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The Gods’ Edicts Part XII - A Heathen is Crucified

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As they were marched shamefully through the city street, the early morning throngs of people going about their business all bearing witness to the two naked women being marched off for crucifixion, Nihlufar felt like she would swoon from it all. The brutal death sentence, being stripped naked and overpowered easily by soldiers, now paraded naked through the streets. The sudden shock of it all was overwhelming. And then there was the horror of crucifixion!

Nihlufar had never seen a person crucified. It was considered barbaric in her homeland, and forbidden under their laws. She had read accounts of it though. The nailing. The suffering.

This. Cannot. Be happening! She thought bitterly, tears forming in her eyes. A trio of men dressed as sellswords turned and laid eyes on their procession, and one of the men pointed to the slave girl and said something that made his mates chuckle. Nihlufar was too far to hear what they said, but her eyes glanced over the man’s sword and she suddenly thought of Ulmann!

She imagined him seeing her like this, and the shame of her forced nudity hit her all over again, but then…

Wait! She thought! I hope Ulmann sees me! He surely must be looking for me! Inquiring as to me! If he sees them marching me, nude and bound to wood, he will slay this guards with honor and fury! He could easily slay these guards! He could rescue me!

For the first time since the priestess sentenced her to death two dozen horrifying minutes ago, Nihlufar felt a shred of hope! She began scanning the people gawking at her and the slave girl, craning her neck painfully to try to lock eyes with her valiant protector. If she saw Ulmann, she would scream his name and she knew he would rescue her.


She never saw him. His stern brow, his keen brown eyes, his impeccably maintained leather tunic and longsword. She never laid eyes on him. And they had been marching through the city for a long time now.

“Don’t fall behind, cunt!” One of the guards in the escort slapped her ass from behind and she staggered in surprise but then realized that the chain linking her to the steadily marching slave girl was growing taut.

Nihlufar gasped for air as she quickened her pace, staggering underneath her burdensome crossbeam.

Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. She thought desperately, her sudden rekindled hope dwindling painfully. Where is he!? Where are you Ulmann!? I need you! Oh no! Please!

Nihlufar looked up from the backside of the slave girl, her pale skin glistening with sweat, and saw a small watchtower not far from them, in the direction they were marching.

She had seen that tower before, on her second day in the city, when a scholar from the institute was giving her and Ulmann a tour.

The scholar had said that it led to the Great South Road (her and Ulmann had come in from the northwest). She remembered with a pang of horror that the scholar had mentioned that the road was lined with crosses adorned with dead or dying criminals who had been sentenced to crucifixion, in a show of force of The Sacred Realm’s commitment to the Gods’ Edicts.

Nihlufar gasped in terror. But the forced march continued…
The procession came to the city gate underneath the watchtower, and the doors were wide open for citizens and travelers to pass on the busy Great South Road.

Some guards patrolling the large gate nodded at their fellow guards as the procession moved slowly out the gate. Nihlufar could feel the leering stare of every one of the gate guards roaming over her naked body.

Nihlufar felt exhausted and weak already. She was covered in sweat and the crossbeam weighed heavily upon her lean frame as she carried it upon her shoulders.

The road outside the city was well traveled and quite smooth for a road, but the rocks and pebbles were rougher than the city streets and Nihlufar winced and gasped as her feet stung from walking barefoot.

The slave girl in front of her must have been in the same agony as she was experienced, but she kept striding on, even though Nihlufar could see from the way she rotated slightly as she walked that her body was also growing weary.

Both of their bodies leaned forward more to accommodate for the crossbeam weight than when they had begun this horrifying forced march.

Nihlufar tried to focus on walking and not fixate on the stares and lecherous grins on those who passed her on the road. But as the road got a little further from the city and some grey rock formations rose up to flank the road, their procession began to navigate a turn in the road. As Nihlufar craned her head up to see how the slave girl before her was turning, her gaze continued upward to the rocks a few meters above the road.

Nihlufar gasped!

Overlooking the turn of the road, a trio of crosses stood on a little area with more steep rocks behind them. All three of them had naked women nailed to them. One was writhing in anguish and looked down at Nihlufar and her procession with visible pain and panic on her face. The other two looked dead, or close it, their bodies still as they hung from the nails impaling their wrists and feet.

