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The Chronicle Of Sir Rupert And The Lost Cross

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she was now secured by that one nail, and though the cross itself moved six inches or so across the cave floor
e drove the nail hard through Malins’ wrist and then laughed merrily as her body lifted into the air while Repertor tried to lift her with pure mental effort
I knew I'd have to suffer this! Getting crucified is one thing I say (scream)! But having the cross starting to move under you or having yourself half torn off of it is even worse! Someone mentioned worse than a rodeo on a wild bull, well nailed to a bucking cross is surely worse!!! Kibonreju must be cackling with glee when he sees me getting tortured additionally by these hapless attempts!

Admit defeat!

Let us suffer as we're made to suffer - and work out something else to redeem your honor!

We are beyond saving!

Remember me, but ah! forget my fate!

And in the cave, the sound of agony reverberates, what words to describe? Messa, elsewhere, had found the words to which nothing can be added, hear the despair, feel it tear your heart, see the Demon relish in it, ...

Messaline, on the other hand, had plenty to say.

“Can you see, Repertor, what I see? Can you seem them smash that nail through her wrist? Can you see her body arching in unbelievable agony? Can you hear her screams? Oh, look, now they are going to nail her feet. Let me tell you how that feels. You can feel the bones in your foot breaking as the nail passes through. It is a hundred times worse than the worst pain you’ve ever felt, and that includes the pain you just felt when they nailed your wrists. There goes the hammer. See that look of panic and disbelief in her eyes? Her cries are deafening in this enclosed space, I think all Bavaria can hear her. Can you hear her, Repertor, you bastard? Don't worry, though, Repertor, the other foot is slightly better, but only because her brain is too overwhelmed by torture to compute yet more pain. Oh, but she's still screaming so loud!

1566-11557062.jpg In reading that to my comput, I'm wondering where are we going here ...
Indeed that are women who are the most suffering in this , hum, story (?)!!!

...... and these men cant nothing !!!!!!!!!!
Repertor was having a very bad day. Not quite as bad as Malins and Messalines, perhaps, but everything he did just seemed to make things worse.


You can take that literally.
We are both immortal.
From the depths of the resonant caverns,
our unending cries will be ever-present everywhere,
underlying the rest of your lives,
like an ostinato pattern, like an ever-descending lament bass laid beneath all your waking and sleeping hours.

That will be your cross.


No pressure, then, gents! :eek:
Whew. Caught up again, finally. I come back to my castle to a note from Thessela saying she's gone to Germany. Got herself a nice new dragon, plucky gel. Apparently, she thinks things might not be goin' quite to plan.

Maybe I should think about shifting off there meself, maybe with a few men at arms, and my trusty battle axe. :cool: That Sir Roland chap didn't seem great in the tactical department. Probably got everyone crucified. Heart in the right place, of course... :rolleyes::D
Pain. Incredible pain. Pain in his head, pain in every bone of his body. He felt as though he’d been trampled by a horse.
When Pp headed to the wilderness on Friday he took enough good ale and shiraz to last three nights. But with 2/3 consumed to celebrate a successful (dry) lake crossing this is exactly as he felt on Saturday morning.;)

Still.....many kilometers later he is feeling much better, fitter, stronger...citius, altius, fortius and all that.

Now...if only he can catch up and understand where everyone is. That French fellow didn't say anything about scitus or acutulus now did he? :rolleyes:
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Great Great story Wragg :)
That is very kind of you to say so, Possum! :)

When Pp headed to the wilderness on Friday he took enough good ale and shiraz to last three nights. But with 2/3 consumed to celebrate a successful (dry) lake crossing this is exactly as he felt on Saturday morning.;)

Still.....many kilometers later he is feeling much better, fitter, stronger...citius, altius, fortius and all that.

Now...if only he can catch up and understand where everyone is. That French fellow didn't say anything about scitus or acutulus now did he? :rolleyes:
So... you'll be fighting fit very shortly? :cool:
Whew. Caught up again, finally. I come back to my castle to a note from Thessela saying she's gone to Germany. Got herself a nice new dragon, plucky gel. Apparently, she thinks things might not be goin' quite to plan.

Maybe I should think about shifting off there meself, maybe with a few men at arms, and my trusty battle axe. :cool: That Sir Roland chap didn't seem great in the tactical department. Probably got everyone crucified. Heart in the right place, of course... :rolleyes::D

I think you're right, Jollyrei.....as Roland said, direct frontal assault....need to stop pussyfooting about with this Kibonreju character! :mad:

As for Sir Rupert, absolutely, old bean. Dead loss, if you ask me :rolleyes:
Poor Repertor, il est desolé :rolleyes:
Repertor is disgraced:(. His ideas as well as his lack of ideas have turned out badly and now he has to face the women's wrath:eek:. Never before was he so aware of the limitations of his powers.
Insight is the first step on the path to improvement...
Sorcery and spells don't seem to work in this case. We will have to beat Kibonreju by means of conventional warfare.
lego-castle-mountain-dragon-2-300x242.jpg That will not be an easy task. He knows that his shelter has been discovered.

What are his advantages?
an evil mind which produces unpredictable ideas;
a cave which is easy to defend;
a considerable cavalry equipped with winged horses;
two hostages to whom he can apply his cruel tortures.​

But we have our strong points too:
sir Rupert, the wise and charismatic leader;
Pilus, the dauntless warrior with the sword of Goliath;
brother Roland's brains, his knowledge and inventive ideas;
Freddy with his searing fire and his ability to fly.​

And we have reinforcements:
saint Barbaria, whose pious prayers will give us strength;
the lady Thessela who is brave enough to join us and who has brought a second dragon.​

There are also rumors that sir Jolly is considering to come to aid with his men of arms and his battle axe.

