As you know, there are (or were) two main options for executioners: option 1 which is to secure maximum of the physical pain to the victim in a relatively short time due to the scourging, nailing, impaling, breasts cutting, breaking of legs, burning alive etc. and option 2 while the goal is to secure the slow agony prolonged to the extents, when the main sources of the suffering are hunger, thirst, night cold or sunshine heat, being eaten alive by worms and insects, and last but not least psychical torment of being humiliated, expulsed, unwanted, worthless and hopeless. The second option required some kind of support under the feet or under the crotch of a victim. The sedile is okay but sometimes we want to humiliate a victim a bit more, especially because the sedile itself partially covers his/her crotch from the spectators. Penetration of anus and/or vagina with some wooden devices looks the most wanted, but...
...but there is a technical query regarding "option 2 crucifixion": how to impale victim tormenting him or her sexual zones with doing no real harm (as speeding up death will be the most unwanted result of wounding his/her intestines in this case)?
Maybe the sedile + short cornu(s) combination is an answer. It could be designed in two versions, for males and for females. It is pure fantasy and non-verifyable hypothesis, but looks for me strongly sexually humiliating and cruel enough to be at least probable. How do you feel?
Technical matter - part 2
Regarding the "female" horned sedile, we are sure that the best option would be to push cornus in both >holes< together, however during this action we would encounter significant difficulties: the best arrangement of the two spikes was not a parallel, but a significantly converged one, however inserting of sharp tips of two converging cornus into both body openings in the same time is impossible, as the distance between the tips should be approximately one inch, while the distance between the vaginal and anal openings is several times bigger.
The most simple solution in my opinion would be to use the sedile block with the rear cornu fixed with the front spike being hammered into the pre-drilled hole after the rear one fully inserted into the victim's anus. The process was schematically shown on my sketch. The executioners should:
- lift the condemned up over the top of the cornu,
- let her slip down, inserting the cornu sharp tip into her anus, until she was fully penetrated by the horn i.e. until her crotch touched the top of sedile plank. With no support for her feet it wouldn't take long,
- fix the patibulum at this level or slightly lower,
- nail her feet, estimating the level of the nails. Note: even if she would fully straighten her legs, the tip of the cornu shall remain inside her body, preventing her from escaping from impalation,
- hammer the front spike into the hole in the sedile plank. After the tip of the spike emerged over the surface of the sedile, the executioner should insert it directly into the vagina of the condemned using his palms, while his comrade should continue hammering the spike slowly with gentle strokes. Then he will proceed with full his power to impale the genitals of the condemned woman. It would be the most painful and perhaps the most humiliating phase of the whole crucifixion,
- in the final position both spikes should be driven less or more deep into the intestines of the victim. In an extreme case the tips of both spikes could touch to one another.
According to some (much later) Spanish sources, concerning death penalty by impalation, this was the most painful method of impaling women and they experienced that the female victims of "a double impalement" were not even able to emit any voice during the hammering due to the extraordinary muscle tension and painful spasms.
So we can be sure that merging crucifixion with impalation (and maybe with final burning the victim down when she was still alive) was one of the most cruel method of annihilating the human being ever invented.