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The Whip Hand

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I like number 3, a woman whipping a woman. But - the executioner /the executioneress should not be naked. that is to "little a distance" to the victim.....
The Whip Hand
"Girls simply too beautiful to go through life unwhipped":

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I suspect there may be a Story attached to #10,
but I'm not sure what it could be?

Ego Stipes Ergo Sum

Number ten looks like the introduction to the next The Story of O movie.
The Whip Hand

Anticipation is 3/4 of the Fun...

I anticipate there'll be more of this thread:

View attachment 277603
"Your breasts are really made for the riding crop, O"
Anne-Marie noted. "Do you realize that?"

View attachment 277605View attachment 277611 View attachment 277599
View attachment 277604 View attachment 277606 View attachment 277601 View attachment 277607 View attachment 277609

And my all-time favourite:
View attachment 277600
Ego Stipes Ergo Sum

the last one is really great...
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that's a great set Sympa, every one of them,
lovely lashings, girls taking them as we have to -
I'd pick #9 (Yupar?) as my favourite,
a wonderful whip-wind-around!​

Number 9 in this series with her on elbows and knees with legs spread wide is one of my favorite positions for whipped. The victim is so exposed and available for whipping the sensitive areas. The position works for men too.
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