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The Cull And Hunt... Road To A Rebellion...

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That evening while Tree was sitting on his deck having a cocktail...

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…when Barbaria showed up. She had asked “Hi, Tree, care for some company?”

“Sure if you lose that suit” Tree replied.

“I’d hope you say that” Barbaria replied as she began to peel her suit off…


Love the way he always has me stripping for him;)
Barbaria asks if I had any wine. She knows I keep a good supply and never touch the stuff. I get up and go behind the deck bar and pour her a flute. I walk over and hand her the flute. I light a Marlboro and say “You seem to have had a good day, Barbaria.”

“This class was the best thing I ever thought of. You can’t guess what I am making on the side.”
“I’m happy for you, Barbaria” I reply.

“You don’t sound like it, Tree. Are you pissed they didn’t choose the Tree estate for the cull and hunt?” Barbaria asks me with that sly smile…
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“The estate wouldn’t be fair with two hundred slaves on each flight. Besides I’m still in trouble with the EPA over the ‘Hill of 100 Crosses©’” I reply. “So when does the final list come out?”

“Wednesday” Barbaria replies.

I look up at the near full moon and ask if she wasn’t to join me in the bedroom. She replies “Sorry, Tree, Bull already asked.”

She walks over to the Bentley adorned by only stiletto heels and the wine flute. She climbs into my Bentley with my wine in my wine flute.

I walk over the radio under the bar and hit the ‘on’ button. In statically AM broadcast Mike Shannon calls the bottom of the second inning of the Cardinal’s playoff game. I pour another drink and sit back and light a smoke. Leo jumps up on the table and I rub his back…

Barbaria asks if I had any wine. She knows I keep a good supply and never touch the stuff. I get up and go behind the deck bar and pour her a flute. I walk over and hand her the flute. I light a Marlboro and say “You seem to have had a good day, Barbaria.”

“This class was the best thing I ever thought of. You can’t guess what I am making on the side.”
“I’m happy for you, Barbaria” I reply.

“You don’t sound like it, Tree. Are you pissed they didn’t choose the Tree estate for the cull and hunt?” Barbaria asks me with that sly smile…
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“The estate wouldn’t be fair with two hundred slaves on each flight. Besides I’m still in trouble with the EPA over the ‘Hill of 100 Crosses©’” I reply. “So when does the final list come out?”

“Wednesday” Barbaria replies.

I look up at the near full moon and ask if she wasn’t to join me in the bedroom. She replies “Sorry, Tree, Bull already asked.”

She walks over to the Bentley adorned by only stiletto heels and the wine flute. She climbs into my Bentley with my wine in my wine flute.

I walk over the radio under the bar and hit the ‘on’ button. In statically AM broadcast Mike Shannon calls the bottom of the second inning of the Cardinal’s playoff game. I pour another drink and sit back and light a smoke. Leo jumps up on the table and I rub his back…


Mona_Naked_reading_09__DSC8219.jpg Yep, me and Leo just have this thing going....go away Tree, you are bothering us!:p
It was determined to be in the best interest of the final 50 that they be held at the slave trader Admi’s cousin’s (the fair and just Judge Admi) obsolete rented prison lest they get in trouble by trying to flee.
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…he is so thoughtful

It was determined to be in the best interest of the final 50 that they be held at the slave trader Admi’s cousin’s (the fair and just Judge Admi) obsolete rented prison lest they get in trouble by trying to flee.
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…he is so thoughtful


Yeah, real thoughtful:rolleyes:...isn't it about the full moon now?:rolleyes:
...for the life of me I will never understand women. Barbaria leaves me to go 'see' Bull then is pissed that Marilyn gets the Admicock when she always bitches when Tree writes her into such situations...

I hope you understand why it is so difficult to write these threads....


...shut up, Ulrika, I was not whining!!!
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