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The Gods’ Edicts Part XII - A Heathen is Crucified

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The guard fucking the slave grunted and the powerful, steady thrusting of his hips slowed down as he began to ejaculate within the breathlessly screaming slave girl. He pulled his cock out of her so that the last couple spurts of his thick manhood landed on the skin of her groin.

The guard stood up, wiping some sweat off of his brow, his large cock still partially erect. The slave girl moaned in exhausted agony and rested her head against the wood of the cross underneath her.

Nihlufar watched as the man who had just fucked her took a step back and then knelt, grabbing her feet and placing them one atop the other on the wooden shaft that would become vertical once her cross was raised up.

The lead guard walked over with his hammer, a guard placed the nail on the slave girl’s foot, and another guard, with tousled brown hair, who looked to be one of the younger men in the squad, knelt near the slave girl’s head and began to stroke his cock as his eyes locked on her heaving breasts.

Nihlufar could not look away, her body was as taut as a bowstring, staring in horror as the lead guard raised the hammer.

The slave girl shrieked louder than Nihlufar thought anyone could as the nail punctured her foot. Nihlufar could see that the muscular guard holding her feet was a necessity, for the slave girl’s body writhed violently from the pain and the nail had not sunk deep enough to penetrate entirely through her lower foot.

The second hammer strike changed that. Five more after that, her feet were securely nailed to the cross.

The slave girl writhed and spasmed and screamed, her feet and outstretched arms pinned to the cross by three iron spikes.

The guard kneeling by the slave girl’s head was stroking his cock vigorously now. The slave girl’s screaming ceased and her writhing slowed, and she noticed the young guard near her. She blinked tears out of her eyes and looked up at him, and strained her neck up towards him and opened her mouth.

The guard leaned forward and she sucked his cock as best she could, clearly straining against her nails painfully to do so.

Nihlufar was revolted and shocked beyond words.

The young guard pulled his cock out of her mouth and grunted as he erupted his load all over the slave girl’s sweaty chest and face.

The slave girl leaned her head back down on the wood, her body trembling from the pain coursing through it.

“Alright! Let’s raise her up!” The lead guard barked.

The young soldier shook his cock over her face a few times, to make sure all of the semen had dripped onto her, and then shifted to help his squad mates raise up her cross.

As he did, he whispered “I hope the Gods grant you mercy.”

The slave girl tried to thank him for his words and for his manseed, but when she opened her mouth and the cross rotated up under her, all that came out was a squeal of pain.

The soldiers heaved up the cross by the crossbeam and rotated it up as the base shifted forward and was guided into the hole where it was made fully erect.

The cross slammed into place, resolute and fully perpendicular to the ground, with the slave girl crucified about a meter off the ground, in full view of the Great South Road below.

The slave girl screamed in pain as she shifted and explored the infinite painful positions to hang on the cross, pressing against the nails in her feet and wrists and moaning and gyrating in extreme agony.

The guards all stood and beheld her suffering for a minute or two. Nihlufar saw many of their cocks grow hard as they watched her undulate in pain.

Then they all turned towards Nihlufar…
Nihlufar felt fear like she had never experienced in her life as the squad of a dozen soldiers, all naked and either fully or partially aroused, turned towards her and began to approach. Nihlufar was completely nude and had her hands tied tightly behind her back, a leather collar around her neck chaining her to a stake in the ground so that she could not move from where she knelt.

The slave girl let out a fresh cry of pain from her cross, and Nihlufar panicked. “Wait! No!” She screamed, straining against her bonds. “I have a letter of protection! I am the daughter of a Sultan of Ashar! This is an act of war against my nation! A nation your Realm has treaties with! Please!!!”

A few of the junior guards paused at this but the lead soldier waved his hands at them. “We got our orders, lads. Pay her no heed.”


The lead soldier slapped her across the face! Hard. Nihlufar fell to the side, the right side of her face stinging with pain, the collar around her neck yanking her back so she fell as a weird angle, her legs kicking out and her bound arms useless to help her get up.

The soldiers stood over her, muscular and with their cocks aimed at her like arrows. “No more words, heathen!” The lead soldier growled at her.

Men from the squad crouched down and unclasped the collar around her neck and then hoisted to her to her feet.

Nihlufar realized they were marching her towards the lowered cross next to the crucified slave girl and she began to struggle against the men holding her. It was to no avail. They were far stronger than her and her hands were still tied behind her back.

The cross lay heavy on the ground before her, and Nihlufar’s chest heaved with terror, her naked breasts jiggling shamefully from her chest, her vulnerable womanhood and ass completely uncovered.

