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The Competition

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17. The four Abbesses bowed before the seated Cardinal. Each of them held out a crown of thorns, which he blessed with a disinterested wave of his hand. Meanwhile the monks relieved themselves of the burden of four heavy crosses, which hit the polished stone floor of the nave with loud clunks and clatters.

Taking center stage, the Very Reverend Bishop Wragg, cleared his throat to address the assembled, "Ahem. May I have your attention. I have the honor of announcing the 'performance points' just recently awarded by His Eminence at the conclusion of the scourging. Crosshageul Abbey received 18 points, but was penalized 5 for immodesty; its novice Eulalia having lost the cover of her loincloth in the course of her scourging. This gives the Scottish Abbey a cumulative total of 27 points."

Abbess Ailsa raised her hand in vehement protest over the penalty, but was studiously ignored by the ambitious bishop, who intended to avoid any trouble with the Cardinal, at all costs, especially any trouble over those troublesome Scots!

"Our French visitors from Mont St. Michel," he continued," have turned in an exemplary performance. Sister Judith's stunningly impressive wielding of a Roman whip with lead-ball studded tails, along with the terrible but exquisite anguish inflicted on the lovely young novice Messaline, have earned their team a near perfect 19 performance points for this phase of the Competition ... giving them a total of 31 points and first place in the Competition!"

Polite applause rippled through the audience, few of whom were French.

"Our own team from Cruxton, led by a very strong-armed and determined Sister Hilda, also turned in a strong performance earning a score of 16, which makes a grand total of 28, enough to edge ahead of the Scots and claim second place."

All eyes turned to Hilda, who stood beside me as I hung from my right wrist, my ragged whip-scored back scraping painfully against the blood smeared sandstone column every time I moved. Beaming with pride, Hilda reached over to raise my head by the hair as though I was some kind of trophy, only to drop it carelessly as soon as Wragg had moved on to the last team.

"Threepwood Abbey remains in last place, largely due to a weak showing in endurance and a lack of fortitude on the part of its young and inexperienced novice Thessela; earning only 8 performance points for a total of 16.”

Murmurs of speculation could be heard among the assembled nuns, monks and priests as to the appropriateness of this weak English Abbey being placed in the Competition in the first place, as well as a running debate on whether Sister Judith or Sister Hilda was the most proficient and brutal nun with a whip.

Meanwhile, the four Abbesses descended the steps and made their way over to their respective novices for the ritual placing of the crown of thorns. My head, which had sunk to a position in which my chin rested on my chest, was raised once again by Hilda who still retained a firm grip on my hair. The Abbess’ face came blurrily into view, followed by sharp intense pain as she pressed the crown of thorns down on my head and then twisted it back and forth until the thorns broke skin, causing trickles of blood to appear on my brow and in my matted hair.

“Get her down!” commanded the Abbess, “and be quick … it’s time to carry the wood!”

Ethelbert and Tuck jumped to the task, releasing my wrist, catching my limp body and dragging me over to where they had laid my cross. They let go and I sprawled on the cool marble floor, too weak to move, vaguely aware of the half comatose bodies of the other three novices being tossed on the floor nearby.

“Revive her!” shouted the Abbess, eager to get me up and ready to bear my cross before the competition could do so.

Sister Hilda promptly emptied a bucket of ice cold water over my head.

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17. The four Abbesses bowed before the seated Cardinal. Each of them held out a crown of thorns, which he blessed with a disinterested wave of his hand. Meanwhile the monks relieved themselves of the burden of four heavy crosses, which hit the polished stone floor of the nave with loud clunks and clatters.

Taking center stage, the Very Reverend Bishop Wragg, cleared his throat to address the assembled, "Ahem. May I have your attention. I have the honor of announcing the 'performance points' just recently awarded by His Eminence at the conclusion of the scourging. Crosshageul Abbey received 18 points, but was penalized 5 for immodesty; its novice Eulalia having lost the cover of her loincloth in the course of her scourging. This gives the Scottish Abbey a cumulative total of 27 points."

Abbess Ailsa raised her hand in vehement protest over the penalty, but was studiously ignored by the ambitious bishop, who intended to avoid any trouble with the Cardinal, at all costs, especially any trouble over those troublesome Scots!

