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The Pirettes Of Ocracoke

Go to CruxDreams.com
Start a conversation with everybody and watch when she sneaks away with her tablet.

Good plan... and now at least I know that you are not her, Repertor! She definitely hasn't typed during the last few minutes! :very_hot:
I looked for a translation of 'the original Teinturerie' to German. Google translator gave me 'Putzerei'.

By the way, Messaline, thanks very much for this inspiring pic.flower2

Hum, it's clear that it is concerning washing'clothes :p
By the past, in France, these kinds of etablisment were called "teinturerie", but they've been replaced by these ones ...

220px-Laverie,_rue_de_la_Comète,_Paris_7.jpg teinturerie-pressing-saint-cloud-carnot.jpg that we call
"Pressing" ... ;)
France is a whole new experience where toilets are concerned.
you go into a cafe for a meal and of course wine. then you ask
about to whereabouts of the toilet. that is pointed out to you
and when you go inside, nothing, only a hole in the ground.
so you squat down to wee and low and behold a man walks
in to wash his hands and strike up a conversation. my husband
on the other hand at one place had to go down a flight of stairs
to wee and as he was weeing in came a bunch of teenage girls
to freshen up, there was a disco going on in the floor below.
you have to expect anything in the french toilets
I had to look up Bear, Bare, Bair, to find the
correct spelling and there is a real discussion
going on on the net about the correct way
to spell it, the one i used was Bear which it
say`s is correct, but a bear is a big brown
thing that eats you. no wonder i failed
English Lit.
I had to look up Bear, Bare, Bair, to find the
correct spelling and there is a real discussion
going on on the net about the correct way
to spell it, the one i used was Bear which it
say`s is correct, but a bear is a big brown
thing that eats you. no wonder i failed
English Lit.
You wanted to say 'barely thinking about' but since you got wrong bare that body of yours and get ready...
whip 018.jpg
...oh, did that hurt???
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