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The Chronicle Of Sir Rupert And The Lost Cross

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Repertor had the same thought when he saw it. It made him even more desperate.
And Malins... and Barbaria next week...:(
Sir Jolly should remove it if he has good taste.

Oh for heaven's sake...I am going to kick a wizard up the backside

Be nice to any strange frogs you meet....just in case ;)

Oh and remind Repertor that should he turn a man of God into a small mouse/frog/bird/shrub/pile of ash he owes our Lord at least two rescues of damsels...though if he can find two in a spot of bother close together that counts for both...might anyone have any ideas ;)
Look, mate, it's not the shrubbery's fault, is it? Fine bit of topiary that. Lovely trimming and nice rounded...:oops:

If looking at landscape art like that isn't inspiring, I don't know.:p:rolleyes:
Nice frog. When did we get that one done?
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Be nice to any strange frogs you meet....just in case ;)

'Be kind to your web-footed friends,
For that frog may be somebody's mother
She lives in a hole in a swamp
Where the weather's always damp...'
“Gentlemen, please!” In all his life Jollyrei had never witnessed a row like it. “Please, be calm! Let us resolve this like adults!”

“Adults!” screamed Roland.” He’s no adult!” He pointed a shaking finger at Wragg. “Nor is he a Gentleman! He’s just a fucking coward!”

“How fucking dare you, you dog!” Wragg was purple faced with rage. “ I have spent weeks of my life facing God knows how much danger and discomfort! I had a clear objective, given to me by none other than His Majesty King Arthur himself! To rescue Barbaria from her cross! I have achieved that objective, and now I shall take Barbaria home to England! You may do as you please, Brother Roland, but I have no further business in Bavaria!”

“Do I get a say in this?” chimed in Barbaria.

“You are a woman and you will be silent!” snarled Wragg. “You will be leaving Castle Jollyrei for England with me at first light tomorrow, and that is my final word! Whether Brother Roland chooses to come or to wander back to that God-forsaken land of crosses, mis-shapen mountains and overweight devils is entirely a matter for him!”

Barbaria stood up, and looked Wragg full in the face. “No.”

“What do you mean ‘no’, woman? You’ll do as you are bid!”

“I MEAN NO, I’M NOT GOING TO ENGLAND!!!!” The castle shook as Barbaria, losing her temper, bellowed at Wragg.

For a moment there was a stunned silence.

Pilus Primus came in, to see what all the fuss was about. Wragg implored him, “Pilus, surely you of all people, you’re not going back to Bavaria?”

Barbaria didn’t give him chance to answer. “Wragg, I’ve had enough of this. Read my lips. We. Are. Going. Nowhere. Near. England. Unless. Messaline and Malins. Are. Safe. Clear?”

“Sounds clear enough to me.” Pilus grunted.

“Et Tu, Pilus?” Wragg realised he was in a minority of one. “But….but….Messaline knew what she was risking, surely she wouldn’t….”

“WRAGG? Are you stupid or something?” Barbaria’s eyes were blazing, now she’d taken over from Roland as Chief Protagonist. “Use your bloody brain, for God’s sake! You went to Germany to rescue a woman on a cross. Me. Thank you. I’m very grateful. But Messaline is now just as I was, naked, scared, in continuous agony, continuously being tortured and abused by Kibonreju! And so is poor Malins! You expect me to go to England and sleep at night and live the life of an English Lady knowing that, all the time, Messaline and Malins are hanging on crosses just because of me? What kind of a monster do you think I am? And what kind of a monster are you, to even consider such a thing?”

“Ohhhhhhh…..SHIT!” Wragg had no better answer for her. “You seriously expect me to go back to bloody Bavaria, freezing my balls off sat on the back of that blasted dragon for hour after hour, hoping in the face of bitter experience that this time we can beat Kibonreju? With Repertor in the depths of despondency? We’re all just committing extremely painful suicide!”

There was a gentle knock at the door, and the butler entered.

“What the hell do you want?” Wragg was furious at the interruption, but Jollyrei ignored him.


“My apologies, milord, but there is a lady at the door. She says she has been sent by Merlin. She says her name is Eulalia.”
...“Use your bloody brain, for God’s sake! You went to Germany to rescue a woman on a cross. Me. Thank you. I’m very grateful. But Messaline is now just as I was, naked, scared, in continuous agony, continuously being tortured and abused by Kibonreju! And so is poor Malins! You expect me to go to England and sleep at night and live the life of an English Lady knowing that, all the time, Messaline and Malins are hanging on crosses just because of me? What kind of a monster do you think I am? And what kind of a monster are you, to even consider such a thing?”...

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm ! Barb, I wasn't waiting anything else from you, MY LOVE !:rolleyes:

At least, you're remembering our old friendship !!!

1 Britanny'calvary.JPG :):):)
“My apologies, milord, but there is a lady at the door. She says she has been sent by Merlin. She says her name is Eulalia.”

Ooooh ! Merlin ! I was nearly going to use of my own "protector" !

hhs5algl.jpg ...but if Merlin sends an emissary, all will be better !