Nihlufar froze in her tracks, looking up at the crucified women in horror.

Nihlufar grunted in surprise as the collar around her neck yanked her forward, for her pause had allowed already taut chain to reach its limit.

The slave girl gasped for air, and Nihlufar stumbled and nearly fell to her knees, but miraculously kept her footing and managed not to fall with the hefty crossbeam strapped to her.

One of the guards shouted a curse at her, and reflexively Nihlufar said “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” It was meant more for the slave girl than the guards, but none of them seemed to care.

The slave girl leaned forward and continued and Nihlufar, tears streaming down her cheeks, gritted her teeth and followed, powerless to do anything else…
Nihlufar and slave girl were marched down the Great South Road for nearly an hour by their retinue of a dozen guards. Nihlufar lost count of how many crucified women they passed.

Nihlufar felt sweat drip down her breasts, which had begun aching as they swayed from her uncovered chest as she bore the heavy crossbeam. She remembered how large and round the slave girl’s breasts were and imagined how much the poor girl’s chest and back were hurting after this long march.

The guards veered them off the road, to a dirt path that inclined up to a small plateau next to the road, where a pair of crosses stood, the pale bones of skeletons nailed to them.

Ascending the path was difficult, and Nihlufar wondered if she might faint from the exertion. But, blinking painfully as stinging sweat dripped into her eyes, she felt the ground underneath her feet level out as she breathed heavily.

Some of the guards maneuvered the slave girl to kneel next to the two crosses. She sank to her knees with the faintest whimper, and Nihlufar, forced by the chain linking them at the neck, followed suit a couple seconds later, pushed by the guards to kneel next to the slave girl.

Most of the guards moved away to work on lowering the crosses, but Nihlufar felt the eyes of at least two of the guards behind her a little ways.

As the soldiers set to work uprooting the wooden crosses, which were sank a half a meter or so into the ground, and then lowering them down, Nihlufar looked to her right at the slave girl whom she had been marched with.

The slave girl was doused in sweat, her pale skin glistening in the morning sunlight. Her eyes were downcast, as before, her sandy blonde hair matted to her forehead. Her big breasts noticeably rose and fell as she breathed heavily after the long march.

Nihlufar ventured some words with the girl who was apparently about to be executed with her. “I cannot believe this is happening.” Was all Nihlufar could think to say.

The slave girl turned slowly and looked at her, her eyes sad and her mouth open as she breathed heavily. The slave girl’s lip trembled with terror as she spoke. “I am very scared.” She whispered. “But I deserve this.” She looked up at the skeletons on the cross and trembled.

Nihlufar’s eyes widened. “What did you do to be sentenced to such a dreadful death?”

The slave girl turned back, her eyes watering with tears. “I tripped and fell and damaged my master’s fine pottery. I should have been more careful. I deserve this.”

Nihlufar’s jaw dropped. “You are to be crucified for damaging pottery?”

The slave girl nodded sadly. “I am a slave. I am lesser than the Masters and the citizens of the Sacred Realm. I serve at their holy pleasure, and such an error must be punished with suffering, as the Gods’ will it. I am terrified. But I must suffer. And pray that the Gods’ are satisfied with my just punishment.”

Nihlufar was too stunned to speak. How could a person feel that this was justified!? For breaking some pottery!? Nihlufar was speechless. She just stared at the slave, wide eyed and with mouth open. Her back hurt from the crossbeam still strapped to her shoulders.

The slave girl blinked away her tears and began to breathe more normally. She looked at Nihlufar and said in a whisper “what did you do? What crime did you commit?”

Nihlufar faltered, wondering how to answer. But then one of the guards stepped forward and caught both of their attention.

The crosses were lying on the ground now, the crossbeams removed so that it was just the vertical shafts, the old crossbeams discarded off to the side along with the bones of its previous victims.

The guards moved towards them and Nihlufar’s face flushed with panic and terror…
The soldier who looked to be leading the procession stood impatiently supervising as his men untied the cords binding Nihlufar and the slave girl to their crossbeams. Half of his men proceeded to carry the crossbeams over to the vertical shafts and work to connect them, while a few of the other soldiers took Nihlufar and slave girl’s hands behind their backs and tied them at the wrists.

