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The Gods’ Edicts Part XIII - The Purification of House Verlin

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Chapter 1: Summons

Priestess Holly had taken the Oaths of the Sisters of Suffering less than a year ago. She was twenty years of age and quite beautiful. She stood rather tall for a woman, at five feet and nine inches, and she was slim but had very curvaceous breasts, and her figure was radiant as it was covered by the skin-tight white dress of her Pious Order, sleeveless and with a high hem. Her comfortable sandals had been crafted specifically for her, and as she walked to the place she had been summoned, she brushed her straight, dark brown hair off her forehead, her big brown eyes squinting in the sunny afternoon.

She passed through the East Gate of the city and walked for nearly half an hour. She could have of course requested a carriage to her destination, but it was a pleasant day and she wished to be frugal; now that she was Sister of Suffering, she was doing the Gods’ work after all.

She saw the stucco walls and gate for the land belonging to Lord Aldo Verlin. Beyond the walls lay his mansion estate and beyond that illustrious manor were the fields he owned.

Guards greeted her at the gate and escorted her into the mansion, and from there to a study. She sat in a comfortable chair and a slave girl with curly red hair and a lean figure entered and offered her a platter of fruits and breads and cheeses and a variety of wines and liquors. Priestess Holly waved them away.

The slave girl’s pale skin was barely covered by her meager slave’s garb, which consisted only of a belt around her chest, covering her nipples but letting the soft flesh of her breasts be exposed above and below the thin belt line, and a simple strip of cloth draped over her hips to cover her womanhood. Otherwise, she was as close to naked as a woman could be.

After a few minutes, Lord Verlin entered the study. “Priestess, I am relived you are here.” He said as he took a seat across from her. “I have urgent need of your services.”
“Of course, Lord Verlin.” Priestess Holly said with a small bow. The old man looked fairly healthy for his age, he must have been a few years south of seventy, with a full head of gray hair and a clean shaven face. He had made a generous donation to merit summoning a Sister of Suffering for his own consulting. “Please, tell me how I can assist you, in the name of the glorious and all powerful Gods.”

“Well,” Lord Verlin stroked his chin. “I worry that there may be an evil, or at the very least restless, spirit in my house.”

Priestess Holly furrowed her brow slightly. He sounded serious. But this was a man of some wealth. Did he seriously believe a spirit was haunting him?

“Please tell me more, Sir.” She said, folding her hands together and leaning forward earnestly.

“Well, I had a dream the other night. More a nightmare, to be fair. There was a woman who looked like a banshee. Or a siren. She had one eye and it glowed red. And wolves flew around her. And my teeth were as liquid, and I could not move. It was terrifying. When I finally awoke, I could not breathe from fright. It was real you see.”

Priestess Holly held up a hand. He sounded serious but this was ridiculous. “I apologize, sir. But did you summon me here because you had a frightening dream?”

“Well, partly, yes. But the next day, a vagabond came to my gate. My guards ran her off, of course, but they said she had only one eye!”

“Alright?” Holly was confused.

“And then later that day my Master of Crops told me that there is a blight forming in some of my fields. He worries that we may loose half of our harvest from it, perhaps more. These are all connected. I know it. I’ve prayed on it. And I think that the Gods must be consulted. If I’ve angered a spirit or attracted some curse, how may I entreat the Gods to deliver me from it?”

Holly sighed. This was a strange summons to receive. She had no idea what to do. She stood up and nodded to the man. “Lord Verlin, I take your concerns seriously. I shall return to the Temple of Suffering at once, and consult my superiors and the Gods’ Edicts, and return to you on the morrow with a solution.”

“Thank you, Priestess, thank you.” The old Lord said, smiling genuinely.

Holly took her leave of him, wondering if she would be able to keep her promise to him…
Chapter 2: Concern

Ariana saw a strand of her curly, red hair dangle in front of her eye. She suppressed the urge to brush it away with her hand, for she was a slave now, and she knew that she was not allowed to move unless instructed to while her master was present.

So as her master, Lord Verlin, spoke to the Priestess in his study, she stood still as a statue and listened in case he ordered her to bring over the refreshments that she had already offered the Priestess.

Ariana would be twenty next month, and as she looked at the Priestess talking to her master, she felt a wave of hatred and jealously.

