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The Competition

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10. Following the service and reading of the proclamation, I was taken down from the cross, feeling very stiff and sore ... partly from hanging for so long in mock crucifixion, partly from the whippings of the previous day. As I stood naked behind the altar trying to rub some circulation into my hands and wrists, Ethelbert came up to say, "Follow me, the Competition team is meeting with the Abbess in her quarters."

Minutes later I was slipping into a woolen novice's shift and sitting down among the other members of the team, which consisted of Sisters Hilda and Kathleen, Ethelbert and another monk called Tuck, in addition to the Abbess.

"Now that we have the Competition Proclamation in hand," announced the Abbess to begin the meeting, "we can begin with Barbara's training in earnest."

I raised my hand tentatively.

"Yes, what is it, child?" she said, mildly annoyed at the interruption.

"Well, now that I have heard the rules, I have some questions," I began.

"Yes, what are they?"

"Um, well ... I distinctly remember hearing the term 'willing novice' in the proclamation. Please tell me why I should be 'willing' to do something that is certain to end in my death?"

"Because, my dear, you have no choice. If you refuse, you will cease to be a novice of this Abbey and I will turn you over first thing tomorrow morning to the town magistrates who will most certainly have you burned at the stake before the day is out. So, by being 'willing' you get to prolong your wretched life to the end of November, in addition to having the rare opportunity to do something noble and glorious with your life."

"Any chance that if I perform magnificently and outlast all the others on the cross that the Cardinal might be so impressed that he will pardon me from hanging until I am dead?" I asked, a faint glimmer of hope painted on my face.

"Well, it has never happened in previous Competitions … but God works, as we all know, in mysterious ways ... so one never knows, does one? Now, if there are no more questions ..."

"Pardon me Abbess, but I have another."

"Oh, alright, what is it?"

"How many times has Cruxton Abbey been the winner?"

"Well, never … but we are counting on you, Barbara, to win for us our first 'Scarlet Cross Banner'."

"One more please ..."

"If you must," she sighed impatiently.

"May I have Sister Kathleen as my personal trainer?"

"Impertinent child!" exploded Hilda, "Who do you think you are? You will answer to me and no one else, and most certainly not Sister Kathleen!" Outraged and agitated, Hilda rose from her seat, reaching to the nearby wardrobe for a whip with one hand and beginning to undo the top of her habit with the other.

"No, Hilda. Stop!" intervened the Abbess, "you will have plenty of opportunity to whip Barbara in the days of training ahead, not to mention in the Competition itself, but for now sit down, be quiet and listen. Barbara's request is granted. Sister Kathleen will oversee Barbara's training, rather than you, Hilda, because I have seen how insightful and clever she can be. If we are to win, we must outwit and outperform our opponents. Kathleen is young, and is perhaps best suited to bring the best out of Barbara."

"But my Abbess, we know Barbara to be rebellious and unpredictable. She needs to be under a firm disciplinary hand, such as my own. Besides, have you forgotten already that just yesterday we caught the two of them fornicating together?"

"Silence! Enough! Sister Kathleen is in charge. I have spoken."

"Ahem, if I may interrupt," interjected Ethelbert, anxious to diffuse the tension in the room, "I wish to convey the latest intelligence I have received from my contacts in the Cardinal's inner circle. It seems the French team is most confident. I am told the training of their novice Messaline is well advanced. On the other hand, I am also told that the perfidious French have managed to annoy the Cardinal by charging that the rules have been set to favor an English contestant. I have also been told, by the way, that a last minute invitation may unexpectedly be extended to a Scottish entry."

"Very interesting. Thank you Ethelbert; do continue to keep us informed," purred the Abbess, "now, if I may, I would like to show you the fine white shift that Barbara will wear at her presentation." She turned, picked up a garment from her desk, and held it up for all to see.

"Um ... You can see through it," I blurted, "it's nearly sheer!"

"Yes," she replied with a wink, "one of Sister Kathleen's many ideas! Would you like to try it on Barbara?"

I pulled my brown woolen shift off over my head and with Sister Kathleen's assistance, donned the flimsy white shift, noting how the delicately thin fabric clung to the contours of my nude body.

"I do believe that will most certainly capture the Cardinal's attention," opined Ethelbert as he looked me up and down appreciatively.

Hilda scowled.

