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The Cull And Hunt... Road To A Rebellion...

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The rules were explained and they were fairly simple. The cull would occur on a piece of land roughly 5 miles by 5 miles. The approximately 25 square miles of land had hills, heavy brush, streams and ponds, valleys and flat grasslands. While there was some fencing the majority of the boundary was marked only either purple paint on tree trunks or fence posts with the tops painted the same. Outside the boundary there were steel snare traps and security forces to insure escape was impossible. If caught outside the perimeter the woman would be hanged in public after a private torture session.
The cull would start at first light after the women were placed randomly throughout the preserve.

There would be field judges to determine if a slave has been hit by an arrow outside the torso ‘kill zone’ if she could continue. If not she would be removed from the cull and given medical attention but would still be eligible to be in the second part of the hunt a few days later. Either way the archer that shot outside the ‘kill zone’ would be removed from the cull.

As an added incentive a dozen of the slaves (not Prof. Barb’s ‘cull girls’) were given necklaces that would allow RR Video Productions remote camera to track them.
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If the slaves was fortunate enough to survive the cull and hunt they would be free women along with $100,000.”
The cull would end after one hundred of the women were ‘eliminated’. They were asked if they had any questions. One of the slaves asked “Can we attack the hunters?”

There was a huddle of the judges that lasted several minutes. When the conference ended one of the judges said “There are no rules against it. Save leaving the perimeter once the cull begins you are considered wild game. Good luck or die quickly…”

The rules were explained and they were fairly simple. The cull would occur on a piece of land roughly 5 miles by 5 miles. The approximately 25 square miles of land had hills, heavy brush, streams and ponds, valleys and flat grasslands. While there was some fencing the majority of the boundary was marked only either purple paint on tree trunks or fence posts with the tops painted the same. Outside the boundary there were steel snare traps and security forces to insure escape was impossible. If caught outside the perimeter the woman would be hanged in public after a private torture session.
The cull would start at first light after the women were placed randomly throughout the preserve.

There would be field judges to determine if a slave has been hit by an arrow outside the torso ‘kill zone’ if she could continue. If not she would be removed from the cull and given medical attention but would still be eligible to be in the second part of the hunt a few days later. Either way the archer that shot outside the ‘kill zone’ would be removed from the cull.

As an added incentive a dozen of the slaves (not Prof. Barb’s ‘cull girls’) were given necklaces that would allow RR Video Productions remote camera to track them.
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If the slaves was fortunate enough to survive the cull and hunt they would be free women along with $100,000.”
The cull would end after one hundred of the women were ‘eliminated’. They were asked if they had any questions. One of the slaves asked “Can we attack the hunters?”

There was a huddle of the judges that lasted several minutes. When the conference ended one of the judges said “There are no rules against it. Save leaving the perimeter once the cull begins you are considered wild game. Good luck or die quickly…”


So many questions....is this in Missouri? How cold does it get by nightfall? Do the women get to wear shoes? Hanged in public is clear enough....but what is meant by private tortures session...where and by whom? Can the field judges be bribed, and if so how? Why don't Professor Barb's girls have cameras....is there a reason...or just whim? $100 K in what....unmarked bills, traveler's checks, IOUs? And finally, will the hunter's be using dogs, and if so what kind?

That should keep him busy for the rest of Saturday evening;)
So many questions....is this in Missouri?
not recorded where but it is not on the Tree estate as it is not that big and it is fenced. We will assume somewhere in the USA

How cold does it get by nightfall?
Mid 60's by sunset

Do the women get to wear shoes?
Hell NO!!!

Hanged in public is clear enough....but what is meant by private tortures session...where and by whom?
Private means 'private'... No one allowed to see what happens... except a few paying high rollers and the ubiquitous RR cameras. It will be in a dungeon to be determined and there are negotiations ongoing between both Sir Wragg and Top Cat.

Can the field judges be bribed, and if so how?

This is CF- of course they can be bribed!!! As to how Tree has know idea as he never partakes in such unsavory activities.

Why don't Professor Barb's girls have cameras....is there a reason...or just whim?

The girls already have an incentive (beyond living) with the tuition deal. This was to add to the 'completion'.

$100 K in what....unmarked bills, traveler's checks, IOUs?
Please take this up with RR's accountant...

And finally, will the hunter's be using dogs, and if so what kind?

No dogs... In fact no hunting aids such as binoculars. They are allowed a hunting knife.

Anything else???

Before the sun rose, the slaves and ‘cull girls’ had been deposited throughout the preserve. They were dropped off on groups of three, four, and five. Elizabeth was dropped with two other slaves. She asked the man who delivered them if it was better if they stayed together or split up.

He told them he never hunted slaves but he had wild turkey and a flock was a better bet to bag to bag a turkey than chasing a single bird. As he was about to leave in his jeep he said “The good hunters will look for where the jeeps turned around. And if you are in the brush and hear something move but don’t see naked flesh your best bet is to hunker down and not move. Good luck.”

As the jeep drove away Elizabeth heard a siren in the distance.

