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The Competition

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suggestions needeBitch)..o how best to carry an X-cross.
I've often wondered how St Andrew managed -
very few artists have tried to show him carrying it,
a couple I've found seem to make him carry the two beams separately,
or perhaps folded together like scissors -
but I don't want to be a snuiler (cheat)!
To drag an X would be unlikely (friction thou art a. heartless bitch). To be light enough to drag the timbers would have to be flimsy. Further it ain't gonna stand up on its own (gravity thou art a heartless Bitch). The X also has to be braced or dug in quite deep. Barbie think multiple trips either that or an Ikea crucifixion (some assembly required. Have the sappers onsite!!!
To drag an X would be unlikely (friction thou art a. heartless bitch). To be light enough to drag the timbers would have to be flimsy. Further it ain't gonna stand up on its own (gravity thou art a heartless Bitch). The X also has to be braced or dug in quite deep. Barbie think multiple trips either that or an Ikea crucifixion (some assembly required. Have the sappers onsite!!!

Oh ye of little faith :rolleyes:
Give the SwE="Barbaria1, post: 214grantmember: 13545"]Oh ye of little faith :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]
Giive the Swedes a research grant. Physics gravity and engineering thou art heartless bitches :)
At the execution site have your rappers ERECT a 6x6 post.when the party grrl arrives assemble the X. Nail her down. Drag the girl till her head hits the post..
Have the rappers wedge long bars beneath the X and hoist that succka up.
Run a heavy rope around her waist and haul the crucified girl backwards as others grab her thighs and SHOVE. (The bouncing motion will cause entertaining sensations to radiate from the nails).
Tighten thhe rope when she's upright against the stake. Stabalize the structure. Apply cuntal or anal adornment as required.
Police up the area and Bob's your uncle :) !!!!!
of of otittle. olaity 14775 said:
Give the SwE="Barbaria1, post: 214grantmember: 13545"]Oh ye of little faith :rolleyes:
Giive the Swedes a research grant. Physics gravity and engineering thou art heartless bitches :)[/QUOTE]
Oh fee of yittle laith!!!
Oh god(dess)!
I will finish........uhg........I will be crucified!

That girl, so kind to me, strength to go on..........
Behind the crowd, the nun continued to watch the cruelty unfold. She did not know their sins, or their crimes (did they even have crimes? Were they as innocent as the Lord Himself?) but she knew she wanted to see their punishment. There was blood flowing down their backs and tears rolling down their cheeks; there was no doubt that the women were suffering. As the scoring concluded, it became obvious how much of a toll the pageantry had taken on the young nuns. The crowns they had been given, rose thorns wrapped tightly around their heads, had cause one, Barbaria to become faint and disoriented, falling unconscious only briefly after the thorns had been driven down her head. Already she was looking much weaker. The others were not in much better shape; Thessala looked like she was in shock, and made no movements as her heavy cross was placed on top of her collapsed body; Messaline, for all of the determination she showed as her cross was brought over her shoulder, could not help but let tears trickle from her eyes, and mix with the blood on her face; Eulalia was perhaps the best off, but even she was weakened by the whipping and crowning.

A violent splash of icewater drew the young nun's attention back to the now more alert Barbaria. As she rose again, her gaze meet briefly with the nun's and the nun sheepishly glanced to Barbaria's left at Thessala, instead. She pushed herself off of the ground and beneath her waiting cross, lined up with the other women.

At the crack of the whips behind them, their test of endurance began. Their steps we heavy and measured, trying to gain ground without losing footing. The enormous 50 kilo wooden crossbeams weighed down their progress, causing them to dip their shoulders and lower their backs. Periodically, regardless of the pace, the whips would be snapped out onto the already bloodied backs of the tortured nuns. The fall of the harsh leather over the shredded skin drew out rapid gasps and moans from the victims. As the march wore on, the whipping became more erratic for the women, though, used more as a prod than a punishment. Well, all the women but one. Barbarias back was mercilessly assaulted by her Mistress. Repeatedly, from almost every angle. Every couple of seconds, another whip fell. She looked like she would collaspe onto her knees at any time, and the march had barely gotten into its first lap...
Behind the crowd, the nun continued to watch the cruelty unfold. She did not know their sins, or their crimes (did they even have crimes? Were they as innocent as the Lord Himself?) but she knew she wanted to see their punishment. There was blood flowing down their backs and tears rolling down their cheeks; there was no doubt that the women were suffering. As the scoring concluded, it became obvious how much of a toll the pageantry had taken on the young nuns. The crowns they had been given, rose thorns wrapped tightly around their heads, had cause one, Barbaria to become faint and disoriented, falling unconscious only briefly after the thorns had been driven down her head. Already she was looking much weaker. The others were not in much better shape; Thessala looked like she was in shock, and made no movements as her heavy cross was placed on top of her collapsed body; Messaline, for all of the determination she showed as her cross was brought over her shoulder, could not help but let tears trickle from her eyes, and mix with the blood on her face; Eulalia was perhaps the best off, but even she was weakened by the whipping and crowning.