“No! Please!” She shouted as they pushed her down to kneel, facing the junction of the main shaft and crossbeam, her legs straddling the beam that would go vertical. The guards pushed her down so that she lay face down on the cross, her face against the wood, her breasts pressed up against the crossbeam that she had carried there from the palace courtyard. She could feel the dampness of her own sweat against the soft, tender skin of her breasts.

She heard the guards talk briskly among themselves, but in her panic, did not hear the specific words uttered. But then she felt hands on her hips and she heard the lead guard give an order.

“I order you to fulfill the Law of Impurity.” He said from a few feet away.

“By your command, sir!” The voice behind her belonged to the soldier with the biggest cock who had fucked the slave girl after her wrists had been nailed.

“Wait! No! What is the Law of Impurity!? What is happening!?” She shrieked desperately.

The lead guard stepped a little closer. She could feel the eyes of all of the soldiers on her naked, prone body. “It states that a woman must be defiled and made impure before being put to death, lest a virgin be executed and the Gods displeased.”

Nihlufar looked up at the lead guard in terror, her cheek that he had not slapped pressed against the wood of the cross. She saw that he was smiling widely at her. “Are you ready?” He asked cruelly.
Before Nihlufar could answer, she felt the soldier behind her grab her hips with a terrifyingly strong grip, pull her up so that her groin was aimed up at him while her knees remained planted in the ground, her face and chest scraping against the wooden cross while her hands remained tied uselessly behind her back.

He rammed his huge cock into her vagina and she screamed at the sudden penetration, her body tensing up as the force of his thrust rocked her roughly against the cross.

Nihlufar was not a virgin; she had been with a few romantic partners in the last couple of years, but those men were all gentle, intelligent young men her own age.

This was rough, brutal, and savage. Nihlufar felt the man defiling her reach down and grab the rope binding her wrists, pulling her up roughly so that her upper body was parallel to her cross as he thrust into her powerfully. Nihlufar could not stop yelping and screaming. All dignity was taken from her.

The soldier reached down with his other hand and grabbed her hair, yanking her up painfully so that her head was even higher and her breasts swung up and down as he bucked into her.

The agonizing torment finally ended when the soldier released his grip on her hair, and she felt something warm ooze down her inner thigh as she collapsed to the cross below her.

She heard some of the soldiers cheer. One said “I’d love to have a go at her.” She recognized the voice of the one who had slapped his cock against her face.

“You’ll get your chance.” The lead soldier said. “First let’s get her wrists done.”

Nihlufar tried in vain to struggle or resist as strong guards untied her wrists and grabbed her arms, preparing to flip her over on the cross…
Nihlufar was flipped over roughly onto her back, her hands untied but with three soldiers kneeling and holding onto her, she was powerless to resist. Two of them grabbed her arms and pinned them down to the crossbeam that she had carried, and the third leaned over her chest, his hard cock brushing against her right breast and his left hand on her shoulder and his right wrapped around her throat, not choking her but just holding her down and applying a bit of pressure to subdue her.

Nihlufar kicked her legs out in desperation, but it changed nothing. One of the guards watching said “want me to tie her to the crossbeams? Make the nailing easier.”

Nihlufar screamed out at the word ‘nailing’ but the guard gripping her throat squeezed to stifle her shriek. She strained her head to look to her right and saw the lead soldier kneel over her right wrist with a nail and a hammer.

Things seemed to slow down for Nihlufar. Like the foul men around her were moving at a snail’s pace. Her own frantic breathing seemed to be slow and ponderous, the entire nightmare world slowing to a vision of detail and inevitability around her.

Nihlufar was afraid. She did not want to die. She did not want to have spikes driving through her body. Through! She thought. They cannot impale me with nails! They cannot do it! They cannot do it! I am a person! I am not a criminal! How can they do this!? Ulmann where are you!?

As Nihlufar’s mind belted out a searing cacophony of desperate, terrified thoughts that emerged from her mouth as an unintelligible scream, the lead soldier held the huge, cruel nail to her wrist, and raised his hammer.

There was nothing Nihlufar could do to stop it. The hammer slammed down and the nail went right through her skinny wrist and into the wood below. Pain like Nihlufar had never know shot through her body, starting at her wrist. Her scream reached a pitch where she thought it would rip her throat with its ferocity.

