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The Cull And Hunt... Road To A Rebellion...

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...for the life of me I will never understand women. Barbaria leaves me to go 'see' Bull then is pissed that Marilyn gets the Admicock when she always bitches when Tree writes her into such situations...

I hope you understand why it is so difficult to write these threads....


...shut up, Ulrika, I was not whining!!!

fucking.jpg ... just imagine what you have missed given that "inability to understand women":rolleyes:
View attachment 153397 ...oops, sorry....I will be good now.:oops:
Tree does not hold his breath...

next segment...

One by one the students were taken from their cells for the final inspection before last cut to narrow their numbers down to 24. They were weighted, measured, and photographed.
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Then they were brought before the slave trader Admi and his assistant Rogue Rodent where a short interview was conducted.
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Some were given more in-depth interviews personally by Admi.
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The fortunate ones were taken out the side door of the room where their clothing awaited them. They were told to dress and that they were free to go. The twenty-four picked for the cull and hunt were taken back to their cells and bound in irons.
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…that is except for Marilyn Scanlan. Her night was just starting…

Marilyn had been told if the Dutch slave selected both Elizabeth Montgomery-Wragg and her she would have to provide a service for Trader Admi. Though not said Marilyn assumed sex would be involved. That did not bother her. It wouldn’t be the first time she traded sex for favors. Marilyn would not go through the selection process. Instead Ulrika brought her to a chamber where she and two guards took to strapping her into a metal devise. It took over 20 minutes to get her strapped in. When they finished Marilyn was completely immobilized.

Ulrika stepped back. Satisfied Marilyn was secure Ulrika looked at the guards and pulled out a coin. She pointed to one of the guards and said ‘Call heads or tails.”

He called ‘heads’ but it fell ‘tails’. Ulrika told the other guard “You win the toss. You want her cunt or ass?”

“I’ll take her ass.”

“Then have at it” Ulrika ordered.

Marilyn managed to keep her reactions to muted grunts and squeals as her the guard pummeled her ass. When he finished the other guard roughly took her cunt. Even with the brutality of the rape Marilyn began screaming “Oh, God… oh there… oh yes…”

After he finished and Marilyn caught her breath she raised her eyes to look at Ulrika who was filing her fingernails. She said “I did pretty good, don’t you think?”

Ulrika blew a bubble with her gum and said “Honey, those two were the ‘warm-up band’.”

The room got darker as the sun set. Soon the grid of the of shadows of the bars in a window high above Marilyn crawled down the wall in front of her before reaching the floor and began creeping towards her as the full moon rose.
Marilyn fidgeted as much as she as tightly as she was bound. She wondered what could be worse than what had happened to her. She heard footsteps walking towards her and looked up. She cried “Oh, God, no!”


Before her two caped creatures strode toward her with massive cocks dangling well past halfway down their thighs to their knees!

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(Please feel free to play the game ‘what’s the difference between the two… umm… men’)

Down the stone corridor of the obsoleted rented prison Elizabeth Montgomery-Wragg shot to the bars of her cell and cried “That’s Marilyn!”

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One of the other women selected for the cull asked “So how do you recognize her howls?”

“Fuck off” Elizabeth hissed…

Tree only reports what he sees...

But he does like that Ulrika will come by when Admi is busy with Ariel, RR is racking up obscene profits recording every thing I write, and when..

...what, Ulrika???

...Come to bed?

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01.jpg Tree (almost) always does as he is told ;)
Throughout the night the two Admicocks pummeled Marilyn’s cunt, ass, and mouth with their massive members. As brutal as having to service not one but two Admicocks would be it was made worse as it was more than a full moon; it was a blood moon!
As the lunar eclipse progressed the moon turned grey then red that drove the Admicocks into a primal sexual frenzy that no woman could enjoy except perhaps Dorothy Brown! The other 23 ‘cull girls’ could only curl up in corners of their cells and listen to the horrific sounds echoing down the stone corridor.

The next morning the Dutch slave trader Admihoek and the fair and just Judge Admi were back to their ‘normal’ selves. Ulrika serves the cousins breakfast and asked if they had a nice night knowing they would not remember a thing about it. Both commented they had slept well but were strangely tired.

The 24 ‘cull girls had been taken to the University of the Virgin Martyrs for what could possibly be their last trip to a classroom if the cull or hunt went badly for them. They were all bound naked in various restraints that held their arms or wrists behind their backs. One by one they were paraded out onto the stage at the front of the auditorium. As they were brought out Prof. Barb would introduce them by their full names then read their age, height, weight, and measurements.

When Marilyn Scanlan was brought out Prof. Barb switch off the microphone at her podium and said softly yet coldly “Too bad you’re missing your last opportunity to finger your clit in my class.”

Marilyn looked back at the podium, smiled, and said “After the night I had I don’t need to. It’s a good thing it was me and not you; at your age I doubt you could have handled it!”

