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The Cull And Hunt... Road To A Rebellion...

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...so Blaire is off to the her bike race and while she spent the night in the steel box she has adrenalin her side.

Barbaria is heading to her class where the first round of 'Cull and Hunt' selections will begin...

We still don't know why Marilyn wants to be in the cull and why she wants her roommate Liz included in it.

...and why does Liz hide her full name, Elizabeth Montgomery-Wragg???


as previews of coming attractions go....this is not bad....Elizabeth Montgomery?????
The esteemed president of the United Federation of Slave Traders Association and famed slave trader Admihoek arrived for the first day of selection of students from Professor Barbaria’s class “The psychology of the cull and hunt from the slaves’ and hunters’ points of view” in a rather jovial mood. The night before, he had copious amounts of sex with Prof. Barb’s student Marilyn Scanlan who was trying to convince him to select her and her roommate Elizabeth Montgomery-Wragg for the cull. While he probably would have picked Marilyn anyway he remained noncommittal. After she left he had called Sir Wragg’s to see if he had a problem with Admi selecting Wragg’s great-niece.

Sir Wragg’s said he had no objections Elizabeth’s selection. He explained he never was fond of his nephew but practically disowned him when he married and allowed his wife to use a hyphenated surname, an insult to the family. Then his great-niece went only by her mother’s maiden name of Montgomery except on legal documents when she used the hyphenated name.

When the slave trader was introduced to Prof. Barbaria’s class he was greeting with an enthusiastic applause…

The esteemed president of the United Federation of Slave Traders Association and famed slave trader Admihoek arrived for the first day of selection of students from Professor Barbaria’s class “The psychology of the cull and hunt from the slaves’ and hunters’ points of view” in a rather jovial mood. The night before, he had copious amounts of sex with Prof. Barb’s student Marilyn Scanlan who was trying to convince him to select her and her roommate Elizabeth Montgomery-Wragg for the cull. While he probably would have picked Marilyn anyway he remained noncommittal. After she left he had called Sir Wragg’s to see if he had a problem with Admi selecting Wragg’s great-niece.

Sir Wragg’s said he had no objections Elizabeth’s selection. He explained he never was fond of his nephew but practically disowned him when he married and allowed his wife to use a hyphenated surname, an insult to the family. Then his great-niece went only by her mother’s maiden name of Montgomery except on legal documents when she used the hyphenated name.

When the slave trader was introduced to Prof. Barbaria’s class he was greeting with an enthusiastic applause…


Well that clears up my Elizabeth Montgomery question....I think:confused:
Well that clears up my Elizabeth Montgomery question....I think:confused:
...maybe... maybe not...

...next segment...

Usually with a cull slaves selected to participate are both unsold and least marketable since 50% of them would end up dead. With Prof. Barbaria’s students there was a chance there would be some that survived the cull and could be taken in the hunt. The thought of ‘bagging’ a free women had dramatically raised the bids on hunt participation.

Over the next two days the women that Admi thought might be good candidates were photographed dressed then naked. The students were assured the photos would be secure (without mentioning that ‘secure’ would be in Admi’s and RR’s personal collection). While the women had been told they could be selected every one of them were photographed.

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The second round was more humiliating as the final fifty candidates were photographed clothed, then naked facing front, then her backside. The humiliation was this was done on the stage with the class watching!

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Prof. Barb didn’t bother having attendance checked.

...maybe... maybe not...

...next segment...

Usually with a cull slaves selected to participate are both unsold and least marketable since 50% of them would end up dead. With Prof. Barbaria’s students there was a chance there would be some that survived the cull and could be taken in the hunt. The thought of ‘bagging’ a free women had dramatically raised the bids on hunt participation.

Over the next two days the women that Admi thought might be good candidates were photographed dressed then naked. The students were assured the photos would be secure (without mentioning that ‘secure’ would be in Admi’s and RR’s personal collection). While the women had been told they could be selected every one of them were photographed.

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The second round was more humiliating as the final fifty candidates were photographed clothed, then naked facing front, then her backside. The humiliation was this was done on the stage with the class watching!

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Prof. Barb didn’t bother having attendance checked.


She and RR were outside selling tickets $$$$ to any spare seats in the room.....what was the net take RR?
Of the hundred and fifty or so students not selected while there was a general feeling of relief at not being chosen for the cull in particular and to a lesser degree the subsequent hunt, there were more than a few that couldn’t believe some of the 50 that made the preliminary cut. The women selected were of various height, weight, hair color, bust, and butt size. What they didn’t understand was the slave trader knows his market and while he knew he could have ended up with 24 busty, statuesque blondes he knew that his customers were not of such singular tastes.

(Ed. note: The slave trader could have been influenced a bit by some of the bidders of those treasured hunt spots that follows the cull. There were only three however that were selected for reasons beyond his market.

One was Marilyn Scanlan, who Ulrika convinced him to select and he could have her the night before the cull. The slave trader did not realize that that was the night of the full moon. He, like his cousin Judge Admi, becomes Admicocksduring the full moon although neither ever remembers the event. Ulrika never forgets when she is stuck servicing them.

The other was Elizabeth Montgomery-Wragg. While Sir Wragg had not out-and-out bribed the slave trader Admi he did offer Admi an entertaining week at his abbey, knowing how much the slave trader enjoyed visiting the abbey.

The last was the women that refused to take her socks off during the first round because she thought the floor was too cold. This infuriated Admi and little did she know she had sealed her fate to be one of the 24 to be in the selected for the cull and hunt.

That evening while Tree was sitting on his deck having a cocktail...

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…when Barbaria showed up. She had asked “Hi, Tree, care for some company?”

“Sure if you lose that suit” Tree replied.

“I’d hope you say that” Barbaria replied as she began to peel her suit off…

What a perspicacious chap Mr Tree is, Admi :D
See, this is the reason I come to this site... You always learn new words!!! Today I was reading an early review of the 2015 Ford Mustang and they mentioned in 'styling' section that the car had a 'tumescent hood' and I didn't have to look up what that meant!


...what, Ulrika??? ...No I have no idea what Wragg said... ...why???
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