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The Chronicle Of Sir Rupert And The Lost Cross

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Why does it still take three days to raise someone properly from the dead after all these centuries. Have there been no advances made at all since the case of the Nazarene carpenter?
you can get next day delivery, but it costs an arm and a leg :p
If she’s lucky he’ll only crucify her.
Well it looks like I might get lucky, but ...
you can get next day delivery, but it costs an arm and a leg
... if I want Pilus on next day delivery, so he can, uh, deliver me, and it'll cost me an arm and a leg, ummm I guess Kibonreju won't even really need a cross to nail me on, a simple post is enough.
It would be really unkind if they took the arm and leg both from the same side. The undignified flopping. Immortality curses should really be summarily banned, they're just unfair. I've been petitioning for their abolition since before time began ;)
Well it looks like I might get lucky, but ...

... if I want Pilus on next day delivery, so he can, uh, deliver me, and it'll cost me an arm and a leg, ummm I guess Kibonreju won't even really need a cross to nail me on, a simple post is enough.
It would be really unkind if they took the arm and leg both from the same side. The undignified flopping. Immortality curses should really be summarily banned, they're just unfair. I've been petitioning for their abolition since before time began ;)

The replies to this thread have me in a state of continuous laughter....:)

How's a chap supposed to write a story when he's forever giggling? :D
Wragg and Roland were using rather more conventional horses which they’d tethered out of sight. They were making good their escape from Kibonreju’s den. Barb and Wragg were on one horse, and Roland on another, as they headed for the spot where they’d planned to meet Repertor and the others.

“Ye Gods!” said Roland, watching events unfold. “They’ve got flying horses!”

Wragg and Barb followed his pointing finger. “What’s happening?” Barb had spent hundreds of years in a cave, sunlight was still painful.

“There’s some kind of firefight going on, YES!!!!” Wragg raised his fist in triumph as a horse tumbled from the sky.

“Oh, look! They are slaughtering them!” yelled Roland, gleefully. “I didn’t expect flying horses, but they’re knocking them down like…….Oh.”

“Oh dear, “ agreed Wragg, as a cloud enveloped the sleeping witch’s nipple.

“That’s not good,” commented Roland.

“Oh, please God, let them be OK!” prayed Barb.

“Amen,” agreed Roland and Wragg in unison.

They watched in silence, and then Barb said quietly, “I can hear Messaline screaming.”

The hairs stood up on the back of Wragg’s neck.

“I will tell you precisely what will happen next,” announced Barbaria. “Flying horses will lift her off that mountain and fly her to the cave.”

The two men watched aghast as flying horses lifted Messaline, on her cross, high into the air over the mountain. “How did you…” began Wragg.

“How did I know? Because that is exactly what happened to me. And let me assure you, it scared the shit out of me.”

“Poor Messaline…..” Wragg looked stunned.

“We have a problem.” Roland was the one proactively considering the situation. “It’ll take them, what, ten minutes to get back to the cave. Within five minutes they’ll find you gone. With flying horses I’d say they’ll find us within another ten minutes. Max 15. So, unless we do something, you and I, Sir Rupert, have approximately half an hour left to live, and you, my lady, will be back on your cross within the hour.”

“Where’s Repertor when you need him?” grumbled Wragg.

Roland waved at the mountain. “I’d say he was busy. Let’s at least head for those trees, not that it would need much brains to figure out we might be there, but it could win us a few more precious minutes!”

Barbaria screamed. “What the hell is THAT?”

“That I can be confident about.” Wragg saw a ray of hope. “That is a dragon, and his name is Freddie. Fear not, he’s quite friendly when you get to know him.”

“No.” Roland contradicted. “It’s not Freddie. It’s greyer than Freddie, maybe slightly larger. Maybe slightly less friendly, too. I think we really are in the soup now.”

“If it isn’t friendly,” asked Barb, “why is there a woman sitting on it?”

Wragg squinted. “Good God in Heaven above! Thessela! Am I ever glad to see you!”

“Hi Wragg!” called Thessela. “Meet Sophie! Isn’t she just SO cute?”
What if the fiend overruns us and the rate of exchange goes to our disadvantage, with Kibonreju getting two new victims on his crosses for surrendering one?
People sometimes say I'm too pessimistic, spend too much time worrying about what might go wrong and so forth. Well I don't want to hear any of that, because look at what happened!

My fate seems sealed, cross and fire,
Repertor? Could you just have that confiscated dragon of yours breathe some fire on me in case things go really bad?
Or I may have to breath in some of Malins's ashes
although His Rodency seems to confuse me with another witch! Let's leave her out of this, we might all regret it!

You would be amazed at just how quickly Thessela learned to fly a dragon!
I had no choice!
For once I'm glad to hear that phrase from your mouth Thess ;)
Our last hope!
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