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The Gods’ Edicts Part XIII - The Purification of House Verlin

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Noma, who was on her hands and knees, trembling in anticipation and degrading humiliation, looked to Ariana like no amount of comfort from Hilde could remedy this horrifying situation.

The other slave girls knelt, terrified at watching one of their own fucked on all fours before them in a perverse show of humiliation. The household servants mainly looked solemn, but Ariana thought she saw a few of the men looking eager and aroused.

The male slave behind Noma had his hands on her hips. He was looking down at her, his face expressionless. After a few long seconds, the Priestess overseeing the horrors shouted “begin, slave!”

The male slave gulped and thrust his hips forward. Noma yelped breathlessly and her body rocked from the penetration, her huge tits slapping together.

The male slave began thrusting into her vigorously, with Noma rocking back and forth and moaning loudly, her breasts slapping together and her eyes wide in humiliation. Hilde tried to rub her back but it did nothing as far as Ariana could tell.

Ariana knew she would reprimanded if anyone noticed her closing her eyes or looking away. So she watched as her fellow slave was violated and braced herself for this to continue before things got even worse…
Chapter 5: No Comfort for the Condemned

Ariana watched the male slave ravishing Noma grunt and slow the pacing of his thrust into her. He pulled out and Noma groaned at the sensation. The male slave stepped back, and wiped some sweat from his brow.

Ariana noticed the Priestess whisper something to one of her slaves, and he nodded and strode over to Hilde, and beckoned for her to rise up. She did and he spoke to her for a few seconds. Ariana could not hear what was said, but Hilde nodded obediently when he finished, then gulped and walked over to the man who had just fucked Noma.

As the next male slave walked up, Ariana stifled a gasp as she watched Hilde drop to her knees and put the cock of the man who had just fucked Noma into her mouth, bobbing her head back and forth as she gave it a good, long suck.

Hilde motioned for the next slave to approach, and she sucked his cock for a bit as well. Ariana saw that the male slave looked to be enjoying it, his hands curling into fists and uncurling as his face looked blissful. Then she ceased and motioned to Noma, who had not moved from her position on her hands and knees.

The new slave grabbed her hips with more roughness than the previous man, and began to fuck her hard. Hilde watched and looked crestfallen and resigned to her perverse part in this.

Ariana hated watching Noma suffer…
Priestess Holly watched the male slaves of Lord Verlin take their turns fucking the slave on her hands and knees. She saw that the slave girl was suffering from the unrelenting rough fucking, and every moan and yelp and groan confirmed to her that the Gods’ hunger for suffering was being satiated by the ritual she orchestrated.

Holly felt no empathy or concern for the slave; she was barely a person as far as Holly was concerned. The big breasted slave was simply a vessel of suffering now, whereas before she had been a vessel of servitude and labor. This was the way of the world, as ordained by the Gods. Holly had never at any point in her life questioned it.

Holly had her two assigned slave men bring her over a chair so she could sit and oversee the ritual. Even with the comfort slave instructed to help stimulate the male slaves and facilitate efficient copulation from each of them, this would take some time.

Holly watched male slave after male slave fuck the condemned slave girl on her hands and knees, her cries of carnal suffering and humiliation unending.

Holly looked at her two assigned slave men. “When the final male slave of the household enters her, you can take off your coverings, I’ll need you to perform her final consecrations.”

Both slave bowed obediently to her. Holly nodded at no one in particular. This is going well she thought.
This is horrific to behold Ariana thought. Noma’s face was red, her skin glistening with sweat, her cries of carnal anguish resounding with every movement of the men within her.

Noma’s arms began to shake, and her eyes were rolling back into her head as a male slave with a thick cock was fucking her hard. Oh Gods she is losing strength Ariana thought with a pang of angst. At first it was for Noma, for fear that the poor condemned girl would be ravaged further if she lowered herself to the ground without permission from her master. But then…

Ariana’s eyes widened as her angst turned to terror. If her body is weakened by this torment, how will she endure the cross for three days and three nights!? How will any of us!? Oh Gods! We are all going to die! Oh no! Oh no!

Despite Ariana’s fear and willpower driving her to remain still, she could not help but tremble with fear.

Mere meters away, Hilde noticed Noma’s failing strength and knelt by her side, putting her arms underneath Noma’s shoulders and holding her up while she was fucked, her naked breasts pressing against Noma’s sweaty back.

