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The Cull And Hunt... Road To A Rebellion...

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Mistress Barbaria is very pleased at my complete humiliation in front of her class. She tells me when I first became her slave she would have never been able to what she did today. I suppose this makes her a better mistress. She takes me out to the deck for one last humiliation. She cuffs my hands behind my back and locks me in a small metal box that pushes my knees against my chest and is too short for me to sit up straight. Before she shut the steel plate over the small window before my eyes she says to me “I had a busy day. I need to get some sleep.”
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I’m so glad Mistress is getting her beauty sleep since she is tired from abusing me today. I’m exhausted but my mind is racing as it goes over the day’s event. My body is sore from Bull’s violent ravaging. My wrists, tortured with ropes and cuffs, are in agony with the tight cuffs wedged between my backside and the back wall of the steel box. Sleep will not come easy.

So let me tell you about the question and answer period. Mistress had me stand on the window sill. I had to stand on my toes clinging to windows’ handles to maintain my balance with the threat that if my heels hit the wood sill I would regret it. They did after almost an hour but I don’t think that is why I am in this box.

Remember the first question I was asked; “You came when the man called ‘Bull’ fucked you. Does that mean you liked it?”

Staring straight ahead I answered “With enough clitoral stimulation an orgasm can occur even in less than desirable situations.”

Mistress Barbaria scolded me “You haven’t answer the question, slave.”

I took a deep breath and said “I hate when Masters Bull and Gunner use me. I am too small to accommodate their cocks.”

The next question; “So why would you ask him to fuck you ass?”

“That is what Master Bull wanted so that is what I said” I reply still staring straight ahead at the wall across the wall. I wondered if my answer would displease Mistress. I needn’t have worried until the next question.

“But you asked him to your ass with come; surely you have to have liked it?”

My face burned red with anger. I lost control and dropped to my heels and looked into the dimly lit auditorium and screamed “Listen, bitch, have your girlfriend put an eighteen inch long and two inch diameter strap-on and her fuck your ass. I’m sure your boyfriend’s cock isn’t anywhere near as big as Bull’s!”

I rose back on my toes and looked across the room at the opposite wall with the faint hope Mistress Barbaria had not noticed my transgressions.

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She obviously did notice as I sit in the steel box. I looked at the auditorium, I was honest but disrespectful to a free woman, and I didn’t call Bull ‘Master Bull’.

I probably would have been flogged then and there except for the administrative assistant that walked into the room just then. She and Mistress Barbaria and her teaching assistants huddled together before Mistress called “Marilyn, your presence is requested in the dean’s office.”

Whatever happened broke the flow of my ‘interview’. Mistress called me to her podium. I walk over. I must admit after the few months I have been a slave I have become uncomfortable not being bound. I suspect Mistress knows this as I stand naked next to her. Mistress explains to her class that the cull selection will begin during the next class. With her last dig at me she flips my tit and says “You never know what the selection committee is looking for…”

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So I am tired and might doze off…


Marilyn thought she was in trouble with Professor Barb but when she stepped out of the auditorium she was met by a woman she didn’t know. The woman told Marilyn to turn around and put her wrists behind her back. Marilyn obeyed and while the woman locked cuffs around Marilyn’s wrists she asked “What is this about?”

“Shut up and do as you are told” the woman replied.

“I have rights- I want an attorney!” Marilyn declared.

“You gave up your rights when you talked to me” the woman hissed.

“When I talked to you; who are you?”

“Shut up, bitch, you wanted to see the president and Judge Admi. I am taking you there.”

The woman pushes Marilyn out to the street. Marilyn asked “Who are you?”

“I run this whole show. People forget the secretary runs everything. I am Ulrika.”

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Marilyn felt her panties get wet and she wasn’t coming…

Marilyn was driven through the gates of a non-descript obsolete rented prison and was brought to the out office of the warden’s private quarters. The cuffs were removed and Ulrika ordered her to strip. Ulrika dressed her fingernails with a file while explaining to Marilyn that while she ran the show the judge was technically the boss and he had some odd interviewing methods but it would be in her best interest to do as he tells her before letting her into the private quarters of Judge Admi’s.

She walked in and stood before the strange looking man sitting behind the desk. For a long time he didn’t look up and when he did he unzipped his fly and said “You want something; pay for it.”