"Our French visitors from Mont St. Michel," he continued," have turned in an exemplary performance. Sister Judith's stunningly impressive wielding of a Roman whip with lead-ball studded tails, along with the terrible but exquisite anguish inflicted on the lovely young novice Messaline, have earned their team a near perfect 19 performance points for this phase of the Competition ... giving them a total of 31 points and first place in the Competition!"

Polite applause rippled through the audience, few of whom were French.

"Our own team from Cruxton, led by a very strong-armed and determined Sister Hilda, also turned in a strong performance earning a score of 16, which makes a grand total of 28, enough to edge ahead of the Scots and claim second place."

All eyes turned to Hilda, who stood beside me as I hung from my right wrist, my ragged whip-scored back scraping painfully against the blood smeared sandstone column every time I moved. Beaming with pride, Hilda reached over to raise my head by the hair as though I was some kind of trophy, only to drop it carelessly as soon as Wragg had moved on to the last team.

"Threepwood Abbey remains in last place, largely due to a weak showing in endurance and a lack of fortitude on the part of its young and inexperienced novice Thessela; earning only 8 performance points for a total of 16.”

Murmurs of speculation could be heard among the assembled nuns, monks and priests as to the appropriateness of this weak English Abbey being placed in the Competition in the first place, as well as a running debate on whether Sister Judith or Sister Hilda was the most proficient and brutal nun with a whip.

Meanwhile, the four Abbesses descended the steps and made their way over to their respective novices for the ritual placing of the crown of thorns. My head, which had sunk to a position in which my chin rested on my chest, was raised once again by Hilda who still retained a firm grip on my hair. The Abbess’ face came blurrily into view, followed by sharp intense pain as she pressed the crown of thorns down on my head and then twisted it back and forth until the thorns broke skin, causing trickles of blood to appear on my brow and in my matted hair.

“Get her down!” commanded the Abbess, “and be quick … it’s time to carry the wood!”

Ethelbert and Tuck jumped to the task, releasing my wrist, catching my limp body and dragging me over to where they had laid my cross. They let go and I sprawled on the cool marble floor, too weak to move, vaguely aware of the half comatose bodies of the other three novices being tossed on the floor nearby.

“Revive her!” shouted the Abbess, eager to get me up and ready to bear my cross before the competition could do so.

Sister Hilda promptly emptied a bucket of ice cold water over my head.

Powerful chapter Barb...
och, modesty never was my strong card :oops:
Perhaps you weren't trained very well
Blessed be the thorn, that heaves her jagged brows
Against the sullen sky, her clutch of bitter sloes
The only sweetness that she ever knows.

Blessed be the man, that chooses from her boughs,
Who weaves them so her wicked, pricking barbs she shows,
And hollows out a nest where sorrow grows.

Blessed be the crown, whose holy spines arouse
Her frown of grievous bliss, as to the cross she goes,
Rejoicing as her wine-red sweetness flows.
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Blessed be the thorn, that heaves her jagged brows
Against the sullen sky, her clutch of bitter sloes
The only sweetness that she ever knows.

Blessed be the man, that chooses from her boughs,
Who weaves them so her wicked, pricking barbs she shows,
And hollows out a nest where sorrow grows.

Blessed be the crown, whose holy spines arouse
Her frown of grievous bliss, as to the cross she goes,
Rejoicing as her wine-red sweetness flows.

"blessed be" ... done in the proper pious spirit :p
All that suffering, to come last!
If I am to be crucified, Let me put on a good performance.
I must be strong for my abbey.
There is my cross - oh soon, soon!
But can I carry it?
I have no choice.

No, you definitely have no choice ... summon up those inner reserves of strength, then lift and carry :confused:
The Cardinal stood and addressed the group. He said that before we proceed with the crosses we must offer a sacrifice on the altar. A young novice was brought forward and stripped naked. Everyone could see that she was exceedingly beautiful and unblemished. Quickly she was raised up on to the altar and tied spread eagle across its cold marble top. Then the Cardinal's assistants proceeded to rub oil over her body. When they were complete the Cardinal chanted the necessary blessings and then took a lighted candle and set the girl on fire. Her screams seemed to last forever but in was really only for a few minutes before she perished in the flames. Now we can continue with the crosses, the Cardinal announced.
Well, there's a turn up! Threepwood last! And Crosshageul earning well deserved penalty points!

St Cruxton's in second - there is hope!

