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The Chronicle Of Sir Rupert And The Lost Cross

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What ho, girls! Nice to see Barb up and about. Been to rouse that gloomy magical chap, Repertoire, eh? :)

Hmm. They don't look like it's all roses and successful rescues. :confused:

He does know Thess has a rather large dragon, doesn't he?:rolleyes:

Come on, Reporter, old man. Buck up. There's rescuing or dying to be done. :D
Repertor will fling away his spellbook and get a catapult to provide artillery support.
Please please... when you hurl a rock from a wooden catapult ... as a wizard ... don't say FIRE like these incompetents.
Because then you'll just have a burning pile of wood. Dumpfbacken.
Oh, our spirits!
Have you been at the fire-water again, those spirits?
I feel most dispirited here... assailed by doubts concerning the quality of my alliances...
But we have our strong points too:
sir Rupert, the wise and charismatic leader;

LOL !!!

Pilus, the dauntless warrior with the sword of Goliath;

He doesn't know how to use of it !!!:D

brother Roland's brains, his knowledge and inventive ideas;

Inventive ideas ????? Thanks !!!!! I'm nailed now !!!!:eek:

Freddy with his searing fire and his ability to fly.

He's going to burn us into the grotta !!!:eek::eek:

And we have reinforcements:
saint Barbaria, whose pious prayers will give us strength;
the lady Thessela who is brave enough to join us and who has brought a second dragon.

What a program ! Prayers and fire !!!You want our death !!!:eek::eek::eek:
I know when it's time to accept my fate.
I trust my soul will sail on silver wings when released from the charred ruin of my consumed, crucified corpse.
I let go of my concerns, cease to resist the pain, let it go through me, unite with it.
Time has been long and somewhere, somehow it had to happen.

Fret not for even now our gallant Chronicler (who has a vested in interest in seeing his ancestor Sir Rupert survive to breed) is brewing a plot full of stratagems and cunning with a possible side order of courage. Let us cloak ourselves in our armour as we gird our faith in our Lord and let us with joy in our hearts put to peril those souls he has granted eternal life that we may overawe Kibonreju who lusts for our snivelling whimpers of defeat, with the brilliance and hope of the righteous who conquer all who turn from the path set by God!

Fret not for even now our gallant Chronicler (who has a vested in interest in seeing his ancestor Sir Rupert survive to breed) is brewing a plot full of stratagems and cunning with a possible side order of courage. Let us cloak ourselves in our armour as we gird our faith in our Lord and let us with joy in our hearts put to peril those souls he has granted eternal life that we may overawe Kibonreju who lusts for our snivelling whimpers of defeat, with the brilliance and hope of the righteous who conquer all who turn from the path set by God!

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Well said, Sir Rodent. Inspirin' stuff. Agincourt, St. Eulalia's Day, and all that.
Fret not for even now our gallant Chronicler (who has a vested in interest in seeing his ancestor Sir Rupert survive to breed) is brewing a plot full of stratagems and cunning with a possible side order of courage. Let us cloak ourselves in our armour as we gird our faith in our Lord and let us with joy in our hearts put to peril those souls he has granted eternal life that we may overawe Kibonreju who lusts for our snivelling whimpers of defeat, with the brilliance and hope of the righteous who conquer all who turn from the path set by God!

Would this Kibonreju fella be able to stand against a company of such doughty warriors?
Buck up Repertor!
Once more into the breach dear wizard!

Lord Jollyrei was an ardent admirer of beauty.
Nowhere was this more true than in the castle gardens.
Kyoto_Botanical_Garden_-_sunken_garden.jpg 1308358317garden-of-dreams-jpg.jpg

One was dressed in the finest garments that money could buy, and our casual observer would have correctly concluded that she was the Lady Thessela herself.

“Ooh, Thessela, look! There’s Repertor, I haven’t seen him since we got here. Do let’s sit with him a while!”

“Oh, Repertor, that is SO not true! You’ve no idea how much better my wrists look and feel without damn great nails sticking through them!”

Thessela cast about in the depths of her mind for things to do to cheer up a Depressed Wizard, without much success.

“The others are just as bad. The only one with any backbone is Roland.

Pilus was already desolated about Malins and Messaline, and after a full day of Repertor’s jollity on the way here he hasn’t left his room since arriving! He’s barely had a scrap to eat!

Wragg’s all for clearing off back to England

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Fret not for even now our gallant Chronicler (who has a vested in interest in seeing his ancestor Sir Rupert survive to breed) is brewing a plot full of stratagems and cunning with a possible side order of courage. Let us cloak ourselves in our armour as we gird our faith in our Lord and let us with joy in our hearts put to peril those souls he has granted eternal life that we may overawe Kibonreju who lusts for our snivelling whimpers of defeat, with the brilliance and hope of the righteous who conquer all who turn from the path set by God!

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Amen, Brother Roland ;)

See, the prayer of a righteous man accomplisheth much! :)

Would this Kibonreju fella be able to stand against a company of such doughty warriors?
Buck up Repertor!
Once more into the breach dear wizard!

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Or even the prayer of a righteous rodent! :rolleyes:
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