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The Gods’ Edicts Part XII - A Heathen is Crucified

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Nihlufar was marched by her escort of four soldiers through the dungeons and after a short while she passed the hall that led to the staircase that she had came through initially. Down in the dimly lit dungeon halls, she could not be sure of it, but it felt like they were going further towards the center of the palace, albeit underneath the large structure.

But this made sense to Nihlufar and caused no concern. If she was being taken to an administrator who would make official her release, then this made sense. Finally they came to a staircase and she was marched up to a steel-reinforced wooden door, which was opened by guards on the other side, and marched out into a very rugged little courtyard.

Nihlufar blinked in the early morning sunlight. She looked at the sky and the low sun and guessed that it was no later than the ninth hour since midnight. The morning was warm and pleasant but then she looked at the courtyard and wondered why she was here.

The courtyard was quite bare compared to the palace entrance hall she had seen the day she was arrested. A large rectangle of dirt surrounded by the walls and doorways of the palace, there were some wooden crates off in one of the corners, but otherwise it was bare, save for two beams of wood that rested on the ground.

Not far from those two beams of wood were a small group of people; four more guards and a woman dressed in a white dress.

As Nihlufar was marched towards the little group, she looked closer at the woman in white. She was probably in her early thirties, quite lean and tall, her dark hair cascading in curls, framing her elegant face and green eyes. Her dress was tight, accentuating her bosom and hips and legs. She wore golden bracelets on her wrists, finely crafted leather sandals, and had a thin gold chain around her waist.

Nihlufar remembered that she had seen a painting of a woman clad as such once; she was a priestess of some kind. Nihlufar smiled pleasantly at the woman, imaging that this religious figure would be the one to preside over her release. It made sense, since her affront had apparently been saying that she did not believe in the Gods of the region.

The priestess looked at Nihlufar and smiled back. But there was something about her smile that made Nihlufar feel intensely apprehensive.

The guards escorting Nihlufar stopped her march about a half a dozen feet from the priestess. They simply halted and kept their grips on her biceps, not squeezing or anything, just holding her there. The priestess stared into Nihlufar’s eyes and Nihlufar wondered if she was expected to say something.

She was about to open her mouth when she heard more footsteps coming up from the dungeon and a minute later, two more guards escorting a slave girl came to a halt right next to Nihlufar and her guards.

The Priestess’ smile widened and Nihlufar felt a knot of fear form in her gut…
Nihlufar turned for a quick glance at the slave girl next to her, similarly shackled with her hands behind her back. She was clad the exact same way as the slave girl Nihlufar had seen in the dungeons. This slave girl was a little older than that one, probably close to thirty years of age, and had dirty blonde shoulder length hair, pale skin, and very large breasts pressed against her body by her slave’s belt.

Nihlufar noticed that the slave girl’s eyes were downcast and her breathing was nervous, the skin under her eyes slightly irritated, as though she had been weeping recently.

Nihlufar turned back to the priestess and wondered what was happening. The priestess looked at one of the guards and asked “Any more today?”

The guard shook his head “no” and the priestess gave a slight shrug and turned back towards them. She cleared her throat and then spoke.

“Prisoners, by decree of holy King Niro of The Sacred Realm, you have been found guilty of the crimes for which you were arrested, and have been sentenced to crucifixion unto death.”

Nihlufar felt her heart stop and the world freeze around her. What!? Her mind reeled in shock and disbelief.

Nihlufar’s head jerked around frantically, to see if anyone else was reacting to the incredulous words uttered by the priestess. The guards looked just as bored as when they had marched her out of her cell. The slave girl still had her eyes downcast but her curvaceous bosom was rising and falling even faster.

“What!? No!” Nihlufar screamed in terror.

She felt pain shoot through her scalp as someone behind her grabbed her hair and yanked her head back roughly. She let out a scream of terror and pain. The guards on either side of her held her easily as she squirmed fearfully.

The priestess strode over to her and wrapped her hand around Nihlufar’s throat threateningly and leaned her face in close to Nihlufar’s.

Nihlufar quieted and stared into the priestess’ cruel eyes, the warm breathe from her mouth smothering Nihlufar’s face.

“Do not resist in any way.” The priestess said icily. “Or you shall be tortured for a fortnight before being put to death.” She emphasized that this was a promise and not a threat with a squeeze of her hand and an evil grin.

