Finishing Mrs. Kraft's performance
...Mrs Kraft opened her mouth and eyes wide and arched her body, spreading her knees, unable to emit any voice, exhausted and suffering so terribly and degraded so deeply that in this very moment she would gladly accept even a real death, a heart attack or something similar, if only it could put an end to her torment...
In a flash of sober thinking he thought what a terrible fate befell everyone who really had to hang on that cross endlessly, counting on a merciful heart attack, because there was certainly no point in counting on the mercy of the Romans.
"I am a lucky one, they will remove me from this bloody wood in no time!", she thought.
But so far no one was in a hurry to help the tormented volunteer. The schedule must be fulfilled.
First, a scene must be filmed of the convict being mocked by the high priest, Pharisees, priests and Scribes, whose roles the bishop, nuns and officials of the episcopal curia agreed to play.
For the duration of this scene, Mrs Kraft once again forced her suffering body to obey the commands of her will. However, her body became hypersensitive to pain, and the pain increased rapidly. Before the scene ended, her will weakened so much that the woman was no longer able to control her own movements or hold back her painful moans, although they sounded almost as if she was climaxing, especially combined with the knees opening every now and then, arousing a murmur of appreciation between the young man and a laughter and pitiful comments of the women. The audience seemed to be having a great time, as if they were completely unaware of the terrible suffering the actress was going through.
Their words and laughter caused Mrs Kraft nearly as much pain as nails. She wasn't aware that they were additionally instructed by the priests and officials not to show a slightest sympathy and support to the condemned woman, but rather to behave as real spectators on Golgotha would behave, rejoicing at what happened to the self-proclaimed leader of the rebellious misbelievers and wanting the victim to die as painful and degrading death as possible. She closed her eyes again and continued her deadly dance, completely consumed by the experience of pain, shame and fear. She was amazed that she had not yet died from such a powerful dose of such terribly concentrated suffering that she was experiencing. She felt her heart pounding in her chest, she felt like her head was splitting and all her teeth were hurting, her arms were being torn from their joints and her legs were twisted by painful cramps in her calves and thighs.
After few minutes more of a deadly struggle, nearly exhausted, with a terrible pains and a headache, she suddenly felt so terrified that the hair on her head stood on end. Having completely lost track of time, it seemed to her that she had been dying for at least an hour and she thought that maybe she really had been left here to die a terrible death! Did they forget me!? Did my God forget me too...?
She opened her eyes with an effort and focused on the surroundings once again. She looked around half-conscious and her face turned crimson again as she saw the clergy, her family and friends, glaring at her with contemptuous smirks and loudly commenting on the indecent body positions their seemingly virtuous and modest friend was displaying for the world to see. She felt like a true slave, unimaginably degraded and disgraced, before she once again felt the terrible pain growing in her wounds and tearing her to shreds, and seeping into her brain more than the thorns of the crown.
She noticed the woman walking up to her cross and she felt a wet sponge touchong her face. She managed to control her trembling muscles for a few more seconds in order to perform the last task greedily sucking a few sips of the disgustingly acidic liquid from the sponge placed in her mouth by her friend, Luise. When she finished, Luise slid the sponge down her entire body without removing it from her skin, between her breasts, over her navel, to her clitoris, and then between her thighs, wetting and wiping away the sweat and mucus from her excitedly protruding labia. Perhaps she wanted to ease her pain and clean some dirt, blood, sweat, saliva and mucus from her body, but the result was shocking. Mrs Kraft screamed in pain and thrusted her hips forward, feeling a burning pain in her vulva as the acidic vinegar moistened her labia. But in the same while, her sexual excitement reached its zenith and exploded. The aroused woman let out a moan of pain, shame and pleasure at the same time, no longer controlling the reactions of her dying body and waves of a powerful orgasm flowed through her nerves and trembling muscles, causing her to dance and strech the whole body. The knowledge that her nudity was being seen by so many people simultaneously was terrifying, embarrassing and arousing as hell in the same time, much to her surprise. She started shaking her hips and rubbing her buttocks against the vertical column of the cross. The stream of blood from her feet skittered down the cross to the ground; the red drops from her wrists dripped on the swollen nipples; her breasts were rising and falling with quick, deep breaths and dangling with every move to the left or right. The audience started applauding and cheering, and the volunteer realized that everyone had seen it. However, as she released the sexual tension that had surged within her, she felt so exhausted by the terrible ordeal that she accepted it almost indifferently, much to her own surprise.
And then her body fell limply down, loosing all its strength, torn apart by unbearable pain, and she felt herself slowly suffocating as her mind sank back into the depths of madness and despair. She hung motionlessly for few seconds, dreaming of being really crucified and forgetting that she lived in 21st century. Panicking, despaired and shaking, she felt she couldn't hold her urine like an overexcited and horrified little girl, and moaned, emptying her bladder onto her thighs. Then she lifted her body for the last time, stretched out and trembling with exertion, let out a terrible scream and opened her eyes wide, chattering her teeth. Her face contorted into a terrible grimace out of fear that she was really dying. She really wanted to cry "Oh, my God, why have you forsaken me!?" but only an inarticulate croaking sound came from her throat, constricted by fear, like the squeal of a slaughtered pig.
In the meantime the soldier with a fake spear walked up to her and in the very moment he pushed her in the chest with a spearhead looking like a real one but made of a rubber. The stream of an artificial blood, hidden inside the fake spearhead, flooded down her body. Mixed with her urine, blood and sweat, created a muddy puddle at the feet of the cross.
And then Mrs Kraft slided down, scraping her back and buttocks on the rough wood, getting a lot of splinters, and blacking out from the pain as the nails nearly ripped through her wrists. Wide open mouth emitted no sound and wide open eyes saw nothing. It was a wonderful ending of her splendid performance and the audience cheered, applauded and chanted in honor of the brave actress. But she heard nothing. For her the show was finished.
She didn't remember being delivered from the cross, mourned by the Mary nor finally carried out of the square on a stretcher. She woke up after 24 hours remembering only first half of her ordeal. And she had to watch the videos to remember what happened to her at the end of the show.
And she never again regretted that she auditioned for the Way of the Cross. Soon she became the most famous and admired actress in the country and the royalties from the sale of recordings of her entire half-hour performance made her a rich woman. She had often thought about doing it again and sometimes she dreamt of repeating this experience, however, she never felt so brave to really do it.
"Let the young ones prove themselves, I'm too old for this role", she told the bishop, asking her to repeat the splendid show after a year or two, when they met at a charity tea.
"You know, you can dress up for any role, put on make-up and learn to move like the character you are playing, so that you can pretend to be a person much younger than you really are - but, unfortunatelly, not THIS role!"