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The Cull And Hunt... Road To A Rebellion...

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They don't get their tuition paid... Hell, I don't know... I was in the work force at 19; can you spank college kids???

I dunno, ask Admi.....maybe it's somewhere in the University of the VM charter?

She may even cane them as she makes them write... I've heard she is like that...

Don't let that get out to the Chronicle!

I doubt the cull girl found humor in it, either. As for Blaire don't forget she is still is perturbed with you although she is trained well enough by now not to say so...

mistress whip.jpg Blaire!!!!!! Is this true??????
I dunno, ask Admi.....maybe it's somewhere in the University of the VM charter?

Don't let that get out to the Chronicle!

View attachment 154054 Blaire!!!!!! Is this true??????
Blaire is torn between answering her Mistress honestly or just being quiet like a good slave...:doh: They didn't cover tricky situations like this at the OPP...:confused: Though it really doesn't matter when Barb gets out the whip...:oops:
Marilyn had been told if the Dutch slave selected both Elizabeth Montgomery-Wragg and her she would have to provide a service for Trader Admi. Though not said Marilyn assumed sex would be involved. That did not bother her. It wouldn’t be the first time she traded sex for favors. Marilyn would not go through the selection process. Instead Ulrika brought her to a chamber where she and two guards took to strapping her into a metal devise. It took over 20 minutes to get her strapped in. When they finished Marilyn was completely immobilized.

Ulrika stepped back. Satisfied Marilyn was secure Ulrika looked at the guards and pulled out a coin. She pointed to one of the guards and said ‘Call heads or tails.”

He called ‘heads’ but it fell ‘tails’. Ulrika told the other guard “You win the toss. You want her cunt or ass?”

“I’ll take her ass.”

“Then have at it” Ulrika ordered.

Marilyn managed to keep her reactions to muted grunts and squeals as her the guard pummeled her ass. When he finished the other guard roughly took her cunt. Even with the brutality of the rape Marilyn began screaming “Oh, God… oh there… oh yes…”

After he finished and Marilyn caught her breath she raised her eyes to look at Ulrika who was filing her fingernails. She said “I did pretty good, don’t you think?”

Ulrika blew a bubble with her gum and said “Honey, those two were the ‘warm-up band’.”

The room got darker as the sun set. Soon the grid of the of shadows of the bars in a window high above Marilyn crawled down the wall in front of her before reaching the floor and began creeping towards her as the full moon rose.
Marilyn fidgeted as much as she as tightly as she was bound. She wondered what could be worse than what had happened to her. She heard footsteps walking towards her and looked up. She cried “Oh, God, no!”

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Before her two caped creatures strode toward her with massive cocks dangling well past halfway down their thighs to their knees!

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(Please feel free to play the game ‘what’s the difference between the two… umm… men’)

Down the stone corridor of the obsoleted rented prison Elizabeth Montgomery-Wragg shot to the bars of her cell and cried “That’s Marilyn!”

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One of the other women selected for the cull asked “So how do you recognize her howls?”

“Fuck off” Elizabeth hissed…

.....and she is very nice too.... I love bars and chains....
There were twenty-four women that had recently been students of Professor Barbaria Moore’s class that faced possible death the next day in the cull. Even under the bright warm lights shining on them their nipples were tumescent with adrenalin. Prof. Barb explained that each ‘cull girl’ would be read her initial course paper then be told to explain how they felt now they were actually selected for the cull and hunt.

One of the students asked “Why would they say, and if they do answer why do you think they would answer honestly, knowing they could be dead tomorrow or slaves when the hunt begins?”

“A very good question…

…as you can see all 24 have their arms are wrists bound behind their backs. If, at my discretion, I don’t think they are answering honestly they start the cull run with their arms bound as they are. I doubt they would have a chance to survive on the terrain like that. What do you think, Marilyn?”

“I don’t think so” Marilyn huffed.

“You ‘don’t think so’, what, Marilyn?” Barbaria asked.

“I don’t think so, Professor Barb.”

“See, even she can learn. Who would have thought?” Barbaria laughed. “And, again at my discretion, if I think I am still not getting straight answers I can order her to wear these (Barbaria held up a pair of shackles with a short but heavy chain between the equally irons.) Tell me Marilyn do you think you could run very fast with 30 pounds of iron limiting you to 18 inch steps?”

“No Professor Barb” Marilyn replied. Prof. Barb tossed the irons at Marilyn’s feet. They landed with a thud and a rattle of chains.

“I think the girls will tell me the truth…”

We would never get to the ‘Cull and Hunt’ if Tree documented all 24 interviews so let’s just look just a few…

Prof. Barb walked up to one woman then the next to interview them. One of them had her forearms bound tightly crossed behind her back. As she had done with the women before this one she told her to state her full name. She identified herself as Helen Brown. Prof. Barb said “Helen, your paper you stated that you did the math and you figured you had fair odds of not being chosen for the ‘Cull and Hunt’ though the prospects of the possibility of being chosen were stimulating. Did you mean sexually stimulating?”

“I found the concept erotic.”

“Did you masturbate thinking about being picked?”

“Yes, though I didn’t think it would be like this.”

