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The Gods’ Edicts Part XIII - The Purification of House Verlin

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Hilde was quieter the second day, her exclamations of agony happening far less often. Ariana worried that they would assemble the next morning and look upon her naked corpse. And then have to kneel and witness Brooke getting savagely fucked and crucified.

Ariana noticed herself stopping and shaking without meaning to many times throughout the day. That night she slept, never awoken by Hilde, though her nightmares were gripping and surreal and terrorizing, so that when she was awoken the next morning, she felt completely bereft of restfulness.

At the morning assembly, Ariana felt a rush of opposing feelings at seeing Hilde alive on the cross. The poor woman was weak, her head sunk low in pain and exhaustion, her limbs twitching occasionally in painful looking spasms. But…as the Priestess said a loquacious prayer to the Gods, Hilde strained a couple of times, her head leaning back to breathe easier, her hips and back gyrating on occasion to adjust her position as she hung from her nails.

It was horrifying but also made Ariana perversely excited. This was Hilde’s third day on the cross! If she survived the day and the night and lived to see sunrise, it would fulfill the Priestess’ “Holy Sign” and the ritual would end!

Ariana felt dangerous hope well up within her. But as the prayer concluded and the kneeling slaves stood to return to the House and begin their day’s labor, she made eye contact with Hilde.

Ariana felt her hope wither at the poor girl’s agonized face and slack jawed, eyes half open expression of suffering and defeat. She looked more dead than alive, and Ariana felt quite sure that she would not live to see tomorrow’s sunrise.

I need a plan Ariana thought urgently. I need to escape tonight!
Ariana’s mind spun like a windmill in a hurricane all throughout the day as she tried to think of a way to escape should Hilde perish. But she kept hitting obstacles as she fantasized about fleeing.

She would need to get clothes, otherwise she would be identifiable to all as a slave. Then she’d need to evade the guards. The manor was surrounded by a wall too tall to climb, with the front gates manned by at least two guards at all times. The gate to the fields behind the manor was locked at night and usually a guard or two manned it during the day, as male slaves and servants came and went, working towards the coming harvest.

There was also a side gate that was locked and followed a path to the road. That side path might be the key. She was unsure if guards patrolled near it often. But these were things she had to be completely sure of. No risks were acceptable, for failure meant the cross.

Ariana saw Brooke go into the Master’s study with a thick feather, no doubt dusting off Master Verlin’s collection of books. Ariana followed the topless slave into the study and risked a conversation with Brooke.

“Brooke,” Ariana’s eyes accidentally darted down to Brooke’s jiggling breasts as the slave turned around to respond to her, causing Ariana to blush in embarrassment.

“Ariana?” Brooke whispered. “What brings you here?”

“Helping.” Ariana lies casually as she double checked that the door to the study was shut. “How is Hilde?”

“Ana and Orla carried trash out an hour ago and said that she still lives.” Brooke said nervously. “I pray for her constantly.”

“As do I.” Ariana lied comfortingly. “Brooke, you were bought by Master Verlin some time ago?”

“I was. Nearly six years ago, shortly after I turned twenty.”

Ariana clenched her teeth and she sought the safest words. “In so many years…can you tell me about the side gate in the courtyard?”

“Slaves don’t use that gate.” Brooke said instinctively.

“I know, but…who has the key? Is it guarded? Is—”

“Silence.” Brooke said urgently, her face flushing in anger and fear. “You mustn’t speak of such things.”

Ariana bit her lip nervously. “But…If Hilde perishes…” she gestured at Brooke’s shamefully naked body and gestured and then towards the courtyard, where the cross stood.

Brooke’s lips trembled in fear for a moment but she exhaled deeply and said “Then I shall suffer and beg the Gods’ mercy. I would rather be sacrificed as an offering than a sinful, disobedient slave.”

Ariana stared back her, trying to discern if her words were true. Brooke looked terrified and on the brink of tears, but as her naked chest rose and fell with stressful breathes, her eye contact never wavered.

“I don’t want to be crucified at all.” Ariana said bitterly.

“Then do not even think of fleeing.” Brooke said, a single tear cascading down her cheek. “Do not speak of the side gate. Do not spread this sinful idea to any of the others. And pray. Pray to the Gods that Hilde endures and I am spared. And you are spared.”

“Very well.” Ariana said, defeated and afraid.

“Please go.” Brooke said, wiping the tear from her cheek. “I would labor alone. As I pray for my deliverance.”

“I am sorry.” Ariana said sincerely. Brooke turned away and began to dust the books on the shelf.

Ariana left the study and felt her heart pounding. I cannot speak of this to anyone. And fleeing is too risky. Oh Gods! Hilde! Please, please survive until sunrise!
Ariana dreamt that night of seeing everyone she had ever known and cared about crucified brutally, and then her dream changed as the cursed priestess and a boy she had fancied in her youth both appeared and dragged her to a cross. Ariana wanted to kick and scream and fight but she was frozen with the paralysis that can take hold in a nightmare.

