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The Trial Of The Slave Bard

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The next witness was the slave girl known as Connie, who like the other slaves in Mel and Jul’s stable was also a juror. Her wrists were bound in irons in front of her while Judge Admi questioned her. “Slave Connie, do you come here freely and of your own accord to testify against the slave bard Eulalia?”

“No, your honor, I am a slave and as such am compelled to testify.”

Admi scribbled some notes then asked “Are you prepared to deliver testimony against the slave bard Eulalia that is complete and truthful?”

“I am prepared to deliver whatever testimony you would like to hear and if my testimony and the truth happen to coincide so be it, your honor.”

“I’ll take that as a ‘yes’” Admi announced. “You have heard the charges against the slave bard Eulalia. Have you witnesses any such actions by the defendant?”

Connie took a deep breath then said “The slave Eulalia thinks she is a goddess.”

“Slave Connie I remind you that if the slave bard is convicted you stand a one in six chance of being nailed to a cross and hang from it for twenty-four hours” Judge Admi said sternly.

Connie looked up at Eulalia and a smile crept across her face. “Your honor, if I could watch Eulalia die on a cross twenty-four hours crucified would be a bargain…”

Connie looked up at Eulalia and a smile crept across her face. “Your honor, if I could watch Eulalia die on a cross twenty-four hours crucified would be a bargain…”

whhhooouuuwwhh that cruel.....
is that because y're hair is cut that short?
You're the one running this court you sadistic bastard!!!

sadistic OK but bastard?????????????
That redhead shrimp wants to be the head of the grindmill so she can whipp all her slavegirl friends and because that she want our Bard crucified.
Several more slaves from the coffee shop before L’ilSiss (also a juror) testified. Siss glared at Eulalia while Judge Admi ran through his spiel about the validity of her testimony. Dryly Siss said “This slave mocked me for not being tagged before I was crucified.
She thinks she is the only one who can grind coffee. And, your honor, if it would better please the court, I would gladly suffer death on the cross if it was the only way I could watch Eulalia die on hers.”

yes they are all real slavegirls and they want all have a good time on a cross :D
I'm afraid that we will need much more wood and nails. Have you, Tree, someone in france who can deliver us enough real Roman wood and nails?
yes they are all real slavegirls and they want all have a good time on a cross :D
I'm afraid that we will need much more wood and nails. Have you, Tree, someone in france who can deliver us enough real Roman wood and nails?
Tree has a world wide network of suppliers and accounts with FedEx, UPS, DHL, and AirAmerica (that CIA thingy). Back to our story...

Several more slaves from the coffee shop before L’ilSiss (also a juror) testified. Siss glared at Eulalia while Judge Admi ran through his spiel about the validity of her testimony. Dryly Siss said “This slave mocked me for not being tagged before I was crucified. She thinks she is the only one who can grind coffee. And, your honor, if it would better please the court, I would gladly suffer death on the cross if it was the only way I could watch Eulalia die on hers.”

But the most damning testimony was by the slave Messaline. She stood before Eulalia and in a deliberate tone of voice testified against Eulalia. “I stand before this court demanding this woman who dares to call herself a slave be executed by crucifixion. I will be so bold as to ask that I am allowed to drive at least one spike through her body.

“She holds herself above other slaves because she hung tagged and nailed to a cross. But honorable Judge Admi she wears the tag with the red ‘C’ which means she went to the cross with the hope she could survive. I went to my crucifixion with the black ‘C’; no hope of being freed from the cross before my death.”

“But dear slave, you are alive” Admi cleverly observed. Messaline’s look at Admi was searing enough to fry eggs on the South Pole.

Eulalia looked down from the crate she stood at Messaline. There was no doubt in her mind her fate was sealed. As a tear ran down her cheek she asked “Et tu, Messaline?”

Mais, bien sur, Eulalia” Messa replied coldly.

“But I thought we are friends” Eulalia said in barely a whisper.

“Perhaps, but at least I am a slave first!”…

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Messa returned to her place in line with the other slave-jurors. Her eyes were locked on the slave bard standing ashen on the crate. Judge Admi shuffled so papers and said “Slave Messaline, you seem to have some anger towards the slave bard.”