Ariana felt a wave of respect and gratitude towards Hilde, for trying to give Noma some assistance, to increase her chances of surviving longer on the cross.

Ariana felt her feelings towards Hilde turn to disgust at herself. I give thanks for actions that will prolong Noma’s suffering Ariana thought, remembering the sight of her townsfolk naked and crucified, suffering clear extreme pain as they died slowly. If Noma saves us from the cross, it will be at a terrible price for her. This is cruel. This is so wrong!

Ariana felt tears forming in her eyes and fought to hold them back…
Priestess Holly noticed one of the younger slaves blinking back tears. She noticed most of the others were on the verge of weeping as well as they watched.

Priestess Holly smiled. She imagined that they were understanding that the condemned girl’s suffering was intertwined with their own in an ingenious fashion by the architect of this sacred ritual. Suffering. More suffering unto the Gods. What a blessing to be a Priestess for Their holy ways Holly thought with a wide smile.

She watched as the thirtieth male slave stepped over to fuck the condemned girl. Her own two assigned slaves slipped off their kilts, revealing big cocks that dangled from their chiseled groins.

She looked to Lord Verlin and waved him over. “Please have your servants bring us two nails.” She said.

“Right away, Priestess.” He said and motioned to some of his servants.
The final male slave finished inside of Noma and stepped away from her. Ariana watched as Noma breathed raggedly, her breasts swaying slightly from her chest, Hilde hugging her from behind, helping her to stay on her hands and knees.

Hilde looked up and saw that all of the male slaves were stood away from their previous area. All of them had finished fucking Noma. Hilde turned and saw the two slaves of the Priestess, now nude and with one of them holding a hammer, beckon towards where they stood. Next to the cross.

Ariana watched helplessly as Hilde whispered something to Nome and helped the trembling slave stagger to her feet. Ariana saw pale liquid dripping down Noma’s inner thighs, her whole body shaking in exhaustion and doused in sweat.

Hilde held Noma’s shoulders comfortingly and they walked over to the cross. Ariana watched in silent horror as Noma stood nude over her cross, looking down at it. Ariana was relieved that she could not see Noma or Hilde’s faces.

The male slaves who reported to the Priestess gestured down at the cross and spoke some orders calmly and quietly, so that Ariana was unable to hear the words.

Noma hesitated. She trembled even more. Hilde stroked her hair and said something Ariana could not hear. Another pause. But then, Noma slowly got down to her knees, and then laid down on her back on the cross, her feet towards Ariana and the line of slave girls. Hilde knelt by her head and Noma spread her arms out on the crossbeam, her chest rising and falling anxiously.

The Priestess’ male slaves knelt by her right hand and one held her arm down while the other hefted a nail in one hand and his hammer in the other.

Ariana could not suppress the gasp that escaped her mouth when she saw the size of the nail. She had been further away when her townsfolk were crucified. But she remembered hearing their screams.

Thankfully no one noticed Ariana’s gasp. All eyes watched Noma as the slave raised his hammer. Hilde cradled Noma’s head in her hands.

The hammer swung down with terrifying strength…
Noma’s blood-curdling scream resounded throughout the courtyard as the nail was thrust through her wrist and into the wooden crossbeam. The slave holding her arm kept her pinned mightily, even though with her left hand shot up and grabbed the muscular slave’s shoulder in a primal, instinctive attempt to get free. Hilde kept her grip on Noma’s head and leaned low, letting her brow press against Noma’s forehead.

The hammer struck again. And again. And again. Noma shrieked each time. The slave men stood and moved toward the other side of the cross. Noma gasped in agony.

They pinned her left arm and repeated the process, her screams no less severe than when her other wrist was nailed.

Ariana had tears streaming down her cheeks as she watched helplessly. She saw the two slave men who had just nailed poor Noma’s wrists stand over the moaning girl, speaking to Hilde commandingly. Ariana wondered what they said that made Hilde blush and Noma shout “No! Please!”

Then they moved into new positions and Ariana understood Noma and Hilde’s reactions. The man who had hammered the nails into Noma’s wrists knelt between her legs and prepared to fuck her, while the other man straddled her abdomen, her huge tits enveloping his hard cock. Hilde shuddered, but leaned forward, her breasts dangling from her chest over Noma’s face as she used her hands to press Noma’s tits together so the man could fuck them.

Ariana trembled in rage and terror and disgust as the two men began thrusting, drawing carnal screams of anguish from Noma.
Priestess Holly watched her two assigned slaves ravage the partially crucified slave girl. She smiled as the slave girl cried out in pain, for Holly’s work was nearly done for the day.