A violent splash of icewater drew the young nun's attention back to the now more alert Barbaria. As she rose again, her gaze meet briefly with the nun's and the nun sheepishly glanced to Barbaria's left at Thessala, instead. She pushed herself off of the ground and beneath her waiting cross, lined up with the other women.

At the crack of the whips behind them, their test of endurance began. Their steps we heavy and measured, trying to gain ground without losing footing. The enormous 50 kilo wooden crossbeams weighed down their progress, causing them to dip their shoulders and lower their backs. Periodically, regardless of the pace, the whips would be snapped out onto the already bloodied backs of the tortured nuns. The fall of the harsh leather over the shredded skin drew out rapid gasps and moans from the victims. As the march wore on, the whipping became more erratic for the women, though, used more as a prod than a punishment. Well, all the women but one. Barbarias back was mercilessly assaulted by her Mistress. Repeatedly, from almost every angle. Every couple of seconds, another whip fell. She looked like she would collaspe onto her knees at any time, and the march had barely gotten into its first lap...

Nice excitedly graphic contribution mp! :) In blood red, too ;)
On my screen the red blends with the background. Any way around that??
At the very bottom on the left I will assume it says "Blackend"

Click on that and pick another option... it's easy to switch back to your preferred setting (I like blackend) just don't try to change with a rotary phone...

Good night, friends...

The monk watched with a mixture of fascination and sympathy. The crosses were so heavy, some of the girls so slight.
Wood weighed them down, forced them to stagger and stumble on their march. Soon it would be the wood that held their bodies up, the tables turned. The wood would not stumble, would take the weight with ease.
He watched, his eyes switching between the straining bodies. That one there, the French girl, she was not so defiant now. The other, the innocent looking one, she seemed barely able to manage, but determination was slowly spreading over her face. She may surprise us yet.
His eyes moved to the nun on the other side. She was not looking at him now, her attention taken entirely by the struggling bodies between them. He knew, he understood her interest, the hunger she radiated was something he felt growing inside himself. He wanted to be with her, to share this moment.
This special moment . . . . .
As I was trying to get some of the blood off the sandstone columns, I heard Bishop Wragg having a go at Sister Hilda for hitting her novice so hard, and he told her to use the 'refreshment break' to pray for forgiveness. Carrying my bucket of water (just as effective as an 'Access All Areas' pass) I followed Hilda into the vestry.

The Cardinal was seated in a large chair, with his legs splayed, and Sister Hilda was kneeling in prayer at his feet. The kind Cardinal was helping Hilda pray by laying his hands on her head, and helping her head to bob up and down. The cardinal's eyes were closed, and he had a contented smile on his face; it looked as if Hilda's sins were being forgiven.

I busied myself cleaning the vestry, cursing the boxes of VSOP French Cognac and Single-Malt Scotch Whisky scattered around.

No gifts from Threepwood, I did well to bet on that Thessala girl to come last.
No gifts from Threepwood, I did well to bet on that Thessala girl to come last.
I wouldn't be too sure...
While I was cutting thorny branches and twigs in the garden to make into crowns, I overheard two members of the Threepwood party chatting; they didn't notice me behind the hedge. I didn't hear everything, but enough to suspect that Threepwood still has an ace up its sleeve; they're saving something big for the final round.
Today, 17th November, is the Feast of St Hilda :)
(the formidable 7th century Abbess of Whitby)
St, Hilda, who turned snakes into stone! They don't make saints like that any more.
(The legend was inspired by all the ammonite fossils, or "snake-stones" found in the rocks around Whitby)


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