("No, Judith, I've not said "malins", but "Merlin" !:D")
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm ! Barb, I wasn't waiting anything else from you, MY LOVE !:rolleyes:

At least, you're remembering our old friendship !!!

Ooooh ! Merlin ! I was nearly going to use of my own "protector" !

View attachment 320364 ...but if Merlin sends an emissary, all will be better !


("No, Judith, I've not said "malins", but "Merlin" !:D")

1 Britanny'calvary.JPG Ahhh Bretagne ... how could I ever forget Messa how we suffered together in that cool Atlantic breeze, nailed and forgotten, left to the elements until death overtook us.
Aha! Eulalia! Now things will get interesting, eh? Show her in at once, Henri, with all courtesy. She is most welcome. Now gentlemen, help is at hand, because, well, in addition to being educated in the ways of divers things,:) she is beautiful and most capable in...well she makes a damn fine cup of espresso. :oops::) Not something to scoff at, in my opinion. :cool:

Welcome, fair Eulalia! Well met.
Adults!” screamed Roland.” He’s no adult!” He pointed a shaking finger at Wragg.

“How fucking dare you, you dog!” Wragg was purple faced with rage.
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“You are a woman and you will be silent!” snarled Wragg.
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Barb has spoken.
now she’d taken over from Roland as Chief Protagonist.

“Et Tu, Pilus?” Wragg realised he was in a minority of one.
557983_684705451548914_463994594_n.jpg So be sure to be right.

“Ohhhhhhh…..SHIT!” Wragg had no better answer for her.

There was a gentle knock at the door, and the butler entered.
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Aha! Eulalia! Now things will get interesting, eh? Show her in at once, Henri, with all courtesy. She is most welcome. Now gentlemen, help is at hand, because, well, in addition to being educated in the ways of divers things,:) she is beautiful and most capable in...well she makes a damn fine cup of espresso. :oops::) Not something to scoff at, in my opinion. :cool:

Welcome, fair Eulalia! Well met.
I think the arrival of the butler is always a promising sign,
when the plot seems to be dissolving into incurable chaos :devil:
Lady Thessela made haste to the entrance hall to greet the new arrival. She surveyed the newcomer with interest, taking in clothes which featured gold brocade, an attractive, intelligent face with eyes that seemed to pierce into your very soul, surmounted by a mane of reddish-gold hair, not one strand of which was out of place despite her journey.

“Madame, you are warmly welcomed to Castle Jollyrei! May I offer you food and drink for refreshment after your journey? Perhaps a room for as long as you may wish to stay?”

Eulalia gracefully and gratefully accepted Thessela’s kind offers, and one servant provided the comestibles while another ensured that her things were taken to a suitable room.

For a while, Eulalia and Thessela made small talk. “I saw something very interesting on my way here,” remarked Eulalia, after a while. “A naked woman on a cross, just outside the town?”

“Oh, that’s Dorothea! Repertor had her crucified, but she’s due down the day after tomorrow. She tried to steal a particularly valuable sword.”

“Would that, by any chance, be the Sword of Goliath?”

Thessela looked at her, narrowly. “Yes….it would. How did you know?”

“I got searched three times on my way here by men looking for it!”

There was a silence. Thessela eyed her expectantly, feeling perhaps that now might be the right moment for Eulalia to come to the point.

“You are wondering why I am here?”

“That, and who exactly you are?”

“I am Eulalia of Ystragarth, High Priestess of the Silver River. I have a very good friend whose name is Merlin.” She stressed, ever so slightly, the word ‘very’. Thessela knew exactly what she meant. “He has a brother whose name, as it happens, is ‘Repertor.’ This Repertor has spent many centuries duelling with a being from the underworld called Kibonreju. They fell out after a misunderstanding over a lovely girl called ‘Barbaria’. Repertor thought Kibonreju was a good guy, and he allowed him, as he thought, to rescue Barbaria, who had been crucified by an evil emperor named Arborius. Instead of rescuing her, Kibonreju abducted her, still on her cross, and took her to a secret underground location, where she remains to this day, a mere plaything for Kibonreju.”

“Correction. She remained till yesterday. Today she’s here! She has been rescued!”

“Really? Well, that is wonderful news! Although it does mean that my journey here has been wasted. Merlin knew that Repertor had got this far, but now he’s lost touch, and he felt that he might need help. But if he’s rescued Barb he’ll be ecstatic!”

“Er, ‘ecstatic’ is not the word I’d choose right now.”


“Because, although Barb is safe, Kibonreju has captured Messaline and Malins, and I understand that Kibonreju has crucified them instead!”

“Malins?” Eulalia looked at Thessela as if she’d slapped her. “Do you mean ‘Malins’, the ‘Sleeping Witch’ of Bavaria?”

Thessela was somewhat taken aback by the ferocity of the question. “Yes, I do believe that’s who she is….”


“Repertor? He’s in the garden, feeling rather sorry for himself, in fact….just through that door over there….”

Eulalia stormed through the indicated door, with a surprised and concerned Thessela following in her wake.

Repertor saw her, and leaped to his feet. “Eulalia, what are you…..”

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