Marilyn dropped to her hands and knees and crawled under the desk…
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Satisfied he asked what Marilyn wanted. She told him she wanted to be a slave. The judge explained there was a cull coming to stabilize the price of slaves and there were no openings unless she participated in the cull, adding she might not survive the cull. Otherwise there would no slave openings until 2016 unless there was a rebellion in 2015.

Marilyn said she understood as she wiped his cum from her mouth. “But I have a request. She can’t know about it but I want my roommate to be in the cull with me.”

Judge Admi asked who her roommate was and she said ‘Liz Montgomery’. He clicked her name into his computer and said “There is an ‘Elizabeth Montgomery- Wragg; is that your roommate???”


...what the hell is going on???
Marilyn was driven through the gates of a non-descript obsolete rented prison and was brought to the out office of the warden’s private quarters. The cuffs were removed and Ulrika ordered her to strip. Ulrika dressed her fingernails with a file while explaining to Marilyn that while she ran the show the judge was technically the boss and he had some odd interviewing methods but it would be in her best interest to do as he tells her before letting her into the private quarters of Judge Admi’s.

She walked in and stood before the strange looking man sitting behind the desk. For a long time he didn’t look up and when he did he unzipped his fly and said “You want something; pay for it.”

Marilyn dropped to her hands and knees and crawled under the desk…
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Satisfied he asked what Marilyn wanted. She told him she wanted to be a slave. The judge explained there was a cull coming to stabilize the price of slaves and there were no openings unless she participated in the cull, adding she might not survive the cull. Otherwise there would no slave openings until 2016 unless there was a rebellion in 2015.

Marilyn said she understood as she wiped his cum from her mouth. “But I have a request. She can’t know about it but I want my roommate to be in the cull with me.”

Judge Admi asked who her roommate was and she said ‘Liz Montgomery’. He clicked her name into his computer and said “There is an ‘Elizabeth Montgomery- Wragg; is that your roommate???”


...what the hell is going on???
I'm not quite sure but I like where it is going....:devil: And can someone let Blaire out of that box please.....:rolleyes:
I'm not quite sure but I like where it is going....:devil: And can someone let Blaire out of that box please.....:rolleyes:
probably not until the morning...

...it has gone from 10 degrees above normal to 15 degrees F below normal in a day and a half. The air went from very dry to as wet as it can be without it (still) raining. That box might be getting cold...

I slept fitfully crunched in the box. I had an awful dream that Mistress Barbaria’s students were not just looking at me but they descended upon and pawed and used me.
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Then some time later the students selected for the cull and hunt and I rebelled and captured Mistress Barbaria and dragged her out to a cross and crowned her with thorns. She was screaming we could not do this to her.
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She put up a good fight by she was no match for 25 of us. Soon she was nailed to the cross and after some jostling and dropping the cross a few times we finally got it raised as the sun began to set I stood before and she looked at me and said “When word of this gets out you will all die on crosses.”
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“It will be worth it knowing you die on one first” I said with a smirk on my face. We spent the night with a bonfire lighting her tortured body with some of the women striking her with switches if she seemed to be drifting off to sleep. As dawn came she was fading fast begging for water in a raspy voice. She would get none. We faded into the woods and left her alone to die.
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…and then the hinges squeaked as the door of the box opened awakening me. I am angry not about what I dreamed but that it was only a dream…


...thanks to Skating Jesus for an only slightly modified picture...

...if I were Mistress Barbaria I might consider sending little Blaire to some anger management therapy...
I slept fitfully crunched in the box. I had an awful dream that Mistress Barbaria’s students were not just looking at me but they descended upon and pawed and used me.
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Then some time later the students selected for the cull and hunt and I rebelled and captured Mistress Barbaria and dragged her out to a cross and crowned her with thorns. She was screaming we could not do this to her.
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She put up a good fight by she was no match for 25 of us. Soon she was nailed to the cross and after some jostling and dropping the cross a few times we finally got it raised as the sun began to set I stood before and she looked at me and said “When word of this gets out you will all die on crosses.”
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“It will be worth it knowing you die on one first” I said with a smirk on my face. We spent the night with a bonfire lighting her tortured body with some of the women striking her with switches if she seemed to be drifting off to sleep. As dawn came she was fading fast begging for water in a raspy voice. She would get none. We faded into the woods and left her alone to die.
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…and then the hinges squeaked as the door of the box opened awakening me. I am angry not about what I dreamed but that it was only a dream…


...thanks to Skating Jesus for an only slightly modified picture...