The rest of the meeting was devoted to discussing various winning stratagems suggested by the very inventive Sister Kathleen. And the days following were filled with my training. I was taught how to properly present myself to his Eminence ... what to say, what to do, and most importantly, how to look alluring. I practiced bearing my heavy cross several times a day, increasing my stamina two-fold in just a couple days. I spent many hours hanging naked on the cross, learning the best breathing techniques, how best to conserve energy and strength, as well as how to twist and writhe erotically whenever the Cardinal is looking my way.

Then it was over. The team packed to depart the next morning for Cruxton Cathedral.

With the Abbess' blessing, I spent the night before we left with Sister Kathleen.

Well, if this is an annual event, I would certainly love to be in the Cardinal's inner circle! I would love to watch the novely young women struggle, nailed to their crosses as they try to gain the favor of the powerful Cardinal! I think the best role for me would be one where I help the girls last longer. If they intend to do all of the stations of the cross, someone has to play Simon of Cyrene, to help to women bear their crosses.
That's the one I am to wear at the Competition "presentation".
That's like the Parade Ring, where we're shown off to the punters
so they can decide which of us they'll bet on?

You certain tick the boxes for rules 2, 3 and 4, probably 7, 8 and 9,
and your skimpy shift makes sure rules 5 and 11 can be easily implemented :devil::

1 The competition is open to all ages, subject to the rules below.

2 No competitor may possess ‘Y’ chromosomes.

3 All competitors must look shit hot very nice naked.

4 All competitors must possess a coefficient of tumescence greater than 1.0 (that is, the erect height of the nipple must equal or exceed the diameter of the areola)

5 All competitors will be subject to a close physical examination for the sexual gratification of the judges to assess their suitability for the competition.

6 Any complaints about the conduct of the competition may be referred to the cardinal.

7 All competitors must be able to carry the cross for a distance of at least 750 yards…..

8 ….while being flogged.

9 Competitors must survive at least two days on the cross, though, if they don’t, who cares?

10 The decision of the judges is final. Very final.

11. The Umpire reserves the right to have Cardinal Knowledge of any of the competitors at any point in the contest (or in the competitor).
That's it! That's the one I am to wear at the Competition "presentation". Where did you get that pic of me?
I am not going to implicate the rodent...
She has no choice! :D
I think 'novice' is one step below a slave!!!:eek:
That's like the Parade Ring, where we're shown off to the punters
so they can decide which of us they'll bet on?

You certain tick the boxes for rules 2, 3 and 4, probably 7, 8 and 9,
and your skimpy shift makes sure rules 5 and 11 can be easily implemented :devil::

1 The competition is open to all ages, subject to the rules below.

2 No competitor may possess ‘Y’ chromosomes.

3 All competitors must look shit hot very nice naked.

4 All competitors must possess a coefficient of tumescence greater than 1.0 (that is, the erect height of the nipple must equal or exceed the diameter of the areola)

5 All competitors will be subject to a close physical examination for the sexual gratification of the judges to assess their suitability for the competition.

6 Any complaints about the conduct of the competition may be referred to the cardinal.

7 All competitors must be able to carry the cross for a distance of at least 750 yards…..

8 ….while being flogged.

9 Competitors must survive at least two days on the cross, though, if they don’t, who cares?

10 The decision of the judges is final. Very final.

11. The Umpire reserves the right to have Cardinal Knowledge of any of the competitors at any point in the contest (or in the competitor).
Very good observations, Eul. Now get back to work!!!
coffee shop decor 011.jpg

"Ahem, if I may interrupt," interjected Ethelbert, anxious to diffuse the tension in the room, "I wish to convey the latest intelligence I have received from my contacts in the Cardinal's inner circle. It seems the French team is most confident. I am told the training of their novice Messaline is well advanced.

Who is spying us at the Mount St Michel Abbey ? :eek:

Perhaps yet this "squirrel" .....Spy-Squirrel-30718.jpg :mad:

11. It was very early in the morning, still dark out, when she kissed me on the nose and said, "Wake up sleepyhead, it's time. The carriage will be here shortly."

I stretched lazily and rolled over on my side, propping my head on one hand to watch her dress. With fascination, I followed the leading edge of Sister Kathleen's habit as it cascaded over head and shoulders, caught momentarily on the tips of her wobbling breasts, and then slipped enticingly down the gentle curve of her spine to gather just above that adorable pair of dimples over her ass cheeks before finally tumbling over her hips and gliding down her legs.