After a few loud minutes, the man with his cock between the slave’s huge breasts ejaculated all over her collar and neck. The man between her legs grunted powerfully and slowed his rough thrusting as he also finished.

Holly stood and nodded decisively. The slave was properly consecrated. Holly raised her hands and said a prayer as the slave men extricated themselves from the sweating, heaving, moaning slave girl.

“Accept this humble suffering, oh Great and Powerful Gods! Let the pain of this lesser being satiate your Eternal Glory! Bestow unto her great and terrible suffering! In accordance with your Will and your Edicts, Oh Blessed Gods!”

Lord Verlin and his servants and guards all raised their hands in agreement. Then Holly turned to her two assigned slaves. “Nail her feet and crucify her!”
The two slaves assigned to the Priestess had barely broken a sweat in defiling Noma. Ariana watched in horror as the two strong men grabbed Noma’s legs and positioned her feet one atop the other, with her knees slightly bent, and grabbed a nail and hammer and prepared to end the beginning of Noma’s cruel execution.

Hilde knelt by Noma’s head, holding her and trying to provide comfort uselessly. The hammer swung and Noma screamed out like she was trying to force her own soul out of her body.

It took six hammer strikes for them to properly impale her feet to the shaft of the cross. Then they stood and walked over to Hilde, and pushed her out of the way unceremoniously.

They crouched down and grabbed the crossbeam and heaved it up off the ground. Noma cried out in agony! Then they raised the cross higher, letting its base scrape forward until it found the hole dug for it, and it slammed into place, secure in the ground and completely upright from the courtyard.

Noma screamed and squirmed on the cross, her body jiggling shamefully, on full display for all. The pale fluid of her tormentors oozed down her neck and chest and inner thighs. She fought against the nails like a fish out of water, undulating and tensing up her whole body, but it visibly did nothing to reduce her pain.

Ariana realized that her mouth was wide open in horror at watching this. It felt to her like they watched Noma struggle for hours, but in reality it was just a few minutes.

Hilde walked to stand before the cross and reached up to touch Noma’s hip, which quieted her gasps and reduced her frantic movements on the cross. Ariana saw the horrified, painful expression on Noma’a tortured face as she looked down at her “comforter”.

Ariana swooned and passed out.
Chapter 6: Waking to a New Nightmare

Ariana blinked her eyes open and was confused at seeing a pair of breasts topped by dark pink round nipples not far in front of her face. She groaned in confusion and tried to sit up, she was laying on someone’s lap, and a hand held her down as she tried to sit up.

“No. Get up slowly.” Ariana recognized the voice of Hilde. As her eyes roamed up from Hilde’s exposed chest to her face, she looked even higher and saw Ana’s face above her, upside down. She furrowed her brow at Ana.

“I caught you when you fainted.” Ana said softly, a look of sadness and concern in her eyes.

Ariana blinked more rapidly. “I had a horrible nightmare. I…Noma…”

Hilde sighed. “Is no nightmare.” She leaned to the side so she was no longer blocking Ariana’s view. A few meters away, the cross stood, Noma nailed to it and writhing slightly in excruciating pain.

“No!” Ariana said, blinking away fresh tears.

“We have to get back to work.” Hilde said bravely.

“The Priestess said our duties are unchanged, except for assembling every sunrise to see whether Noma has…” Ana could not finish the horrific thought.

Ariana weakly got to her feet. This is a nightmare she thought.
The rest of the day, Ariana was ordered to clean the kitchens, then the Master’s bedroom, then the guest bedrooms. It was hard work, but she completed it diligently, spurred on by fresh fear. She tried to focus on her grating labor, and forget about the horrific crucifixion, but in the summer day, the windows in the manor were open, and Noma’s occasional groan or cry of agony would always snap her attention to the fact that just out in the courtyard, an innocent woman was naked and nailed to a cross. All for nothing.

Ariana moved to another guest room and was joined by Hilde. She blushed at seeing Hilde doing the same labor as her, but with her body even more on display than usual.

Ariana was in awe that Hilde had such focus on her work. Ariana doubted she could do that if she knew that she might be crucified in the coming days.

She never worked up the courage to talk to Hilde about it. That night she barely slept, plagued by the memory of Noma’s brutal nailing.