Nihlufar turned and watched as the collar around the slave’s neck was removed, and the chain, still affixed to Nihlufar’s collar, was nailed into the ground with a stake, thus tethering Nihlufar to the position where knelt with her hands tied.

The guard leader strode over to stand before the slave girl, and she bowed her head obediently. The guard leader kept his eyes on her while he spoke to his men. “We’ll do this one first. Which of you will fulfill the Law of Impurity?”

Nihlufar’s face flushed with apprehension. What is the Law of Impurity she wondered. One of the younger soldiers who was in the procession replied “I would be honored, sir.” His voice was a bit strained from working to assemble the crosses, but his tone was calm and pleasant, with only a hint of eagerness in it.

The slave girl, keeping her eyes downcast, said in a breathless and nervous voice, “Sir, humbly, may I make a final request?”

The guard leader ignored her, turning to look at the young soldier who had volunteered. “Aye, Kaz, you’ll fulfill the Law. Set your armor over there, and prepare for it now.” The young soldier nodded and stepped over to where the captain had pointed, and began stripping off his clothes.

Nihlufar was watching the proceedings, in shock and horror. Then, to her surprise, the demure slave spoke again, a little louder than before, a shred of desperate determination mixing in with her timid, panicked voice. “Sir, I beg the honor of pleasuring your soldiers with my body, before you fulfill my sacred and just execution.” She said. The guard leader turned to look at her, his brow furrowing with curiosity. The slave girl looked up and into his eyes as she continued. “Please, sir. I have sinned against the Gods and wish to suffer and submit, in the humble hope that they may show mercy to my unworthy soul.”

The guard captain considered her for a moment and then nodded. “Very well.” He said. He undid his belt and began to take off his armor. He was in his late thirties and athletic, and the other soldiers were all in their twenties it looked like. “Check the foreigner’s bindings and then take off your armor if you wish to indulge this slave.”

Nihlufar watched in shock as the guards all began stripping naked. Her shock multiplied when the slave girl bowed her head solemnly and said “thank you, sir. Thank you.”

The guard captain, now nude, with his manhood just above the kneeling slave girl’s eye level, stepped closer to her and she looked up at him, and licked her lips nervously. “Untie her.” The captain ordered. One of his men did so, and as soon as her hands were free, the slave girl leaned forward, still kneeling, and braced her hands against the captains thighs and took his barely-hard cock into her mouth.

She began to suck it vigorously and Nihlufar blinked repeatedly, wondering how this nightmare was actually happening before her…
As the slave girl sucked the lead guard’s cock, he put his hands behind his head and groaned in pleasure. Her palms gripped his thighs and her head bobbed back as forth as she sucked with vigor. Nihlufar imagined the slave girl’s body was as exhausted from their forced march carrying their crossbeams as her own was. She could not fathom having such fear of gods that would spur her to such degrading and exhausting lengths.

The other soldiers were all naked now, their cocks either dangling from their loins or riding up in eager erections. Nihlufar blushed at the sight. She was no virgin but she had also only been intimate with a small number of men, all of them quite gentle and scholarly and kind.

As the guards moved in around their supervisor and the slave girl pleasuring him with her mouth, Nihlufar watched as the slave girl kept her mouth on the leader’s happy cock but took her hands off his thighs and reached up to begin stroking the soldiers around her, getting their cocks hard with her hand’s purposeful, firm caressing.

Nihlufar saw sweat beading on the slave girl’s forehead, but the slave girl did not slow her frenetic cock sucking.

“She has a skill with her tongue!” The leader said to his men as he breathed heavier.

The slave girl kept going, her arms never going still as she stroked, her head moving as she worked her lips and tongue and throat on the lead guard until he groaned in ecstasy, and the slave girl kept her head steady and sucked hard and swallowed all of his ejaculate.

The leader stepped back, and sighed happily, a joyous little chuckle emanating from his smile. But the slave girl almost ignored him once he stepped back.

She turned to one of the other soldiers and grabbed her breasts and pressed them together around his cock and began thrusting her body back and forth so that he was fucking her tits.

The soldier was clearly into it, leering down at her and running his hands through her sweat-matted hair as she labored.

Nihlufar felt her lips tremble as she watched. That girl is pleasuring the men who are about to execute her!
Nihlufar was sickened by what was happening but she could not look away. It was too surreal. But also, it gave her a distraction from her own fear about herself; much easier to fixate on the slave girl and the naked soldiers and her shocking vigor and desperation to please them.