She turned, caught me looking, and threw my woolen novice's shift over my head. "Get up!" she ordered, laughing gaily.

A short time later the entire Cruxton Abbey team had assembled outside the Abbey gates to stand shivering in the dark, waiting for the carriage, which was late, to pick them up. I watched my breath condense into little white vapory clouds in the cold late-November air, shuffled my feet restlessly and tried not to feel too apprehensive about the coming day. Precisely at daybreak the carriage pulled up, driver decked out in bright red livery, the Cardinal's coat-of-arms emblazoned on its shiny lacquered side. We clambered in for the jolting three mile ride to Cruxton town.

Along the way, I suddenly asked, "What about my cross?"

"Sent on ahead, dear Barbara, don't worry,“ chuckled Ethelbert, adding, "Oh, by the way, I heard that there definitely will be a Scottish entry in this year's Competition: Crosshageul Abbey. It's located somewhere in the godforsaken wilds of the far north. And my sources say that the Abbess Ailsa will be presenting a very fine young novice called Eulalia."

Digesting this new piece of intelligence, we rode in silence, lost in our thoughts, until the Abbess finally asked, "any word on the identity of the fourth Abbey team?"

"No, it's a mystery," said Ethelbert, "but we shall know in good time, of that we can be sure."

We arrived safely, if not shaken by the poor roads, and were taken directly to our quarters just off the Cathedral charter house. Told that the Cardinal was nearly ready for the formal "presentation" of the Competition novices and that Cruxton Abbey was to go first, we rushed to get me ready.

I stripped naked, and stood still while Sister Kathleen and the Abbess tied my small loincloth, with the emblem of the Abbey stitched to the front, around my narrow hips. The short white semi-sheer shift was removed from its wrapping, but before I could put it on, Sister Kathleen had to fuss over brushing a little color on my cheekbones and eyes; and then much to my surprise she began smearing rouge over my pink areolae and tumescent nipples, which quickly became hard and erect as she brushed her fingers back and forth over them.

I sucked in my breath.

"You do want his randy Eminence to notice them, don't you?" she said to me teasingly.

Then came the shift, and finally a black velvety cloak was placed over my shoulders and secured at my throat with a gold broach.

"You are ready, my dear," beamed the Abbess.

"And not a moment too soon," said Ethelbert, "the Cardinal is waiting"

An aide arrived to lead us down a corridor to the door of the chapter house. We entered. I began to tremble. Sister Kathleen squeezed my hand to steady me. At the far end of the chamber sat the Cardinal in a high-backed throne-like chair, dressed all in red, surrounded by bishops and clergymen of various ranks and descriptions. Sister Kathleen and the rest of my team were escorted off to one side.

The Abbess and I were invited to approach the dais. We went forward. The Abbess bowed low and said, "Your Eminence, may I present our young novice Barbara, who willingly and most humbly wishes to relive the passion of our Savior and Lord for the glory of her Abbey and the Church on high." On cue I went down on one knee, tossed my hair back away from my face as Sister Kathleen had taught me to do, bent forward and kissed his proffered hand.

"Rise", he said.

I did, and as I rose I looked him squarely in the eye as Sister Kathleen had also taught me to do. He had a very fleshy, pock-marked face, with heavy jowls and a double chin. But his eyes, dark and piercing, held my own in a magnetic way that I had never experienced before.

"Remove your cloak," he ordered.

My hand went to the broach at my neck to release the cloak, which slid from my shoulders and fell to the floor. I stood silently before him dressed in only my thin white shift.

His eyes moved immediately to my breasts and darkened nipples, clearly visible through and pressing out against the clingy light fabric. A trace of a smile crossed his fat face. Slowly he reached out with both hands and raised the front of my shift up and over my breasts, pressing it over my shoulders and against my neck with a series of little pats until it stayed there. He cupped my breasts, one in each hand, as though he was weighing them. He jiggled them, opened his hands and let them fall. Then he repeated this, again and again.

I did my best to keep my composure. Rather than react, I studied the bald patch on the top of his head. I became suddenly aware of how short he was, marveled at the richness of his fine bright red robes, and surveyed the intent faces of his entourage, all with their eyes glued on me.

The Cardinal eventually stepped back and circled round me, appraisingly, hand on his chin, golden rings on his fingers gleaming in the bright morning sunlight streaming through the chamber's high side windows.