She looks to be mine own age Ariana thought bitterly. How is it that she sits comfortably, her body far more draped in modesty than mine, those fine crafted sandals on her feet? While I stand here nearly naked, barefoot, owned by the old man across from her, no rights or freedom, forced to labor with every waking moment. Why? Why? Why would the Gods allow this?

Of course, Ariana knew why she was a slave. She had grown up in a small town in the southern reaches of The Sacred Realm. One day she awoke and soldiers from the nearby city had swarmed their town. Apparently a sect following a god other than the Gods of the Sacred Realm had been growing in her town, unbeknownst to her and many others of her town. The soldiers executed the blasphemers there, crucifying them nude for all to see. And everyone else in the town, including her, were charged with immoral failure to report blasphemy. The men were sentenced to mandatory military service or indentured servitude for the most part, but all of the women in the town were sentenced to enslavement.

That was last summer. Since then she had been sold to Lord Verlin and worked in his manor here, every aspect of her life controlled and restricted. She hated it. But whenever thoughts of resistance or escape crossed her mind, she thought of her fellow townspeople, the ones who had been worshipping a false god in secret, naked and violated by the soldiers and nailed to crosses, and all thoughts of rebellion washed away from her mind.

One day I will learn to accept my enslavement she thought. Maybe I will even earn my freedom somehow.
Ariana noticed the Priestess stand and assure her master that she would find a solution for him. She left and her master stood and walked out of the room without acknowledging her. Ariana was fine with that. She cleaned the study and went to the kitchens to see if any tasks needed completing there, then she went to the Senior Servant and reported in. He ordered her to clean the entrance hall and she did this, on her hands and knees scrubbing and cleaning for nearly three hours.

Later, she was given leave to go and eat some meager slave rations in the slave’s quarters. She sat at the uncomfortable little bench and looked at her small plate of leftover table scraps.

I hate being a slave she thought bitterly. She felt another slave sit beside her and turned to see Ana, a girl just a year younger than her, with shoulder length brown hair and a timid face and large, plump breasts that her slave’s belt barely held to her chest.

“Greetings.” Ariana whispered.

“Hello.” Ana said nervously. Ana had been bought by Master Verlin about a month after Ariana was purchased. Ariana had heard that Ana’s parents had fallen into debt, and with no way to pay it off, they sold her into slavery. Ariana wanted to ask Ana if it was true, but felt too nervous to do so.

“I heard the Master say there might be a blight in his fields.” She whispered to Ana, happy to gossip about the meeting between the Master and the Priestess.

“I hope not.” Ana said crestfallen. “I hear that when a house falls on hardships, the slaves suffer the most.”

Ariana felt Ana’s words like a punch in the gut. “That makes sense.” She said with concern. “He also thinks it’s because of a spirit haunting this place.” She smiles at the ridiculousness of it, to try to lighten their mood.

Ana looked at her with fear in her eyes. “Do not jest about spirits or witchcraft. That is the realm of the Gods and not for mortals to meddle with.”

“Alright. I am sorry.” Ariana said, surprised at Ana’s reaction. But despite her disbelief in such things, Ariana now felt a deep trepidation around the meeting she had been privy to earlier in the day. She hoped that the priestess would be able to help…
Chapter 3: Ritual

Priestess Holly returned to House Verlin the next day, meeting with Lord Verlin in the same study. Though this time no slave offered her refreshments and Lord Verlin was already seated and waiting for her.

“I have looked forward to your return all day, Priestess.” He said with a nervous smile as she bowed slightly and sat before him. “Please, tell me. What is our course to cleanse my home and restore my house?”

Priestess Holly took a deep breath and began her answer. “Lord Verlin, I have spent many hours since we last spoke, consulting with senior Priestesses and pouring over the Sacred Texts of the Gods’ Edicts. Your concerns are quite unusual, and it took me sometime to find any words from the Gods that could be applied here.”

“But you did find something?”

“I did.” Holly said, interlacing her fingers nervously. “Though it may be somewhat costly to your house.”

“Best to pay and invest in the future, rather than be beset by calamity.” Lord Verlin said thoughtfully.

“Good.” Holly said, trying not to sound doubtful. “Before we continue, I would like to speak of this to you privately. Are you confident we will not be overheard here?”