As she felt the wood turn into spikes under her body and the priestess was also her mother and she worried about her village and tasted blood and then—

Ariana awoke with a gasp from her nightmare.

“Ariana?” It was Ana, her innocent eyes and small mouth not far above her in the early morning darkness. “It is time for morning assembly and prayer.”

Ariana sat up, feeling cold sweat on her brow. “Any word? Is Hilde alive?”

Ana blinked nervously. “I do not know. We should go find out.”

Ariana felt her hands and legs shaking in fear. She pushed through it and stood up, and adjusted her loincloth and the belt around her chest covering her nipples and giving her the tiniest bit of dignity.

“Let us go.” Ariana said, an ominous knot in her gut as she said the words…
Ariana walked out to the courtyard, with Ana following demurely behind her. They would do as they had done every morning since the ritual began and kneel, lined up in order of eldest to youngest, with eighteen year old Ana on the far side of the line, next to Ariana.

Ana looked at the cross and saw Hilde’s body nailed to the cross, her knees spread and her head hung low, like she was resting. Except her body was completely still.

Hilde was dead. And the sun would not rise for a dozen or so more minutes. Ariana stifled a cry of despair and took her place, kneeling to Kalla’s right.

Ariana looked down the line and saw Brooke kneeling on the end, her hands hanging limply to her sides, her large breasts rising and falling with anxious breathes as she stared at the cross wide eyed, her mouth open in horror.

The rest of the household trickled out and the Priestess walked to her table of tomes, flanked by her two male slaves, who this morning were already nude, their cocks dangling between their legs, made no less huge by the cool morning air that would turn hot in an hour.

Ariana saw the Priestess smile and nod at Lord Verlin. Her Master glances at Hilde’s tormented corpse and shrugged with calm disappointment. Like he had rolled poorly on a set of dice and lost a coin.

Ariana suppressed a snarl of rage and tried to prepare herself to sit and witness Brooke’s crucifixion…
I thought if anyone could last it would be hilde… now the taste of despair for Arianna becomes far more palpable- she simply must get to that side gate and soon!

I wonder if Brooke now regrets shutting her friend down yesterday? She only has suffering to await her now. And of the afterlife, will the Gods be any less cruel to a sacrifice instead of an escapee? Their mantra is suffering, so the slaves’ collective fates in the afterlife can only be eternally suffering in eternal slavery? What difference does escaping make but for a few more years of life in the mortal realm, a chance to snatch even a moment of happiness must outweigh eternal despair.
Chapter 10: Brooke’s Torment

The Priestess said a loud prayer as her two slaves and a half a dozen guards heaved the cross out of its hole and laid it on the ground. The nails were pried out of the wood and Hilde’s body was picked up and tossed in the corner of the courtyard…Not far from the side gate.

Ariana noticed and wondered if Hilde’s body would be taken out the side gate and maybe carted somewhere to be burned or feed some livestock. She had been too terrified to track where Noma’s body had been taken once Hilde was crucified in her place.

The Priestess pointed at Brooke when her prayer was finished. Brooke’s face flushed and her lip quivered as she stood and walked over reluctantly. She knelt in the proper place, facing the line of female slaves with the now-empty cross behind her.

Beth was then summoned. Beth was a pale-skinned, slim girl a year younger than Brooke, with plump breasts that were smaller than Brooke’s but much larger than Ariana’s. Her stomach was flat and fit and her blonde hair was a bit darker a shade than Brooke’s, cascading to her shoulders with some curls in it. Her face was pretty and her green eyes looked fearful and sad.

She strode obediently over to stand behind the kneeling Brooke, and clasped her hands obediently behind her back as the Priestess’ two slaves stepped over and stripped her nude. Ariana blushed as she unconsciously felt her eyes roam over the vulnerable slave girl’s naked body. Her nipples were surprisingly small and perfectly round.

The slaves then stripped the necklace and meager ceremonial loin covering off of Brooke, who was teetering slightly as she knelt, like she might swoon and pass out.

Ariana’s horror turned to a bit of curiosity as she saw Beth lower her head and whisper something to one of the male slaves. He said something short back to her and then strode over to the Priestess and began to convene with her in a hushed tone.

Ariana wondered what was being discussed, but then saw the male slave nod, reach into a small sack near the table of religious texts and grip something in his hands, which he then marched back over to Beth and handed to her.

Beth nodded in a silent gesture of thanks. Then she knelt behind Brooke and embraced her from behind. Brooke startled for a moment, but then Beth whispered something in her ear, and Brooke seemed to be slightly comforted by it.

