looking down into the basket, but my handcuffs are removed and my hands cuffed
again in front of me. i stand with my back to the bascule and my body is secured to it, the bascule flicks
up and i am pushed into position my neck fitting into the lunette, i can see the blade above me,i am ready.
the guests are now free to photograph the girl who has only minutes to live. the hall has a tannoy system
tuned in to bbc radio everyone waits for big ben to chime,it starts as it always does then at the first stroke,
and the blade descends and my head falls into the basket.
What Happened!! wha,whe, i am looking at the side of a wicker basket,something warm and wet is falling
onto my head. my eyes flicker and,OH MY GOD, my body is shuddering above me but where is my head .
SHIT, i`m beheaded. somewhere i can hear the cries of happy new year, then realization,yes, when the
votes were counted it was my name that came up first, and most of the votes for me came from the
women who`s husband or boy friend i had slept with, i could`nt help it is they liked me and wanted to bed
me. the girl at the front of the stage wearing the tight black leather pants has a look of quiet satisfaction
on her face, i slept with her boy friend a few times. little does she realize she has two streams of sperm
running down the back of her pants, the two guys stood behind her shot their loads on her as my head
hit the straw, and quite a few girls found out later that the back of their dresses were soaked in hot sperm
as the guys really let in the new year. Now my time is almost up, blackness is surrounding me,my torso
has stopped shuddering but i did make it to 2015, Just.
Great short story with shorter Dorothy at the end...:doh:

I have an a appointment but I will reply with more later..
Let me set the scene, 1750s france, in a modern guise.

A large hall, men only night,in the centre of the hall a raised platform, 24 steps, on the platform an
original french guillotine, the blade newly sharpened, glistening under the artificial lights.everyone is
there to see a midnight execution.The men are getting more and more excited,and at eleven thirty
i am brought into the hall.dressed in scarlet bra and french knickers, black holdup stockings and
specially for the occasion six inch high red stilleto`s. my hands handcuffed behind me, i slowly climb
the 24 steps "the same number of steps for the first execution in france" and am introduced to my
executioner. the "guests are then free to photograph me from all angles,as we all wait for the midnight
hour. At ten minutes to twelve i am lead to the Bascule, normally the victim faces the bascule then in
position he or she is looking down into the basket, but my handcuffs are removed and my hands cuffed
again in front of me. i stand with my back to the bascule and my body is secured to it, the bascule flicks
up and i am pushed into position my neck fitting into the lunette, i can see the blade above me,i am ready.
the guests are now free to photograph the girl who has only minutes to live. the hall has a tannoy system
tuned in to bbc radio everyone waits for big ben to chime,it starts as it always does then at the first stroke,
and the blade descends and my head falls into the basket.
What Happened!! wha,whe, i am looking at the side of a wicker basket,something warm and wet is falling
onto my head. my eyes flicker and,OH MY GOD, my body is shuddering above me but where is my head .
SHIT, i`m beheaded. somewhere i can hear the cries of happy new year, then realization,yes, when the
votes were counted it was my name that came up first, and most of the votes for me came from the
women who`s husband or boy friend i had slept with, i could`nt help it is they liked me and wanted to bed
me. the girl at the front of the stage wearing the tight black leather pants has a look of quiet satisfaction
on her face, i slept with her boy friend a few times. little does she realize she has two streams of sperm
running down the back of her pants, the two guys stood behind her shot their loads on her as my head
hit the straw, and quite a few girls found out later that the back of their dresses were soaked in hot sperm
as the guys really let in the new year. Now my time is almost up, blackness is surrounding me,my torso
has stopped shuddering but i did make it to 2015, Just.

Let me set the scene, 1750s france, in a modern guise.

