Oh, Pooper! I so like breast'torture...
Thanks, me too. A lot . . . if not taken to extremes (ie no permanent injuries).
Oh, Pooper! I so like breast'torture...
how similar the tortures were to the ones she had imagined being inflicted on her
when she was playing with herself as a young girl.
Fine in fantasy, isn't it? But as I know you, you are starting to imagine how it might be... admit!Hum, "hot needles"...it's rather hard, notwithstanding...
Hum....cold needles, yes, I know (and like...)
Hot needles.....only in fantasy ...
Brrrrrrrrr! I'll go to make nightmares after that !
That last I could do without!
like this one by mother superiour snack in trees storie breaks the tension?sorry if I spoilt your sleep!Robbe-Grillet's fantasies are as luridly playful as ours on CF -the girl had been enjoying a TV film about human sacrifice(by impaling on giant idol's phallus)and was in the mood -she was quite excited by the unexpected arrival of the secret policeman in his smart uniform.In the middle of her torture session, they took a break while she fixed a snack (ham and eggs) for him.le nouvel roman shouldn't be taken too seriously!
sorry if I spoilt your sleep!Robbe-Grillet's fantasies are as luridly playful as ours on CF -the girl had been enjoying a TV film about human sacrifice(by impaling on giant idol's phallus)and was in the mood -she was quite excited by the unexpected arrival of the secret policeman in his smart uniform.In the middle of her torture session, they took a break while she fixed a snack (ham and eggs) for him.le nouvel roman shouldn't be taken too seriously!
like this one by mother superiour snack in trees storie breaks the tension?