Beth then ran her hands through Brooke’s straight blonde hair and pulled it back, binding it into a ponytail with a small string that the male slave had given her.

Then Beth caressed Brooke’s shoulder and said something that was just loud enough to carry to Ariana’s ears. “It’s time.”

Brooke gulped and then leaned forward, getting onto her hands and knees, humiliatingly naked, her large breasts swaying below her chest. Brooke looked up at the line of remaining slave girls; Orla, Mari, Kalla, Ariana, and Ana. Brooke looked mortified and scared.

Ariana felt her breathing accelerate in pity and terror…
I thought if anyone could last it would be hilde… now the taste of despair for Arianna becomes far more palpable- she simply must get to that side gate and soon!

I wonder if Brooke now regrets shutting her friend down yesterday? She only has suffering to await her now. And of the afterlife, will the Gods be any less cruel to a sacrifice instead of an escapee? Their mantra is suffering, so the slaves’ collective fates in the afterlife can only be eternally suffering in eternal slavery? What difference does escaping make but for a few more years of life in the mortal realm, a chance to snatch even a moment of happiness must outweigh eternal despair.
Ah, yes! You understand the Gods of this world! You clearly a good and pious citizen of the Sacred Realm! Haha but yes, you bet Ariana is going to watch Hilde’s discarded body and try to see who unlocks the side gate and how.

Seems like Ariana escaping is what a lot of people want. But then… if she’s caught…
Ah, yes! You understand the Gods of this world! You clearly a good and pious citizen of the Sacred Realm!
I pray to these Gods- they accept my penitent suffering as tribute!
Haha but yes, you bet Ariana is going to watch Hilde’s discarded body and try to see who unlocks the side gate and how.

Seems like Ariana escaping is what a lot of people want. But then… if she’s caught…
Oh I know exactly what I want to happen, but I’m not one for reading ahead! :azote:
Ariana had no choice but to kneel obediently between Kalla and Ana in their dwindling lineup, as she watched in powerless horror as Brooke trembled naked on her hands and knees while the entire household’s retinue of thirty male slaves stripped and lined up to desecrate her before her crucifixion.

Brooke’s large breasts swayed from her chest, her big, fearful eyes more pronounced with her hair pulled back into a messy ponytail, her mouth open in anxious trepidation.

Beth knelt next to her, her lean legs folded underneath her, her pale skin on full display, as she was very nearly nude. The ceremonial necklace and tiny beaded loin covering of “the comforter” were the only things covering her naked body.

Beth placed a gentle hand on Brooke’s back as the first slave took his place behind Brooke, preparing to ram his cock into her womanhood. He reached down and gripped Brooke’s hips and she let out a startled yelp, but then quieted as she realized that her torment had yet to begin. Beth rubbed her back with one hand in a useless gesture of comfort and solidarity.

Ariana wanted to do more than comfort Brooke. She wanted to save her. I hate how powerless they have made me she thought bitterly as the male slave behind Brooke maneuvered his hips. Curse the Realm and its foul ways!

Brooke moaned loudly as the male slave’s cock entered into her. Her breathless moans emanated from her open mouth with every thrust of his hips into her, her breasts clapping together loudly as she bucked back and forth from the fucking.

Ariana realizes that she was digging her fingernails into her palms with rage and horror. She willed her body to calm as the slave finished inside of Brooke, and stepped aside for another male slave to take his place.

One done, twenty nine more to go Ariana thought as Brooke resumed her degrading moaning. Poor Brooke…
The thing that kept Ariana sane as she knelt and witnessed thirty men defile Brooke was her constant vigil over Hilde’s body. Ariana’s gaze constantly veered to the corner of the courtyard, near the side gate, where Hilde’s lifeless, naked corpse had been tossed cruelly to the dirt, her expressionless face up and her breasts visible.

Ariana hated to stare at her naked corpse, but she had to watch for when her body was removed. That would reveal who held a key to the side gate. That might give her a precious hope for an escape plan.

The sun had risen nearly half an hour ago, and Brooke was sweating profusely, on her hands and knees, her eyes nearly rolling back in her sockets from the unrelenting rough fucking. She still had half a dozen male slaves to endure before she would be crucified.

Brooke’s arms were beginning to shake with exhaustion. Beth must have wanted to speed up the next man’s duties with Brooke, because as the man approached, she leaned over and sucked his cock for nearly a minute, giving Brooke some precious time to catch her breathe and sway slowly and methodically, giving her arm muscles a brief rest.

Ariana was surprised that the supervising Priestess allowed such a small mercy. Beth did this for each of the remaining men who had to fuck Brooke.

Finally, the thirtieth slave finished inside of Brooke and walked away to return to formation of male slaves. Brooke’s face was red from the fucking. Beth licked her lips and made a dour expression, then leaned over to place her hands on Brooke’s shoulders and help her to an upright kneeling position.