“Explain” Prof. Barb demanded.

“I never thought I’d be paraded naked before your class.”

“Well, ‘no one expects the Spanish Inquisition’ Helen” Barbaria mocked. “So tell the class how you feel now, knowing tomorrow you could be dead.”

owp 188.jpg

Helen paused and looked out at the class before saying “I feel a bit sick that I could have thought if it were someone other than me I would spend tonight fantasizing what she would be going through. I am humbled, embarrassed really, that I am being looked at like a slave the same way I have looked at slaves the few times I have seen them.”

“Are you afraid?”

Helen looked at Barbaria with anger creeping into her voice said “You know I am…”

There were twenty-four women that had recently been students of Professor Barbaria Moore’s class that faced possible death the next day in the cull. Even under the bright warm lights shining on them their nipples were tumescent with adrenalin. Prof. Barb explained that each ‘cull girl’ would be read her initial course paper then be told to explain how they felt now they were actually selected for the cull and hunt.

One of the students asked “Why would they say, and if they do answer why do you think they would answer honestly, knowing they could be dead tomorrow or slaves when the hunt begins?”

“A very good question…

…as you can see all 24 have their arms are wrists bound behind their backs. If, at my discretion, I don’t think they are answering honestly they start the cull run with their arms bound as they are. I doubt they would have a chance to survive on the terrain like that. What do you think, Marilyn?”

“I don’t think so” Marilyn huffed.

“You ‘don’t think so’, what, Marilyn?” Barbaria asked.

“I don’t think so, Professor Barb.”

“See, even she can learn. Who would have thought?” Barbaria laughed. “And, again at my discretion, if I think I am still not getting straight answers I can order her to wear these (Barbaria held up a pair of shackles with a short but heavy chain between the equally irons.) Tell me Marilyn do you think you could run very fast with 30 pounds of iron limiting you to 18 inch steps?”

“No Professor Barb” Marilyn replied. Prof. Barb tossed the irons at Marilyn’s feet. They landed with a thud and a rattle of chains.

“I think the girls will tell me the truth…”

We would never get to the ‘Cull and Hunt’ if Tree documented all 24 interviews so let’s just look just a few…

Prof. Barb walked up to one woman then the next to interview them. One of them had her forearms bound tightly crossed behind her back. As she had done with the women before this one she told her to state her full name. She identified herself as Helen Brown. Prof. Barb said “Helen, your paper you stated that you did the math and you figured you had fair odds of not being chosen for the ‘Cull and Hunt’ though the prospects of the possibility of being chosen were stimulating. Did you mean sexually stimulating?”

“I found the concept erotic.”

“Did you masturbate thinking about being picked?”

“Yes, though I didn’t think it would be like this.”

“Explain” Prof. Barb demanded.

“I never thought I’d be paraded naked before your class.”

“Well, ‘no one expects the Spanish Inquisition’ Helen” Barbaria mocked. “So tell the class how you feel now, knowing tomorrow you could be dead.”

View attachment 154326

Helen paused and looked out at the class before saying “I feel a bit sick that I could have thought if it were someone other than me I would spend tonight fantasizing what she would be going through. I am humbled, embarrassed really, that I am being looked at like a slave the same way I have looked at slaves the few times I have seen them.”

“Are you afraid?”

Helen looked at Barbaria with anger creeping into her voice said “You know I am…”


OMG !!!!....How did I ever turn into such a Bitch?:confused: I am by nature sweet, innocent and quiet:)....I know...Joan must be at the bottom of this character change:rolleyes:....damn her!!!
Helen paused and looked out at the class before saying “I feel a bit sick that I could have thought if it were someone other than me I would spend tonight fantasizing what she would be going through. I am humbled, embarrassed really, that I am being looked at like a slave the same way I have looked at slaves the few times I have seen them.”
I particularly like this -
believable insight into the mixed, conflicting feelings
I'd certainly have in such a situation​
Another interview…

Prof. Barb moved to another woman and told her to state her name.

“Aileen Brady” she replied.

“Aileen, you have an accent. Are you English?”

“No Prof. Barb, I am Scottish.”

“Oh, excuse me! In your paper you said you signed up because you would not be able to participate in a ‘Linkie-Rug’ and this was as close as you would get to one. Then you happy you have been selected for the ‘Cull and Hunt’?”

“I’m not looking forward to the ‘cull’ but the ‘hunt’ part does not bother me” she said. “I am surprised I was selected though what with all the women prettier than I.”

d b 020.jpg
“Prettier than you; whatever do you mean?” Barbaria asked.

“I’m not that well-endowed with tits, Prof. Barb."

“Oh, nonsense, you make my slave Blaire look positively flat-chested. But you are a petite woman and it says you run cross-country. That will make you a small target and hard to hit! Good luck, Aileen!”

Aileen managed a small smile and said “Thank you, Prof. Barb…”

For some reason, I need to say that you both know as much as I wanted to be a part of a dance ... one more than an others ........................ I Love all of you ... ?!... !!!!

Tree! I hate you in such a good way. :)

Walk the path but never fall ......

You are the source of myhanging beauty ............

The seed ........

plants ...

the seasons

a new

breeze of morning!
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