Messa lowered her head in a slave’s humility and said “I have no right to show emotion, your honor, and beg that I am severely punished for doing so.”

Judge Admi shrugged and said “I suppose we could do that…”

Messa returned to her place in line with the other slave-jurors. Her eyes were locked on the slave bard standing ashen on the crate. Judge Admi shuffled so papers and said “Slave Messaline, you seem to have some anger towards the slave bard.”

Messa lowered her head in a slave’s humility and said “I have no right to show emotion, your honor, and beg that I am severely punished for doing so.”

Judge Admi shrugged and said “I suppose we could do that…”

"I should even said a sacred duty...." finishing his words
Judge Admi noted it was getting near the lunch hour and that there would not be enough time for the next witness. Eulalia was taken to a cell and restrained…


…while Messa was taken to the pillory and soundly thrashed…


…while Judge Admi enjoyed his lunch. When he finished he took liberties with the defenseless slave Messa. Hidden from view of the onlookers no one saw the smile on Messa’s face as she stood bent over locked in the pillory. It was not from enjoyment of the whipping or Admi’s ruthless buggering, but the knowledge that the damn slave bard Eulalia was all but doomed…

Alas! The flower of the night blooms only for a moment!​
Oh! But what a moment!​
...yet the orchid blooms for days, if not weeks

Tree sits at the base of your cross
dipping his finger in the tracks of your blood
tasting your life ebb from your body

You ask him to end it
but he says 'no'
"it's only a day or two before you go..."

Days filled with moments that seem like days themselves.
Never ending days of moments!
Or, so it seems.
I drink your sex
and take your groin
You cannot stop me
But I cannot resist you

You are mine to take
and you are not to be refused...

I drink your sex
and take your groin
You cannot stop me
But I cannot resist you

You are mine to take
and you are not to be refused...


It has substance ... I'll give you that. :D
During Judge Admi’s lunch break the slave bard Eulalia had time to contemplate her fate. She had no doubt she would be convicted and after Messa’s impassioned testimony held little hope of not suffering death on a cross. She thought that at least she would find out what the whole cornu thing was about and wondered who else would testify against her.

Eul was pleasantly surprised when the Nailus Martyrs cuffs were placed in her wrists and shackles around her ankles before she was taken back to the defendant’s stand. Naked is something a slave is comfortable with but untethered is unnerving.

Judge Admi walked to his bench and called the court to order. He announced the last witness for the persecution… prosecution of the slave bard Eulalia would be The Hanging Tree. Eulalia wondered what he could possibly add. Judge Admi said “Tree, raise your right hand and…”

“I can’t, honorable Blue Nose.”

“Do you have a disability that prevents you from raising your hand?”

“No, I have a drink and don’t want to spill it.”

“Tree, about you smoking and drinking in my court; do you want me hold you in contempt?”

“I don’t want you to touch me anywhere!”

“Tree, do you swear…”

“Of course I do! You know that.”

“Why does this feel like a Marx Brothers movie? Proceed, Tree.”

Tree glanced up a Eulalia and gave her smile that could have chilled his drink before addressing the jurors. “Nice welts, Messa, I hope they were worth it.”

“As do I” Messa replied with her eyes appropriately lowered. Tree continued.

“There is little doubt that you have enough evidence to convict the slave bard Eulalia. Once you convict her you have three options for her sentence. When contemplating those options I do not want the thought of mercy to enter your minds. Because of her actions, Mistresses Melissa and Julie will lose the service of the slave they worked so hard to train as their coffee grinder. One of you will suffer a day crucified so to take her place. Find it you duty to condemn her to death by crucifixion and in doing so I pledge to do the crucifixion for whoever is selected. It is your best chance of surviving.”

“Well spoken, Tree” Judge Admi injected. “Will that be all?”

“No, your honor, I also demand the slave bard’s tag is removed and she is crucified a common slave.”

The irons Eulalia wore suddenly had reason for if unrestrained she would have tried to rip Tree’s eyes out. In anger and angst Eul cried out “This tag is mine! I earned it!”

“A slave daring to claim a physical possession; the persecution rests” Tree growled…
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