But see! The dark haired girl can barely stand! :eek:

If Sister Hilda has overdone it and scotched our chances, I'll crucify her myself! :mad:
Ashes and bones on the alter to clean now, an old slave's work is never done. The overtime pay will come in handy though.

Thank goodness that priest with the funny hat and the nun did their stuff outside, less for me to clear.

I'm off to see my bookmaker again. I've already put a bet on the Scots lass to survive longest on the cross, because she's tough, but I think I'll hedge my bets a little by putting some on the French tart to win the Competition. Shit (sorry Rag for swearing in His house) but the odds are down to 13/8, she's now the bookies favourite.

He's opened a new book on who dies first on the cross. The tiny Threepwood girl is still at 4/1. I'm tempted.....
If Sister Hilda has overdone it and scotched our chances, I'll crucify her myself! :mad:

What's this? A call for the return of Sister Kathleen? Last we saw of her, she was left shackled topless to a wall after a shameful whipping by Hilda. Maybe someone should go get her? :rolleyes:
Been feeling assailed by fearful shadows all day; then a stupid little rhyme started up in my head. There's nothing a nun likes better than singing, so let's have a sing-song, sung to the tune of What Shall We Do With The Drunken Sailor. Join in if you know the chorus!!

What shall we do with these nuns so naughty?
Strip 'em nearly naked till they're not so haughty,
Whip 'em on the nipples till they count to forty,
Welcome to St. Cruxton's!

Hooray, and up we'll nail 'em,
Four crews to flog and flail 'em,
Cornus will soon impale 'em,
Three cheers for St. Cruxton's!

What shall we do if our Barbara loses?
If another penitent the churchman chooses?
Her tight little bottom will be blue with bruises,
So much for St. Cruxton's!
Can I yet think ? My brain is completelly invaded by my pain !
When I was in training, I was playing to wear a crown of roses , without thorns !

Anjou 7.jpg
But, this real crown of thorns is so much cruel ! The blood which is flowing down from the spines is plugging my eyes, my nose, my mouth .... And Sister Judith even has hit on it to be sure that it's well put on my head !!!
She also was jocking me in stiking a rose in my crown !!!

Messaline Crucified 001red.jpg

Am I yet sure to want to continue this competition ?
Like Jesus that I admire so much, I say :

" Judith, Judith, why have you let me ? But, if I cant escape to this torture, I'll do your will ! "



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Can I yet think ? My brain is completelly invaded by my pain !
When I was in training, I was playing to wear a crown of roses , without thorns !

View attachment 303572
But, this real crown of thorns is so much cruel ! The blood which is flowing down from the spines is plugging my eyes, my nose, my mouth .... And Sister Judith even has hit on it to be sure that it's well put on my head !!!
She also was jocking me in stiking a rose in my crown !!!

View attachment 303573

Am I yet sure to want to continue this competition ?
Like Jesus that I admire so much, I say :

" Judith, Judith, why have you let me ? But, if I cant escape to this torture, I'll do your will ! "

Can I yet think ? My brain is completelly invaded by my pain !
When I was in training, I was playing to wear a crown of roses , without thorns !

View attachment 303572
But, this real crown of thorns is so much cruel ! The blood which is flowing down from the spines is plugging my eyes, my nose, my mouth .... And Sister Judith even has hit on it to be sure that it's well put on my head !!!
She also was jocking me in stiking a rose in my crown !!!

View attachment 303573

Am I yet sure to want to continue this competition ?
Like Jesus that I admire so much, I say :

" Judith, Judith, why have you let me ? But, if I cant escape to this torture, I'll do your will ! "

Blood and roses, and Messa's anguished face....ready to the Cardinal's will, with the help of Sister Judith ... nice pic, nice emotions!
There's a rumour circulating among the gambling fraternity that this will be the last Competition. It's said that Rome is worried about the turnover of novices, and the Risk Assessment classifies open manual scourging as dangerous for the whipper both from stray lashes and repetitive strain injury.

Rome suggests instead that good-looking novices be sent there for 'examination and training' in the sport of racing. Something about pulling carts. Can't see how they could do that with their habits on. Maybe they would have to take them off (do they wear anything underneath? Don't think so).

Don't see any sort of racing catching on with gamblers though. Where the fun of watching girls, or horses, or things on wheels, going round a track?

No, I think we should stick to what we know, whipping, crucifying, maybe the odd burning, all good spectator sports, and the girls usually die with smiles on their faces, so it's win-win all round, right?
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