...if I were Mistress Barbaria I might consider sending little Blaire to some anger management therapy...

Whewwwwwwwwww....only a dream....for a minute there you had me freaking!!!!!!!!
Blaire is brought into Professor Barbaria’s house. She kneels on the rug with her aching wrists still locked in cuffs. She watches her Mistress do her eyelashes and finish her lipstick. Barbaria looked down at her slave reflected in the mirror.
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“You did well, Blaire, both yesterday and last night” Barbaria says. “I thought sure you would have shit yourself in the box as cold as last night was.”

“If you wanted me to, all you would have needed to do was ask mistress” Blaire replies.

Barbaria turns and walks over to Blaire. She grabs a handful of Blaire’s hair and jerks her head up. “Listen you little cunt, I know how to handle a slave. I don’t need your advice!”

“Of course you don’t Mistress” Blaire replies in a voice dripping sarcasm. Barbaria slaps Blaire’s face with her free hand.
“Get your nose on the floor, you cunt!” Barbaria yells. Blaire obeys and feels her mistress unlock the cuffs and take them off her wrists. She leaves her hands behind her back until Mistress Barbaria tosses a t-shirt and gym shorts on Blaire’s head. “Get your ass dressed, Blaire. Gunner will be by to take you to your bike race in a few minutes

Blaire pulls the t-shirt on while Barbaria says to her “You seem perturbed at me Blaire.”

“May I speak, Mistress Barbaria?”

“Do it quick, I have a busy day today.”

“I don’t understand what you did to me yesterday. I thought I was being a good slave, Mistress.”

I didn’t expect Mistress to grab me and slam me against the wall. With one hand she gropes my tit under my shirt with one hand and shoves her fingers into my cunt and her thumb into my ass with other hand. She nibbles on my ear and purrs “Because I can, just like this Blaire.”

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I could enjoy this before yesterday…

Blaire is brought into Professor Barbaria’s house. She kneels on the rug with her aching wrists still locked in cuffs. She watches her Mistress do her eyelashes and finish her lipstick. Barbaria looked down at her slave reflected in the mirror.
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“You did well, Blaire, both yesterday and last night” Barbaria says. “I thought sure you would have shit yourself in the box as cold as last night was.”

“If you wanted me to, all you would have needed to do was ask mistress” Blaire replies.

Barbaria turns and walks over to Blaire. She grabs a handful of Blaire’s hair and jerks her head up. “Listen you little cunt, I know how to handle a slave. I don’t need your advice!”

“Of course you don’t Mistress” Blaire replies in a voice dripping sarcasm. Barbaria slaps Blaire’s face with her free hand.
“Get your nose on the floor, you cunt!” Barbaria yells. Blaire obeys and feels her mistress unlock the cuffs and take them off her wrists. She leaves her hands behind her back until Mistress Barbaria tosses a t-shirt and gym shorts on Blaire’s head. “Get your ass dressed, Blaire. Gunner will be by to take you to your bike race in a few minutes

Blaire pulls the t-shirt on while Barbaria says to her “You seem perturbed at me Blaire.”

“May I speak, Mistress Barbaria?”

“Do it quick, I have a busy day today.”

“I don’t understand what you did to me yesterday. I thought I was being a good slave, Mistress.”

I didn’t expect Mistress to grab me and slam me against the wall. With one hand she gropes my tit under my shirt with one hand and shoves her fingers into my cunt and her thumb into my ass with other hand. She nibbles on my ear and purrs “Because I can, just like this Blaire.”

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I could enjoy this before yesterday…


Now, that's quite an ear nibble.....:rolleyes::)
...so Blaire is off to the her bike race and while she spent the night in the steel box she has adrenalin her side.

Barbaria is heading to her class where the first round of 'Cull and Hunt' selections will begin...

We still don't know why Marilyn wants to be in the cull and why she wants her roommate Liz included in it.

...and why does Liz hide her full name, Elizabeth Montgomery-Wragg???

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