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The Competition

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14. Thessela passed by us looking dejected and shaken, pathetically clutching the torn remains of her shift and loincloth in both hand against her crotch. The Abbess of Threepwood walked alongside, arm wrapped consolingly around the shoulders of the distraught young novice.

"Good of you to refrain from trying to trip them Barb," whispered Sister Kathleen behind a raised hand.

"No, that would have been like kicking a puppy, wouldn't it?" I replied softly.

Kathleen leaned back and said to Ethelbert, "So, what do we know about Crosshageul Abbey and this novice Eulalia?"

"Precious little, I'm afraid. The Abbey is rather remote, and few ever go there, and it has never competed here before. Rumor has it, though, that the young novice Eulalia begged the Abbess Alisa to enter the Competition. They say the girl is extremely disciplined. We tend to take a dim view of the Scots around here, I know ... they are, after all, barely civilized ... but this could turn out to be a bit of a surprise."

At first sight the Scottish entry was a surprise. The team entered the chamber with the novice Eulalia in the lead, followed at a distance by the unusually tall and lanky Abbess Alisa and at an even greater distance by the team's nuns and monks, who turned smartly and in unison to the sidelines.

I saw in Eulalia, as she advanced on the dais, a certain elegance and poise that commanded attention. She was also breathtakingly attired. Her cloak was long, bordered in gold and made of the finest cloth. But it was her shift that especially caught the eye. Greek or Roman in styling ... it was light and airy, with a deep plunging neckline in front held together by a gold pin, flared sleeves, underarm openings to reveal the soft side swells of her breasts, and gentle folds around her hips and upper thighs that danced and flowed with her stride.

Sister Kathleen and I just gaped, no words were expressed. The effect on the Cardinal and his entourage was exactly the same. They were completely immobilized at the sight of her approach.

Upon reaching the dais, she shed her cloak without being ordered to do so, and dropping to her knees she prostrated herself at his Eminence's feet, hands sliding out parallel to one another on the floor, head bowed between them with forehead so low it touched the paving stones, butt in the air.

As he looked down on her, admiring the perfection and symmetry of her submissive posture, her shift slid slowly from her hips, baring her back to near her shoulders and revealing the paired half-moons of her raised ass cheeks, framed and separated by the thin lines of a loincloth so small it almost wasn't there.

"What are you doing, child?" he murmured, face reddening.

"I pray a novice, such as I, am worthy of even a moment of Your Eminence's time"

Again anticipating his very thoughts and commands before he could even formulate them, she lifted her head, straightened up, undid the pin at her neck, crossed her arms in front and pulled the shift off over her head, tossing it lightly aside. Remaining on her knees, she bowed her head reverently, allowing her long brown hair to fall around her face and cascade over her breasts.

At that point, the Cardinal abruptly rose to his feet, and in an obvious attempt to appear in control of a situation he was not, stammered "Arise."

The novice made him wait a few seconds, then rose to her feet, while sliding the ties of her loincloth off her hips and allowing the flimsy garment to slide to her ankles before stepping free of it.

Then she stood perfectly still, back straight, chest out, arms at her sides, head bowed, while he made his customary circle of inspection, pausing behind her to cup and study her cheeks and stoop to peer between her slightly parted thighs.

No reaction ... she continued to stand perfectly still, chest rising and falling with evenly measured breathing.

He straightened up and came around to place both hands over her breasts, beads of sweat breaking out on his forehead, face redder than ever, eyes bugging out, mumbling incoherently to himself, lines of drool appearing at the corners of his mouth and spittle forming on his lips.

Alarmed, two of the clerics rush forward from the dais to support the Cardinals body as he began to paw at her breasts and convulse, gently but forcibly breaking his grip on the novice's breasts, turning him about, and guiding him back to his chair.

The rest of his retinue gazed straight ahead, trying to ignore what just happened, while his aides frantically fanned the old man's brow. Regaining a little composure, he waved Eulalia away with a dismissive flick of his wrist.

A hush of uncertainty and anticipation fell over the chamber ... as a seemingly unfazed Eulalia gathered up her clothing and calmly took her place with her Abbess and team on the sidelines ... and as one of the Cardinal's lieutenants, who had been taking copious notes on his Eminence's remarks throughout the "presentations," stepped forward on the dais and cleared his throat.

We waited for him to speak.

