View attachment 727118Note the goat on the bed
This is what I noticed
which is well into WTF territory.
View attachment 727118Note the goat on the bed
is the English Leather applied to your anatomy or mine?suggest you try "English Leather" instead.
You figured out my true meaning!is the English Leather applied to your anatomy or mine?
Maybe hinting at Napoleon's famous (though maybe apocryphal) dispatch to Josephine,
'Ne te lave pas, j'arrive!' 'Don't wash, I'm on my way!'
The musty sensuality of the unwashed human body was apparently much better appreciated
in those days, and probably for much of history.
English leather is an American cologne that has nothing to do with England. And it doesn't really smell anything like the English Leather applied to your anatomy or mine?
English leather is an American cologne that has nothing to do with England. And it doesn't really smell anything like leather.
The smell:
View attachment 727274
The look:
View attachment 727275
The feel:
View attachment 727276
Do we understand that you are in the habit of applying a strap of English leather to the posterior of any convenient nubile female Mr P. P.?As a followup. Many of the city -bred folks here might not catch the association of goats with odor. Billy goats (male goats) spray their own urine on parts of their body (including their beards). Apparently, this attracts female goats. Females and wethers (castrated male goats), do not smell bad.
Therefore the expression (lit.) goat under arm indicates a very musky odor!!!
Note to members: This practice does not work on most human females - suggest you try "English Leather" instead.
You will see in today's vintage ad that Elliott White Springs, President of Springmaid, was not only an executive, but created all the material in the ads and an art lover and an author.
To quote Eul, "All my men wear (carry) English Leather, or they wear nothing at all!"
Whenever possible, though sadly, all to infrequently!Do we understand that you are in the habit of applying a strap of English leather to the posterior of any convenient nubile female Mr P. P.?
Today's ad highlighted a set of panties designed by Campus Girl, with a very fetching coed, barefoot with dress hiked a bit high, lounging on a set of Springmaid broadcloth, chlorophyll sheets.
View attachment 727440
"We put the "Broad" in broadcloth, and now the "Filly" in chlorophyll."
I see that lassie as more a filly than a broad.
And Elliott White Springs was a true "Renaissance Man!" He was an author -
View attachment 727441Clothes Make the Man (available on amazon). In it he is quoting Erasmus “vestis virum facit” (Adagia 3.1.60), who in turn paraphrased Quintilian, “To dress within the formal limits and with an air gives men, as the Greek line testifies, authority.” (Institutions orat. 8 pr. 20), who in turn was referencing Homer.
View attachment 7274421954 Edition
Note the inset of "Blue Boy."
Good for you mate. I too noticed the young Napoleon (old Bony to us Brits.)You will see in today's vintage ad that Elliott White Springs, President of Springmaid, was not only an executive, but created all the material in the ads and an art lover and an author.
To quote Eul, "All my men wear (carry) English Leather, or they wear nothing at all!"
Whenever possible, though sadly, all to infrequently!
The phrase 'manner(s) and clothing make(s) man' is recorded several times in 15th century English sources, prior to Erasmus -he is quoting Erasmus “vestis virum facit” (
The phrase 'manner(s) and clothing make(s) man' is recorded several times in 15th century English sources, prior to Erasmus -
expanding on William of Wykeham's motto still used by his foundations, Winchester School and New College Oxford,
'Manners makyth man'. In his time 'manners' could comprise way of living, moral qualities, social bearing, outward appearance,
not just polite behaviour.