“Quite. We are alone. Just the two of us, you may speak plainly.” He said with a kind smile.

Holly leaned forward. “How many slaves do you own?”

Master Verlin ran a quick tally in his head. “I have thirty man slaves for the fields and toughest labor. And nine girls, for household work.”

Holly nodded. “I found a ritual deep in the annals of the Sacred Texts that should draw the Gods’ power unto yourself and your household, and cleanse whatever is upon you. Be it a spirit or a curse or even some sort of witchcraft.”

Lord Verlin clapped his hands together. “Ah excellent! Tell me how to conduct this ritual and I shall see to it.”

Holly sighed. “Unfortunately Lord Verlin it is a complex ritual. I will need to be assigned to your house to oversee it while it unfolds. And it will involve sacrificing some of your female slaves, potentially all of them.”

Lord Verlin grimaced at the idea of paying the Sisters of Suffering for her oversight and at the idea of losing slaves. But it took only few seconds for him to make up his mind.

“Best to be prudent in such things.” He nodded. “Tell me how much your holy Order needs to spare you, blessed Sister, for as long as the ritual takes. My house is yours, my slaves are yours to command or sacrifice, and my servants are yours to command.”

Holly stood. “Thank you, Lord Verlin. We will protect you and your house. The ritual begins tomorrow.”

“Blessings to you, Priestess. Blessings.” Lord Verlin stood and smiled warmly. “Is there anything I can have my servants prepare for tomorrow?”

“Yes, there is.” Holly answered. “Have them gather wood and nails and assemble a cross in the courtyard.”

“It shall be ready for tomorrow.” Lord Verlin assured her.
The next morning, just before sunset, Priestess Holly arrived at Lord Verlin’s house. She had a retinue now, provided by the Temple, two male slaves who were promoted to work in the Temple for their behavior and prowess. They wore simple sandals and black leather kilts that kept their manhoods covered. Both men were about ten years Holly’s senior, very muscular and well-groomed, evidences of the privilege they received in being assigned to the Temple. They carried a hefty wooden chest between them, containing all of Priestess Holly’s Holy Texts that would be consulted throughout the ritual.

Upon her arrival at House Verlin, the old Lord eagerly beckoned her to the courtyard behind his manor.

“My servants worked diligently on it all night, Priestess.” He said excitedly.

The courtyard was spacious and mainly flat dirt, with a periphery of gardens. The area nearest the manor was paved with smooth bricks. But now, in the middle of the large dirt area, was a small hole dug deep into the ground. Behind it lie a large wooden cross, the main beam about three meters long, the crossbeam intersecting it about half a meter below the top, forming a standard ‘t’ shape.

Priestess Holly nodded at it, satisfied. The lumber was thick and of good quality, the two pieces attached firmly, the hole deep enough to secure it once it was raised up.

She turned to Lord Verlin. “Well done. We shall begin the ritual. Please assemble your entire household here as the sunrises. All must witness the beginning of the ritual.”

“Absolutely, Priestess.” The old Lord said emphatically.
Chapter 4: The Beginning

Ariana was up early cleaning the kitchen with Ana when one of the House Guards strode in. “Cease your work. We go to the courtyard.”

Ariana and Ana complied immediately, sharing a look when they were able to do unseen, both of silently asking each other if the other knew what was going on. Neither of them did.

They followed the guard through the manor and stepped out the back door and saw that the entire house was assembled.

Ariana wondered what was happening. She had never seen an entire household assembled; slaves, servants, guards, everyone. But then again, she had only been a slave for near a year. She hoped this was not something to worry about.

The Priestess from the other day stood in the center of the courtyard, at a small table near some wood laid on the ground, her table covered in piles to books. She was flanked by two male slaves Ariana had never seen. Near her stood Lord Verlin. To their left were the servants, lined up in a nice rank and file. Opposite them were the thirty male slaves of the house, also formed in a rank and file, their loincloths bound tightly around their groins so that they would not impede them whilst they worked the fields. The guards of the house formed a loose perimeter. And before the table and the wooden contraption, the other female slaves of the household were lined up and kneeling, their hands clasped obediently behind their backs.