Nihlufar began to shake and the world spun around her. She worried she might faint at the very thought.

The priestess took a step back so that she could speak to both Nihlufar and the slave girl. “Strip them!” She commanded firmly.

Nihlufar nearly swooned in horror…
“Prisoners, by decree of holy King Niro of The Sacred Realm, you have been found guilty of the crimes for which you were arrested, and have been sentenced to crucifixion unto death.”

Nihlufar felt her heart stop and the world freeze around her. What!? Her mind reeled in shock and disbelief.
Nicely done, @Illara. The shock to Nihlufar is palpable! :clapping:
With the person (presumably one of the guards) behind her holding her hair, and two guards flanking her and gripping her shackled arms, Nihlufar was powerless to resist as another of the soldiers stepped up to her and began to rip her dress off of her.

Nihlufar was nearly hyperventilating, her face flushed with shock and embarrassment. Her eyes darted to her left where she saw guards quickly strip off the slave girl’s meager clothing. The slave girl did not resist in the slightest as she was stripped completely nude.

Nihlufar was baffled by this. She wanted to fight back, to resist, but the guards were easily overpowering her. The guard pulling her dress off of her succeeded, and now she was only in her soft, white undergarments.

Nihlufar opened her mouth to scream a desperate plea for mercy but her eyes met the cruel and unwavering priestess and she remembered the promise of torture.

So Nihlufar kept still, save for her body trembling with shame, as the guard’s rough hands unceremoniously removed her custom-sewn brassiere. Nihlufar followed the soldier’s eyes as he looked down at her exposed breasts, her perfectly round nipples growing hard in the morning breeze.

Before Nihlufar could begin to process the degradation and shame of having her breasts uncovered before all of these people, the guard was already leaning down to pull off her undergarment and expose her womanhood.

Nihlufar had to suppress the urge to kick and resist, for her feet were unshackled, but she could feel the cruel gaze of the priestess almost daring her to resist and incur her wrath.

As her undergarment was pulled off, Nihlufar let out a whimper. She was nude, shackled, and at the mercy of these guards and priestess. And they were going to crucify her…
Nihlufar’s whole body was trembling. She was not cold from her nakedness, for it was quite warm out, but being stripped nude so suddenly, mere moments after being sentenced to death, she was in a complete state of shock.

The guard behind her released her hair and she turned and looked at the nude slave girl, whose shackles were being removed from her wrists. Beyond her, a pair of guards leaned down and hefted up one of the two wooden beams that lay a meter or so away from them.

Suddenly it registered in Nihlufar’s mind: those are crossbeams! We are going to be made to carry the instruments of our execution!

Nihlufar’s vision blurred for a moment and her knees buckled; she wanted to collapse in terror but the guards holding her arms held her steady, so she watched as the two soldiers laid the hefty wooden beam on their shoulders and walked it behind the slave girl…
Nihlufar was powerless to do anything but watch in wide-eyed, breathless horror as the slave girl, whose hands had stayed submissively clasped behind her back even after her shackles were removed, was approached by a guard with two coils of strong looking rope in his hand.

The guard with the ropes nodded at the slave girl. “Raise up your arms.” He said calmly. The slave complied immediately.

The guards behind her hefted up the crossbeam and guided with either strong grips into her shoulders. The slave girl’s head sank even lower towards the ground as the weight pushed her neck forward, and as she leaned to accommodate for the crossbeam, her large breasts swayed as they dangled from her chest.

The guard with the ropes proceeded to bind her wrists to the crossbeam, her elbows just slightly bent. Nihlufar gasped. The slave girl was somehow silent and submissive, but it looked nightmarishly uncomfortable to be bound in such a way to the wooden beam.

The guards inspected their work and then split; the two strong men going to the other beam, and the one with the ropes grabbing another pair of coils and stepping towards Nihlufar.

Nihlufar gritted her teeth and plead silently for mercy with her teary eyes. Every gaze that met hers was completely unsympathetic.

No no no this cannot be happening no! Where is Ulmann!? Why!? This must be stopped! No!!!