"His Eminence," he began finally, in an irritatingly high pitched voice, "has entrusted me with the reporting of the Competition scoring to this point. 'Performance Points' awarded to each team on the basis of the presentation of novices are as follows" ... long pause for theatrical effect ... " Crosshageul Abbey 14, Mont St. Michel Abbey 12, Cruxton Abbey 9, and Threepwood Abbey 8."

The chamber came alive with chatter as the Cardinal and his entourage rose in unison and filed out.

Sister Hilda was reproachfully agitated over the way in which Cruxton had been bested by both the Scots and the French.

"There! You see!" she crowed, "This just shows that Sister Kathleen is in way over her head here. She ought to be taken off and flogged for her role in the disgrace Cruxton has suffered this morning! If we are to have any chance of winning now, our effort should be placed in my capable and experienced hands, not hers. Give me the word, my Abbess, and I will personally see that we take the lead in this afternoon's scourging. I will whip Barbara in ways never seen before ... ways that are sure to draw the Cardinal's most favorable reactions! Just say the word, my Abbess!"


Thanks again to Siss for helping with the plotting, writing, and editing; and to Tree for tossing me a couple useful lines.
I thought I would wait til this evening to read this, but temptation drew me in earlier.... oooh how yummy this is!
The young monk watched the whippings, brutal and savage, just as he watched the woman opposite him.
Hidden in the background, her face radiated naked interest, and he felt himself aroused not just at the display of naked and tortured flesh, but at the thought of this soulmate, he sensed a hunger in her that matched his own growing curiosity.
If only he could get closer to her . . . . .

ps I think I found a pic of the latest episodes

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What Barb has not said ....

We were not all whipped with the knout ; our Abesse had the choice of the whip ; for me, wishing to be the most near of the real roman whipping, she had choosen this famous roman whip, with two leather'lashes into which are inserted lead'balls to do the fleshes exploding !

"Aaaaaarg !" I squealed when the first stroke was hurting my back , but, chained like an animal to the whipping post, I couldn't escape !

"Woooooooooooorrrrggg !" I bellowed when the following strokes were starting to redden my body !

"Aooooooorrrgg!" Suddenly, like I was trying to avoid the lashes in twisting my body around the column, my right breast was
blazing like if a red iron had burned it !

It was only the 10th stoke !

But, implacably, the torment continued ! My Abess had entrusted it to a nun of our Abbey named Sister Judith: never,during my training , she had whipped me but I knew her for her deep cruelty !

Now, splashes of blood were spattering all around me and Sister Judith was even laughing in front of that, though she was herself bespattered !

"Waaaaoooo ! Aaaaaaarg ! Aoooooorgg! " I was shrieking, howling, squealing but more I was, more Sister Judith took her pleasure to do !!!

When the Cardinal was coming to see, he received some blood on his face and was applausing with a great joice !

The last strokes were like a death, for me : I was hanged by my wrists to the column and had even practically no reactions !
I was in transe , exhausted , overwelcomed by the sufferings ....
But, was it not the target in fact ? To weaken the future crucified for more subjugation ?

"Hin ! Hin ! Hin !" Only an animal'groan could get out of me : I was like annihilated, only wishing that it could be pleasant for the Jury and that my Abbey would be proud of me ..........

Just my little contribution .......


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I viewed the scene of the scourging with increasing horror. I was at the back of the nave as befits my status, but could see the various types of whip tearing into the skin of these pretty young girls. Flecks of blood were flying from the wounds, and the nuns wielding the whips would wipe the thongs so the blood did not act as a lubricant.
I enjoyed the spectacle; the sounds of the whips, the screams, the groans, the whimpers. I put a small bet on the Scottish lass, Eulalia, thinking that anyone surviving the Scottish climate must be tough.
My horror increased when one wrist shackle was removed and some of them swung round with their backs to the pillars. The marble floor isn't too bad, but have you ever tried getting blood-stains out of sandstone? That's what I've got to do after the fun is over. Bishop Rag (he doesn't know us cleaners always spell it that way) wants all evidence removed before the next Sunday service.
Crown of thorns next, more blood on the floor.
Thank heavens the crucifixion takes place outside, the gardeners can clean up the shit, good for the roses.
What Barb has not said ....

We were not all whipped with the knout ; our Abesse had the choice of the whip ; for me, wishing to be the most near of the real roman whipping, she had choosen this famous roman whip, with two leather'lashes into which are inserted lead'balls to do the fleshes exploding !

"Aaaaaarg !" I squealed when the first stroke was hurting my back , but, chained like an animal to the whipping post, I couldn't escape !