The next morning, the entire household gathered as they had the day before, and Noma writhed and groaned on the cross. Ariana could not imagine that the poor woman had been out here all night. Noma looked weak and brutalized and her body was moving a lot less than the previous day.

Ariana saw Hilde’s expression and could only imagine the anguish and terror within her.
Ariana worked all day and whenever she could, she snuck a glance out of the windows of the manor, to see if Noma still lived. She was far less vocal on her second day crucified. Her energy was gone and when she moved it was slow and laborious.

What cruel torment Ariana thought bitterly. Ariana tortured herself with the desire that Noma’s suffering end but then immediately second guessing it, hoping that she would endure more days and nights of extreme torture, so that her and Ana and Hilde and the others could be spared.

A few times she saw Hilde kneeling before Noma’s cross, her head bowed as if in prayer. Ariana had to fight the urge to weep every time she saw that.

Another thing she noticed throughout the day was that there were new guards around the property, in addition to the normal house guards.

They do not want us to attempt an escape Ariana surmised. She slept that night with scattered thoughts of wondering if escape was even possible, mixed with nightmares about seeing her fellow slaves nailed to crosses…
Absolutely, brutally compelling, as is so often the case, @Illara

I thi ink the deeper exploration of your protagonist’s mind so far, along with that of the Priestess, makes this my favourite story of yours so far. The setting is unique, as is the horrifying injustice of inflicting such terrible suffering almost at a whim, and certainly with no crime at all even hinted at by the slavegirls. And that to my kink makes the whole scene even more erotic, I’m a twisted man who imagines himself in Ariana’s position.

I do know a way to stop them escaping, lol… even better than guards, they should be shackled, and in my version they are!

Well done, as always!
Absolutely, brutally compelling, as is so often the case, @Illara

I thi ink the deeper exploration of your protagonist’s mind so far, along with that of the Priestess, makes this my favourite story of yours so far. The setting is unique, as is the horrifying injustice of inflicting such terrible suffering almost at a whim, and certainly with no crime at all even hinted at by the slavegirls. And that to my kink makes the whole scene even more erotic, I’m a twisted man who imagines himself in Ariana’s position.

I do know a way to stop them escaping, lol… even better than guards, they should be shackled, and in my version they are!

Well done, as always!
thank you so much! I’m so glad you’re enjoying it! I am also enjoying the change of pace from other stories!
Chapter 7: Hilde’s Horror

The next morning, Ariana felt that Noma had died before she even stepped out into the courtyard. She could feel the tension and terror from the other slaves and so when her eyes saw that Noma was completely still and lifeless on the cross, her fears were confirmed.

They all lined up as they had the last two sunrises. The Priestess’ two slaves, along with a few of the household male slaves, heaved the cross out of its hole and laid it down on the ground.

Ariana felt her stomach clench at how lifelessly and jarringly Noma’s body jiggled and bounced as they lowered the cross. They took out a slightly curved metal tool and yanked out the nails from her wrists and feet. Then her body was dragged off without the tiniest shred of dignity and left in the dirt off to the side of the courtyard.

The Priestess pointed to Hilde, and guards stepped closer to her, but it was not necessary. She stood in the barely-there “comforter’s garb” and strode over to the cross, looking down at it. Ariana was in awe that Hilde did not tremble or scream or show outward fear.

The Priestess pointed to Brooke, the nervous eyed brunette with large breasts and a small mouth always on the verge of a pout. Brooke stood and walked over to Hilde. Unlike the stoic Hilde, Brooke was shaking nervously and the color was completely drained from her face.

Ariana watched as the two slaves assigned to the Priestess grabbed Brooke firmly and spun her around to look back at the line of slave girls, then efficiently stripped off her slave’s garb so she stood nude before them, her lip quivering in humiliation and fear.

They cast aside her meager slave’s belt and loincloth and snapped their fingers at Hilde, who turned and strode next to Brooke. The two male slaves removed her necklace and the tiny string and bead covering for her loins and put these onto Brooke.

Then the male slaves nodded at Hilde and walked back to the Priestess. Hilde sighed, and for a moment Ariana thought she finally might let out a whimper or a cry of anguish. But she did not.

Hilde, completely naked, slowly lowered herself to her knees then leaned forward with her hands out, getting into the same degrading position that Noma had been ravaged in.

The thirty household male slaves began to disrobe. Brooke knelt next to Hilde and trembled.

Ariana felt overwhelming emotion well up within her. Not again. I cannot bear to watch this again. Not to Hilde. No!
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