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Vintage Advertisement - political correctness not really given

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Gospozha Kleb was my first exposure to Fräulein Lenya.

View attachment 724842


So it came as a shock some years later to see and hear her as Pirate Jenny.

One. Pissed. Off. Lady. :eeek:

Yes, I like to listen to Seerauber Jenny when I've really had it up to my nose with shitty people
(you wouldn't believe what vengeful thoughts fester in the mind of patient, peace-making eul :eek: :devil:)
Another Brecht/Weill favourite is 'So wie Man sich bettet, so leigt Man'
(The general idea is, 'As you make your bed, so you must lie -
No-one's going to tuck you in -
And when anyone's treading, that'll be me,
And when anyone gets trodden on, that'll be you!')
Here's a modern performance from Opera Vlaanderen
(maybe not vintage, but certainly politically incorrect!)

Yes, I like to listen to Seerauber Jenny when I've really had it up to my nose with shitty people
(you wouldn't believe what vengeful thoughts fester in the mind of patient, peace-making eul :eek: :devil:)
Steeleye Span did a nice English version on their album Stormforce Ten
And, of course, Jim Morrison and the Doors did a particularly decadent version of Moon of Alabama
Not sex or incorrect, but a blast from 30 years ago. A bargain from Radioshack. Their most powerful computer ever, breaking the price point of $8,500 ($17,595 today). Also note - no internet mentioned.

I begin a series of posts from the archives of the Spring Cotton Mills Company (later Spring Mills aka Spring Maid). I am sorry I couldn't get larger format images as it is the ad copy in small print (extra sorry, @Barbaria1 ) that makes the humor. I suggest, if you are interested, download the image and magnify on your viewer. These began during WWII and then became rather famous risque entries in the post-war period. Like others, Spring increased their capacity significantly to aid the war effort and then was hard pressed to find customers after the war. The president of the company, Elliot White Springs, wrote most of the copy.

One part of their important war work was developing a special fabric for camouflage. it was to be used in the Pacific to conceal ammunition dumps and gun emplacements, but the Japanese learned to detect it because of its lack of jungle smells.
Spring Mills came up with a novel solution.
When the fabric was dyed it was also impregnated with a permanent odor of hibiscus, hydrangea and old rubber boots. The deception was so successful that when Tokyo fell, the victorious invaders hung a piece of this fabric on a Japanese flagpole.
Triumphant from their many success during the war, Spring Mills patented that process along with several other innovations and marketed them for use in women’s foundation garments.
The new post-war ads all began explaining the company’s many war triumphs and touting the peacetime use of its war-time fabrics: “….the fabric is now available to the hip harness and bosom bolster business as Springmaid Perker. The white with gardenia, the pink with Camellia, the blush with jasmine and the nude, dusty. ”
It concluded, “If you want to achieve the careless look and avoid ‘skaters steam’ kill two birds with one stone by getting a camouflaged callipygian camisole.
springs_assets1.jpgLadies, be sure to order your "anti-rebound rompers." And, in a clear reference to Subs, "If you bruise easily, you can face the future confidently" You can't make this stuff up!
Coming from WWII fire-resistant fabric for airplane ground crews,
To the pressing need for fire resistant "false bottoms" whether as an Ice Capades skater or lounging around with your skirt up and your tight little a tad too close the the campfire.
Troubled by Tragomaschalos*?
Spring Maid, the company that put broad into broadcloth sheets, has the answer.
165b2d4944a953a5c5567979241290ed.jpgNote the goat on the bed

*apparently coined by the Greek comic playwright Aristophanes from the words for goat and underarm. Indicating an unusually obnoxious underarm or body odor.
From yesterday, maschalagniacs are armpit fetishists.
As a followup. Many of the city -bred folks here might not catch the association of goats with odor. Billy goats (male goats) spray their own urine on parts of their body (including their beards). Apparently, this attracts female goats. Females and wethers (castrated male goats), do not smell bad.
Therefore the expression (lit.) goat under arm indicates a very musky odor!!!:confused::eek::eek:
Note to members: This practice does not work on most human females - suggest you try "English Leather" instead.
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