"Woooooooooooorrrrggg !" I bellowed when the following strokes were starting to redden my body !

"Aooooooorrrgg!" Suddenly, like I was trying to avoid the lashes in twisting my body around the column, my right breast was
blazing like if a red iron had burned it !

It was only the 10th stoke !

But, implacably, the torment continued ! My Abess had entrusted it to a nun of our Abbey named Sister Judith: never,during my training , she had whipped me but I knew her for her deep cruelty !

Now, splashes of blood were spattering all around me and Sister Judith was even laughing in front of that, though she was herself bespattered !

"Waaaaoooo ! Aaaaaaarg ! Aoooooorgg! " I was shrieking, howling, squealing but more I was, more Sister Judith took her pleasure to do !!!

When the Cardinal was coming to see, he received some blood on his face and was applausing with a great joice !

The last strokes were like a death, for me : I was hanged by my wrists to the column and had even practically no reactions !
I was in transe , exhausted , overwelcomed by the sufferings ....
But, was it not the target in fact ? To weaken the future crucified for more subjugation ?

"Hin ! Hin ! Hin !" Only an animal'groan could get out of me : I was like annihilated, only wishing that it could be pleasant for the Jury and that my Abbey would be proud of me ..........

Just my little contribution .......

And an excellent contribution it is Messa !!!!!! Wow!!! :clapping:The scores for the "scourging" phase of the Competition will be announced in the next epi....and I can assure you that due credit will be given to the Roman whip, the nun good Sister Judith, and your terrible sufferings....I doubt very much that the French can be bested in a whipping competition!!!!!
And an excellent contribution it is Messa !!!!!! Wow!!! :clapping:The scores for the "scourging" phase of the Competition will be announced in the next epi....and I can assure you that due credit will be given to the Roman whip, the nun good Sister Judith, and your terrible sufferings....I doubt very much that the French can be bested in a whipping competition!!!!!
the French are the undisputed masters of Kung-Fouet :rolleyes:
I viewed the scene of the scourging with increasing horror. I was at the back of the nave as befits my status, but could see the various types of whip tearing into the skin of these pretty young girls. Flecks of blood were flying from the wounds, and the nuns wielding the whips would wipe the thongs so the blood did not act as a lubricant.
I enjoyed the spectacle; the sounds of the whips, the screams, the groans, the whimpers. I put a small bet on the Scottish lass, Eulalia, thinking that anyone surviving the Scottish climate must be tough.
My horror increased when one wrist shackle was removed and some of them swung round with their backs to the pillars. The marble floor isn't too bad, but have you ever tried getting blood-stains out of sandstone? That's what I've got to do after the fun is over. Bishop Rag (he doesn't know us cleaners always spell it that way) wants all evidence removed before the next Sunday service.
Crown of thorns next, more blood on the floor.
Thank heavens the crucifixion takes place outside, the gardeners can clean up the shit, good for the roses.

Great contribution from an interesting "back of the nave" vantage point. Well done old slave! :)
The young monk watched the whippings, brutal and savage, just as he watched the woman opposite him.
Hidden in the background, her face radiated naked interest, and he felt himself aroused not just at the display of naked and tortured flesh, but at the thought of this soulmate, he sensed a hunger in her that matched his own growing curiosity.
If only he could get closer to her . . . . .

ps I think I found a pic of the latest episodes

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Something definitely going on here between that young monk and the tall nun.:rolleyes: Great Pic! :p
The whippings are brutal but that does not surprise me- women can be more cruel to each other than most men ever could be.
nuns 57.jpg
I go outside to have a cigar and find Sister Ulrika there again. She asks if I am enjoying the proceedings. I tell her the hold my interest but I don't get the point of it as all four end up dying on the cross. She says in a hushed reverent tone "It is to celebrate the glory of God and to bring honor to the winner's abbey, Father Tree."

"Whatever" I reply. I don't know why she thinks I am a priest but I roll with it and ask if she partakes in 'sins of the flesh'.

She tosses her black cape off her shoulders revealing a pair of tumescent 'headlights' bracketing a cross formed with silver skulls and coyly asks "Do I look like that kind of nun?"

nun arielrebel_13.jpg

The left side of my mouth twitches then I say "Forgive me for saying so but yeah you do! Is there somewhere around here we can do something you may need to confess doing?"

tree eastwood 3.jpg

She looks about and seeing nothing but a squirrel says "I usually do it with nuns, but since you are a man of the cloth come with me!"

This priest-thing looks better all the time...

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