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Venus Verticordia

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“But I’m innocent! I didn’t steal any bloody paintings!” Tree was indignant.

“SILENCE!!!” roared Fife.

Fourteen more art thefts were placed before the jury. Fourteen more times Roland Rattington replied with the word ‘guilty.’

Lord Justice Fife fingered his black cap lovingly as the final charge was put to the jury.

“On the charge that, on the night of 11th February, 1869, the defendant, Theodore Hiram Tree, did, with malice aforethought, most cruelly crucify and murder Miss Dorothy Rose Brown, of Virginia Road, Shoreditch; how do you find the defendant? Guilty, or Not Guilty?”

You could have heard a pin drop in the court. Even Barb was entirely silent.

“Not Guilty.”

“Bugger!” muttered Fife to himself, putting down the black cap, and taking up his gavel. The court was in uproar.

Tree wasn’t sure whether to be angry or relieved. He had done nothing wrong, but he was, at least, to be spared the noose.

“The Prisoner will stand!”

Tree was pushed to his feet. Fife peered myopically around the court until he eventually located the prisoner.

“Prisoner at the bar! You have been found guilty of fifteen counts of theft. A crime against fine, upstanding citizens of the United Kingdom! A crime, as we have heard, which has affected dreadfully some of its victims; the sweet and lovely Lady Thessela, for instance, remains a nervous wreck.

“There are no mitigating circumstances. You shall serve a term of one year’s penal servitude. One year for each theft, fifteen years in total! Take him down!”

Tree was furious. Fifteen years in jail! Worse still, he was completely stuck in the nineteenth century! Repertor was nowhere around! No way back! He was going to die before he was even born! What had he done to deserve this?

Old Slave was waiting for him, as he was loaded into the back of the prison carriage for the trip back to Newgate. “I’ll ride with you,” he told the constable.

“Very good, sir.”

“You’re a lucky bastard, Tree,” said Slave, as the carriage got under way. “I know you did that girl. I can’t prove it, but I know you killed her. You should be heading for the rope! You won’t enjoy Newgate, but you can count your fucking blessings for every minute of those fifteen years!”

Tree and slave glared at each other in a spirit of mutual loathing. “You just saw me as a free ticket to clear up some old crimes. Well, friend, let me give you one small piece of advice. You better tell your toffee nosed pals like Wragg to keep an eye on their paintings. Cos whoever is the Racing Rodent, I sure as hell ain’t him! And I never touched Dorothy fuckin’ Brown.”

“Oh, save it, Tree! You’ve been found as guilty as hell by twelve good men and true. So don’t come the fuckin’ innocent with….”

“In five hundred yards, take a right turn.”

“Who said that? Constable? Who was that woman?”

“Woman, sir? I heard no woman?”

“Now who’s making things up?” sneered Tree, but his heart was pounding.

“In two hundred yards, make a right turn.”

“There she goes again! Constable! You must have heard her!” Slave had never before considered himself prone to hallucinations.

“It must have been someone on the pavement, sir”

“No! It came from round here, somewhere…that box! On the…”

“Make a right turn.”

Constable Repertor hauled on the reins, and the carriage swung violently to the right.

“Oi!” shouted a man on the pavement.

“Oi!” shouted Slave.

“Yeeee-HAR!” shouted Tree, as Repertor brought the car to a stand by the side of New Bond Street, to await a gap in the traffic. A ‘Big Green Parcel Machine’ flashed its lights to let him out (a minor miracle in itself). Repertor waved his thanks, and pulled out into the traffic.

“What…the….hell?” stammered Slave. “Where are we?”

“New Bond Street, Inspector. Would you mind fastening your seat belt, sir? Only it is illegal in 2016 not to wear one.”

“2016? 2016?” Awful realisation swept over Slave. “Oh, my God! Constable! Take me back! I order you to take me back!”

“I’m sorry, sir, that won’t be possible. I apologise sir, I didn’t realise that you would be coming along for the ride. Senator, I do apologise for the inconvenience. You will see that we have plenty of time for your plane. And your painting is back where it belongs, in the boot, sir.”

“Inspector Slave!” Tree was jubilant, so much so that he let Repertor’s slightly insipid interpretation of the word ‘inconvenience’ pass. “Welcome to the twenty-first century, Inspector! And, do you know what I am going to do? I am going to take your sorry ass for a trip in a Boeing 747!”
My testimony was consistent at least, and while I am not totally opposed to pictures of squirrels, I prefer not to lose paintings of crucified Venuses, even if I don't wear size 12 shoes. :rolleyes:

Even so, if everyone goes back to the future :confused: do I get my painting back? Only it does seem to have a wonderfully interesting effect on Thessela, and...
“I’m sorry, sir, that won’t be possible. I apologise sir, I didn’t realise that you would be coming along for the ride. Senator, I do apologise for the inconvenience. You will see that we have plenty of time for your plane. And your painting is back where it belongs, in the boot, sir.”

Dammit Ninja'd by Repetor. Worse not only does he go and steal a prisoner first...which I am sure would make a nice change of pace from pictures but he then furthers the one upmanship by stealing a police inspector as well :eek:

Oh and thank you very kindly Mr Rattington for letting me use your account, I say these new fangled notions are rather clever, what?

Racing Rodent

Senator Tree was wondering if was a dream until he felt something odd in his shoulder holster. With Inspector Slave gawking out the window the senator looked and found a mint M1872 Mark III pistol in the holster. He looked over at Slave and without warning punched him in his temple knocking him out. A quick look through Slave's pockets retrieved a derringer and another pistol both in prime condition.

Constable Repetor, watching in the rearview mirror, exclaimed "My good man, how do you justify your actions?"