He came back around in front of me and fixed my eyes again with his commanding stare. I felt a tug on the loincloth tie at my right hip and then at the left. I felt the cloth fall away, sliding down between my thighs, exposing me.

He looked down, frowned, looked closer and then laughed at the sight of my bush neatly trimmed in the shape of a cross ... another of Sister Kathleen's little ploys calculated to win points … I had a feeling it worked, but resisted the temptation to turn my head and grin at her over on the sidelines.

He circled around me a second time, stopping to lift the back of my shift and inspect my tight little bottom. Then he returned to stand in front of me. He leaned in as if to closely inspect my right nipple. I could see beads of sweat breaking out on his forehead. His right hand shot down suddenly to clamp down over my mound, his stubby middle finger forcing its way between my lips and pushing up and in with such force that I rose up on my toes and gasped.

That seemed to please him. He removed his hand, wiped his finger on his sleeve, reached out, gently lowered the front of my shift back in place, turned and returned to his seat. It occurred to me that the members of his entourage curiously had not moved a muscle through the entire proceeding.

Settled on his throne again, the Cardinal raised his heavily ringed hand vaguely in my direction, fixed me with his eyes once again, and released a torrent of words absolving me of my sins and blessing the miracle of faith that I was about to perform that day.

"What rubbish," I thought to myself, but bowed reverently, scooped up my loincloth and cloak as graciously as I could, and backed away … the Abbess back pedaling in place alongside me.

As the Cardinal engaged in conversation with members of his entourage, perhaps to award me my points, the Abbess and I joined the rest of our team at the left side of the chamber.

"How did I do?" I whispered to Sister Kathleen."

"Not bad," she replied, "watch now; let's see if the French have any tricks up their sleeves.

I turned to watch, as the chapter house doors swung open to admit the French team from Mont St. Michel, led by its Abbess and the young novice, Messaline.

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11. It was very early in the morning, still dark out, when she kissed me on the nose and said, "Wake up sleepyhead, it's time. The carriage will be here shortly."

I stretched lazily and rolled over on my side, propping my head on one hand to watch her dress. With fascination, I followed the leading edge of Sister Kathleen's habit as it cascaded over head and shoulders, caught momentarily on the tips of her wobbling breasts, and then slipped enticingly down the gentle curve of her spine to gather just above that adorable pair of dimples over her ass cheeks before finally tumbling over her hips and gliding down her legs.

She turned, caught me looking, and threw my woolen novice's shift over my head. "Get up!" she ordered, laughing gaily.

A short time later the entire Cruxton Abbey team had assembled outside the Abbey gates to stand shivering in the dark, waiting for the carriage, which was late, to pick them up. I watched my breath condense into little white vapory clouds in the cold late-November air, shuffled my feet restlessly and tried not to feel too apprehensive about the coming day. Precisely at daybreak the carriage pulled up, driver decked out in bright red livery, the Cardinal's coat-of-arms emblazoned on its shiny lacquered side. We clambered in for the jolting three mile ride to Cruxton town.

Along the way, I suddenly asked, "What about my cross?"

"Sent on ahead, dear Barbara, don't worry,“ chuckled Ethelbert, adding, "Oh, by the way, I heard that there definitely will be a Scottish entry in this year's Competition: Crosshageul Abbey. It's located somewhere in the godforsaken wilds of the far north. And my sources say that the Abbess Ailsa will be presenting a very fine young novice called Eulalia."

Digesting this new piece of intelligence, we rode in silence, lost in our thoughts, until the Abbess finally asked, "any word on the identity of the fourth Abbey team?"

"No, it's a mystery," said Ethelbert, "but we shall know in good time, of that we can be sure."

We arrived safely, if not shaken by the poor roads, and were taken directly to our quarters just off the Cathedral charter house. Told that the Cardinal was nearly ready for the formal "presentation" of the Competition novices and that Cruxton Abbey was to go first, we rushed to get me ready.

I stripped naked, and stood still while Sister Kathleen and the Abbess tied my small loincloth, with the emblem of the Abbey stitched to the front, around my narrow hips. The short white semi-sheer shift was removed from its wrapping, but before I could put it on, Sister Kathleen had to fuss over brushing a little color on my cheekbones and eyes; and then much to my surprise she began smearing rouge over my pink areolae and tumescent nipples, which quickly became hard and erect as she brushed her fingers back and forth over them.

I sucked in my breath.

"You do want his randy Eminence to notice them, don't you?" she said to me teasingly.