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“The Cull is on” Elizabeth whispered. “Do you think we should split up?”

So many questions....is this in Missouri?
not recorded where but it is not on the Tree estate as it is not that big and it is fenced. We will assume somewhere in the USA

How cold does it get by nightfall?
Mid 60's by sunset

Do the women get to wear shoes?
Hell NO!!!

Hanged in public is clear enough....but what is meant by private tortures session...where and by whom?
Private means 'private'... No one allowed to see what happens... except a few paying high rollers and the ubiquitous RR cameras. It will be in a dungeon to be determined and there are negotiations ongoing between both Sir Wragg and Top Cat.

Can the field judges be bribed, and if so how?

This is CF- of course they can be bribed!!! As to how Tree has know idea as he never partakes in such unsavory activities.

Why don't Professor Barb's girls have cameras....is there a reason...or just whim?

The girls already have an incentive (beyond living) with the tuition deal. This was to add to the 'completion'.

$100 K in what....unmarked bills, traveler's checks, IOUs?
Please take this up with RR's accountant...

And finally, will the hunter's be using dogs, and if so what kind?

No dogs... In fact no hunting aids such as binoculars. They are allowed a hunting knife.

Anything else???



thought.jpg .... nope, that about covers it....let the games begin!:)
Before the sun rose, the slaves and ‘cull girls’ had been deposited throughout the preserve. They were dropped off on groups of three, four, and five. Elizabeth was dropped with two other slaves. She asked the man who delivered them if it was better if they stayed together or split up.

He told them he never hunted slaves but he had wild turkey and a flock was a better bet to bag to bag a turkey than chasing a single bird. As he was about to leave in his jeep he said “The good hunters will look for where the jeeps turned around. And if you are in the brush and hear something move but don’t see naked flesh your best bet is to hunker down and not move. Good luck.”

As the jeep drove away Elizabeth heard a siren in the distance.

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“The Cull is on” Elizabeth whispered. “Do you think we should split up?”


Geeze...where do they get such dumb students anyway?...

serious look.jpg ... split up, you idiot!!!!
A bit of clarification here… the hunters would be brought out to the fields in groups dropped off basically in a line that divided the range down the middle with the first group dropped nearest to the lodge with each succeeding group a bit farther away until the last group was finally dispatched farthest from the lodge almost an hour later.

The slaves and cull girls had been placed anywhere from a quarter mile to two miles from the hunters’ drop points. Some were placed in grassy valleys that they would be easily tracked and others in more rugged terrain with heavier brush and foliage to more easily conceal themselves. This was not coincidental.

The Dutch slave trader knew his customers as well as he did his ‘livestock’. Some of the hunters were experienced in the cull and had little interest in a difficult hunt. The kill was what they came for and the thrill of shooting a slave that would fetch a great deal on the market was what they paid dearly for and the Dutch slave trader made sure their odds were good for success. Other hunters had little or no experience and were sent to areas where the slaves and cull girls were most likely to survive the cull and be available for the hunt a few days later where the real money would be made.

All the hunters had two way radios but were restricted from using them except to call in a kill or receive the kill count.
In the first hour and a quarter over 20 confirmed kills had been called in. This of course did not mean the prey was dead although many were. This unfortunate slave had been shot by a wealth French aristocrat. The arrow had torn though muscle and a nicked a large vein.

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She could no longer run and lay on the cool grass as she slowly bled to death, all the while being recorded by one of RR Entertainment’s remote cameras honed in by the black and gold beacon around her next. For the next hour she begged for the lumber mogul to do a mercy shot but the French woman would only watch as her valet kept her kept her champagne flute filled and slices of cheese at her ready. On time she said to the slave “But you writhe so beautifully; why would I wish to end such a show…”

she looks to me like she's succumbing to her fate in a state of mystical ecstasy -
so she should, if she's a self-selected cull-slave!​
A reminder the dozen slaves (not Prof. Barb's cull girls from her class) were offered the chance of freedom if they survived the 'cull and hunt'. Me thinks she is a tad disappointed. All the slaves were selected for the event by the ruthless but debonair Dutch slave trader!!!


...as for any ecstasy we could review the 'Agony and Ecstasy' thread'...
A bit of clarification here… the hunters would be brought out to the fields in groups dropped off basically in a line that divided the range down the middle with the first group dropped nearest to the lodge with each succeeding group a bit farther away until the last group was finally dispatched farthest from the lodge almost an hour later.

The slaves and cull girls had been placed anywhere from a quarter mile to two miles from the hunters’ drop points. Some were placed in grassy valleys that they would be easily tracked and others in more rugged terrain with heavier brush and foliage to more easily conceal themselves. This was not coincidental.

The Dutch slave trader knew his customers as well as he did his ‘livestock’. Some of the hunters were experienced in the cull and had little interest in a difficult hunt. The kill was what they came for and the thrill of shooting a slave that would fetch a great deal on the market was what they paid dearly for and the Dutch slave trader made sure their odds were good for success. Other hunters had little or no experience and were sent to areas where the slaves and cull girls were most likely to survive the cull and be available for the hunt a few days later where the real money would be made.