Senator Tree smiles and says "Gun laws have changed since 1874. I'm just keeping our friend out of trouble..."
Senator Tree was wondering if was a dream until he felt something odd in his shoulder holster. With Inspector Slave gawking out the window the senator looked and found a mint M1872 Mark III pistol in the holster. He looked over at Slave and without warning punched him in his temple knocking him out. A quick look through Slave's pockets retrieved a derringer and another pistol both in prime condition.

Constable Repetor, watching in the rearview mirror, exclaimed "My good man, how do you justify your actions?"

Senator Tree smiles and says "Gun laws have changed since 1874. I'm just keeping our friend out of trouble..."


Firearms in timeslips....very dangerous :eek:

Who wants to be shot by a bullet fired in another century? :confused:
This is such an educational Forum,
I'm still trying to work out where in my mental filing system
I should store the information that Aussies put toothpaste behind their ears to keep bears away.
I never log off the Forums without carrying away gems of enlightenment,
but that certainly takes the biscuit. :D :D :D
Welcome to the twenty-first century, Inspector! A... am going to take your sorry ass for a trip in a Boeing 747!
Hmm, the marvels of 21st century technology...
a trip in a Boeing 747 which first flew in ... 1969...
How about a flight to the moon? Uhh, we don't do that anymore in 2016. Take a trip back to 1969.
How about a passenger flight at twice the speed of sound? Uuh, we don't do that anymore in 2016. Take a trip back to... oh forget it ;)
The future isn't what it used to be ;) - anyway, now here's an Iphone.
A young Caldwell Hart Colt, son of Samuel Colt, was vacationing in London in 1875 when he happened into a resale shop. He was intrigued by one item he saw, a strange looking piece that resembled a handgun but unlike any he had seen being sold along with five rectangular shaped items. He asked the store owner what it was and was told some lunatic claimed it to be a gun but it doesn't seem to work.

Caldwell asked what the shop owner wanted for it and he replied "I have to ten pounds for it."

Aghast Caldwell retorted "Ten pounds for a paper weight??? I would be generous to give you 5!"

The deal was sealed and young Caldwell brought the purchase back to Colt Arms in Connecticut where craftsmen and designers took the 'paperweight' named 'Glock' apart. Though Caldwell would not live to see it what evolved was the M1911
Colt semi-automatic pistol, one of the longest serving weapons in the US and law enforcement and is still in production today!!!
Hmm, the marvels of 21st century technology...
a trip in a Boeing 747 which first flew in ... 1969...
How about a flight to the moon? Uhh, we don't do that anymore in 2016. Take a trip back to 1969.
How about a passenger flight at twice the speed of sound? Uuh, we don't do that anymore in 2016. Take a trip back to... oh forget it ;)
The future isn't what it used to be ;) - anyway, now here's an Iphone.
Quite. Where's my flying car? :mad::D
Oh! Paintings are stolen, prisoners are stolen, and now your flying car has been stolen!?? It seems the kleptomanic rodent is present in all timelines and dimensions!
Count yourself lucky....at least you still have your i-phone :rolleyes:
Yeah, but Google car hits side of bus...

...I am so glad I was born when I was.

Looking back...

You didn't think of having a 'carry-on bag' except for things you might want in flight but never to carry they clothes you would wear after the flight...

At the back of the plane when you flight got over 1000 feet the 'no smoking' light went out long before the 'fasten your seatbelt' light.

Flight attendants were treated with respect and returned the same... Most of them smoked and we became friends in the back of the plane...

As for cars some models did not offer air conditioning as an extra cost option! You can't buy one in the US now without it...

In the south and southwest you could order a car without a heater and save a few dollars...

It was safe for you and your girl to find (a much closer) gravel road to park and at least get to 'second base'!

Those were different times when poets studied rules of verse and all the ladies rolled their eyes... -L. Reed

Yeah, but Google car hits side of bus...

...I am so glad I was born when I was.

Looking back...

You didn't think of having a 'carry-on bag' except for things you might want in flight but never to carry they clothes you would wear after the flight...

At the back of the plane when you flight got over 1000 feet the 'no smoking' light went out long before the 'fasten your seatbelt' light.

Flight attendants were treated with respect and returned the same... Most of them smoked and we became friends in the back of the plane...

As for cars some models did not offer air conditioning as an extra cost option! You can't buy one in the US now without it...

In the south and southwest you could order a car without a heater and save a few dollars...

It was safe for you and your girl to find (a much closer) gravel road to park and at least get to 'second base'!

Those were different times when poets studied rules of verse and all the ladies rolled their eyes... -L. Reed


In those days I could tell at a glance what make the car was without having to check out the insignia. :doh:
We'd got him!

We'd got the bastard, 15 years for the paintings.

I never really thought we'd get him for Dorothy's murder, I doubt he'd have the strength to knock the nails in, let alone lift the cross upright, but it was worth a try.

Pity we've done away with transportation, I'd have loved to have shipped him off to the colonies, where I hear there are bears that drop down off trees and kill you. (oh, that's clever Slave, Tree killed with the help of a tree).

I can't resist the opportunity to mock the smug bastard on his way to Newgate. Where's that voice coming from? There it is again. "Turn right"?

What the fucking hell? All the buildings have grown, the roads are smooth, where have the horses gone, all these metal boxes moving on small black wheels, this seat is comfortable, have I gone mad?
Lady Thessela, for instance, remains a nervous wreck.
A lady cannot feel safe with such a brute at large!
I feel quite overcome with fear.
Image him breaking into my room and taking liberties!
Hmm, are these the tremors of the nervous wreck stricken with fear, or rather those familiar shivers of anticipation, at the thought of ... large brutes ... breaking ... and taking ;)
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