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...don't worry about the Microphone being turned off... RR has a hidden one for his feed...
Throughout the night the two Admicocks pummeled Marilyn’s cunt, ass, and mouth with their massive members. As brutal as having to service not one but two Admicocks would be it was made worse as it was more than a full moon; it was a blood moon!
View attachment 153645
As the lunar eclipse progressed the moon turned grey then red that drove the Admicocks into a primal sexual frenzy that no woman could enjoy except perhaps Dorothy Brown! The other 23 ‘cull girls’ could only curl up in corners of their cells and listen to the horrific sounds echoing down the stone corridor.

The next morning the Dutch slave trader Admihoek and the fair and just Judge Admi were back to their ‘normal’ selves. Ulrika serves the cousins breakfast and asked if they had a nice night knowing they would not remember a thing about it. Both commented they had slept well but were strangely tired.

The 24 ‘cull girls had been taken to the University of the Virgin Martyrs for what could possibly be their last trip to a classroom if the cull or hunt went badly for them. They were all bound naked in various restraints that held their arms or wrists behind their backs. One by one they were paraded out onto the stage at the front of the auditorium. As they were brought out Prof. Barb would introduce them by their full names then read their age, height, weight, and measurements.

When Marilyn Scanlan was brought out Prof. Barb switch off the microphone at her podium and said softly yet coldly “Too bad you’re missing your last opportunity to finger your clit in my class.”

Marilyn looked back at the podium, smiled, and said “After the night I had I don’t need to. It’s a good thing it was me and not you; at your age I doubt you could have handled it!”

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...don't worry about the Microphone being turned off... RR has a hidden one for his feed...

nice manip Tree!
‘Fucking bitch’ Prof. Barb thought ‘with any luck this will be the last class she bothers me.’

When all 24 ‘cull girls’ had been introduced to the class they stood in a row across the stage. Barbaria looked out to the auditorium and said to the student “As you know the name of the class is ‘The Psychology of the Cull and Hunt from the Slaves’ and Hunters’ points of view’. At the beginning of the semester all of you submitted papers as to why you signed up for the course. For the boys in the class the reasons ranged from curiosity, to it were the only way they’d ever have a chance to afford to participate in the cull and hunt, and my favorite was the few that admitted it was the most interesting course to finish up the credits they need to graduate.”

“So of the 100 or so males in the class, they have been interviewed and 24 have been selected to participate in the cull and hunt of the 24 girls here on stage. Oh don’t ask who… They don’t know yet!!! But they were selected before the girls of the cull were and the selection was not shared with the selection committee that picked the girls. I do find it interesting that it is possible some of you could be hunted by the boys you have fraternized with.”

Nervous laughter filled the auditorium as one of the ‘cull girls’ loosed her bowels on stage accompanied by loud flatulence. Prof. Barb had all she could do to suppress her laughter before she continued.

“There is incentive to do well. If they don’t bag any slave during the cull they will lose one grade point average across the board and be ineligible to participate in the hunt. If they make it to hunt and bag a slave they can keep her or have her put on the market. If they get one of the twenty-four here they can keep or sell her plus get a lucrative scholarship and loan forgiveness package.”

The auditorium was abuzz with tension. Prof. Barb thought ‘damn I need to get through this class and have Blaire give me some satisfaction!’


“So of the 100 or so males in the class, they have been interviewed and 24 have been selected to participate in the cull and hunt of the 24 girls here on stage. Oh don’t ask who… They don’t know yet!!!

What's in it for the guys who were not selected? They get to drink beer and watch it on RR closed circuit TV? And what about the girls who were not selected? What do they get? Hmmmm?:rolleyes:
What's in it for the guys who were not selected? They get to drink beer and watch it on RR closed circuit TV? And what about the girls who were not selected? What do they get? Hmmmm?:rolleyes:
Prof. Barb will probably make them write papers on the contestants' stategies.:rolleyes: Of course this will requires much watching of tape...:devil:
Nervous laughter filled the auditorium as one of the ‘cull girls’ loosed her bowels on stage accompanied by loud flatulence. Prof. Barb had all she could do to suppress her laughter before she continued.

Try as she might, Prof. Barb struggles to find much humor in human flatulence....but for the sake to the thread...giggle giggle.

The auditorium was abuzz with tension. Prof. Barb thought ‘damn I need to get through this class and have Blaire give me some satisfaction!’


Now we're talking here.....:rolleyes:
What's in it for the guys who were not selected? They get to drink beer and watch it on RR closed circuit TV? And what about the girls who were not selected? What do they get? Hmmmm?:rolleyes:

They don't get their tuition paid... Hell, I don't know... I was in the work force at 19; can you spank college kids???

Prof. Barb will probably make them write papers on the contestants' stategies.:rolleyes: Of course this will requires much watching of tape...:devil:
She may even cane them as she makes them write... I've heard she is like that...

Try as she might, Prof. Barb struggles to find much humor in human flatulence....but for the sake to the thread...giggle giggle.

Now we're talking here.....:rolleyes:

I doubt the cull girl found humor in it, either. As for Blaire don't forget she is still is perturbed with you although she is trained well enough by now not to say so...

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