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The Gods’ Edicts Part XIII - The Purification of House Verlin

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Priestess Holly rubbed her hands together to warm them up, eager for the sun to rise, as she watched the slave girl who had been the previous sacrifice’s comforter take the first of the thirty cocks that she would endure before being crucified.

The slave girl had been unusually stoic and brave up until this point, but as the male slave entered her, she could not stifle the breathless moan that emanated from her mouth.

Gods be praised she thought, it is good for her to suffer.

Holly was not surprised that the first slave had perished after only two days on the cross; she was old for a slave, in her late thirties. Holly looked over the six slaves lined up on their knees watching the new sacrifice and her comforter. She felt confident that multiple more would perish before the Holy Sign was given. She looked at the three youngest slaves, all between the ages of eighteen and twenty one, according to Master Verlin’s records. They looked lean and youthful and she was sure one of them would suffer the cross for long enough for the ritual to be complete. She trusted the Gods. They had never led her astray, always into plenty and blessings.

Priestess Holly smiled as she felt the first warm rays of sunlight upon her face.
Ariana saw the Priestess smile as Hilde groaned at a new slave thrusting his cock into her.

That evil witch Ariana cursed in her mind! How can she smile at such cruelty!? How can she smile as Noma’s body lies in the dirt over there!? How!? How!? How!? This is so wrong!? I will not let them do this to any more of us! I will find a way to escape! I swear it!

Ariana’s resolve hardened with every degrading, sexual sound forced out of Hilde’s mouth as she was fucked by all thirty of the household male slaves.

Poor Brooke was not being as diligent of a comforter as Hilde had been to Noma. She mainly watched Hilde suffer, frozen in shock, her hand sometimes moving up to cover her exposed breasts, her own shame heavy upon her face.

When the final slave finished inside of her, Hilde pushed up from the ground, her arms shaking with exhaustion. She kept her knees on the ground and sank her ass back onto her heels, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she caught her breathe, her hair matted to her forehead with sweat, and the skin of her breasts slightly red from smacking into each other during the prolonged, rough fucking.

Ariana saw that the Priestess’ two male slaves had disrobed and one had a hammer and pair of nails ready.

Brooke looked back and saw them standing near the cross on the ground and she startled, as though they had yelled at her, and then she turned back to Hilde.

Brooke put a hand on Hilde’s shoulder and nodded once. Hilde blinked a couple of times, then clenched her jaw and got to her feet. Brooke stood with her.

Then the two girls turned and walked slowly over to the cross.

Ariana felt tears welling up in her eyes…
Ariana blinked tears from her eyes and she looked upon Hilde’s naked body from behind, looking down at the cross she about to be crucified upon, as Brooke stood beside her trembling.

The morning sunlight caused Hilde’s smooth skin to glisten as the sweat from her arduous fucking by thirty male slaves dripped from her pores. Ariana noticed the redness where many of the men had roughly gripped her hips as they ravaged her from behind.

Ariana was shocked that Hilde stood so still and firm, as Brooke trembled next to her. One of the Priestess’ slaves, who had a hammer in one hand and a nail in the other, gestured at the cross and nodded.

Hilde stood as still as a statue. A long moment went by, and then another. Ariana saw the male slave gesture again, and he said something short and commanding, but the exact word didn’t carry over to her.

Hilde did not move a muscle. Brooke began to shake like a leaf in a strong wind. The other of the Priestess’ slaves took a step towards Hilde, and shouted “Lay down!”

Hilde finally began to tremble. She shook her head ‘no’ and took a step back. Shouts arose and Ariana wondered if Hilde would resist.

But before Hilde could take more than three steps back from her cross, a trio of guards from the household had descended upon her from behind from terrifying swiftness.

Two of them grabbed her arms and shoulders while the middle one grabbed her hair with one hand and choked her with the other hand.

Hilde’s body contorted in panicked resistance, but the three men behind her had ambushed her and were in near total control of her body. Hilde tried to kick up with her legs, but the three men holding her from behind just held her, and the priestess’ slave who did not have a hammer and nail strode forward and slapped Hilde in the face. Hard.

