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The Whip Hand

Go to CruxDreams.com
Cor these are a lethal weapon within the meaning of the act.
I am prepared to intervene to protect you from them if necessary, even if I have to throw myself on them to alleviate the threat. It is a far far greater thing...

At all times in the search to bring
such examples to my fellow aficionadi
(a far, far greater etc. happy to do it!)
I take the precaution of wearing safety goggles.

The Whip Hand
And the Hits Keep Coming...


tumblr_nlrxdbleTg1u7bui3o1_250.gif tumblr_nlosigkm6Q1rdt3ivo1_500.gif tumblr_npf335rl6s1u9zu78o1_400.gif
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Ego Stipes Ergo Sum
At all times in the search to bring
such examples to my fellow aficionadi
(a far, far greater etc. happy to do it!)
I take the precaution of wearing safety goggles.

The Whip Hand
And the Hits Keep Coming...


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Ego Stipes Ergo Sum

tumblr_npyki3vjt71rhup7qo1_500-gif.273211.gif The advertisement said "B&B farm holiday .... enjoy the bucolic joys of life on a working farm, full bed and breakfast, plenty of fresh air, and the delightful company and hospitaltiy of the friendly owners ... sounded great, so I booked ..... without reading the small print. :confused:
a nice set Sympa - I especially like #4,
I've experience of being hung up like that,
toes only just touching the floor,
how I shift about trying to get a firm footing
before the flogging starts...
#5 is nice too - especially the instinctive little
touch on her breast as she uncovers it,
I know how she feels, suddenly aware of it!
and #7 is a good slavegirl training gif,
"get your top off, stand at the ready"!​
The Whip Hand

Anticipation is Three-Quarters of the Fun...

His car's waiting downstairs...
Last chance to change your mind...

Naw, this one's not about to change her mind.

Jesus, that's a mean-looking bullwhip!

Wake up, little one... It's time...

tumblr_nr18btDlCv1qf9hjno1_500.jpg.jpeg tumblr_nr18btDlCv1qf9hjno2_1280.jpg.jpeg
No ropes necessary... None.

You have to love a girl who brings her own equipment.

Sorry to have kept you waiting. Shall we begin?

All assistants stand back, please,
I have a feeling this one's going to fight...

Yes, I'm quite ready...
Ego Stipes Ergo Sum
I like a lot of those, ##2, 4, 5, 8, 10 all showing readiness, submission, compliance -
but deep love of what's about to be done to them too,
the true spirit of BDSM.​
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