All the hunters had two way radios but were restricted from using them except to call in a kill or receive the kill count.
In the first hour and a quarter over 20 confirmed kills had been called in. This of course did not mean the prey was dead although many were. This unfortunate slave had been shot by a wealth French aristocrat. The arrow had torn though muscle and a nicked a large vein.

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She could no longer run and lay on the cool grass as she slowly bled to death, all the while being recorded by one of RR Entertainment’s remote cameras honed in by the black and gold beacon around her next. For the next hour she begged for the lumber mogul to do a mercy shot but the French woman would only watch as her valet kept her kept her champagne flute filled and slices of cheese at her ready. On time she said to the slave “But you writhe so beautifully; why would I wish to end such a show…”


Ecstasy no!....this is nothing more than highly organized slaughter!!...if we are not careful here we just might foment the Great Slave Rebellion of 2015. Let's at least keep up the fiction that the slaves have a sporting chance here
Ecstasy no!....this is nothing more than highly organized slaughter!!...if we are not careful here we just might foment the Great Slave Rebellion of 2015. Let's at least keep up the fiction that the slaves have a sporting chance here
...when there are two waves of 200 slaves (and cull girls) and the cull doesn't stop until 100 of each wave are killed the only place you get worse odds are Vegas, playing the lottery, or having Uncle Vito running the books!!! And two out of three of those tend to be non-fatal if you lose!!!

...when there are two waves of 200 slaves (and cull girls) and the cull doesn't stop until 100 of each wave are killed the only place you get worse odds are Vegas, playing the lottery, or having Uncle Vito running the books!!! And two out of three of those tend to be non-fatal if you lose!!!


That clears that up....thanks for setting things straight on the odds....calling my bookie now!:rolleyes:
Strange things happen during a Cull and Hunt. Tree will relate to you some things that happened in no particular order…

Remember Aileen Brady, the petite Scot student selected as a ‘cull girl’ from Prof. Barb’s class that wanted to be considered because she wouldn’t have a chance to be in a Linkie-rug? Her story continues here…

I knew the woods. Not these but all woods are the same. I know how to run them and I did it barefoot and naked back home. I used to taunt the boys that if they could catch me in hour they to take me. They never did. This cull is easier. They can’t use dogs so I’m not worried hiding my scent by hitting the streams. I pick up walnuts as I run and crack them with rocks. It draws squirrels that cover any noise I make as run through the woods. With the hills there are plenty of rocks I can run across without fear of leaving tracks. I have already dodged more than few hunters as they press towards the perimeter. I’m behind them now and stop to rest when I hear “Hello, Ally.”

I almost crap on the rock I am sitting on. I slowly rise to my feet and look to my left and ask “Ryan?”

“It is indeed me…”

Ryan held his bow aimed at Aileen. They had spent much of the semester as lovers and Aileen had told him about her runs through the forests back home. They would role-play while having sex and both she and Ryan seemed to like it.

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At some point the cull came up and they would whisper about being hunted and being the hunter. The sex was intense as Aileen always made him promise it wouldn’t be a quick kill when he caught her.

Aileen always knew it wouldn’t last. She didn’t know where he got his money and never asked but he had a new Porsche each year of school and her modest background would not fit into wherever he came from. But Aileen felt her anger growing.

“I suspect this is not just a lucky coincidence” I hiss.

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“I’ve never been tracked by dogs and you may be less than that!”

(One can assume Barbaria’s question about bribes may have some validity, though Tree does not know how much or how it is done…)

“Whatever, Ally, here we are. You said you didn’t want a quick kill. I can drop you and you will be dead in seconds.”

“You bragged how good of an archer you are. I’m not a target strung up on hay bales. Do what you said you can do” I say. My heart races as I slip my hands behind neck and raise my hair behind my head. My nipples are hard and almost as big as my tits.

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I feel my pussy ooze on my thighs as he tells me to arch my back so he can see my ribs. I do as he says. He draws the bow back and says “Take a breath Ally.”

I do and wonder if he has the balls to do it…

He did and he was the accomplished archer he had bragged he was. He did not pull the bow all the way. Aileen’s eyes widened and her head rolled down so she could watch the arrow enter her right chest, tearing through the bottom of her lung and slowing as it nicked her rib exiting. She dropped to her knees with her arms hanging limp by her side. Ryan quickly tied her wrists behind her back and pushed Aileen over onto her side. Aileen watched as he tied ropes to her ankles and tossed the ropes over limbs of two trees. As she began to cough blood Aileen asked “Did you even like me?”

Ryan and his caddy hoisted her up by her ankles and tied her off as she hung upside-down with her legs spread. “Ally, you were the best fuck out of all the girls I fucked at the university, and I fucked more than a few.”

“Will you stay with me?” Aileen asked. Ryan looked down at her face with blood trickling from her nose and mouth. Ryan leaned down and grabbed her hair and pulled her head forward. He kissed her and said “Sorry, Ally, the bar is opened at the lodge…”

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