Ariana saw the sweat drip down Brooke’s face as she breathed heavily. Behind her, the two male slaves belonging to the Priestess took out a pair of nails and a hammer.

Beth whispered something into Brooke’s ear and Brooke’s lower lip trembled like she was about to sob, her eyes wide with terror and wet with a mixture of forming tears and sweat stinging them.

Beth took Brooke’s hand in her own and helped her to her feet as the two slaves approached and spun her around to face the cross.

To Ariana’s surprise, Brooke trembled violently, but nonetheless walked slowly towards her cross, and laid down upon it, with Beth kneeling near her head, her hands caressing Brooke’s face as the male slaves knelt and prepared to nail her wrists…
Ariana kept turning her gaze towards Hilde’s corpse, hoping someone might approach it, but no one did, and she could not help but watch as Brooke’s wrists were nailed.

The two male slaves directed her to spread her arms out on the crossbeam, which she did, and then one held her right arm down, while the other placed a knee on her elbow and held the nail and hammer ready. Beth grabbed Brooke’s left hand and gripped it tight.

Brooke screamed shrilly as the nail pierced through her flesh and stuck into the crossbeam. The slave took four more hammer swings to secure her right wrist, and she screamed out continuously, even as they stood and maneuvered to pin down and nail her other wrist.

Six hammer strikes nailed her left wrist, and then they prepared for her final humiliation, with the slave who had nailed her wrists getting between her legs, and the other mounting her chest, his hard cock resting between her bulbous breasts.

As Beth leaned forward and squished Brooke’s tits together around one of her executioner’s erect penis, the other man thrust himself into Brooke and she screamed out in agony, her body scraping back and forth as she was simultaneously fucked and nailed to the cross while her tits were defiled.

In the cacophony of carnal suffering, Ariana looked away in repulsion and saw something. Something that gave her, despite the shrieking and pained moaning of Brooke, a sudden blossom of hope deep within her…
Ariana noticed one of the guards step over to the group of household servants watching the torture of Brooke. The guard whispered something to Almovar, one the senior servants. Almovar nodded and gestured to another servant standing nearby.

The servant he had gestured towards was a newer servant at House Verlin and Ariana could not remember her name. She looked to be in her early twenties and had long, straight black hair and brown eyes, her expression timid and seemingly uncomfortable at the torturous sacrifice they were watching unfold.

The guard stepped away from Almovar and approached the girl servant, opening his hand. She reached into the folds of her grey tunic and pulled out a small metal ring with a trio of keys on it, and placed this in his palm.

He took it and strode towards Hilde’s body, gesturing for two others guards to assist him.

As Brooke screamed in breathless agony, Ariana watched one of the guards throw Hilde’s naked body over his shoulder, while the other two took the ring of keys and inserted one into the side gate. It opened, and they exited the courtyard.

Ariana looked back at the servant girl, whose eyes were locked on Brooke as she squirmed and moaned as the male slave straddling her chest erupted thick, pale ejaculate all over her neck and clavicle.

You’re going to get me those keys Ariana thought. And I am going to leave this place. Forever.
Brooke felt the man inside of her aching loins finish and extricate himself from between her legs. She moaned in relief; the bucking back and forth had caused her impaled wrists to rotate slightly against the nails, causing immense pain. The man who had ejaculated his hot, disgusting man seed all over her chest was still straddling her, his hard cock still throbbing between her tits, which were smooshed together around his large member by Beth’s kind hands.

The slave straddling her chest reached down and grabbed a handful of Beth’s hair, to get her attention. “Help her suck my cock.” He said firmly.

Brooke just stared up at him, still catching her breathe from her suffering. She could not see Beth’s expression as she faces the male slave; Brooke at this angle only saw the smooth undersides of Beth’s breasts and the muscular male slave opposite her.

Brooke imagined that Beth simply looked confused because the male slave reiterated his command. “I want her lips around my cock.”

Beth let go of her breasts and leaned back a bit, then cradled her head in her hands.

“I’ll help you.” Beth said, trying not to sound exasperated and grieved.

Brooke did not resist as Beth helped her lift her head, her chin digging into her neck as she angled up as much as she could, her mouth open. The male slave pushed against her breasts, their soft, tender flesh pressing against his inner thighs, as he got his cock close to her mouth.

Brooke strained up painfully, feeling the pain radiate from her nailed wrists, but she got the man’s cock into her mouth and she sucked. She had no idea what he wanted or what would make this torment end, so she sucked and sucked and sucked.

After a minute, which felt like a dozen to Brooke, he pulled his cock out slapped it against her face a few times, then stood.

The other male slave, who one who had fucked her moments ago, was already kneeling by her feet with a nail in one hand and a hammer in the other.

“Please, Gods, no.” Brooke moaned weakly.
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