Hilde made a strained grunt that would have been a panicked scream had one of the guard’s hands not been squeezing her throat.

Brooke watched wide eyed and slack jawed as the three guards were joined by two more and they moved her inevitably towards her cross. Hilde kept trying to wrest free of their grips but it was to no avail.

They laid her down and began to pin her to the cross with their strong arms. This freed up the one guard’s grip on her throat. Hilde screamed “No! No! I’m innocent! Please! No!”

Ariana felt each of her shrieked syllables like a slap to the face.

The five guards and one male slave pinned her to the cross, her arms outstretched and her legs restrained from kicking. She tried to heave and squirm but her right arm was their focus, and that remained still as the other slave positioned the first nail.

“No! No! Nooooooo!!!” Hilde screamed. He ignored her.

The hammer swung down and Ariana heard the THWACK of the nail impacting the wood through Hilde’s wrist.

Between that sound and Hilde’s scream of pain, Ariana felt her self control slipping. I am going to run! I have to run! I cannot watch this! I cannot be near it! No! No!

Ariana felt her body become of its own mind. She was about to get up and run. Part of her mind, the rational part, knew that would be a very, very, very bad thing to do.

Thankfully one of the guards cracked a whip and this startled Ariana out of her panicked fugue. She turned towards the loud sound and saw a guard with a whip standing near the Priestess, who was pointing at Brooke.

“Go and comfort her now, or I shall have you flogged for an hour straight!” Lord Verlin shouted at Brooke.

Brooke nodded like a chastised dog and dashed towards the screaming, writhing Hilde and the mass of men holding her down.

The slave got over her left arm and prepared to nail that one as well as Brooke knelt by Hilde’s head and tried to comfort her from her impossible agony.

Ariana for a moment looked at her Master, Lord Verlin, and thought maybe he is not an evil old man. He wishes poor Hilde to be comforted.
But then Ariana realized the truth. He simply wants to Hilde to struggle less so that she can endure the cross for longer, to lower the chances that he’ll lose more of us, more of his property, to this ritual. We are nothing but things to him.

Hilde screamed and cried out in shocking anguish as her other wrist was nailed.

He does not care at all how we suffer or are tormented. Ariana let the tears fall down her face. I have to flee this place!
Oh lovely development with Hilde finally buckling under her fear… perhaps Ariana missed an opportunity for escape while all the guards were distracted by dealing with Hilda’s nailing?

Run, dear Ariana, run! I am keen to witness the chase and for you to learn there is never an escape from the God’s Edicts, only greater suffering… a slave’s duty is to endure in sacred agony! I will be running with you/as you, prepared to suffer every torment and torture to come- for the Gods!
Ariana focused on her breathing as the loud cacophony of screams slowly lessened from Hilde. Ariana’s body coursed with adrenaline, as she had been on the verge of running, but with all of these guards and servants around, it would have been a decision with horrible repercussions.

She breathed in through her nose and out through her mouth, her breasts pressing against her slave’s belt strapped tight across her chest as she tried to stifle her panic.

Hilde’s wrists were nailed now. The guards who had pinned her down stepped back and moved away, now that she was immobilized. Brooke was red in the face and her mouth was agape with horror at being so up close to Hilde’s brutal suffering. And it was about to get worse.

All of the slave girls had the final desecration that Noma had endured seared into their minds. Especially, Hilde, who had comforted her, as Brooke was to do for her now.

The male slave who had nailed her wrists set down his hammer and stroked his huge cock a couple of times, getting it harder (it had gotten partially erect as he had nailed her wrists). Then he got between her legs on his knees and took up Hilde’s thighs in his strong hands, pinning them to his sides as he prepared to fuck her.

The other male slave straddled Hilde’s chest, his cock positioned between her breasts. Hilde was in too much agony from the spikes impaling her wrists to resist, and she just groaned with every breath and said something to Brooke that Ariana could not hear.

Ariana watched as Brooke leaned forward, her hands cupping Hilde’s breasts and squeezing them together against the male slave’s cock. Then the other slave thrust his cock into her and Hilde let out a scream that was more of a weak moan.