The lead soldier raised the hammer and struck again. And again. And again. And again. Then he stood and Nihlufar felt the guard holding her right arm let go and also stand. She instinctively swung her right arm to claw at the guard holding her shoulder and neck down, but…

Her right arm did not swing. Her mind told it to, but as it did, her arm stayed stretched out and pressed against the crossbeam, and pain amplified from her wrist. Her right arm was nailed to the cross!

Her body writhed against the two men holding her down, her breasts making contact with the cock of the man directly over her. He smirked and squeezed her neck harder and swung his hips a bit so that his cock brushed against her chest and breast even more.

Nihlufar felt the shameful flesh against hers, but her attention was pulled to her other wrist, where the lead guard was already kneeling with a new nail.


He ignored her and raised his hammer…
Nihlufar shrieked wildly and tried to thrash as her other wrist was nailed. The men overpowering her held her down and after seven horrific hammer strikes, she was completely nailed to the crossbeam she had carried there at the wrists.

The guards who had held her down stepped back and watched with hard cocks and leering stares as Nihlufar jerked and thrashed against the nails pinning her outstretched arms to the wood, her legs kicked like a feral beast, her body undulating in pain as she screamed at the pain.

After a minute or so, she calmed a bit and relaxed her body; the pain had not lessened in any way, nor had she somehow grown accustomed to it; she just needed to rest, for her exhausted body was overwhelmed with pain and agony.

The lead guard, who had served on many a crucifixion detail, knew this and looked at his man who had wished to fuck the young, attractive foreigner. “Have your fun with her, Kulnar. Make her suffer. In the Gods’ names.”

Kulnar nodded energetically and strode to kneel between Nihlufar’s legs. He grabbed her thighs and positioned himself to enter her.

Nihlufar felt him and lifted her head, bringing her chin to her chest, looking past her heaving breasts and seeing the cruel guard getting position to do to her what the last soldier who had violated her had done to the poor slave girl.

“No! Please!” Nihlufar shouted breathlessly, the idea of being fucked while nailed at the wrists tormenting her before it even began. “I’ll do anything! Please!”

The guard leered at her watery eyes and desperation and thrust himself into her! Nihlufar’s moan turned into a scream almost immediately as the pain radiating from her nail wounds amplified egregiously as the soldier’s vigorous thrusts caused her to scrape back and forth, her wrists rotating slightly around the fresh wounds.

The soldiers cheered and watched her pained, tormented face and the way her breasts moved on her chest as she was fucked hard laying on the cross.

Despite the horrific pain, Nihlufar was still completely and acutely aware of how humiliating and degrading it was.

The torment seemed to last forever, until finally the cruel guard extricated his cock from her aching loins and splattered his ejaculate all over her groin and belly.

The guard stood and raised his hands victoriously, his face flushed with pleasurable exertion. Nihlufar just trembled in pain, body glistening in sweat, filled with dread at the inevitable nailing of her feet.
The lead guard reached into his satchel, grabbing two more nails. One of the soldiers looked at him questioningly. “Since she’s a heathen, she’ll have her legs spread some.” The soldiers whooped and cheered.

Nihlufar was breathing anxiously, her body trembling in pain but otherwise still, her face screwed up in an expression of deep anguish, the occasional groan of pain emanating from her mouth.

Two guards stepped to her feet and secured her legs against the wooden cross shaft. The lead guard knelt and positioned a nail just over her ankle, so that her left leg would be pinned to the side of the beam.

Nihlufar looked up and saw them at her feet, and she leaned her head back and willed herself to close her eyes. To try to breathe through the pain. It was a worthless idea.

As soon as the first hammer strike hit, her entire body tensed up and she screamed and thrashed as much as she could. But the soldier’s held her with ease and after five hammer strikes, her left leg was pinned to the wooden shaft underneath her, her knee just slightly bent as she spastically jerked her leg, exploring how hindered and painful its movement was.

The soldiers were already preparing her other leg. She screamed an unintelligible plea for mercy and they ignored her. Six hammer strikes secured her right leg on the opposite side of the wooden shaft.

Nihlufar was nailed to the cross at the wrists and ankles! She screamed out and wept and soldiers did not care.

The lead guard snapped his fingers and said “My, I almost forgot.” He reached into his satchel and grabbed a small wooden placard, about half a meter wide. On the wood was written the word ‘Heathen’ in black ink. He went over and took out a much smaller nail the ones pinning Nihlufar to her cross and nailed the sign to the top of her cross, so all who looked upon her would see and know what sort of foul scum she was.

The lead soldier stood, his labor complete, and gestured at his men. “Raise her up!”
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