Off to be the Wizard.jpg Repertor will fling away his spellbook and get a catapult to provide artillery support.
wiz-id1.gif 319069_full.gif

Sophie is a sweetie, but she gets a bit excited, and I'm still looking for the brake!
But we have our strong points too:
sir Rupert, the wise and charismatic leader;
Pilus, the dauntless warrior with the sword of Goliath;
brother Roland's brains, his knowledge and inventive ideas;
Freddy with his searing fire and his ability to fly.​

And we have reinforcements:
saint Barbaria, whose pious prayers will give us strength;
the lady Thessela who is brave enough to join us and who has brought a second dragon.​

There are also rumors that sir Jolly is considering to come to aid with his men of arms and his battle axe.

And we do have a sorcerer who just needs a bit of a pep talk and he'll be fine! ;)

Thess? Barb? Can you put a smile on Repertor's face? :eek:

Let's see :rolleyes:
Lord Jollyrei was a man famed throughout France for his impeccable taste. Only the best was good enough for him, the architecture and artwork of Castle Jollyrei was exceptionally fine. Only the best horses filled his stables, only the best food graced his tables. The humblest kitchen maid was a sight for sore eyes, but his wife, the Lady Thessela, was the envy of the entire French aristocracy. Lord Jollyrei was an ardent admirer of beauty.

Nowhere was this more true than in the castle gardens. Impeccably manicured lawns wove between beds of flowers vibrant in their beauty and perfect in their balance of colour and size. Spectacular fountains played amid ornaments of the finest marble. On this particular day, even the weather was paying homage to Lord Jollyrei, for it could not be faulted, with just a few fluffy clouds adding interest to a deep blue sky in which a golden sun shone.

The only jarring note amid all this splendour was the solitary figure seated on a bench in the gardens. A passing observer would note from his mode of dress and his style of facial hair, which included a lengthy beard, that he was a magician or sorcerer of some kind. Yet that same observer also could not fail to be aware that he was a very unhappy sorcerer indeed.

He gazed, with unseeing eyes, at the fountains. He had chosen a spot in the shade of a tree, so the sun was entirely wasting its efforts on him. A flock of goldfinches, surely among the most cheering and heartlifting of birds, was waved away with irritation.

Two young ladies, determined to enjoy the clement weather while it lasted, entered the garden. One was dressed in the finest garments that money could buy, and our casual observer would have correctly concluded that she was the Lady Thessela herself. The other was equally lovely, but limped painfully, hanging onto Thessela’s arm for support with wrists that were themselves badly scarred.

“Ooh, Thessela, look! There’s Repertor, I haven’t seen him since we got here. Do let’s sit with him a while!”

“Oh, yes, Barb, shall we? I had such fun learning to fly dragons! I used to dread being eaten by them but actually they are lovely when you’re not their dinner! Hi Repertor!”

Repertor merely grunted in reply, but did not object when they each sat either side of him. Both started talking at once, thanking him for saving their lives, and telling him what a wonderful chap he was.

“I’m not wonderful, I’ve done far more harm than good!”

“Oh, Repertor, that is SO not true! You’ve no idea how much better my wrists look and feel without damn great nails sticking through them!”

“Yes, but now I have two women crucified instead of one, and one of them is Malins, who is my greatest friend in the universe, and now Kibonreju is more powerful than ever, and I have no idea what to do? Everything I do just makes things worse!”


“There are no ‘buts’, Barbaria. He’ll get you back, he’s bound to. You’ll be back on a cross within a week, mark my words, so enjoy your freedom. There’s sod all I can do about it!”

Thessela cast about in the depths of her mind for things to do to cheer up a Depressed Wizard, without much success. They tried telling him how smoothly the part of the plan to release Barb had gone, but he merely reproached himself yet again for not forseeing the fog trick, and for allowing Messa and Malins to fall into Kibonreju’s evil clutches.

“Repertor, please! Do buck up!” Thessela went for the direct approach. “You are Messaline and Malins’ only hope of rescue! If what you say is true, you are Barb’s only hope of staying uncrucified!”

“Repertor, I can’t go back on a cross! I just can’t!” Barb shuddered at the thought of losing her new-found freedom. "Please! Do something!"

But it was no good. Nothing they said or did seemed to help, and in the end the two ladies gave up, and left him.

“What are we going to do, Thess? We can’t just leave the girls with Kibonreju, but with Repertor in that mood……”

“The others are just as bad. The only one with any backbone is Roland. Pilus was already desolated about Malins and Messaline, and after a full day of Repertor’s jollity on the way here he hasn’t left his room since arriving! He’s barely had a scrap to eat! Wragg’s all for clearing off back to England, and taking you with him, he certainly isn’t interested in heading back to Bavaria.”

“But Thess! Those poor women!”

“I know, Barb. It’s a bloody, bloody mess.”
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Well we have two girls, two dragons and a mad monk, I am sure given a suitable distraction our brave cruxettes can still be rescued

Plus come to think of it but well Sir Rupert and Pilus might just need a little personal persuasion from Barbaria to rise to the occasion ;)

Barb has no intention of "rising to the occasion" (nice euphemism for being nailed naked to a bloody cross), Rodent! Can't you read?

“Repertor, I can’t go back on a cross! I just can’t!” Barb shuddered at the thought of losing her new-found freedom. "Please! Do something!"

Sounds pretty clear to me!
Barb has no intention of "rising to the occasion" (nice euphemism for being nailed naked to a bloody cross), Rodent! Can't you read?

“Repertor, I can’t go back on a cross! I just can’t!” Barb shuddered at the thought of losing her new-found freedom. "Please! Do something!"

Sounds pretty clear to me!

I am distinctly sure it was the gentlemen whose spirits need raising

I would have thought the prospect of your not having to rise would have been inspiration for some ahem inspiration ;)
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