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The Trial Of The Slave Bard

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I had the remarkable luxury of seeing Procol Harem during their inaugural tour of the states
in 1967. The Bachian obligatto of that G7 organ lifted me to premature celestial quarters. I, like many
others, held great anticipation for their continued success, but alas, it was not to be.
I'm almost weeping as I type this...

Tree saw 'Bo Donnelson and the Haywood' ( or what ever the fuck the name of this band was) cover this song and 'Frankenstien'. The organ player nailed it and Tree was surprised (but happy) that he 'nailed' his date that night...


...yes, I know that's not polically correct. Just swallow it...
Try to stay off the Whiskey Train! It will be alright! ;)
But sobriety sucks!
Tree saw 'Bo Donnelson and the Haywood' ( or what ever the fuck the name of this band was) cover this song and 'Frankenstien'. The organ player nailed it and Tree was surprised (but happy) that he 'nailed' his date that night...


...yes, I know that's not polically correct. Just swallow it...
I'm happy for your good fortune, and Admihoek, for your diligence. Go Mizzou !
well, while we're on golden oldies,​
this one's a favourite of mine​
and the words are so true for me​
(you simply cannot get Dylan tracks on YouTube,​
they're ruthlessly chopped by the copyright police,​
but Nina Simone's version's powerful)​
sobriety and celebacy are the two sins that Tree will not tolerate...

I'm with you on those, Man!
well, while we're on golden oldies,​
this one's a favourite of mine​
and the words are so true for me​
(you simply cannot get Dylan tracks on YouTube,​
they're ruthlessly chopped by the copyright police,​
but Nina Simone's version's powerful)​
Of his (Dylan's) many transcendent moments this one has to rank up there.

Thanks Mom-Mom! ;)
I always thought the singer was cute ... Don't know why.
Gawd, I thought we were back with the Tree we knew and loved -​
now you've gone mahogany!​
Sorry for wandering from the strait & narrow,​
but that's "just like a woman"​
(and eulalia "breaks just like a little girl")​

Messaline was relentless in demanding the slave bard Eulalia be put to death, never to write prose or poems again (in this thread, at least)! She reminded the other slave juror that because of Eulalia one of them faced being crucified for 24 hours and if that slave happened not to survive another would be chosen. And after the ordeal on the cross they faced the brutal training by Melissa and Julie followed by years of grinding coffee.

In the end she persevered and Eulalia was condemned to death. And not satisfied that the slave bard be executed she would reprise her ordeal on the cross only this time to her death!

To be sure the jurors had not been cohered in their decision Judge Admi had them brought one by one to his chamber to affirm their verdict…

Eul verdict.jpg

So there would soon be the execution of the slave bard Eulalia. Tree was concerned about the mid-February date fearing that Eul would quickly succumb to the exposure of the elements. Additionally he worried that none of the slaves would last 24 hours. At no small expense he would arrange to hire a greenhouse so both women would suffer their time crucified in a balmy 78°F.

Eulalia was brought to Judge Admi’s chamber. He told her that he had… interviewed all the jurors and was satisfied. Then he added he was satisfied with their verdict. Sounding almost sad Admi explained she would face formal sentencing the following day Eulalia looked out the window and asked “Are they really going to take my tag?”

“I’m afraid so, Eulalia” Admi replied. “You will be crucified as a common slave.”

“This isn’t right, Admi. I’ve already been crucified. That bastard Tree is going to put the spikes through the same holes and I could last for days.”

“You are forgetting the cornu Tree has made, Eul.”

“You’ve seen it?”

“No, but if Tree made it, it can’t be good” Admi replied. “You seem upset. I think a little sex would cheer you up.”

“You really think so?”

“No, but it would me…”
eul 10 a.jpg

The next morning the slave bard Eulalia is prepared for the formal reading of her sentence. She is exhausted from the night with the insatiable Judge Admi and offers no resistance as she is bound to the small cross where she would kneel until she was sentenced and disavowed by her slave sisters.

She wondered how they could have so turned on her but accepted and almost embraced she would be executed a slave instead of being turned out a free woman. That would be more shameful than she could stand.
eul sentence.jpg
So Eulalia was indeed convicted and sentenced to death. Then Judge Admi leaned over the bench and said “Eulalia, you have outlived your usefulness (on this thread) and shall be nailed to a cross and hand crucified until you are dead. As a condemned slave you will hang anonymously with no adornments on your body and no Placard to say who you are.”

“But I have no adornments” Eul protested.

“Guards take this condemned wench out and remove her cunt tag!” Admi bellowed.

In the greatest display of disobedience since she first became a slave Eul jumped to her feet and bolted towards the doors at the back of the courtroom screaming “I earned this! You cannot take it!”

But she was quickly subdued and taken out of the courtroom. She was bound splayed open on a heavy oak table where she continued to beg they not remove her tag…

eul tag.jpg

…but moments later a bolt cutter snipped through the ring and the slave bard coffee grinder was just another condemned slave…
eul tagged not.jpg

I suppose I should be grateful the bolt-cutter snipped through the ring and not the bit of me that it was attached to - snipping through that would have avoided wasting a useful little ring!

So, I'm no longer eulalia, not even a number, just 'the condemned'?
…but moments later a bolt cutter snipped through the ring and the slave bard coffee grinder was just another condemned slave…


deeply sorrowful............................... realy
I suppose I should be grateful the bolt-cutter snipped through the ring and not the bit of me that it was attached to - snipping through that would have avoided wasting a useful little ring!

So, I'm no longer eulalia, not even a number, just 'the condemned'?
deeply sorrowful............................... realy
I suppose I should be grateful the bolt-cutter snipped through the ring and not the bit of me that it was attached to - snipping through that would have avoided wasting a useful little ring!

So, I'm no longer eulalia, not even a number, just 'the condemned'?
Tree had a rare moment of mercy because the once attached cannot be reused...

plans the ring jpeg.jpg

...he did consider ripping it from the tender area that it was attached to but chose not to give you the satisfaction of the wound.

As for you status, no, you don't even get a number. But the worst is yet to come...


...because I care...
So, I'm no longer eulalia, not even a number, just 'the condemned'?

It could be worse ... at least, you're not a guy! :eek:

Boring! :p

No story, there. ;)

Well ... Maybe if ... Tree was the guy!!! :p:rolleyes::eek::cool:
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