Ariana blushed in shared shame as she saw Brooke struggling to lean forward and hold Hilde’s tits together as she writhed in agony on the cross, from the powerful thrusts of the man fucking her. Brooke had large, plump breasts that were normally squished against her body by her slave’s belt, but now they dangled down, smothering Hilde’s face as she suffered loudly.

Ariana tried to steer her mind away from the loud suffering of her fellow slave by thinking of ways that she could escape. That she could help the others get out too.

She glanced to her right and saw Ana, the youngest of them, eighteen years old and so kind and soft spoken.

I cannot leave without Ana she thought. Or Kalla, or Mari, or Orla and Beth. Even Brooke, we have to get her out before Hilde perishes and she is crucified next!

But Ariana’s mind faltered, and not just because Hilde was yelping and gasping breathlessly as she was ravaged. No, it faltered because she knew that the more of them that tried to escape, the less likely they were to succeed. And failure meant…Torture and crucifixion.

Ariana’s mind told her that the solution that was most likely to grant her survival was to wait. Mari and Kalla were not much older than her, and they were lean and in good health. One of them would endure the cross for three days and three nights, and her and Ana would continue to live. As slaves, but they would be alive and not crucified.

Ariana felt shame at the pragmatic and merciless conclusion. As she watched, jaw clenched, as the male slave grunted and finished inside of Hilde, and a moment later the other man erupted his ejaculate all over her chest and neck, she resolved to stay, and let the ritual continue.

I must not run Ariana thought. I must not run. She was trying to give herself a command. And it was barely working…
Chapter 8: Hilde is Crucified

Priestess Holly watched her two male slaves grab the condemned slave’s legs and position them for nailing. The slave girl was breathing heavily, her face red, her eyes wide, her mouth open, her chest and neck splattered in pale semen. She must have been weakened from the vigorous fucking whilst nailed at the wrists, for as the comforter leaned back and caressed her head and whispered some useless words to her, the condemned slave did not appear to resist at all as her feet were placed one atop the other.

Priestess Holly felt a euphoria sweep through her. She did not understand it at first. It had been as she stared at the condemned slave’s face and the comforter above her.

At first she thought it was euphoria that her ritual was going so well. A sort of high at the power that she wielded, issuing commands and watching men enforce them exactly, ending lives with but a word.

That was part of it, but not the main part of it. Then she realized what it was, as she saw the horror and despair and shame in the eyes of the comforter slave.

I am causing suffering among all of these slave girls in the Gods’ Names and they are not even the ones being crucified. Yet she thought with a thin smile.

It is so blessed and wondrous to be an implement of the Gods’ Wills Holly thought as she watched her slave men position the final nail over Hilde’s feet.

Holly whispered a prayer as the slave rose the hammer and swung it down. Hilde screamed as the nail shot through her feet and into the wood of the cross!
Five hammer strikes were needed to nail Hilde’s feet. Brooke’s lower lip quivered in horror as she held Hilde’s face, her screaming making her ears ring.

The two male slaves who had crucified Hilde approached Brooke, and she scurried out of the way, shamefully aware of her dangling, uncovered breasts.

A couple of the guards joined the Priestess’ two slaves and they heaved up the cross, causing Hilde to cry out in agony. They moved it forward and let it sink into its hole, so that it stood upright.

Hilde tensed her body, arcing away from the cross, her wrists and feet pinned to it. She let out a blood curdling scream and squirmed on the cross.

The Priestess clapped her hands together and got everyone’s attention, and then led them in a long and exalting prayer to the Gods.

Ariana was horrified. As they were finally dismissed from the horrifying morning ceremony, to begin the day’s labor, Ariana turned and looked out at the cross once more, before she would go inside and begin cleaning the anteroom.

She saw Brooke standing at the foot of the cross, her hand caressing Hilde’s hip, for that was as high as she could reach, Brooke’s head bowed in sorrow.