Then came the shift, and finally a black velvety cloak was placed over my shoulders and secured at my throat with a gold broach.

"You are ready, my dear," beamed the Abbess.

"And not a moment too soon," said Ethelbert, "the Cardinal is waiting"

An aide arrived to lead us down a corridor to the door of the chapter house. We entered. I began to tremble. Sister Kathleen squeezed my hand to steady me. At the far end of the chamber sat the Cardinal in a high-backed throne-like chair, dressed all in red, surrounded by bishops and clergymen of various ranks and descriptions. Sister Kathleen and the rest of my team were escorted off to one side.

The Abbess and I were invited to approach the dais. We went forward. The Abbess bowed low and said, "Your Eminence, may I present our young novice Barbara, who willingly and most humbly wishes to relive the passion of our Savior and Lord for the glory of her Abbey and the Church on high." On cue I went down on one knee, tossed my hair back away from my face as Sister Kathleen had taught me to do, bent forward and kissed his proffered hand.

"Rise", he said.

I did, and as I rose I looked him squarely in the eye as Sister Kathleen had also taught me to do. He had a very fleshy, pock-marked face, with heavy jowls and a double chin. But his eyes, dark and piercing, held my own in a magnetic way that I had never experienced before.

"Remove your cloak," he ordered.

My hand went to the broach at my neck to release the cloak, which slid from my shoulders and fell to the floor. I stood silently before him dressed in only my thin white shift.

His eyes moved immediately to my breasts and darkened nipples, clearly visible through and pressing out against the clingy light fabric. A trace of a smile crossed his fat face. Slowly he reached out with both hands and raised the front of my shift up and over my breasts, pressing it over my shoulders and against my neck with a series of little pats until it stayed there. He cupped my breasts, one in each hand, as though he was weighing them. He jiggled them, opened his hands and let them fall. Then he repeated this, again and again.

I did my best to keep my composure. Rather than react, I studied the bald patch on the top of his head. I became suddenly aware of how short he was, marveled at the richness of his fine bright red robes, and surveyed the intent faces of his entourage, all with their eyes glued on me.

The Cardinal eventually stepped back and circled round me, appraisingly, hand on his chin, golden rings on his fingers gleaming in the bright morning sunlight streaming through the chamber's high side windows.

He came back around in front of me and fixed my eyes again with his commanding stare. I felt a tug on the loincloth tie at my right hip and then at the left. I felt the cloth fall away, sliding down between my thighs, exposing me.

He looked down, frowned, looked closer and then laughed at the sight of my bush neatly trimmed in the shape of a cross ... another of Sister Kathleen's little ploys calculated to win points … I had a feeling it worked, but resisted the temptation to turn my head and grin at her over on the sidelines.

He circled around me a second time, stopping to lift the back of my shift and inspect my tight little bottom. Then he returned to stand in front of me. He leaned in as if to closely inspect my right nipple. I could see beads of sweat breaking out on his forehead. His right hand shot down suddenly to clamp down over my mound, his stubby middle finger forcing its way between my lips and pushing up and in with such force that I rose up on my toes and gasped.

That seemed to please him. He removed his hand, wiped his finger on his sleeve, reached out, gently lowered the front of my shift back in place, turned and returned to his seat. It occurred to me that the members of his entourage curiously had not moved a muscle through the entire proceeding.

Settled on his throne again, the Cardinal raised his heavily ringed hand vaguely in my direction, fixed me with his eyes once again, and released a torrent of words absolving me of my sins and blessing the miracle of faith that I was about to perform that day.

"What rubbish," I thought to myself, but bowed reverently, scooped up my loincloth and cloak as graciously as I could, and backed away … the Abbess back pedaling in place alongside me.

As the Cardinal engaged in conversation with members of his entourage, perhaps to award me my points, the Abbess and I joined the rest of our team at the left side of the chamber.

"How did I do?" I whispered to Sister Kathleen."

"Not bad," she replied, "watch now; let's see if the French have any tricks up their sleeves.

I turned to watch, as the chapter house doors swung open to admit the French team from Mont St. Michel, led by its Abbess and the young novice, Messaline.

:very_hot: Barb yet again manages to get her female audience excited.... I mean this is brill!!! And now Messaline too. Roisin is locked naked in her cage wishing she was good enough to be a novice. She sees the girls and dreams. Then Sr Hilda walks down the stairs. She is in a fowl humour for some reason???
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