As the slave girl moaned softly, her face red from exertion, thrusting her tits around one of the soldier’s rock-hard cock, the other soldiers began to grow more excited and aggressive.

One grabbed her chin and rotated her head so that she sucked his cock while she kept using her tits to fuck the other. The slave girl did not resist in the slightest, straining her exhausting body to suck and grind to pleasure both men.

One of the guards who had only had his cock stroked thus far leaned over to one of his comrades and said “Now this is the kinda work I can enjoy! I need to get promoted up to the Royal execution legion!”

The guard’s mate smiled and said “Aye, this is the life.” And then he stepped forward and dropped to his knees just behind the slave, grabbing her hips and rotating her ass up and toward him.

The slave girl grabbed the thighs of the man whose cock she had been throttling with her tits to stop from falling. As the soldier who had pulled her back thrust his cock into her roughly, she yelped at the sensation but immediately said “Thank you, sir! Make me suffer! Fuck me hard!” He began to comply even before she finished her plea, every other syllable of her words undulating in pitch as her body rocked from his fucking.

Another soldier grabbed one her breasts as they swung as she fucked on all fours and another got down so she could suck his cock while she was fucked from behind. When her stamina allowed, she would reach up a hand and stroke the nearest cock or fondle the closest ballsack.

Nihlufar watched her eagerly suffer, in horror and shock, until one of the guards stepped over to her, his hard cock pointed at her forehead like a threat.

“You gonna thank us for doing our jobs like she is?” He asked Nihlufar coyly.

Nihlufar looked up at him. He had a smile and was actually a fairly handsome man, probably in his early 20s, just a few years older than her. But there was an apathy in his eyes that shocked her.

Nihlufar trembled and just looked at him. He reached down and grabbed her hair and pulled and Nihlufar gasped in terror has he maneuvered her face towards his cock. She squirmed instinctively, but with her hands bound behind her back and her collar tethered to a nearby stake in the ground, he had full control as he pulled her hair.

Nihlufar wondered how they would hurt her if she resisted. If she bit him when he thrust his cock into her mouth. She glanced over at the pile of bones mere meters away that had been a person these people had nailed naked to a cross. And any resistance or hope of fighting them off died whimpering within her.

“Hey! Kulnar!” One of the soldiers near the slave girl shouted, and the guard about to violate Nihlufar turned his head. “Come fuck her in the ass while she sucks me off!”

The guard, apparently named Kulnar, responded with a grunt and turned to Nihlufar and winked. “Later then.” He slapped his cock against her cheek, causing her to wince and blush in shame and shock, and then he turned and walked over to the slave and her perverse little orgy.

Nihlufar shook with terror and trauma. She stayed silent but her mind screamed. Ulmann where are you!? I need you! I need you save me!!! This cannot be happening! Someone please help me!
Nihlufar watched as the slave girl sucked off a soldier as she bounced up and down on the guard Kulnar’s lap as she fucked her in the ass. Before Kulnar finished inside of her she had swallowed the ejaculate of two more happy guards. Then a soldier laid down on the ground and the slave girl crawled over to let her breasts rest on his groin while another guard fucked her from behind. The guard on the ground pressed her tits together against his cock and another soldier straddled over him so that she could suck his cock while this happened.

The slave girl was red in the face and doused in sweat from her unyielding pleasuring of the gaggle of men around her. As the man fucking her finished and another took his place, the man whose dick was in her mouth finished and she dutifully swallowed it all, then the man laying below her shot his pale load from between her tits all over his abdomen.

The slave girl moaned as the man behind her fucked her hard, his hands pressed into her hips, but she submissively leaned down and sucked the cum off of the man who had fucked her tits and then sucked his cock as well. “Thank! You! Sir!” She moaned breathlessly as the man behind her bucked hard and then stopped as he finished inside of her.

As the man pulled out of her and she breathed heavily yet began to reach out for the next guard to pleasure, blinking sweat out of her eyes, her mouth open with exertion, the lead guard shouted at his men.

“Hey!” He said commandingly, still nude, but with his penis returned to its normal flaccid state, “You have had your fun! Let us keep to schedule. Prepare her.”