Ariana blinked fresh tears out of her eyes…
I am so heavily invested in Ariana I can’t tell you! I almost want her to successfully escape! I feel guilty that I would thoroughly enjoy watching her escape, think she’s made it only to be captured and discovers that it is always possible to suffer worse as they use the Gods Edicts to punish even more severely..the nails might be a mercy compared to the fate of an escaped slave!

I also want Hilde or Brooke to last the required 3 days to spare Ariana’s life!

But I want her to suffer… because she is really me, and this is the Universe of the Gods edicts and a slave’s duty is to suffer! So I will endure with Ariana, and understanding my likely fate
I am so heavily invested in Ariana I can’t tell you! I almost want her to successfully escape! I feel guilty that I would thoroughly enjoy watching her escape, think she’s made it only to be captured and discovers that it is always possible to suffer worse as they use the Gods Edicts to punish even more severely..the nails might be a mercy compared to the fate of an escaped slave!

I also want Hilde or Brooke to last the required 3 days to spare Ariana’s life!

But I want her to suffer… because she is really me, and this is the Universe of the Gods edicts and a slave’s duty is to suffer! So I will endure with Ariana, and understanding my likely fate
Oooh I’m so glad this story is resonating with you! I might make some adjustments to my original plan to help engage in this some more! So fun!
Oooh I’m so glad this story is resonating with you! I might make some adjustments to my original plan to help engage in this some more! So fun!
I also worry about Ariana’s fate and hope that she will be able to escape. or will she be able to withstand crucifixion and live? The main character shouldn't end his life on the cross in vain, right? what do you think?
Chapter 9: Dangerous Hope

Ariana was tired. It was a combination of things. Normally, she would be awoken for her duties an hour or two before sunrise roughly every other day, and on the other days she could sleep until an hour after sun up. But since the cursed Priestess had begun this cruel ritual, Ariana and the other slaves were awoken an hour before dawn every single morning, the fear of what they would witness in the courtyard an anxiety inducing terror that never abated.

That was just one factor.

Secondly was the unrelenting dread Ariana felt at the thought of being crucified herself in the course of this profane ritual! This prompted her mind to churn in desperation, trying to think of ways that she could escape. But no plan as of yet had been even near acceptable in terms of risks and possibility of success. For she, as all slaves, knew well that the punishment for even speaking of escape, let alone attempting it, was torture and crucifixion. Which was the very cruelty that she was trying to avoid.

Thirdly, and most distressing of all, was that as she labored around Master Verlin’s house, she never knew when she might hear a startling cry of agony from the nearby courtyard. A constant and gut wrenching reminder that not far from where she knelt or stood cleaning or moving items or helping set the Master’s table, that Hilde was in the courtyard, naked and nailed to a cross, in unimaginable pain.

Ariana had no idea how she could fathom this. All day her mind was tormented as she was given orders and tasks. She fulfilled them, for she had no other options. But the fear was driving her mad.

She did not sleep that night. Hilde cried out at least thrice during the night, and it woke Ariana and interrupted her nightmares, and she had a difficult time returning to her tormented slumber.

The next morning everyone assembled in the courtyard at dawn. Hilde still lived, writhing and struggling on the cross, her face twisted in horrifying agony and suffering.

The Priestess led them in prayers, mentioning multiple times how this Ritual of Aklin the Pious Builder was a reverent offering unto the Gods, and a hopeful means of deliverance for House Verlin.

We need deliverance from you! And your evil! Ariana thought as the Priestess said her prayers before the entire household.

As the sun rose, bathing Hilde’s struggling body in daylight, Ariana noticed that Hilde’s ribs were already more pronounced underneath her pale skin, early emanation and strain already attacking her body.

You poor, poor woman Ariana thought as she was marched to begin her morning duty of doing a thorough cleaning of the kitchens. Brooke and Ana and Beth were assigned to this task as well as her.

As they worked, Ariana kept offering to scrub below the cabinets and the floors and corners, her knees aching and bruising painfully. But she did not want Brooke to have to do those tasks, since she wore only the humiliating “comfortor’s” necklace and loin string, her big tits swaying from her chest with even the smallest of movements. Ariana willingly suffered her knees if it meant that Brooke would not have to scrape her tits on the floor as they worked.
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