Ariana and Ana walked toward them, to get in line. The guard tapped Ariana’s shoulder and pointed her to the right side of the line. Then he directed Ana to stand on her right, so that Ana was at the end of the line.

Ariana looked down the line of female slaves and recognized every one of the women who shared her brutish life….
Ariana took her place in the line and knelt and clasped her hands behind her back, and on her right, Ana did the same. Ariana glanced over to her left and looked at the other seven slave girls kneeling there.

At the far end of the line was Noma, who was in her late thirties, and had long, straight blonde hair, and kind, green eyes. She was short and somewhat squat, with curvy hips and large breasts even more curvaceous than Ana’s, pressed to her chest precariously by her slave’s belt.

Next to her knelt Hilda, a brunette in her early thirties with an average build. Then Brooke, another curvy blonde with eyes that always seemed to look either nervous or sad. After her was Beth, then Orla, then petite, raven-haired Mari, and finally, right to Ariana’s left, Kalla, a petite girl with olive skin and big, brown eyes and long, light colored hair.

Ariana wondered what was happening. The Priestess called everyone’s attention to her and began saying a long and wordy prayer to the Gods. Ariana did not pay attention and wondered why they were gathered and arrayed as such.

She wondered if Orla was alright kneeling for this long prayer, the poor girl had had trouble with her knee, she remembered. Then Ariana had a sudden realization. Are we lined up from oldest to youngest? Ariana knew that Ana was the youngest of the slave girls in the house, being eighteen years old. And Ariana was less than a year older. She knew Noma was the eldest at thirty-seven, and she was pretty sure the rest were arrayed similarly.

That is when Ariana felt fear rise within her. Something is happening she thought with trepidation…
The Priestess concluded her prayer and Lord Verlin began to applause and shout “Praise to the Gods! Praise to the Gods!” The guards and servants joined in while the slaves stayed obediently still.

After a moment of revelry, the Priestess cleared her throat and spoke loudly to those assembled in the courtyard. “Lord Verlin has invoked the aide of the Gods to purify his noble house from a threat. A threat whose nature is not entirely known to us, but we believe that the Ritual of Aklin the Pious Builder shall cleanse Lord Verlin’s house.

The ritual is a sacrifice unto the Gods. Through sacred, anointed suffering, the Gods shall be pleased and hear our pleas. The ritual is designed so that a Holy Sign shall be given once the ritual is complete and the Gods have heard the call of the faithful.”

Lord Verlin was nodding emphatically and grinning at every word, but Ariana listened in horror. Were they about to sacrifice people she wondered in terror.

The Priestess continued. “Under my supervision, as a Priestess of the Sisters of Suffering, this ritual shall begin today. Starting with the eldest female slave, she shall be prepared and sanctified for holy suffering and then crucified, to please the Gods.”

Ariana felt her heart stop. She glanced over at Noma, on the end of the line. The busty slave girl’s face was drained of color and her body seemed to go unnaturally still with shock.

“Once the slave perishes,” the Priestess continued, “then the next slave shall be crucified, by order of age, until the Holy Sign is shown to us. Only then shall the sacrificial crucifixions cease.”

Ariana’s mind reeled at this! That meant Hilda would be crucified after Noma, and Brooke…

Ariana felt a wave of guilt at the relief she felt that her and Ana were the youngest of the household’s nine slaves. But what was this “Holy Sign” the Priestess spoke of, she wondered.

As if the Priestess had read her thoughts, the woman around the same age as Ariana, clad in white, and presiding over this ritual, said “As ordained by the Ritual, the Holy Sign demonstrating the Gods’ acceptance of the sacrificial suffering shall be when one of the crucified survives to see the sun fully rise after three days and three nights upon the cross. Then the ritual shall be complete, and that slave may be removed, for their suffering has appeased the Gods.”

Ariana thought she might swoon. So one of the other girls must be crucified and endure three days and three nights of torment and survive if I am to avoid being put to death!? Ariana looked down the line of slaves and saw wide eyes and chests rising and falling rapidly in fear.

Oh Gods, have mercy on us! Ariana had never in her entire life prayed earnestly to the Gods up until that moment…
Ariana watched in horror as the two muscular male slaves who flanked the Priestess joined a pair of the household guards as they strode over to Noma.