A large hall, men only night,in the centre of the hall a raised platform, 24 steps, on the platform an
original french guillotine, the blade newly sharpened, glistening under the artificial lights.everyone is
there to see a midnight execution.The men are getting more and more excited,and at eleven thirty
i am brought into the hall.dressed in scarlet bra and french knickers, black holdup stockings and
specially for the occasion six inch high red stilleto`s. my hands handcuffed behind me, i slowly climb
the 24 steps "the same number of steps for the first execution in france" and am introduced to my
executioner. the "guests are then free to photograph me from all angles,as we all wait for the midnight
hour. At ten minutes to twelve i am lead to the Bascule, normally the victim faces the bascule then in
position he or she is looking down into the basket, but my handcuffs are removed and my hands cuffed
again in front of me. i stand with my back to the bascule and my body is secured to it, the bascule flicks
up and i am pushed into position my neck fitting into the lunette, i can see the blade above me,i am ready.
the guests are now free to photograph the girl who has only minutes to live. the hall has a tannoy system
tuned in to bbc radio everyone waits for big ben to chime,it starts as it always does then at the first stroke,
and the blade descends and my head falls into the basket.
What Happened!! wha,whe, i am looking at the side of a wicker basket,something warm and wet is falling
onto my head. my eyes flicker and,OH MY GOD, my body is shuddering above me but where is my head .
SHIT, i`m beheaded. somewhere i can hear the cries of happy new year, then realization,yes, when the
votes were counted it was my name that came up first, and most of the votes for me came from the
women who`s husband or boy friend i had slept with, i could`nt help it is they liked me and wanted to bed
me. the girl at the front of the stage wearing the tight black leather pants has a look of quiet satisfaction
on her face, i slept with her boy friend a few times. little does she realize she has two streams of sperm
running down the back of her pants, the two guys stood behind her shot their loads on her as my head
hit the straw, and quite a few girls found out later that the back of their dresses were soaked in hot sperm
as the guys really let in the new year. Now my time is almost up, blackness is surrounding me,my torso
has stopped shuddering but i did make it to 2015, Just.

28164D5.jpg I am next, but with blue nickers ... nicely removed. Help!!:eek:
Sir Despard Wragg is furious! His Cruxton Abbey suffered heavy damage during the first raid of the Rebellion...
abbey 006.jpg

...and the rebels stole his private plane to facilitate their getaway...
c-47 a.jpg

He is outraged and took his wrath out on a slave the rebels did not know he had. One of his maids prepared the slave...
abbey 001.jpg

...and she was taken to the abbey dungeon to be hanged as warning to anyone who dared cross his pass!!!
abbey 097.jpg

The pictures of her slow strangulation in the noose was widely disseminated. Tree fears this will only inflame the rebels...
hang 106 c.jpg

Sir Despard Wragg is furious! His Cruxton Abbey suffered heavy damage during the first raid of the Rebellion...
View attachment 194937

...and the rebels stole his private plane to facilitate their getaway...
View attachment 194938

He is outraged and took his wrath out on a slave the rebels did not know he had. One of his maids prepared the slave...
View attachment 194936

...and she was taken to the abbey dungeon to be hanged as warning to anyone who dared cross his pass!!!
View attachment 194939

The pictures of her slow strangulation in the noose was widely disseminated. Tree fears this will only inflame the rebels...
View attachment 194940


cool with shades.jpg GOT THAT RIGHT FELLA!
View attachment 194895 I am next, but with blue nickers ... nicely removed. Help!!:eek:

Ok Barbaria, i`m in red knickers ,you are in blue ones
so we toss a coin to see who climbs the twenty four steps first.
if you go first ,i`m going to proposition this big good looking guy
right at the front, i can see he if quite ready judging from that
tent in his pants. if i go first, you have him
Ok Barbaria, i`m in red knickers ,you are in blue ones
so we toss a coin to see who climbs the twenty four steps first.
if you go first ,i`m going to proposition this big good looking guy
right at the front, i can see he if quite ready judging from that
tent in his pants. if i go first, you have him
Excuse me ladies - if he has a tent in his pants would that make him camp?
Excuse me ladies - if he has a tent in his pants would that make him camp?

Now you have put me right off Crucifer
but maybe if he is camp a girl like me
might be able to change his way of
thinking. it will only be a one off quicky
anyway, Barbaria is locked in the Lunette
it only take a split second to remove her head
a quick hosing down of the guillotine then
it`s my turn, yes a big gasp and a OH MY GOD.
Barbaria is headless
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