The guards all nodded and those closest to the slave girl reached down and pulled her to her feet.

The slave girl lowered her eyes submissively and did not resist at all. The guards flanking her grabbed her arms and walked her towards the further of the two lower crosses and let go of her once they got near it.

The slave girl only hesitated for a moment before nodding (to no one in particular) and then she bent her knees and laid herself down on the wooden cross.

Nihlufar knelt, hands tied behind her back, only a couple meters away. Oh no this is not happening! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!
The slave girl laid down on the wooden cross and it looked uncomfortable, the shaft of wood underneath her sore body, the crossbeam she had carried there intersecting it and running out from underneath her shoulder blades. The slave girl stretched her arms out along the crossbeam and looked up at the soldiers around her.

“Blessings upon you, brave soldiers of the Sacred Realm.” She said, still out of breath from the rough fucking moments ago. “Thank you. Please, make me suffer as much as possible. Please. In honor of the Gods.”

The soldiers did not respond to her directly as they milled about, gathering nails and hammers from their gear. But they exchanged glances and eye contact, and finally the lead guard nodded at his men and waved his hand in a dismissive fashion. Nihlufar noticed the other guards’ expressions soften, like they were happy. She was not sure what that meant.

The soldier named Kulnar knelt by the slave girl’s right wrist and placed a nail over it. It was long, a spike of rusty iron with a flat, round head at the top. Nihlufar’s stomach clenched up at the sight. The slave girl turned her head and beheld it and her eyes widened. She began to tremble with terror and kept her eyes locked on the nail but she gulped and bit her lip and said nothing. Her large breasts rose and fell nervously on her naked, heaving chest.

The lead guard knelt next to Kulnar with a hammer; a handle a little longer than the nail, about twice as thick, topped by a dark mallet the size of about two fists.

The guards said nothing as the nail was pressed against the slave girl’s sweaty wrist, and then a moment later the hammer swung down, driving the nail through her wrist!

The slave girl screamed! Her legs tensed up and her left hand gripped the crossbeam in pain! The guard swung down again, driving the nail deeper into the wood. The slave girl’s head pressed back against the wooden shafted under her as she screamed but did her best to stay still.

It took seven hammer strikes before the lead guard nodded approvingly and they moved to her left wrist. The slave girl closed her eyes and gritted her teeth and shouted “Sacred are the Gods and all their edicts! Praise the King! Blessings and fortune on the Sacred Realm!” Her voice was strained from the screaming.

Six hammer strikes and an unrelenting series of screams later, her left wrist was also nailed. The guards stepped back and looked at the slave, feet pressed into the ground on either side of the shaft of the cross, chest rising and falling rapidly, her arms stretched out and impaled to the crossbeam at either wrist.

The slave girl was moaning and gasping in agony, tears and rivulets of sweat cascading down her face. Nihlufar watched, transfixed in horror.

The guard captain gestured to one of the men. “See to the condemned one’s wishes.” He ordered.

“Yes, sir.” The soldier said with a militaristic nod. He stepped forward and then knelt between her legs, grabbing them behind the knees and pushing them back and forcing her hips to rotate a bit so that he could fuck her.

The slave girl trembled, and glanced at the nails pinning her wrists, and the little rivers of blood oozing from the wounds, and back at the executioner between her legs.

Nihlufar wanted to scream, to intercede on the slave’s behalf; that guard had the biggest cock of them all, and he was muscular, and the thought of him thrusting into her while she was nailed at the wrists was too painful and horrendous for Nihlufar to stomach.

I must say something! I must speak! Implore them to some sort of humanity or mercy! No! She thought. But before Nihlufar could say anything the slave girl gulped and nodded her head slightly at the man and said, with great trepidation and fear but also genuine gratitude in her voice, “Thank you, sir.”

The man nodded curtly and then thrust his cock into her. The slave girl screamed as the huge cock penetrated her, his hips making her scrape against the wooden shaft as her wrists rotated slightly around the nails impaling them.

The man fucked her vigorously and roughly and she screamed and writhed in pain, her breasts jiggling wildly in her chest as she was rocked back and forth by his chiseled loins.

Nihlufar wanted to swoon in horror. But she could not. She could only watch powerlessly and wonder if they were about to do this all to her…
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