Nihlufar felt the shackles being undone from her wrists and she blinked tears out of her eyes and tried to brace herself for the coming weight of the crossbeam…
Nihlufar felt the grip of the two guards who had been holding her arms slide down to her now-freed wrists. They maintained their strong grip on her the entire time and proceeded to raise her arms up to her sides. Nihlufar tried to steady her frantic breathing but it was to no avail.

She saw in her peripheral vision the guards carrying her crossbeam pass behind her, and a moment later she let out a little yelp of terror as the rough wood was placed upon her shoulders. She nearly buckled under the weight of it, but it was in equal parts due to the wooden beam and the visceral fear she felt coursing through her body. Had the guards not been guiding it into her shoulders and the ones holding her arms not held her steady, she would have definitely collapsed under it.

She noticed that her breasts were rising and falling rapidly as she panicked and resisted the impulse to scream while the guard with the ropes bound her wrists tightly to the cross beam.

With the weight of the beam on her shoulders and back of her neck, she was also forced to lean forward and her gaze was pulled down, just as the slave’s had been. She noticed that the soldier working the ropes on her wrists had a strange bulge in his pants.

She realized after a moment that he was erect, and she wondered if it was her nakedness or the act of restraining her that aroused him so.

The guard stepped back and she squirmed with her arms slightly, trying to find reprieve from her new burden. And there was none, she was tightly bound to the crossbeam, her arms stretched out wide and her elbows just slightly bent.

The guards placed a thin leather collar around the slave girl’s neck and then placed another just like it around Nihlufar’s neck. A thin metal chain was then affixed to the two collars, binding the two condemned women together at the neck. The chain was nearly three meters long, so they could have space to stumbled and walk under the weight of their crossbeams.

The slave girl was turned to that Nihlufar would be chained to walk behind her. The priestess nodded at the guards and turned and walked away. The dozen guards formed an escort around the two girls, with two flanking each girl closest, and the rest forming a wider perimeter.

The guard at the front just turned and looked at the slave and snapped his fingers and began walking. The slave girl began to tread forward, obediently but slowly under the weight of her crossbeam. Nihlufar felt the chain linking them growing more taut so she exhaled in uncomfortable trepidation and then began walking with her crossbeam, following the slave girl.

She wondered how far they would make her march like this…
I’m glad you like it! I think you’ll really enjoy where I’m planning to go with the story
I'm living up to my cruxforum-name: the curious one. I am curious.
Nihlufar, completely nude and bound tightly at the wrists to the crossbeam resting on her shoulders, had no choice but to follow the slave girl in the exact same circumstance as her, as they were marched by their escort of guards through a new set of doors and into a dimly lit hallway.

Nihlufar was worried that if she let the chain linking her neck to the collar around the slave girl’s neck get too taut, that she would either be pulled forward and fall down and smash her face into the ground, since her hands were bound and she would be unable to stop her fall, or that the opposite would happen, and the slave girl would be yanked back and fall brutally to the ground.

So Nihlufar kept up as best she could, getting a few feet behind the slave girl, moving steadily under own burden.

The crossbeam on Nihlufar’s shoulders forced her gaze down and she was embarrassed to realize that she was staring at the slave girl’s ass as she walked. Her mind was reeling at this sudden horrific turn in her already nightmarish arrest in this brutish place.

The doors in the dim hallway opened and their procession moved out into the sunlight. Nihlufar’s heart skipped a beat. They were coming out of a side door of the large palace and onto a busy street, filled with people of the city, all going about their business.

Nihlufar was naked, bound to a beam of wood, leaning forward slightly as she walked, her breasts swaying with every movement, chained like a dog to a slave. She had never felt such visceral and all-consuming humiliation.

Nihlufar’s face blushed with extreme shame, and felt sweat forming on her forehead. The slave girl’s pace had not slowed at all. The procession turned and was guided through the busiest street in the entire city.

Some people came to gawk and point at Nihlufar and the naked slave girl. Others looked and watched wordlessly. Nihlufar felt the urge to scream at them for help and implore of them of her innocence, but the priestess’ words still rang in her ears and after her brutally efficient sentencing, stripping, and binding to the crossbeam, she held no doubts that these soldiers would enforce the priestess’ threat.

Nihlufar felt sweat drip into her eyes and sting, and the dirt road of the city also stung the bottoms of her bare feet. This was agony. Extreme humiliation. And the true torture and execution had yet to even begin…
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