“Stand.” One of the guards ordered. Noma complied, her hands kept behind her back. Ariana saw the terror and shock in her eyes and the white knuckles grip that she had holding her own hands behind her back.

The guards marched her over to the center of the courtyard, near the cross, and then had her turn and face the line of slave girls.

One of the Priestess’ male slaves undid the belt around her chest, so that her big, round breasts hung unrestrained from her chest, her nipples hardening out of fear and the sensation of air on the tender flesh.

They stripped off her loincloth and now she stood completely nude before the whole household, her face flushing in shame. One of the guards whispered something to her and she nodded once and then knelt, facing her fellow slave girls.

The Priestess motioned to Hilda, who was now on the end of the line of slave girls. “Slave,” the Priestess said commandingly. “If the condemned does not survive three days and three nights, as a Holy Sign from the Gods, then you shall be crucified next.” Hilda blinked rapidly and Ariana thought that she might be holding her breath in terror. “As part of the ritual, you shall be the condemned one’s comfort. As the Gods comfort citizens of the Sacred Realm. The slave girl on your right,” she pointed to Brooke. “Shall be your comfort should you be sacrificed for the ritual.”

The Priestess nodded and motioned to some of the other guards, who approached Hilda and commanded her to stand.

She was marched to stand behind Noma, and then one of the Priestess’ male slaves brought out a plush satchel and reached within.

“The anointed garb of a condemned one’s comfort shall be worn by the slave from now until the Holy Sign is given or she herself is stripped for crucifixion, in lieu of her standard garb.” The Priestess declared.

Ariana watched as then Hilde was stripped nude, the poor slave girl trembling slightly as she stood behind kneeling, condemned Noma, and then was clad in the Comfort garb, which was simply a golden necklace with some lines of small rings radiating from it, and two triangles of beads smaller than a hand attached by two thin strings, draped over Hilde’s hips so that the triangles somewhat covered her vagina and ass. Her breasts were completely uncovered, her dark pink nipples growing hard just as Noma’s had.

She may as well be naked Ariana thought, ashamed for her fellow slaves and horrified that there was a chance this would befall her.

The Priestess looked at the two degraded slave girls and nodded once in approval, then turned to the rank and file of Lord Verlin’s thirty male slaves. “The condemned is ready to be sanctified for ritual crucifixion.”

At this command, the male slaves began to strip off their loincloths…
Ariana watched the male slaves strip and she blushed at seeing cocks for the first time. Most of them hung flaccidly from the groins of the men, but a few were hard already at the sight of Noma and Hilde’s exposed bodies.

The Priestess clapped her hands together and said “As per the sacred instructions of the ritual, the sacrifice must receive the manhood of each male slave of the household. In the name of the Sacred and Just and Eternal Gods, begin!”

The first of the male slaves strode over to Noma and Hilde and nodded at them and said something quietly that Ariana could not hear. Based on his face and demeanor, she thought it might have been an apology.

Then Noma shuddered, blinked a few times, and leaned forward placed her hands on the ground, so that she was on her hands and knees, her big breasts dangling from her chest in a way that made Ariana’s back hurt just from seeing it.

Hilde stepped aside while the male slave got behind Noma and grabbed her hips, raising her up so that her loins were nearer to his cock. Hilde looked unsure of what to do for a moment, but then she got down on her knees next to Noma and placed a hand on her back and leaned to where her face was closer to Noma’s.

Ariana realized that all thirty of these men were going to fuck Noma while Hilde provided “comfort” and then Noma would be crucified.

Ariana resisted the primal urge to scream and run. She did not want to watch this…
Ariana resisted the primal urge to scream and run. She did not want to watch this…

Oh what a shame, Ariana would be an awesome subject for a full blown escaped-slave hunt!

ideal! Why does it seem to me that one crucified woman is clearly not enough here?

Is this your first God’s Edicts? Probably not a bad idea, but patience, my friend, let @Illara work her magic! She will not disappoint you!
Oh what a shame, Ariana would be an awesome subject for a full blown escaped-slave hunt!

Is this your first God’s Edicts? Probably not a bad idea, but patience, my friend, let @Illara work her magic! She will not disappoint you!
That's not what I meant! Apparently there is a translation error. I wanted to say that probably after the first crucification there will be others...
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