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The Chronicle Of Sir Rupert And The Lost Cross

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"They fell out after a misunderstanding over a lovely girl called ‘Barbaria’. Repertor thought Kibonreju was a good guy, and he allowed him, as he thought, to rescue Barbaria, who had been crucified by an evil emperor named Arborius. Instead of rescuing her, Kibonreju abducted her, still on her cross, and took her to a secret underground location, where she remains to this day, a mere plaything for Kibonreju.”

This was helpful ... clears up a lot of questions ... got it ;)
Repertor saw her, and leaped to his feet. “Eulalia, what are you…..

Oh dear. Bit of a cockup. :eek::rolleyes:

Oh come now, Eul doesn't shout - just gives a severe look
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Wouldn't blame you for shouting. The castle walls (and windows) are quite strong.:D

:( Well :confused: Messaline sees well that nobody wants to save her ...
Some are drinking a nice cup of tea, some others are contemplating the lover'woman , extracted out of the Kibonreju'claws ...
The woman despatched by Merlin was coming out ; fortunatelly, learning that her sister malins was also crucified, I think that she'll come ...
But, not for me .......:(
Perhaps, at the occasion, I could escape, but, I've no illusion ........:confused:

Some crucifixion'centuries are waiting for Messaline, alas ...

After all, I dont care ...I did my duty .....

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:( Well :confused: Messaline sees well that nobody wants to save her ...
Some are drinking a nice cup of tea, some others are contemplating the lover'woman , extracted out of the Kibonreju'claws ...
The woman despatched by Merlin was coming out ; fortunatelly, learning that her sister malins was also crucified, I think that she'll come ...
But, not for me .......:(
Perhaps, at the occasion, I could escape, but, I've no illusion ........:confused:

Some crucifixion'centuries are waiting for Messaline, alas ...

After all, I dont care ...I did my duty .....

Oh, poor Messa! :(

What's that, Barb? The first hundred years are the worst? :eek:

Oh, yes, I'm sure that will cheer her up no end. :rolleyes:
Some crucifixion'centuries are waiting for Messaline, alas ...
oh, Messaline's unhappy with her fate - but why? :confused:
We know she adores being crucified -
perhaps she's homesick? Maybe some landscaping to Kibonreju's hideout
would make her feel more content on her cross?

Oh, poor Messa! :(

What's that, Barb? The first hundred years are the worst? :eek:

Oh, yes, I'm sure that will cheer her up no end. :rolleyes:
Ah, but the second hundred weren't that good, and after that there's a bit of a decline.
Hmm. Good host, is it?
Let's see. I suppose Eul might be appeased by a nice cup of decent tea, while I tour you lot through the finer points of my well endowed torture chamber (I do have to keep Thessela entertained :devil:) , if you take my meaning. Didn't really need you to mope about, but a very unhappy mage woman in my castle:mad: suggests that I should perhaps give you a bit of motivation to get on back to the rescue part (while you still have bits left to go rescuing with). ;):eek:

I know it's probably certain death and futility, but what's life really for anyway? (If you're you, I mean:devil:. For me, it's comfy castles, a pretty adventurous wife, and a seriously interesting dungeon with rather a lot of trained men at arms.):cool:

No pressure, of course. Let me know when you're done getting yelled at by Eulalia.:BoredSmiley::popcorn::D

What do you take in your tea, Lady Eulalia? Oh. No, I quite understand if you're not done glarin' at these fellas quite yet.
Ah, but the second hundred weren't that good, and after that there's a bit of a decline.
Hmm. Good host, is it?
Let's see. I suppose Eul might be appeased by a nice cup of decent tea, while I tour you lot through the finer points of my well endowed torture chamber (I do have to keep Thessela entertained :devil:) , if you take my meaning. Did really need you to mope about, but a very unhappy mage woman in my castle:mad: suggests that I should perhaps give you a bit of motivation to get on back to the rescue part (while you still have bits left to go rescuing with). ;):eek:

I know it's probably certain death and futility, but what's life really for anyway? (If you're you, I mean:devil:. For me, it's comfy castles, a pretty adventurous wife, and a seriously interesting dungeon with rather a lot of trained men at arms.):cool:

No pressure, of course. Let me know when you're done getting yelled at by Eulalia.:BoredSmiley::popcorn::D

What do you take in your tea, Lady Eulalia? Oh. No, I quite understand if you're not done glarin' at these fellas quite yet.


(There he goes again....:doh: If he'd spend more time writing and less time laughing we might get this sorry saga concluded!)
Mmmmmm ! Is't true, my squirrel ?

...and with your equipment ?
View attachment 320976 :D

... and you'll save your Princess ?

View attachment 320978 :rolleyes:

Well mostly it has been left to wizards and witches...mechanical stuff tends to put them off their stride but should they all drop then ;)

Then the gloves come off...well more the tarpaulins come off and the gloves get covered in grease but you know what I mean :D

What do you take in your tea, Lady Eulalia? Oh. No, I quite understand if you're not done glarin' at these fellas quite yet.
Eul's special grind, please - no, I don't mean made into coffee, just give me a cupful of beans,
I can digest them while I glare ominously...
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